Chapter 0032: Caliber is Truth

"Your Highness, Krupp has just completed the development of the 280mm main gun. We have successfully enhanced its rate of fire, significantly increasing its firing speed. However, as for the 305mm main gun, we only possess outdated models. Moreover, we have never produced a triple-barreled 305mm gun. Our engineers believe that the muzzle blast generated during simultaneous fire would critically impair the accuracy of the main guns," Miss Beta Krupp shook her head.

"Miss Krupp, Krupp represents the pinnacle of artillery manufacturing in Germany. I firmly believe that your company can produce naval artillery that meets my specifications," Qin Tian countered, shaking his head. Although the 280mm gun was impressive, its armor-piercing capability ultimately fell short.

While the 280mm gun manufactured by Krupp surpassed the armor-piercing capabilities of the British Navy's 305mm gun, Qin Tian remained dissatisfied. In an alternate timeline, among Germany's battleships, the Nassau-class was armed with 280mm guns, while subsequent classes, apart from the Bavaria-class with its 380mm guns, were equipped with 305mm guns. In contrast, British battleships mounted 305mm, 343mm, and 381mm guns. Thus, the German Navy was at a disadvantage in terms of caliber. Although the performance of Germany's guns was comparable to that of the British, had Germany maintained parity in caliber from the outset, its battleships would possess even greater combat prowess.

In future naval engagements, this would pose a more significant threat to the British Navy, which had sacrificed armor for firepower and speed. Against the might of the German Navy's formidable main guns, their vessels would be akin to fragile dumplings.

"Your Highness, your request for a triple-barreled 305mm gun with a caliber of 50 is quite beyond our current capabilities," Miss Beta Krupp remarked, shaking her head. At present, Krupp's flagship naval gun remained the 280mm with a caliber of 45, far inferior to Qin Tian's desired 305mm with a caliber of 50.

Though Krupp's research capabilities could potentially yield the requested gun with substantial investment, such an expenditure would be excessive.

"Miss Krupp, our order will exceed twelve units with thirty-six guns each, and this is merely the first phase. The second phase may see additional orders. Such a volume is indeed substantial!" Qin Tian urged.

"Exceeding twelve units of thirty-six guns?" Miss Beta Krupp fell into contemplation. For large-caliber artillery, such a procurement quantity was not insignificant. However, following the considerable investment in research and development, Krupp might not turn a profit and could even incur losses.

"Miss Krupp, although Krupp is Germany's premier arms manufacturer, I must concede that we are severely lagging behind British companies in terms of gun caliber. The British have likely finalized their new 305mm guns and are already advancing to larger calibers. If we do not catch up soon, we will be left far behind. Should war break out, we might find ourselves at a disadvantage—a scenario I believe neither of us wishes to see!" Qin Tian asserted.

The Krupp family was inherently tied to the German Empire; their fates intertwined. A defeat for the Empire would undoubtedly spell disaster for the Krupp family as well.

In the event of war, the Krupp family would naturally wish for the German Empire's victory, as their armaments empire would reap greater rewards alongside Germany's success. After all, warfare necessitates vast quantities of weaponry and munitions. It would be impractical for the nation to procure such supplies on the spot; payments typically come from the spoils of war. If the conflict were lost, there would be nothing left.

Miss Beta Krupp did not rush to a decision but instead pondered carefully. Indeed, there was little profit in the 305mm guns ordered by Qin Tian, but if he were to order additional large-caliber guns, there would still be profits to be made—albeit not substantial due to the initial investment in research and development.

Of course, financial calculations are not always so straightforward. Even if they appeared to earn little profit on the surface, other avenues could provide compensation.

"Your Highness, is the Deutsche Shipyard procuring such a large quantity of steel, armor, and guns to construct the next class of capital ships? I have not received any relevant information," Miss Beta Krupp frowned.

If the German Navy were indeed starting to build the next class of capital ships, it would be a significant development. From what Miss Beta Krupp knew, the Navy did not seem to have such plans, as the last three Brunswick-class battleships and the Deutschland-class were still under construction. It would likely be some time before considerations for the next class would commence.

Qin Tian nodded. "That is indeed the case. However, I am initiating construction because of my commitment to the Navy. If the battleships I build gain the Navy's approval, they will become the next class of capital ships. Furthermore, the next class will also be constructed by my shipyard.

I hope to establish a long-term partnership with Krupp, as this would be mutually beneficial."

"Your Highness, can you guarantee that the battleships you construct will indeed capture the Navy's favor?" Miss Beta Krupp asked, her expression serious.

"Of course. Should they fail to be accepted by the Navy, I would be obligated to repay two hundred million marks. While that is not a significant amount for me, two hundred million marks is still considerable," Qin Tian replied confidently.

Miss Beta Krupp hesitated for a moment, then a glimmer of determination crossed her eyes. "Very well, Your Highness. May our collaboration be fruitful!"

"Indeed, Miss Krupp. You will soon realize that today you made a wise choice. However, I must remind you that caliber is paramount. The main gun's caliber must continuously expand, preferably to fifty calibers, for greater power," Qin Tian advised.

Miss Beta Krupp nodded solemnly.