Chapter 15 – The Path Chosen by Tian Ling

Tian Ling was immersed in the simulation arena, absorbing every move, every exchange of blows. He had gained a great deal of combat experience facing the master of the Misty Cloud Sect, but something still held him back from achieving ultimate victory.

"I still can't defeat him, but I'm close... very close," he muttered to himself, clenching his fists with determination. "Soon, I'll be able to surpass him."

Sweat trickled down his forehead, and he could feel the pulse of fire Qi still reverberating through his veins. The simulation arena had become his testing ground, where he constantly challenged his limits.

Suddenly, a voice from outside his cave residence interrupted his thoughts.

"Tian Ling, are you there?" the voice called out, firm but not threatening.

Tian Ling frowned for a moment, recognizing the familiar tone. He quickly walked to the entrance of his cave and saw Zhao Xun, a fellow disciple of the sect, waiting for him.

"Zhao Xun? What brings you here?" Tian Ling asked, his expression calm.

Zhao Xun seemed slightly nervous, something unusual for him. "Ah, well… I wanted to apologize for how I acted towards you before. It was wrong of me, and… well, I regret it," Zhao Xun said sincerely, though there was a hint of hesitation in his voice.

Tian Ling observed the disciple for a moment before responding. "Don't worry about it. I hold no grudge against you," he replied calmly, uninterested in dwelling on past disagreements.

Zhao Xun let out a sigh of relief and then continued. "Well, as a gesture of goodwill, I'm organizing a mission with some disciples. We're heading to the Misty Cloud Sect's border to stop the Dark Sect's advances. The rewards are great, and earning merits is always beneficial. Would you be interested in joining us?"

Before Tian Ling could formulate a response, everything around him turned gray. Time seemed to freeze, and a familiar screen appeared before his eyes, just like the time he had to choose a master. The spectral glow of the system's interface floated gently in front of him, presenting him with a choice.

"[Your fellow disciple is inviting you to protect the sect's borders. You have the following choices:]

[Go and help stop the Dark Sect. Become famous and gain recognition as the prodigy of this generation. You will receive: a jar of Spirit Core pills and a grade-earth treasure.]

[Don't go, remain discreet and continue evolving until you become invincible. You will receive: a grade-mythical technique and a grade-earth treasure.]"

Tian Ling studied the options before him. His heart weighed between glory and patience. He paused for a moment, recalling his previous decision to follow the elder as his master, a choice that had also changed the trajectory of his life.

"Fame... that's not what I'm after. The path of cultivation is long and lonely. I need power, not recognition..." he muttered as he made his choice.

With firm resolve, Tian Ling chose the second option. "I don't want fame or to stand out right now. I need to keep growing in silence," he murmured to himself before the screen vanished.

Zhao Xun was still watching him, unaware of what was happening in Tian Ling's mind.

"Sorry, Zhao Xun, but I'm not interested in going right now. I just want to continue cultivating in peace," Tian Ling said, his voice steady.

Zhao Xun seemed a little disappointed, but he accepted the response with a nod. "Ah, that's fine then. I just thought you might want to join us. But I understand," Zhao Xun replied with a slightly forced smile.

They exchanged a few pleasantries before Zhao Xun left, leaving Tian Ling alone once more. As soon as he returned to his cave residence, the system echoed in his mind.

"[You have chosen not to go and remain discreet. As a reward, you have received: a grade-mythical technique and a grade-earth treasure.]"

Tian Ling's heart raced as he read the description of the technique and treasure.

"Heavenly Palm: A grade-mythical palm technique capable of directly damaging the soul of its target. Once fully mastered, the technique allows the user to even grasp the opponent's soul with their hands."

"Sacred Mantle: A thin but incredibly powerful cloak. It can defend against attacks from cultivators of the Soul Refinement Realm. The strength of its defense depends on the amount of Qi injected by the user."

Tian Ling was impressed. "This technique... it can directly harm the soul?" He had never heard of anything so devastating. As for the cloak, it was so thin and light it seemed simple, yet incredibly powerful.

"This is amazing!" he exclaimed as he donned the Sacred Mantle. The garment fit perfectly beneath his robes, with a white hue that matched his attire. It was not only practical but also discreet, something he appreciated.

With the system's help, he quickly assimilated the Heavenly Palm technique. He felt a growing excitement to test his new ability and, without wasting time, returned to the simulation arena.

Several hours passed as Tian Ling trained relentlessly. His movements were precise, calculated, and the Heavenly Palm technique flowed as if it had always been part of him. However, even with the powerful technique and the cloak protecting him, he still faced challenges.

"Incredible... the sect master can't break through my defense at all." The Sacred Mantle had withstood every attack, even the most powerful ones. "And the Heavenly Palm... it can injure him, but my cultivation is still lacking. I can't defeat him... not yet."

