
Transferring the statistics to the sheet took Naruko only a few minutes in total. She decided to show the statistics of the Ninja child and the Hokage himself, so that the difference in power levels would be visible and understandable.

- Here, the statistics of Hiruzen and Shikamaru, but let you look at and compare later, I have questions that I want to know the answers to.

- Okay, for the sake of cutie Naruko, anything, you told us everything, so in return we will share our secrets)

- All you told me is that she has a system.

Ban made a fair remark, but it was completely unnecessary since Naruko had already told Kiliya everything, and was waiting impatiently to ask questions.

- Don't worry, I'll tell you later, and so, Naruko, what do you want to know?

- How did you get into this world?

Ban decided to give her an answer, although you can't tell by him, but he likes communication, and Kilia has already learned quite a lot about Naruko, now it's Ban's turn to satisfy his social needs. Also, while he was speaking, parallel to his words, a distortion formed in the air near him, from which a teapot floated out, offering Kivka tea, Naruko refused because she doesn't really like this drink, but Kilia took the cup without thinking

- You saw my statistics, in addition to achievements and statistics of characteristics, did you pay attention to what abilities I have? Kilia studied spiritual magic, mental magic, spatial and water magic with Merlin, I also studied spatial and blood magic, well, and we studied everyday magic ourselves, after all, this is an extremely convenient section of magic. So I studied spatial magic to the level of Archmage, and for the last 4 years I tried to create an interworld portal, as you can see, it works, and we were not even torn to pieces during the transition.

Naruko heard and thought about the answer, then asked if she could also learn such magic, and asked the next question.

- And why is Kilia as immortal as you? How were you able to share the drink that grants immortality?

- Mmmm, it is unlikely that you will be able to learn magic, as I understand it, we cannot master chakra, and Chakra users cannot master magic, or it is very difficult for them to do so, although you own the system, so I think everything is possible. And regarding Kilia's immortality, this is the effect of spiritual magic and the spell "First! Higher! Spiritual!". In essence, our souls are connected to each other, all the skills and features that I have, Kilia also has, and vice versa, everything that she can do, I can do too, with the exception of skills in magic and various sections, since magic is built on knowledge. True, judging by the assessment of your system, it does not recognize the use of abilities through our connection as part of our statistics, otherwise all statistics except for characteristics and elemental affinity would be the same. Only I drank the drink, but at that time we were already in a soul connection, and the drink affected both of us.

- And how did Kilia learn this spell and spiritual magic? As I understand it, you became connected even before you entered into mortal sins.

The question is actually quite logical, because how could you use magic even before you learned how to use it? This time, the answer was given by Kilia herself.

- Spiritual magic is my talent, or rather the talent of this body, I think if Kilia had lived long enough in the original, she could also do the same as me, at 11 years old I began to feel the world around me strangely, it turned out to be a spiritual view, and it's good that now I can control it, before it was very inconvenient. So our souls connected when I was 18 and Ban was 21, and 2 years later Ban drank the fairy drink. By the way, everything is fine with the fairy forest, a sealed red demon is used as an alternative energy source, in fact, demons are immortal and you can endlessly pump energy from them, and unlike the drink, you do not need to constantly protect it.

- And Elaine?

- And my brother, unlike the original Ban, is not in love with Elaine, just like she is with him, his tastes are completely different, and he did not suffer from loneliness, we are always together.

- And you also said that Kilia and I joined the squad of deadly sins. Here I will correct, I was the only one in the sins, Kilia did not want to participate in this farce with serving the kingdom, and at that time she was simply engaged in small business, the production and sale of soap, quite good by the way, I still have a couple of hundred copies from those times.

Having created a distortion, a piece of pleasantly smelling soap appeared near the hand near the ban, the smell was unusual, crystallized mana was used in the production of this soap. Mana as energy is useful for any organism, and if it is crystallized and ground into powder, added as an ingredient to soap, then when using soap, crystal particles will contact the skin, getting stuck in the pores, after a few seconds they will dissolve in the body and improve not only the physical condition of the body, cleansing it, but also the mental one, filling a person with energy.

Continuing to play "Question and Answer" time was approaching sunset, eventually the conversation turned to a simple discussion of each other's statistics.

 - You can't even imagine what I felt when I saw Ban's sky-high stamina numbers when I looked at his status. I thought it would be very difficult for a person without a system to get at least a thousand points, but these numbers in stamina broke my brain, and this is not the only indicator that went beyond a thousand, all the points are several thousand, how can you even control yourself with such strength without accidentally destroying objects around you?

- We got used to it somehow, the strength was gained over time and we did not notice the difference. But I'm more interested in achievements, why some seemingly insignificant things like "Long-liver" are in the statistics, but something like "Disciple of Merlin" is not.

- I don't know.

Looking around and noticing the sunset, Naruko stood up and bowed.

- Thanks for today, but I have to go already, if anything, we can continue our conversation tomorrow.

- No problem, although I would still like to talk about achievements, but okay, then tomorrow.

- Brother! Of course you want to talk about them, you just want to brag about how cool you are, and these "Protector of loved ones" and "Loving brother", you just want to brag.

- Where did you even get that from, and in fact you also have the "Loving sister" achievement!

- Of course, incest is a family matter!

Hearing this phrase, Naruko opened her mouth, and Ban choked on the tea he was drinking at that moment. Sometimes this happens, Kilia likes to joke very unexpected jokes at moments when Ban eats, his reactions at such moments are always funny, and Naruko just got caught in the crossfire.


