Chapter 14 – Mastering the Fire Qi

Tian Ling stood on the Isle of Serene Mist, where a swirling vortex of flames slowly spun before him. The fiery energy radiated in powerful waves, illuminating the landscape with an orange glow. This was one of the sect's mystical islands, known for granting access to various elemental realms. Among them was the Mythic Realm of Fire, where Tian Ling's next challenge awaited.

He stared at the vortex with determination. Although the heat was intense, it was nothing compared to what he had faced in the Realm of Magma. His training with magma Qi had strengthened his body and mind, and now, he felt ready to absorb fire Qi, the next step in his journey.

"If fire Qi is as unstable as magma Qi, I'll need to be even more careful," he thought. "But the system is monitoring my progress. This time, I can advance faster."

With a firm movement, he stepped through the vortex. In an instant, the world around him changed.

The Mythic Realm of Fire revealed itself before him with a breathtaking landscape. The smoking mountains, rivers of lava, and orange sky created a dense and pulsating atmosphere. Tian Ling could feel the vibrant energy of fire Qi surrounding him, an explosive force that seemed to challenge any attempt at control. However, he was already accustomed to such challenges.

— [You have entered the Mythic Realm of Fire.] — the system informed him in his mind.

Tian Ling nodded silently. Sitting cross-legged on a volcanic rock, he began to meditate. The fire Qi around him was untamable, moving like wild flames, but he knew that with patience, he could absorb it and make it part of himself.

Closing his eyes, he focused his mind. The first waves of fire Qi began to penetrate his body, burning like embers on his skin and muscles. Every drop of energy he absorbed seemed to have a life of its own, trying to escape his control. However, Tian Ling remained steady, remembering the lessons he had learned with magma Qi.

"Control is key," he thought. "I can't force fire Qi into harmony. I have to guide it."

Two months passed.

Tian Ling had made considerable progress, but he knew it would go faster if he used the pills the system had given him. He opened his eyes and, with a quick gesture, retrieved a small box from his spatial pouch. Inside were the Spiritual Core Realm amplification pills, glowing faintly with a mystical aura.

— [The pills will accelerate your absorption process. They are ideal for Spiritual Core cultivators.] — the system commented.

Without hesitation, Tian Ling swallowed one of the pills and returned to his meditation. The effect was almost immediate. The fire Qi around him began to flow more intensely, and each portion he absorbed stabilized in his core more quickly. The pain and resistance he had felt at the beginning began to diminish, replaced by a growing sense of control.

Still, fire Qi maintained its explosive nature. Even with the pills, Tian Ling had to be careful to prevent the energy from escaping his control. Each time he absorbed a new wave of Qi, he felt the heat coursing through his veins, threatening to rupture them. But he stayed firm, mastering the energy with his willpower.

Meanwhile, in the Serene Mist Sect...

In the sect's grand hall, the Sect Master and his elders were gathered around a table filled with maps and reports. The atmosphere was heavy, laden with concern. The Dark Sect, one of the Serene Mist Sect's greatest rivals, was on the move, and the elders were aware of the imminent danger.

"They're expanding their influence, slowly but steadily," the Sect Master said, his grave voice echoing through the hall. "Attacks on smaller villages are just the beginning. They're testing our defenses, probing our weaknesses."

Elder Wu, the most experienced of the councilors, frowned. "We can't ignore this much longer. If we let them continue, they'll soon be in our territory."

Elder Li, known for her strategic vision, nodded. "We need to prepare. But attacking now would be a mistake. We must wait for the right moment."

The Sect Master remained silent for a few moments, gazing at the map in front of him. "I agree. Our focus should be on strengthening our defenses and increasing our vigilance. If we're caught off guard, the cost will be high."

The elders murmured in agreement, but the tension in the air was palpable. The threat of the Dark Sect grew with each passing day, and they all knew an inevitable battle was approaching.

Back in the Mythic Realm of Fire...

Tian Ling was now in his second year of cultivation. Fire Qi flowed more easily within his body, but he knew he had not yet reached the peak of his power. Each new wave of Qi he absorbed became more stable, and the resistance he had felt at the beginning had almost completely disappeared. Even so, he knew he couldn't rush.

— [Fire Qi absorbed: 80%. Significant progress.] — the system reported.

As he meditated, he sensed a presence approaching. Slowly opening his eyes, Tian Ling saw a familiar figure: Yu Meilin, one of the sect's most talented disciples, with her cold and reserved personality. Her gaze was sharp and calculating, as always, but this time there was something different in her eyes. Curiosity.

"I can't sense your cultivation level anymore," Yu Meilin said, her voice calm and controlled, breaking the silence. "What have you been doing these past years?"

Tian Ling smiled faintly. "Just following my path. Cultivation is a solitary journey."

Yu Meilin crossed her arms, her eyes narrowing slightly. "You've changed. Something about your aura... it's different."

Tian Ling knew she was right. His cultivation had advanced more than he could have imagined, and now, even the most experienced cultivators in the sect would have difficulty measuring his true strength. "Changes happen with time and effort. But why the curiosity now?"

Yu Meilin stared at him for a moment before shrugging slightly. "It's not curiosity. Just... observation. Someone like you won't go unnoticed for long."

"She's starting to realize," Tian Ling thought, returning his focus to his meditation. "But there's still much to do."