Tian Ling took a deep breath, reflecting on the progress he had made so far. He knew he was on the right path, but the battle to surpass the sect master was more arduous than he had imagined. Still, with time and more cultivation, he believed he would achieve this goal.

Returning to his cave, Tian Ling allowed himself a rare moment of rest. The Spirit Core amplification pills were still stored away, and he knew he would soon be able to use them to strengthen his core and increase his power base.

However, even in his moments of rest, the threat of the Dark Sect lingered in his mind. Though he had chosen to remain discreet, he knew the war was approaching, and sooner or later, he would be forced to fight. He knew the disciples of the Dark Sect were not easy opponents. Their cruel and ruthless techniques, focused on weakening both the soul and body of their enemies, made them dangerous adversaries.

"Are Zhao Xun and the others really prepared for this?" Tian Ling wondered, his thoughts drifting to the group that had headed toward the border. "I hope they know what they're getting into..."

With the Heavenly Palm in hand, he knew he would have an advantage against the Dark Sect's cultivators, especially with its ability to directly damage the soul. However, he wasn't yet ready to use this technique in real combat. The risk of failure was too high, and any mistake could be fatal.

"The soul is the essence of a cultivator... If I make a mistake, the consequences could be devastating." He knew he needed more training, to perfect every detail of the technique before facing them.

Tian Ling refocused on his meditation. The deep silence of the cave enveloped his body, and he felt the flow of Qi in his veins, circulating slowly as he stabilized his cultivation base. No matter what was happening outside, he knew his true enemy was time. The more he trained, the stronger he would become.

Finally, Tian Ling opened his eyes, determined. He knew he was on the right path, and though the challenges were many, he trusted in his progress. When the battle with the Dark Sect inevitably reached him, he would be ready.

"Cultivation is lonely, but also necessary. At the right time, I will show my true strength. And until then... I'll keep moving forward."

Meanwhile, deep within the dark, mist-covered mountains that housed the heart of the Dark Sect, a group of hooded figures gathered in an underground chamber. The room was cold, lit only by flickering purple flames on the stone walls. The atmosphere was thick, charged with a malevolent energy that seemed to warp the air around them.

"The disciples of the Misty Cloud Sect must be reacting exactly as we predicted," said a deep voice from one of the hooded figures, their eyes glowing with a spectral light. "They are sending young cultivators to protect the borders, but that's exactly what we want. They suspect nothing of our true plans."

A slight smile appeared on the lips of the man speaking, his sharp teeth gleaming in the purple firelight. Sitting at the head of the table, he observed the other leaders of the sect, all listening intently to his words.

"The invasion of the borders is merely a distraction. While they rush to defend their territory, we're preparing something much grander," said a second figure, their voice slithering through the shadows like an impending threat. "The disciples we've sent are expendable. We don't need them, but they will serve to wear down the forces of the rival sect."

The others nodded in agreement. To them, the disciples sent to the borders were pawns in a much larger game. While the Misty Cloud Sect focused on defending their lands, the true operation was happening in the shadows, where they manipulated forces far beyond what their enemies could imagine.

"Those young cultivators from the Misty Cloud Sect have no idea how vulnerable they really are. They might think they're stopping our invasion, but soon they'll realize that the true attack won't come from the borders," the leader of the Dark Sect said, his voice icy and unrelenting.

A smaller figure, sitting further away from the others, asked hesitantly, "And what if the disciples from the Misty Cloud Sect do manage to resist?"

The leader of the Dark Sect let out a low chuckle, devoid of any warmth.

"Resist?" he repeated, his tone filled with disdain. "They can resist all they want, but they won't last long. Their defenses are weak, and their disciples are inexperienced. Our real attack will be devastating. The Misty Cloud Sect will crumble before us when they least expect it."

The leaders of the Dark Sect exchanged knowing glances, their expressions filled with malice. Their plan wasn't just to expand their territory; they intended to utterly destroy their enemies, subjugating them once and for all. But before that could happen, they needed to weaken them enough to guarantee an overwhelming victory.

"We must remain focused. Our main forces are already moving into position at the strategic points. The borders will serve as a smaller battlefield but one crucial for our success. Once the Misty Cloud Sect is completely distracted, we will seize control of their spiritual resources and cut off their Qi supply lines," declared a figure seated to the right of the leader, their eyes burning with a sinister glow.

"Everything is going according to plan. Let them fight at the borders. Let them believe they are winning. And when the time is right..." the leader paused, his eyes narrowing in a cruel smile, "they will fall into our deadly trap."

With the strategy laid out clearly, the members of the Dark Sect rose from their seats and slowly disappeared into the shadows of the cavern. Their malevolent presences dissipated into the air like smoke carried away by the wind. The attack was imminent, and the Misty Cloud Sect had no idea of the real danger lurking, ready to devour them.