Returning to the hotel, Kilia and Ban began their discussions, Ban was impatient to learn more about their colleague in the reincarnation of this world, but Kilia, as always, liked to do this, decided to break Ban.

- No, no, no. You already know at least a little about Naruto, and I haven't heard a word about your meeting with Hiruzen, tell me.

- What's there to tell? In the end, we agreed with Nis that I would come tomorrow, as a result, tomorrow I will buy 17 scrolls of the era we need at 870,000 per copy, a total of about 14.8 million, in short, not as expensive as we initially thought. In general, Hiruzen seemed to me not a kind grandfather, but an ordinary man, without any special features. Your turn, what about Naruto?

The further conversation took a lot of time, and the result of the discussions was that Ban and Kiliya want to take Naruko with them at least for a while, they will try to do as much as possible so that she survives, but first they need to find Hikari, she is a priority, since it is unknown how the butterfly effect can affect, and perhaps something will happen to the sealing place, or someone will find and free the strongest Uchiha of her generation.


Meanwhile, Naruko could not sleep, although she needs to go to the academy tomorrow, but she just can't fall asleep, various thoughts creep into her head, either from excitement, or from stress, or maybe both taken together.

"Kiliya is very nice, I hope I can spend more time with them, although I have already gotten used to this world, but the people I meet here are not at all like those I knew in the past, and Ban and Kiliya are the same as me. How I envy them, to have a person as close to you since childhood, who knows about a past life, and has the same past, today I experienced so many emotions that it was as if I returned back to my apartment and found an excellent selection of cute cats, and yet this world is incredibly stressful.

Oh, I forgot to ask them about purgatory, why does Ban have the achievement "defeated purgatory", what did he do there to get this title. As far as I understand, they were in purgatory together. Apparently, they either value people dear to them very much, or are psychos who do not value their lives that they literally rushed to Hell for the sake of power, I hope it is the first and they will remain as they are now."


Since they could only meet Naruko the next day after classes, the brother and sister spent the rest of the day making a deal with the Sarutobi clan, and then sat down to check the scrolls, after all, the information regarding Hikari should be in one or more of these scrolls, and at noon, luck smiled on them.

- Baaaan! I found it, it was sealed 130 years ago, there is an approximate description of the place, but it would be better if we knew the coordinates, at least approximate ones, you remember what that place looked like from the game, right? If we want to find it more accurately, then we need to get the "Scroll of Seals of the Warring States Era" somewhere, as far as I understand, everyone who was sealed because of their power is written there, it seems that there are quite a few people with a fate like Hikari's.

- Yes, if we know what area it is in, I can find that place. We'll look for the scroll later, now it's important to find the one for whom we initially did all this.

- Great, but how do we free her from the seal? Hire a fuinjutsu master? But that's too risky, if someone unrelated to us knows Hikari's secret, it could cause great inconvenience.

- This time your thoughts went in the wrong direction, I'll just remove the earth centimeter by centimeter until I free Hikari. Why do we need a seal removal master? If the seal has nothing to hold on to, it won't work, the main thing is not to overdo it and not to touch the girl herself, you'll have to dig with limiters.

Description of the moment when they caught Hikari was lucky to find it pretty quickly, Ban checked only 3 scrolls, and Kilia began to study the fourth, it took about 4 hours in total, the brother and sister decided to put the remaining scrolls aside for later, they couldn't throw them away, could they? They paid money for them, and the scrolls themselves are quite interesting, although they are written very strangely, as if past generations of Sarutobi tried to propagate the power of their clan through these scrolls. For example, Hikari is described as just a very problematic representative of the Uchiha clan, but Ban clearly remembers how much horror she caused in the past, and what she was able to do already during Boruto's generation. 

To seal it, the Senju clan had to unite with the Sarutobi clan. And in fact, most of the work was done by the people of the Senju clan, and Sarutobi takes all the laurels for themselves in this scroll.

Memory is a pretty funny thing, Ban received an improved version of his memory when he drank the drink of the fairy forest, but before that moment, a lot of details had already been forgotten from his head over 23 years of life.

Fortunately, Kilia has a talent for mental and spiritual magic, and since the age of 9, her memory was much better than an ordinary person, and she reminded him of the moments that Ban had already managed to forget on the first day of his stay in the world of Naruto. As an example, the name of Hiruzen's grandson had long since left his head, he also forgot the name of that friend Nagato and Konan, but for some reason he remembered Samui, Mabui and Darui, although here it probably played a role that these names are similar and easy to remember.


From the future book about the countries of the ninja world "Beautiful cities and what is interesting about them"

"We were also interested in the local library, if the library in the capital was mostly filled with fiction and historical literature, then in the Shinobi village the library should be about techniques, clans, ninja rules and the like.As a result, we did not lose, as we later learned, various techniques, even the weakest and most common type, are not available to anyone except the Leaf ninja, and the most interesting and important scrolls from different eras can only be obtained by purchase, but in the public library we found descriptions of the life of past generations, various battles and alliances between clans. For example, I did not expect at all that it turns out that once about 200 years ago there was an alliance between the youngest heir of the Hyuga clan and the eldest heir of the Inuzuka clan, all I heard about the Hyuga is that they adhere to their purity and do not allow the Byakugan to fall into the wrong hands, but unfortunately I can't find what kind of children "We got it as a result of such a marriage, it didn't work out for us."