
- Well, that's how we got to purgatory, there was nothing particularly interesting in purgatory itself, acidic air, terrible surroundings and the risk of becoming an uncontrollable monster, well, thanks to my talent, I didn't turn into a monster, and I was able to return Ban in the first half hour of being in purgatory. In total, we spent more than 900 years there, that's for sure, this dimension was extremely confusing and huge, we didn't manage to become as strong as the original Ban after purgatory, but damage below 300 for us doesn't even count as a mosquito bite, as far as I understand, this is about the level of an elite chunin or tokubetsu jonin.

- And what about the demon king?

- Nothing special, we knew about him in advance and I just prepared a few special spiritual magic spells. Well, none of our team died, the same Escanor was alive when we left for another world.

It was approaching 8 pm, and for about 3 hours now, Kiliya, Naruko and Ban had been exchanging information. Naruko was telling about the local rules, about how Shinobi life is organized from the inside, and in return, she was asking about the adventures that happened to her brother and sister.

- I see, ahh... where are you heading next?

- Well, we weren't planning on staying in Konoha for long, we spent a lot of time in the capital of the Land of Fire, so I think we'll spend another two days ordering a mission and exploring Konoha, after which we'll go to the Fire Temple, after all a local attraction, as well as to the Valley of the End, and then we'll look for Hikari.

- I see, stop, wait, what about Hikari?

Ban took on the answer to this question, after all, Kilia was not a fan of games in her past life, and fell in love with them only after being reborn under the influence of Ban, although the only options are board games, but she still adores them, and at first she even regretted very much that she did not experience the pleasure of computer games in her past life.

- Hikari Uchiha, she was in the last part of the Naruto game released before my death. In short, the most dangerous Uchiha of her generation who hates the Shinobi world, well, and with her powers, it is quite possible to take control of the 5 great ninja villages at the age of 14. This world has not yet reached the time when Boruto should be born, and therefore she should be in a sealed state.

- And how will you find her? Are there any clues?

- Yes, yesterday while we were talking Ban went to Hiruzen with a request to buy the Sarutobi clan scrolls, and today while you were studying at the academy we checked some of them and found approximate data where it should be, so we will study Konoha for a couple more days and then set off.

Naruko, hearing the words that they were leaving soon, was in a strange state, she did not want her new friends to leave, but she could not force them to stay.

- Aaaa... can I go with you?

This question surprised Ban and Kiliya, after all, they have only been talking for the second day, and Naruko is already ready to go with them leaving Konoha, and this will cause a lot of problems.

- Hmm, I don't even know what to tell you, in principle we are not against it, but for now it will be too problematic, the pursuit of the Leaf Shinobi will greatly interfere with the search for Hikari. Let's do it this way? We are leaving to search for Hikari and when we find her we will return to Konoha for a week and if you still want to come with us we will take you. Still, during these days while we will be traveling and then staying in Konoha I think you will be able to decide for sure.

As a result, Naruko agreed to these conditions, and she herself understood that she needed to think everything over more carefully, after all, she was not stupid, she showed herself as a very smart girl in her past life, and in the new one with the experience of the old one she only became better, especially for her current age.


From the upcoming book about the countries of the ninja world "Beautiful Cities and What's Interesting About Them"

"Later we applied to Konoha for a mission, we asked to give us a person who would understand the structure of Konoha and would help us study and consider everything that was allowed, in short, a mission to give us a Guide.

Of what was allowed to visit and disseminate information about this, the most interesting to us seemed to be pastry shops, a game room, and also weapon stores.

No, brother, weapon stores were only interesting to you, but in addition to the game rooms, I was interested in local banks. Nowadays, banks are already working quite well, it even became possible to write checks with the necessary amounts, from the functionality there is only storage and withdrawal of money, if someone from the management of the banks is reading this, then I ask you to pay attention to the possibility of issuing loans to buyers, this is quite convenient for people, and for the bank itself an additional stream of good revenue, but otherwise, in my opinion, everything is fine with the banks, they work correct, and I hope without deception.

So, Kiliya was sorting out the banks and I was going around the most famous and popular weapons stores. It turns out that this is a good place for tourism, since such stores can sell some kunai or shuriken as a souvenir, and for those who love weapons, you can buy quite a lot of high-quality swords or Ninja consumables, I think it won't be very difficult to find some blade for your collection.

As for the game room, there are a lot of Shogi of different sizes and shapes, in general the essence of the game does not change, but to play not with a standard set of figures, but for example their analogue where all the figures are replaced by famous ninjas from different countries, there are also more children's games in the Ninja style, but what we remember is the fair games, that is, various shooting galleries where you need to knock down gifts for yourself with shurikens, where by the way ninjas were not allowed to participate, strength meters, as well as a special mini pond with a small fish that you need to catch with a paper net, and so on down the list of similar game entertainment, we spent quite a lot of time there, especially on the last day, it fell on Saturday and we spent the whole day in the company of our new friend."


- Well, our offer is still valid and we will return here later when we find Hikari, if by the time we leave Konoha you do not change your mind, then we can take yourself.

- Yes, okay, and don't worry, I'll definitely think this question over carefully.

After parting words, Ban and Kiliya went towards the gates of Konoha and left the settlement, the next goal is the Temple of Fire and the liberation of Hikari.


- Goodbye, and have a good trip. I hope nothing happens to you, the stories you told us are quite interesting, and the views on our judgments are unusual, it was quite interesting to talk with you.

