
Clay woke up Friday morning with a fresh new attitude. He got out of bed and fixed his sheets, tidying up his pillows and finally making his way to the bathroom where he would spend 40 minutes getting ready. He made it a habit to wake up earlier than Roy or his older sister, because they were too slow and he felt restless in the mornings. Grabbing his blue towel, his facial moisturizer, and brush, he began his daily routine.

He sighed in relief the moment he stepped in the really hot shower, feeling more awake and ready to tackle the day. He leaned against the cold tiles and thought about yesterday.

Once he was finally home he and Alexis texted none-stop. He quickly noticed how childish she is, and he grabbed at his chest to feel his heart beat, if he was being honest he was forming a crush. Clay shivered, what if we end up dating, he thought. For a moment he allowed himself to imagine. Then quickly came back to reality the moment he remembered her age.

He got out of the shower quicker than usual, being less graceful with his routine. There was no way he could let himself crush on his boss, it would make him weird, he thought.

Today there was no school for parent teacher conferences, which also meant no band practice. Ms.Vega had asked if he could cover the day shift. They became close quickly. Almost too quick, Clay was almost suspicious. Key word: Almost.

His room was as neat as his backpack, everything organized neatly. Everything put back where it belonged, this is how he liked it. Luckily he had an hour before he had to leave for work, so in the meantime he pulled out his phone, sat on his bed and texted Ms. Vega. She felt like a guilty pleasure, like it was wrong to text her but it felt so right. 

"Hello, good morning" He typed

 "heyy gm"

"I just woke up lol"

 "Me too, I wanna go back to sleep. take over my job for me"

"I wish!"


He frowned. 


 "can u come a little earlier like asap"

He wore a worried expression,

 "Why? What happened? Are you safe"

 "yeah i'm just lonely and i wanna talk wit you more"

Was this happening, he thought? It was happening all so fast but all he could was roll in bed in glee, spraying water from his wet hair everywhere. 

The moment Clay stepped into the store, Alexis opened her door and signaled him to come over quickly. He quickened the pace, sparing a polite nod to his coworkers and walked in. "What took you so long?" Landing a punch on his arm. He winced, "Ow that actually hurt!" She tightened her grip on his clothes and hauled him in and closed the door behind them. He felt his heartbeat quicken as she pulled him closer to her body. Her breasts were practically rubbing on him, he blushed, "What happened?" 

"First of all look at you looking extra pretty today!" she grabs the bottom of his chin with her finger. "I'd date you if you were a girl. I wish you were a girl, since I'm lesbian and y'know?"

"What? I didn't know you were lesbian." He felt wrong in his body now. "So you wouldn't date me now?" He mustered up the courage to ask. 

"No I wouldn't." 

The rejection stung and he almost winced, "Oh-"

"Because you're a boy."

"But if I was a girl?"

She stood up and hugged him from behind, "Then I'd be all over you."

Her words were loud in his ears, practically echoing due to how close she was and he felt as if he were just pushed into a pit, because suddenly he felt his chest weigh him down and his heart race. If he were a girl, he'd have a chance. That means to some extent she must like him right? His brain ran through thoughts, and they ran fast. Maybe he should have been born a girl, maybe he should quit his job and run away with her, maybe he should drop his crush on her immediately out of respect to her sexuality, oh what a mess his brain was!

"Anyways my friend Ashely blew me off. She told me to wait at Clemmy's for her so we could go shopping right?"


"'And then when I get there and message her she says Uh-" She started picking at her piercings, wondering out loud. "What did she say? Oh she said 'Oh I can't make it, sorry I forgot to tell you' like what the fuck?" 

"Ow! Stop slapping my arm, I get it!!"

"She is so annoying. I don't even care, I'm not gonna text her at all."

Clay frowned, "Uhuh, miss I need to clock in so I actually get paid."

She pouted, "Why do you call me that? Call me Alexis. And we don't even hangout, just say you're checking out the back."

His eyebrows furrowed but his heart leaped. "So I don't get paid?" Placing his free hand on his hip.

"If we hung out after work, I wouldn't have to ask you to cut your job!" 

"Stop smacking my fucking arm!" He raised his voice. Alexis' eyes went distant and she let go of him entirely. Suddenly he felt as if he was falling, and he no longer had a problem if she hit him or not. "Okay okay, I'm sorry for yelling at you? Okay? I'll stay back here with you." Her poisonous green eyes shined, "Yay!" She jumped up and down.

