Chapter 84: Taicang Sect, Destroyed!

Yan Hui's expression darkened as he pondered the situation. Although their sect was formidable, if they encountered an Emperor Weapon or Emperor Scripture, even the most powerful would be shaken. Yan Hui had no doubt that such encounters would demand their full attention.

"Impossible!" a fellow elder exclaimed. "You know what kind of person the Second Elder is as the leader of our sect. If the opposition belongs to a Holy Land, he would never dare provoke them!"

The elder shook his head firmly, disagreeing with the idea of open confrontation.

Yan Hui nodded in agreement, finding the logic sound. The Second Elder was careful and pragmatic, especially when dealing with beings from the Holy Lands. There was no way he would recklessly engage them.

"Still, who would dare to kill me, an elder of the Taicang Sect?" Yan Hui's voice dripped with cold fury. The sect was one of the strongest forces in this star domain, second only to the Holy Lands. Who would dare provoke such a powerhouse?

"I did," came a calm voice from the shadows.

A figure emerged from the darkness—it was Mei Kai, head of the Mei family. He stood tall, his presence commanding the attention of everyone present.

"Mei Kai?" Yan Hui's eyes widened in disbelief. "Didn't you enter the Emperor's Fall? How did you come out alive?"

It was known far and wide that the Emperor's Fall was a place of immense danger, where even Great Emperors could perish. That someone like Mei Kai, who was a Law Manifestation cultivator, had emerged unscathed was beyond comprehension.

"Yes, I did," Mei Kai replied, his voice as cold as ice.

The elder and Yan Hui exchanged shocked glances. How could someone escape from such a perilous location alive?

"I can't believe this! So it was you who killed the Second Elder of my sect?" Yan Hui growled, his fury mounting.

"If you dare to challenge my Mei family, you deserve to die," Mei Kai said with an unwavering calmness that only infuriated Yan Hui further.

Yan Hui's eyes narrowed as he spat, "You think you can kill an elder of the Taicang Sect and go unpunished? It seems your Mei family no longer deserves to exist."

However, despite his anger, Yan Hui couldn't dismiss the fact that Mei Kai had survived the Emperor's Fall. He had to be cautious. Still, greed gnawed at him. "But," he said, his voice calmer now, "if you surrender your Mei family's Emperor Weapon and Emperor Scripture, I might consider sparing some of your bloodline."

The stakes had shifted. The death of the Second Elder was less significant compared to the potential gain of an Emperor Weapon and Scripture.

Mei Kai didn't bat an eye. "I'll give you a chance too—return everything you stole from my Mei family, and I'll ensure your death is swift and painless."

The room fell silent as Yan Hui and the elder stared at Mei Kai, astonished by his audacity. How dare he make such outrageous demands?

"Enough! Your arrogance will be the death of you," Yan Hui barked, preparing to launch an attack. The elder followed suit, both of them unleashing powerful fist and palm strikes aimed at Mei Kai.

Their goal was simple: suppress him, find the Emperor Weapon and Scripture, and secure unimaginable power for their sect.

However, the moment their attacks reached Mei Kai, he merely waved his sleeve. The force of his gesture sent both Yan Hui and the elder flying backward, their bodies crashing against the walls.

The difference in power was undeniable.

"You're... a Saint?" Yan Hui stammered in disbelief, his voice quivering. The elder, too, was frozen in shock. In the Absolute Beginning Star Domain, Saints were almost unheard of. The gap between the Law Manifestation Realm and the Saint Realm was vast—impossible to ignore.

Mei Kai stepped forward, grabbing Yan Hui's face with a single hand. His grip tightened, and the sound of bones cracking echoed in the air. Blood spilled from Yan Hui's mouth as he gasped in pain.

"Where are the spiritual plants you stole from my Mei family?" Mei Kai demanded, his voice icy. He had no interest in anything else. These plants were far too important.

"Spiritual plants?" Yan Hui's vision blurred as the pain intensified. "I don't know what you're talking about!"

Mei Kai's fingers dug deeper, causing Yan Hui to scream. His head was close to being crushed. "Stop playing games. I'm talking about the Jade Apple, Ice Fire Lotus, and Celestial Silkworm Potato. Where are they?"

"I-in the orchard!" stammered the elder, trembling in fear. He pointed toward the distance. "They were planted in the orchard!"

Without hesitation, Mei Kai tightened his grip, and with a sickening crack, Yan Hui's skull shattered. The once powerful leader of the Taicang Sect was no more, his life ended with shocking ease.

Mei Kai released the lifeless body, turning to the elder. "Take me to the orchard."

"Yes! Yes! Right away!" the elder stammered, his face pale with fear. He dared not resist. The terror of Mei Kai's power was too much for him to handle. But despite his terror, a question gnawed at the elder's mind—why was Mei Kai so focused on these particular spiritual plants? Could there be some hidden secret within them?

It didn't take long for Mei Kai to reach the orchard. It was vast, sprawling across several hills. In addition to the stolen plants from the Mei family, the Taicang Sect had cultivated numerous other valuable spiritual plants.

Seeing this, a smile spread across Mei Kai's face. "Good, very good. The senior will be pleased with this harvest," he murmured.

The elder's eyes widened in shock. Senior? Who was powerful enough to warrant respect from a Saint like Mei Kai? Surely it had to be someone from the Holy Lands, perhaps even a being beyond his understanding.

Mei Kai wasted no time. He searched the entire Taicang Sect, looting every valuable resource. Before leaving, he turned back to the once-grand sect and, with a single slap, reduced it to rubble. The mighty Taicang Sect, a force that had dominated the Absolute Beginning Star Domain for eons, was erased from history in the blink of an eye.

Later, at Mingyue Restaurant, Xian Yue sat across from Mei Kai, surveying the spoils laid out before him—hills of spiritual plants, rare and potent, piled high.

"Not bad," Xian Yue said, nodding in approval. "You've outdone yourself this time."

Mei Kai beamed with satisfaction. "I'm glad you're pleased, senior."

The elder's earlier suspicions were confirmed. Mei Kai had done all this to impress Xian Yue, someone powerful enough that even a Saint sought to curry favor with him.

Xian Yue stood and stretched. "It's time for me to leave," he said. "I've spent enough time here."

Mei Kai immediately protested. "Senior, please stay a while longer! Allow the Mei family to show you proper hospitality."

Xian Yue waved off the offer. "No need. I've already done what I promised. But before I go, let me give you a word of advice—the Absolute Beginning Star Domain is about to become very lively. Your Mei family should prepare for the troubled times ahead."

Mei Kai's brow furrowed. "Troubled times? Please, enlighten me, senior."

Xian Yue gazed out the window, his voice heavy with warning. "Surely you've sensed it—powerful auras are appearing in the starry sky. Warriors from other star domains are coming here. The Absolute Beginning Star Domain is about to become a battlefield."

He paused for a moment, then added, "And don't forget—Yin spirits have already begun to emerge. It won't be long before a war between the living and the dead breaks out. Make sure your Mei family is prepared."

With that, Xian Yue settled his bill, ignoring Mei Kai's attempts to pay. He had more than fulfilled his obligations to the Mei family and saw no need for further gestures of gratitude.

As Xian Yue disappeared into the distance, Mei Kai stood by the window, staring at the sky. He could feel it too—a powerful storm was brewing in the Absolute Beginning Star Domain. The calm was about to shatter, and chaos was on the horizon.

"It seems the senior was right," Mei Kai whispered to himself. "Troubled times are coming."