These words were addressed to Ban and Kiliya, who were leaving the Temple of Fire, a rather famous person, Chiriku, said them, our heroes were lucky to meet him, since he has now returned to the temple for 1 week on his own business, but he spends most of his time now in the service of the Daimyo as one of the 12 Ninja Guardians, and as he himself admitted, he must leave this place in half a year.

- Thank you too, your monastery futons are very comfortable, I always wanted to ask but forgot, where can I buy some?

- I support my sister in all her words!

- I am very glad that you liked it, and it is not surprising that you noticed their quality, I got the opportunity to buy them for our temple only when I got into the service of the Daimyo, in general, you can buy them too, but you need to agree with the court tailor, and it will be very expensive.

- Then we will meet later in the capital, we will ask for a meeting with you when we are there, okay?

- Of course, no problem, in return I only ask for communication when you are in the capital, Kiliya is an extremely intriguing conversationalist.

Chiriku said this towards Ban, but at the same time he asked Kiliya if she agreed to talk about various prohibitions and duties of the priests. Ban also sometimes butted in at these meetings expressing his time, but still Kiliya led the main dialogue.

- Okay, I don't mind, well then see you in the capital, and thank you for everything!


- Where is this fucking cave? How much more is left to go around? We have not been able to find it for 5 days already, I thought that a couple of days would be enough.

- Well, what did you expect? The Land of Fire is big, and the scrolls say that it was sealed on the border of the Uchiha and Senju clan territory in a cave with an entrance that looks like an animal's pupil.

- If I remember correctly from the game, there should be a coat of arms of either the Senju clan or the Sarutobi clan engraved above the entrance to the cave. In principle, I was looking for this cave based on it.

Ban and Kiliya walked around the entire territory where the borders of the Senju clan should have been at that time, starting from the territories east of the fire temple and up to the border with the country of hot waves, as a result they found nothing in 5 days, and apparently initially it was necessary to go in the other direction, closer to the entertainment city of Tanzaku.


Another 2 days later, a little south of the city of Tanzaku, about 40 kilometers from the entertainment city.

- Well, now the only good thing is that there are not so many places left to check, if not today then tomorrow they should find it, and when we find it...

- Look, at this mountain in front from below you can see something dark that looks like a vertical strip, like an entrance to a cave.

Ban, who was interrupted by Kilia, sped up the next moment, his sister hurried after him. What they saw finally made them breathe a sigh of relief. During these days, they had already managed to find 2 more of the same seals from the old days, but decided not to unseal them because they only seal strong opponents, and they had no idea what kind of people were sitting in these seals, so they decided to put it off until later.

More specifically, in front of them was a cave, the entrance to which looked like a vertical animal pupil, and above the entrance was engraved the coat of arms of the Senju clan.

- Excellent, I hope this is the very place, and not just something very similar, then I will begin to destroy the barrier, and you prepare food and clothes for our new, hopefully, companion.

After these words, Ban sat down in a meditation pose very similar to Geralt's pose from the Witcher series of books and games. This is necessary for improved control over all spell processes, since he does not want to harm Hikari in the process of destroying the barrier, he is forced to configure the teleportation spell so that it cannot do anything to living beings, and only picks up the earth and teleports it 15 meters to the left of the entrance.

- Well, this will take at least 20 minutes, let's get started!


18 minutes later.

Once again, after using the magic of teleporting objects, nothing happened, a signal was given that something living and organic was affected, this signal was given 16 times already, and all times it was close to the surface, the spell recognized the worms as living beings and refused to work. At first there was soft soil, most likely due to the peculiarities of the structure of the cave, a layer of soft soil simply accumulated over a century, after which hard stone began, in which there are no living beings.

But this time the lack of a signal was only a reason for joy, because the seal works in such a way that it does not allow any bugs, insects and similar creatures to reach the person inside the seal, and since quite a lot has already been dug up, this signal means that we have found what we were looking for.

Ban immediately figured out where the sealed person was, and began to cleanse with the help of magic from the household section. At that moment, Kiliya, hearing his words, approached her brother.

- Yes!

The seal was finally broken and destroyed, and the girl inside began to wake up, gradually coming to her senses. She looked like a girl of about 14 years old with black hair, she was wearing... I don't even know what to call this type of clothing, but let's call it a cape, the kind worn by members of the Uchiha clan, only Hikari's was different in that it was in terrible condition, torn and worn out, and it was immediately clear that the bad condition was precisely because it was worn for a very long time, and not because it was damaged in battle. The next moment, when Hikari opened her eyes, they first looked very dull and dead. 

Ban and Kilia stood and waited for the girl to come to her senses and ask the first questions, but from the change in her face it was clear that the young Uchiha was now winding herself up and hatred was just forming in her head. As far as Ban remembers, the game showed that a sand of seconds before the sealing, Hikari fell into despair and hated the entire Ninja world and all Ninja in particular. In order to prevent Hikari's mood from getting worse, Ban decided to interrupt her.

- Good morning, sleeping beauty, we finally found you, my name is Ban, and this girl next to you is Kilia and she is my sister, we have been looking for you for a couple of months, and now we have finally found you, and we were looking for you because... Hey, awww? Are you listening to me?

Hikari was of course listening to him, but already a sleeping beauty in words, she fell into a misunderstanding of what was happening, after which she finally realized that there were no people from the Uchiha clan or the Senju clan next to her, only a cute girl in very high-quality clothes and a very tall man in the same high-quality clothes, but clearly more designed for combat than the girl's.

Since Ban was unable to talk normally and calm Hikari down, Kilia went down into the pit, after which she gently hugged the desperate girl and began to calm her down.