He smiled through the pain for the rest of the day, barely getting work done due to Alexis' need for attention 24/7. He quickly fell into the routine as it;'s been his life after school for a few days now. Check the inventory, take a break, talk to Alexis, check inventory, take another break… It was repetitive but for some reason he felt warmth in his heart. He smiled to himself as he checked inventory for the last time, someone wanted his attention. Someone wanted him!


Oh she's talking, "Yes, sorry what?"

Once he snapped back to reality he realized she was now behind her desk sat with her hands crossed, sitting with a firm line on her face. "Mister Kain is calling you."

His heart sinks again, "Oh! I should go.."

"Don't tell him I hugged you."

She said almost sounding her age for once.


"Hey, what were you doing so long in her room? I assume she was asking you some questions."

Could he lie? "Ms.Vegas was just helping me settle in with the routine because I have pretty bad anxiety." He runs his hand over some scars, he can lie.

"Oh I see, that's nice but also unusual for her." He noted. He was a fine slim young man, with a goatee that could barely pass as one accompanied by his fair skin. 

He panics, "I basically asked her too, she doesn't seem like the type to reach out." 

Mr.Kain nods, "Well I need you as the cashier today, alright."

"Alright, sir."


"Alright, Mr.Kain."

Yes he remembers now, this is not a hangout environment. He's here for strictly business, here to get some money and finally afford better hearing aids! Perhaps even a permanent solution to his problem. Making his way to the counter he finally starts his day

It's about another 3 hours in now, and it's time for his 30 minute break and he starts to feel hasty. He needs to go talk to Alexis. He texts her to come to the employee lounge so they can hang.

Once she's in, they sit at the table and talk over cheap coffee. 

"I been to a looney bin"

The fact caught Clay by surprise, "Oh yeah? How was that."

In reality he couldn't care less about how her experience was because all he could think about was..his.

He coughs as he swallows his memories.

-The room was mostly dark except for the one square light on the ceiling. His bed was a mess, he couldn't sleep with the loudness of the world.

He practically suffocated himself beneath his blankets before growing too furious and threw everything off his bed. But when it wasn't his clothes, it was his hair. If he had access to a switchblade he would cut off his hair. Maybe more. Before he was worried, worried he might come across as crazy and unhinged. But nobody listened to him when he was calm and respectful. Not his clothes again- It was always something. He grabbed at his pants and gown, attempting to loosen them up so he couldn't relieve himself from anything and as time progressed he grew more and more restless. If only someone understood him, if only someone tried. But he bit his lip remembering his mom. He ran his fingers through his hair, pulling on it. He came here to get help for this exact reason but the doctors just looked at him and scoffed. He wanted to roll, hurl, pace back and forth and scream at everyone on the staff team. He needed help and needed it now! Why is no one listening to him? All he could think about now is the "what if's' ' If only the doctors actually helped, if only he didn't break his moms heart. If only he wasn't fucking useless. Wait- A doctors coming. Calm- calming down so they didn't say anything. Calming down so he can break down again later.-

He coughs again, snapping back into reality.

"It was really ghetto" Alexis said, "I remember kids tried making blades out of forks and cutting themselves, or at least trying too."

"Jesus. I been there too, so I actually remember kids doing that" Clay responded.

"You've been to the ward? Which one?"

"Uh Saint bernards if I'm correct."

Alexis gasped, "No way! Me too! It was shit, right? I wonder if all the hospitals in this area are like that." She takes a sip of her coffee, "So hows your 6th hour of work?" 

His ears ache, he hasn't taken off his hearings aids all day. "Uh, good.."

They sat in silence for a few seconds. That's when Clay finally decided to say…

"I like you."

Alexis stared at him in disbelief, her poisonous green eyes practically piercing through him. "What?" She said in her goofy voice.

"Sorry, I should go!" He sat up fast spilling his cup of coffee, "Shit!"

Alexis stood up and Clay watched as she made her way to the napkins and back, cleaning up his mess. He stood paralyzed of whats going to happen next. The moment she threw away the napkins, she walked over to Clay and got extremely close. Their noses were basically touching when she said, "But you're not a girl." Deadpanned.

Tears begin to form, "I can be!"

Her eyes light up and she grins, her breath warm on his face. She grabs his waist and puts their body close together, "Really?"

"Yes!" He swore.