Angela packed up her bag and other things she needed for the entrance exam that she and Kira would be taking today.
"Okay, pens check, calculator check. Oh, I almost forgot my water bottle". She picked up her water bottle and phone took a few deep breaths, calming herself down.
She looked at Polar who was looking at her from his corner with sad eyes because she was going to leave him alone.
"Okay Polar, wish me luck" and she got a sad whine from him.
"Come on, I would be back soon and I would take you to school with me if…no when I get in, okay?"
He just blinked and came towards her and curled around her feet, it was his own way of making her promise.
"I promise, okay? I won't be long." She checked her wrist watch
"Shit, I have to go now or Kira would kill me for being late and making her wait. Bye Polar" and with that she kissed the top of his head and rushed out of her apartment.
She hurried down the stairs almost tripping and falling. She took a short cut to Kira's house praying she doesn't miss her.
She arrived just in time when Kira was opening the door of her house to step out after bidding goodbye to her parents.
"Sorry I took so long Kira" Angela explained out of breath
"It's okay. I know you have been really busy lately." Kira said with a deeper meaning but Angela was oblivious of what she said and she just smiled and agreed about her being busy.
"Well, thank you for understanding Kira. I really appreciate it. Let's go" Angela said as they started walking towards the bus stop but Kira's face fell because she thought that her best friend didn't want to tell her that she was seeing someone and that really hurt her.
Kira didn't want to confront Angie because she thought that she would tell her everything eventually, she just needs to be focused and not be distracted and ace this exam for them to get into college.
Taking in a deep breath, she said with a smile that didn't reach her eyes.
"Alright, baby girl. Let's go do this. Woohoo!!!" she said with a wide grin as they made their way to the bus station.
As they were walking and laughing, clearly very excited about the exam they were going to write, a little bit scared but that didn't bother them or stop them from having fun.
But maybe there were having way too much fun because Kira soon bumped into a man walking on the side walk and she nearly fell to the ground but the man, who has cat-like reflexes caught her just in time but his glasses fell off and broke.
"Shit!!!" the man cursed under his breath.
Kira didn't get to see the man's face clearly when he still had his glasses on but right now without it, he was really good looking.
"Are you okay ma'am?" the man asked concerned and when Kira didn't respond immediately, he snapped his fingers for her to come back to earth.
"Are you sure that you're, okay? Do you need to go to the hospital?" he asked squinting his eyes, and this showed how discomforting it was for him to be without his glasses.
Finally, she was able to mutter a thank you.
"Sir, I'm really sorry for bumping into you" Kira apologized feeling very remorseful about what just happened.
"Nah, don't worry about it. It's just a piece of glass. I'm just happy that you didn't hurt yourself" the man replied.
"Oh okay, thank you once again and I'm really sorry"
"It's fine" he said and was about to move but tripped and almost fell and that's when the girls knew that the man was practically blind without his glasses.
The man cursed under his breath and fished out his phone from his inner pocket to call a cab but he had difficulty seeing the display on the screen.
"Sir? Are you sure you don't need any help?" Kira asked worriedly because they were going to be late to their exam and secondly because she just made a man lose his sense of sight not literally but close enough because she was the reason why his glasses broke in the first place.
"I said I'm fine" he said clearly pissed and losing his cool.
Kira turned and told Angela that she has to go and take the exam because she her conscience won't let her be until he helped him.
"Listen Kira, there is no way that I'm leaving you alone. We would go together, okay?" Angela reassured her.
"Ummm, sir can you tell us who you want to call, so that we can help you?" Angela said to the frustrated man.
He glared at them angrily but he couldn't see their faces clearly to know that they looked like.
They might be thieves and might run away with his phone and he would be stranded, not knowing his left from his right.
'What is the worst that can happen?' he thought to himself. He shrugged and handed the phone to them and said to call the cab man and then the doctor.
They dialed the number and gave the cab man their location and he was there within 5 minutes and the three of entered the car and left for the hospital to visit his optician.
Kira and Angela waited at the reception while the man was led into the doctor's office by a nurse.
"We are definitely going to be late for this exam, Kira."
"I know but we couldn't just leave him there like that, Angie"
"I know. Anyway, let's keep practicing the past questions and wait for him till he comes out, we still have at least an hour and half before the exam starts. Hopefully he would be done before then, okay?"
Kira nodded and said "OKAY."
After 30 minutes he came out with a new pair of glasses and he could finally see the girls who he thought would have left by now after all the trouble they caused.
They were both sleeping with their books in their hands and pencils. From the looks of it, they were preparing for an exam or something. He cleared his throat which woke them up from their short sleep.
One was a green-eyed dark-haired beauty while the other girl had red hair with freckles with grey eyes with a look of innocence and felt a little tug in his heart.
"I thought you would be gone by now, knowing how much getting a new pair of glasses cost" he told them with a smirk.
"We couldn't just leave you like that, knowing that we caused you to be in that situation. We are really sorry" said the girl with red hair.
The man sighed and nodded.
"I think I have heard enough 'sorry' today than I ever heard in my entire life. I accept your apology. Anyway, it seemed like you girls were going somewhere" he asked with one eyebrow raised at them.
"Yes, actually we were on our way to take an entrance exam for college before the incident happened" explained Angela.
"That means that you are going to be late or already late, right?" he asked
"Well, we still have an hour before the exam starts, so we should get going"
"Wait" he said in a flat voice. Both girls grimaced thinking that he was about to make them pay for the stress they caused him today.
They turned around slowly with a pitiful look in their eyes waiting for the worst thing that can happen
"Take my cab, it will get you both there faster and you won't miss your exam" he said which left both girls in shock and dumbfounded.
He looked at them because they haven't moved an inch. He had to wave in their faces before they zoned back in. "We are really grateful sir, but we can't take your cab. We already cost you your time and glasses."
He sighed "It is just a form of appreciation and a 'thank you' for not leaving me out there blindly and also for not robbing my phone. It's the least I can. Now, take it or you will be late for your exam."
He is the type that doesn't take no for an answer, feeling defeated they reluctantly took the cab. He wished them luck then the car zoomed off to the direction of their university.