Chapter 2 (edited)

Adaptation and Correction:

With Krypton's current level of technology, after entering the solar system, the two spacecraft quickly reached Earth's outer atmosphere.

Setting aside Kara for now, it's important to note that Kal-El was still just a baby, sent out into space right after birth. If he hadn't arrived on Earth in time, he might have starved to death during the journey.

For this reason, the siblings' spacecraft, one following the other, reached Earth's atmosphere in just about a day.

In the original narrative, Kara's spacecraft encountered an accident, leaving her trapped in the Phantom Zone for decades. By the time she arrived on Earth, Superman was already in his thirties or forties.

However, this time, the accident turned out to be a deviation rather than a catastrophe. Kara was gravely injured, but her spacecraft remained intact. Instead of crashing, it veered off course and ended up following Kal-El's trajectory.

As a result, Kara's ship followed Kal-El's directly, bypassing the decades-long detour in the Phantom Zone. The two spacecraft entered Earth's atmosphere one after the other and descended toward the planet without incident.

At this point in time, Earth's technology was not advanced enough to detect the arrival of the Kryptonian spacecraft. Even stepping back 30 years from today, the technology of the 1990s wouldn't have been capable of detecting such an invasion.

Thus, the siblings, Kara and Kal-El, were neither intercepted nor obstructed, descending toward a specific farm in a fiery trail.

Their luck was remarkable; it was daytime, but the two spacecraft, trailing flames, were still difficult to spot. Moreover, the farm was relatively isolated, with only a single house nearby. The loud noise caused by their landing went largely unnoticed by others.

With two thunderous booms, the spacecrafts crashed one after the other into a cornfield.

Being a farm, there were naturally crops in the area they landed, and the impact created two massive craters. Despite the dramatic landing, the crafts were small, personal vessels. Had they been larger ships or battleships, the entire farm would have been destroyed.

The farm belonged to a married couple, who naturally heard the commotion and rushed to investigate. When they arrived, they were stunned by the sight of two smoking craters, each housing a spacecraft.

The woman turned to her husband, her voice trembling, "What should we do, Jonathan? Should we call the police?"

Faced with such a strange occurrence, fear and uncertainty were natural reactions.

At that moment, likely because the spacecraft had reached their destination, the hatches opened simultaneously, revealing two figures: a child and a baby.

Kara, the older of the two, stirred from unconsciousness. Subconsciously, she rubbed her head. In her last moments of awareness, she had felt a severe injury, even touching blood before blacking out. Now, however, her wound was fully healed, leaving her momentarily confused.

"Was I hallucinating?" she muttered to herself.

Suddenly, the cries of a baby shattered her thoughts. Kal-El had awakened—or perhaps he had never been asleep. Regardless, Kara hadn't been able to hear him from her own craft until now.

Quickly, Kara stepped over and picked up Kal-El from his spacecraft. The baby, sent away immediately after birth, hadn't even had a chance to recognize his parents.

Kara sighed softly. Was she now Kal-El's guardian?

"Excuse me," came a tentative voice. The farm couple, previously ignored, gathered their courage. Jonathan, the husband, asked, "Where are you from?"

Although Kara's soul was that of a time traveler, she had been a high school student in her previous life. Her English wasn't perfect, but she could at least manage basic communication. Strangely, she suddenly felt as if she had completely mastered the language.

This phenomenon was due to Kryptonian genetic coding. Though Kara was unaware, her genes carried the knowledge and capabilities of countless Kryptonian ancestors, granting her near-instant mastery of Earth languages.

Kara blinked, momentarily surprised, before replying, "I'm sorry. We're from nearby, and we accidentally ended up here while playing a prank. We'll leave now."

She turned, ready to leave, holding Kal-El in her arms. Her hastily concocted lie was, of course, unconvincing. She remained cautious, wary of being taken as an alien and subjected to experiments. Her instinct was to escape first and figure things out later.

Jonathan, however, called out after her, "I think you should stay."

Kara turned back, tightening her hold on Kal-El. She stared at Jonathan, sensing that her lie had failed. Of course, the two spacecraft were impossible to explain. Did this mean she had to fight?

Kara's genes included the resilience of a general and the combativeness of a warrior. Even as a child, her first instinct was to fight.

Kara had a reputation for recklessness in Kryptonian lore, even becoming a favorite candidate for a Red Lantern ring. Despite her soul being that of a time traveler, her Kryptonian instincts hadn't changed much.

At that moment, Jonathan's wife, Martha, stepped forward, her voice kind and soothing.

"The child in your arms must be hungry," she said. "We have some milk at home. If you don't mind, why don't you come inside and feed him first?"

Her words caught Kara off guard.

"My name is Martha, and this is my husband, Jonathan," the woman continued with a reassuring smile.

"My name is Kara," she replied hesitantly. "And this is my younger brother, Kal-El." She looked down at the baby in her arms, whose cries had swollen his little eyes. Perhaps he really was hungry.

After a pause, Kara nodded. "Alright. Thank you. Sorry for the trouble."