Chapter 3 (edited)

Because she had to take care of Kal-El, Kara had no choice but to accept the kindness of Jonathan and Martha. Carrying Kal-El, who was still crying, she followed them to their house.

The house on the farm was nothing extraordinary, just a simple three-story building built near the road on the side of the farmland.

Various farming tools were scattered around the yard, along with a pickup truck Jonathan used for transporting goods or other farm-related tasks.

When they arrived at the living room on the first floor, Jonathan and his wife invited Kara and Kal-El to sit down. Martha then turned around and went into the adjoining room, returning moments later with a small basin.

Kara sniffed the air and caught the scent of milk.

Even Kal-El seemed to sense it, as his cries finally subsided. He squirmed impatiently in Kara's arms, clearly hungry.

Kara found the situation amusing but held Kal-El tightly, worried he might fall to the ground. After all, her body was only ten years old, and she was still a child herself.

"Let me take care of him," Martha said gently as she approached Kara, reaching out to take Kal-El.

Kara hesitated, hugging Kal-El closer and looking at Martha warily.

Martha tried to appear as kind as possible and explained, "I think you must be hungry too, right? Jonathan, there's still some bread in the back—bring it for her. And get her a bowl of milk as well, please."

Hearing his wife's instructions, Jonathan quickly went to the kitchen.

Kara swallowed nervously. Martha was right—she was hungry, and even more so, she was thirsty.

When Jonathan returned, he carried a tray with slices of bread, freshly cooked eggs, and a few pieces of bacon. In his other hand, he carried a bowl of milk.

Martha reached out to Kara again, this time offering to take Kal-El while Jonathan handed the food to Kara.

This time, Kara relented, allowing Martha to take Kal-El. Jonathan handed her the food, which she accepted eagerly.

If a panda saw this scene, it might call Kara an expert. After all, food and shelter are powerful motivators.

Kara didn't waste any time, taking a slice of bread and layering it with eggs and bacon before biting into it. She barely chewed before swallowing, then washed it down with large gulps of milk.

Only now did she realize how hungry she truly was.

Meanwhile, Martha faced the challenge of feeding Kal-El without a bottle. Surprisingly, Kal-El instinctively reached for the basin of milk, opening his mouth and drinking eagerly.

Martha worried about him spilling the milk and wanted to pat his back to prevent choking. However, she only had two hands.

Seeing this, Jonathan silently stepped forward, gently patting Kal-El's back with his large, calloused hands. His gaze was filled with kindness and warmth.

The siblings, who had fled to Earth, finally met kind people and had their fill of food.

"You can stay here if you want," Jonathan suddenly offered.

Kara paused, putting down the plate and bowl. She looked up at Jonathan and then at Martha, who was still holding Kal-El, reluctant to let him go.

Kara understood. If she hadn't "interfered," this couple would have adopted Kal-El. They were destined to become his adoptive parents.

Kara didn't resist the idea. As newcomers to Earth, even finding shelter for the night was a challenge, let alone food.

If it were just her, survival would still be difficult. She was only ten years old, unable to work, and lacked any form of identification. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say she was completely lost.

And what if they encountered bad people?

Kara wasn't bragging, but with her blonde hair and strikingly beautiful features already hinting at the extraordinary beauty she would become, she was sure to attract unwanted attention.

Caring for herself was hard enough—taking care of a baby on top of that seemed impossible.

Kara felt tempted but remained cautious. Could they truly be trusted?

Sensing her hesitation, Jonathan spoke again, trying to reassure her. "We won't ask about your origins. Even if you really are aliens, we won't tell anyone. We'll help you hide. As for your, um, 'thing'—" he gestured vaguely, referring to the spacecraft—"I'll store it safely in the attic of the barn. It'll be there for you when you grow up and need it. How does that sound?"

Martha chimed in, holding Kal-El tightly. "You're still a child. How can you take care of such a small baby on your own? If you stay here, he can have fresh milk every day and grow up healthy."

She smiled warmly at Kara. "And you—we can arrange an identity for you and even send you to school."

Kara felt her resolve weakening. Not only were they offering food and shelter, but they were also willing to solve her identity problem.

Still skeptical, she asked, "Aren't you afraid we might be bad people?"

Jonathan and Martha exchanged a glance, amused. Such a small villain?

"Are you?" they asked instead, humor lacing their tone.

Kara shook her head. "We're refugees. Our home planet was destroyed, and almost everyone is gone. Kal-El and I are among the few survivors. We escaped because Earth's environment is suitable for us."

She explained her and Kal-El's origins, hoping to show that they were not dangerous.

Martha's embrace of Kal-El tightened further, and Jonathan placed a comforting hand on Kara's shoulder, his expression filled with sympathy.

"To be honest," Kara continued, "if you're willing to take us in, we'd be very grateful. We don't know what else to do. I promise we'll repay you someday."

Martha shook her head, becoming emotional. "What repayment? Jonathan and I don't have children of our own. If you stay, that would be the best gift you could give us. We finally have a family, Jonathan!"

Jonathan smiled wryly at his wife's enthusiasm but shared her excitement.

Kara felt a mix of relief and helplessness. Since she needed their care, it seemed adoption was inevitable.

From that day forward, Kara and Kal-El gained their Earthly names.

Kal-El became Clark Kent.

And Kara retained her first name but adopted their surname, becoming Kara Kent.