Yu Meilin remained silent for a few more minutes, watching him from a distance before walking away. Tian Ling turned his attention completely back to the fire Qi, determined to complete his cultivation.

Another year passed...

Finally, after two years, Tian Ling was on the verge of completing the process of absorbing fire Qi. The energy within him was perfectly balanced, and he felt the power flowing in harmony with his spiritual core. The internal explosions of Qi, once difficult to control, were now part of his being.

He opened his eyes, feeling the difference in his body. The power of fire was fully integrated into his spiritual core, and he knew he had reached a new level.

— [Fire Qi absorbed: 100%. Fire element complete.] — the system announced.

Tian Ling stood up slowly, feeling the soft, steady heat of fire Qi circulating within him. He had reached the fourth level of the Spiritual Core Realm, and the world around him seemed calmer, as if acknowledging his mastery over the element.

"I'm ready for the next challenge," he thought, looking at the vortex that would take him back to the Serene Mist Sect.

Without looking back, he stepped through the vortex, returning to the island where his journey had begun. The Mythic Realm of Fire was behind him, but new challenges awaited.

After returning from the Mythic Realm of Fire, Tian Ling sat in meditation in his cave abode. He felt the energy of fire Qi pulsing through his veins, fully integrated into his spiritual core. However, he knew he needed to test this new strength to gauge how far he had progressed.

With a calm and focused mind, he connected to the system, which projected a floating screen in his mind. He quickly selected his opponent: the Sect Master of the Serene Mist Sect. It would be his most challenging test yet.

— [Simulation initiated: Serene Mist Sect Master.] — the system informed.

The cave around Tian Ling vanished, replaced by the simulation arena. He had been here before, but this time something was different. He was more confident, with the power of fire Qi running through his veins. In front of him, the Sect Master appeared, wordless, ready to fight with all his might.

Tian Ling knew immediately there would be no pauses or dialogues. The simulation master advanced with surprising speed, his aura overwhelming. Without hesitation, Tian Ling summoned his Dividing Sword, feeling the blade hum in his hand.

"The battle will be intense from the start," he thought.

As the master launched a powerful attack, Tian Ling activated his "Celestial Light Movement" technique, dodging the strike in an almost ethereal manner. With quick, fluid movements, he appeared beside the master and unleashed his strongest technique: "Heavenly Tempest Sword!" The blade of his Dividing Sword gleamed with pure energy, slashing toward the master with devastating force.

The simulation master didn't hesitate. He raised his hand, blocking the attack with a spiritual energy barrier that shone intensely around his body. The impact was so strong that the arena floor trembled, but the master remained unmoved. Instead, he countered with a punch that sent a shockwave toward Tian Ling.

Tian Ling quickly raised his Earth Bracelet, which emitted a protective barrier. The shockwave's impact was absorbed by the bracelet, but it pushed him back a few meters.

"He's fast... stronger than before," Tian Ling thought as he prepared for the next move.

Without giving him time to breathe, the master lunged forward again, his palm surrounded by powerful spiritual energy. Tian Ling leaped into the air using the Celestial Light Movement, narrowly avoiding the strike. He spun in midair, channeling fire Qi into his sword, and descended with a vertical slash toward the master.

The Dividing Sword cut through the air, glowing with flames as it came down with all of Tian Ling's might. However, the master sidestepped at the last second, moving with frightening speed. Tian Ling's sword struck the ground, creating a deep crack in the arena. The master was already preparing his next move.

A rapid sequence of strikes and counterstrikes followed. Tian Ling used his Celestial Light Movement to dodge the master's quick and powerful attacks, while searching for an opening to use his Heavenly Tempest Sword technique again. However, the simulation master was relentless, pressing Tian Ling from all directions.

Finally, Tian Ling managed to gain a brief advantage. He channeled his fire Qi and launched another powerful strike with the Heavenly Tempest Sword, this time enveloping the blade in intense flames. The attack was swift and deadly, aimed directly at the master's blind spot.

The strike landed. The master was forced to retreat, his spiritual barrier cracking under the force of the fiery blow.

"Now!" Tian Ling thought, preparing to push the master further.

But before he could advance, the master responded with an explosion of spiritual energy that swept across the entire arena. Tian Ling was caught in the blast and thrown backward, crashing to the ground. The Earth Bracelet absorbed part of the damage, but he still felt the force of the blow in his bones.

Struggling to get up, Tian Ling realized he was running out of time and energy. The master, on the other hand, seemed as relentless as ever. Even so, he couldn't afford to give up.

"I can't defeat him... but I can force a draw."

With that thought, he rose once again. Using the Celestial Light Movement, he dashed toward the master with his Dividing Sword raised. The master charged forward at the same time, both of them colliding in the center of the arena for one final clash of power.

Their energies collided—flames and spiritual force clashing in a brilliant display of strength. The entire arena seemed to tremble from the impact of the two, and for a moment, everything was silent. As the dust began to settle, Tian Ling and the master stood a few meters apart, both panting heavily.

— [Simulation complete: Draw registered.] — the system announced.

Tian Ling took a deep breath, sweating but satisfied. He had managed to force a draw with the Sect Master, something that had seemed impossible before.

He opened his eyes, back in his cave abode, feeling exhausted but proud of his progress. The test had been brutal, but he now knew he was on the right path to becoming truly powerful.

"Next time, it won't just be a draw."