Chapter 0031: Cooperation

The next morning, Qin Tian arrived at the headquarters of the Krupp Company early. Since Karl had made a prior appointment, when Qin Tian arrived, Miss Bertha Krupp, the current head of the company, was already waiting at the entrance.

"Miss Krupp, I sincerely apologize for keeping you waiting!" Qin Tian expressed with a look of regret.

The Krupp family has always been a cornerstone of German militarism, favored by the highest authorities of the nation. Adherence to punctuality, discipline, and command execution is a long-standing tradition within this family. For instance, breakfast is served at 7:15 AM, and anyone arriving at 7:16 AM would find the dining hall closed, as others would have already begun their meal. Moreover, even in the depths of winter, the Krupp family members refuse to stoke the fireplace, intentionally leaving their offices uncomfortably cold to avoid lethargy... It can be said that this family exemplifies a standard of excellence.

"Your Highness, it is a privilege for us at the Krupp Company to welcome you. Your legendary status resonates throughout the German Empire, where you are regarded as a singular genius in the business world. I have long wished to discuss matters of commerce with you," Miss Bertha Krupp said with a radiant smile.

"Miss Krupp, the honor is mine," Qin Tian responded, exhibiting great humility.

Miss Bertha Krupp is the granddaughter of Alfred Krupp, the founder of the company, and the daughter of Friedrich Alfred Krupp, the second president. In 1902, following a scandal surrounding Friedrich Alfred's homosexuality that made headlines, he took his own life, leaving behind only Bertha. It is unfathomable for the German populace to see a young woman at the helm of the Krupp arms empire, which is far too vital to the nation. Most of the navy's guns and the army's artillery are produced by the Krupp Company.

Qin Tian was aware that next year, Kaiser Wilhelm II would personally choose a husband for Miss Bertha Krupp, with Prussian diplomat Gustav von Bohlen und Halbach being the most likely candidate. Of course, once Gustav married into the Krupp family and took control of the company, it would usher in a new phase of growth, elevating the Krupp Company to one of the world's premier arms manufacturers.

However, for now, the Krupp Company remains under Miss Bertha Krupp's leadership, striving to maintain its operations.

Under Miss Bertha's guidance, Qin Tian began his tour of the Krupp Company's headquarters. In reality, this was merely the corporate headquarters; there were no factories or production workshops to admire. The only tangible aspect to grasp was the company's corporate culture. The ethos of frugality, diligence, and meticulousness left Qin Tian in awe. This may very well be the reason behind the Krupp Company's success.

After a brief tour, Qin Tian and Miss Bertha returned to the office.

"Your Highness, what brings you to us this time?" Miss Bertha Krupp inquired directly once they were alone in the office.

Although Qin Tian was young, his establishment of the German Lottery Company had earned it the title of the most profitable enterprise in the entire German Empire. Its annual profits likely surpassed even those of the formidable Krupp Company.

"Miss Krupp, I am here to place an order with your esteemed company," Qin Tian replied with a smile.

"An order? What does Your Highness wish to procure?" Miss Bertha asked, astonished.

Currently, only a select few were privy to Qin Tian's acquisition of the Royal Shipbuilding and Repair Yard.

"Miss Krupp, I have acquired the Royal Shipbuilding and Repair Yard from the royal family and renamed it the German Shipyard," he declared.

"The Royal Shipbuilding and Repair Yard, located in Danzig?" Miss Bertha frowned. The Royal Shipyard was merely a medium-sized facility, far too insignificant for her expectations.

"Your Highness intends to enter the shipbuilding industry? The Royal Shipbuilding and Repair Yard will require steel directly from us. I assure you, I will offer the most favorable price," Miss Bertha reasoned, viewing the Royal Shipbuilding and Repair Yard as just a small player consuming minimal steel annually.

"That would be most fortuitous. We anticipate commencing ship construction in the latter half of the year, requiring approximately 80,000 tons of steel, including 20,000 tons of armor steel. We seek only the highest quality armor steel," Qin Tian replied, greatly satisfied. Such a large quantity of steel, especially armor steel, would entail substantial costs, so securing the best price from Miss Bertha would significantly benefit him.

"Um? That much steel? And 20,000 tons of armor steel?" Miss Bertha's astonishment was evident. Clearly, she realized that her words could lead to significant profit losses for Krupp.

"Your Highness, isn't the Royal Shipbuilding and Repair Yard merely a medium-sized facility? How could it require so much steel?" she questioned.

"Indeed, Miss Krupp. The Royal Shipbuilding and Repair Yard is indeed just a medium-sized facility. However, the German Shipyard is a large-scale operation. After acquiring the Royal Shipyard, I invested over a hundred million marks into its expansion, effectively transforming it," Qin Tian said, beaming with joy. He was delighted to secure such an advantage from a business powerhouse like Miss Bertha Krupp.

Miss Bertha nodded, acknowledging that while she would incur some losses due to her earlier commitment, there would still be a profit. Given Qin Tian's substantial order volume, future collaborations would surely abound. Establishing a long-term partnership could yield even more lucrative returns.

"Your Highness certainly is bold! To invest such significant capital into expanding the shipyard suggests great potential for success in this industry," Miss Bertha remarked.

"Miss Krupp, in addition to steel and armor steel, I also wish to place an order for a batch of naval guns from Krupp Company. Here are the design blueprints; I am confident that it will pose no significant challenge for your esteemed company," Qin Tian stated, placing the blueprints for a triple-mounted 305 mm 50-caliber main gun on the coffee table.

The Krupp Company is renowned as Germany's premier artillery manufacturer, making them the optimal choice for Qin Tian's order of 305 mm naval guns.

"Naval guns? A triple-mounted 305 mm main gun, with a fifty-caliber barrel?" Miss Bertha Krupp's expression shifted to one of concern.