Chapter 11: Shifting Ambitions

Dante stood at the edge of the clearing, staring at the now-lifeless altar. His sword was still sheathed, and his muscles tense from the battle just minutes ago. But this time, his thoughts weren't on the greater threat lurking in the shadows or the ominous words of the entity. No, his mind was entirely focused on what he could gain.

Power. Control. The potential of the system that had already shown its usefulness.

Lilith approached him, her sharp gaze noticing the shift in his demeanor. "Something's bothering you," she said, keeping her voice casual yet curious.

Dante didn't immediately answer. He wasn't the kind to lay out all his thoughts in front of others, not even her. Lilith had proven useful, both in battle and for his... other desires. But trust was another matter. No one, not even her, was privy to his deeper ambitions.

After a moment of silence, he finally spoke. "This isn't enough."

Lilith tilted her head. "What do you mean?"

He turned to her, his eyes cold and calculating. "We've dealt with that creature, but there's more. There's always more. And if I'm going to rise beyond all of this—beyond anyone else—I need more than just scraps of power left behind by ancient beings."

Lilith's lips curled into a sly smile. "So, the hero complex isn't part of your plans, then?"

Dante smirked. "A hero? Don't mistake me for one of those fools. I don't care about saving the world or protecting people who don't matter. I care about me—what I can get, how far I can go. The rest? It's irrelevant."

For a moment, Lilith's expression flickered, as though she was considering her own place in his ambitions. But she didn't press further. Instead, she nodded slowly. "I figured you weren't the selfless type. But that's good." She took a step closer, her voice lowering. "Selfless people end up dead."

Dante glanced at her, noticing the closeness. He didn't pull away. There was an unspoken agreement between them. Lilith's beauty and allure made her a desirable companion, but he didn't see her as an equal—more as a tool, someone who could provide support, information, and perhaps pleasure. But attachments, real emotional bonds? Those had no place in his world. Everyone had a role to play, and Lilith was no different.

"What's our next move, then?" Lilith asked, breaking the silence.

Dante turned his gaze back toward the darkened forest ahead. "There's more to this place. This wasn't just a random encounter with some ancient being. Something bigger is in play, and I'm going to find out what it is. If I can take advantage of it, I will."

Lilith smiled, her eyes gleaming. "Now that's more like it."

Dante didn't wait for her approval, nor did he need it. He started walking toward the dense forest ahead, his eyes scanning for any signs of more traps or hidden dangers. The system in his head remained silent for now, but he could feel it. Its presence was like an invisible force, always lurking, waiting to be used again.

Lilith followed closely behind, keeping her pace even with his. As they moved through the trees, Dante's mind was focused on one thing—unlocking the true potential of the system. So far, it had been useful, enhancing his abilities and giving him an edge in battle. But it wasn't enough. If there was more power to be had, he would take it, no matter the cost.

After a while, they came across a path leading deeper into the woods. The air was thick with tension, and the distant sounds of the forest seemed almost too quiet. Lilith's eyes darted around, her instincts telling her something wasn't right.

"Do you hear that?" she asked.

Dante nodded, his hand instinctively going to the hilt of his sword. "Something's out there."

They moved forward cautiously, the path becoming narrower as the trees closed in around them. The deeper they went, the darker it became, the thick canopy of leaves blocking out the faint light of the moon. The oppressive atmosphere didn't bother Dante. If anything, it excited him. Danger meant opportunity.

As they continued, Dante's thoughts drifted back to the system. There had to be more ways to manipulate it, to bend it to his will. He wasn't content with being a pawn in some higher game. If the system had chosen him, then it was his to control, and he intended to exploit every advantage it gave him.

Lilith's voice cut through his thoughts. "I've been thinking… about the system."

Dante raised an eyebrow. "What about it?"

"If it can give you power, what else can it offer?" Lilith's tone was curious, but there was something else there—something more calculating.

Dante smirked. "I've been asking myself the same thing."

Lilith's eyes narrowed slightly. "What if it can do more than just give you abilities? What if it can help you take control of… other things?"

He glanced at her, his interest piqued. "Go on."

"What if you could use the system to bend others to your will?" she continued, her voice lowering. "What if it could influence minds, control people—make them do whatever you wanted?"

Dante's smirk widened. He had considered the possibility, but hearing Lilith lay it out so plainly sparked new ideas. If the system could be used to manipulate others, to build an empire around him, then his ambitions would have no limit.

"You're thinking bigger than just fighting monsters and gaining strength," he said, his voice filled with approval. "Good. That's exactly what I like."

Lilith's smile returned, but it was colder this time, more calculated. "I told you, Dante. I'm not interested in just being along for the ride. I want a piece of whatever's at the end of this path."

Dante didn't respond immediately. He considered her words carefully. Lilith was useful, and her ambition made her more intriguing than he had initially thought. But he would never allow her—or anyone else—to stand in his way. If she proved too ambitious, he would deal with her, just like any other obstacle.

For now, though, she was an ally. A useful one.

"I think you'll get what you want," Dante finally said, his voice calm but filled with hidden meaning.

They continued along the path until they reached a large, looming structure hidden deep within the forest. It was an ancient temple, covered in vines and worn down by time. But even in its dilapidated state, there was an unmistakable aura of power surrounding it.

Dante's eyes gleamed with anticipation. This was it. Whatever secrets were buried here, he intended to claim them for himself.

Lilith glanced at him, her expression a mixture of curiosity and wariness. "This place… it's different."

Dante nodded, stepping forward toward the temple entrance. "That's exactly why we're here."

As they approached the massive doors of the temple, Dante felt a surge of energy course through him. It was as if the system itself was reacting to the temple's presence, urging him to go inside. He didn't hesitate. With a single push, the heavy doors creaked open, revealing a dark, cavernous interior.

The moment they stepped inside, the air changed. It was thick, oppressive, and filled with a sense of ancient power. Dante's senses sharpened as he scanned the surroundings, his mind racing with possibilities.

This temple was old—older than anything he had encountered so far. And if it held the kind of power he suspected, then his journey had just begun.

"Stay close," he muttered to Lilith, though his focus was entirely on the temple.

Lilith nodded, her eyes flickering with excitement and caution. Together, they moved deeper into the heart of the temple, both of them driven by a single thought.


But for Dante, it wasn't about saving the world or protecting the innocent. It was about claiming what was rightfully his—and if the world burned in the process, so be it.


AUTHOR: I noticed that all my novel MC's are developing into a typical hero troupe and it's the most cringe thing I don't like even a bit . So I change Dante personality directly opposite from what I have planned previously.


If I do plan to change somewhat other than a total selfish personality and manipulate one in the future I will do some changes but the main personality will not change now . Though there could be some minor changes a little bit i am not sure of myself as i destroyed my future plans for this novel. Hope it will be good one 😅.