Chapter 12: A Deal with Darkness

Dante stood in the clearing, the air thick with the scent of burnt wood and charred earth, remnants of the aftermath from his battle with the cursed beast. His body was still tense, his mind racing as he replayed the fight. He had always been a fighter, but this time, it was different. It wasn't about protecting anyone else—it was about securing his own power.

The system chimed in his mind, its voice emotionless, detached.

[Mission Complete. Experience Gained: 2,000.]

[New ability unlocked: Shadow Manipulation – Level 1.]

Dante's lips curled into a grin. Finally. He felt the surge of energy flood his veins as the system bestowed his latest ability. The feeling was intoxicating—raw power, something he could shape, control, and bend to his will.

He stretched his hand out, and a dark tendril of shadow snaked from the ground, swirling around his fingers before dissipating into the night air. This… this is what I've been waiting for.

While other heroes might have sought to save the world, Dante's ambitions were different. He wasn't driven by some higher cause or noble goal. The idea of being some self-sacrificing hero disgusted him. He didn't fight for the people, nor did he care about their problems. Everything he did now was for himself—his own power, his own survival. Maybe a select few people would benefit from his actions, but they had to earn his protection, his time. He wasn't about to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders.

His gaze shifted to the crumpled body of the beast at his feet. Its fur was still smoldering, eyes vacant and lifeless. He felt a strange sense of satisfaction. This is how things should be. Me, at the top. Me, in control.


The voice came from behind him, soft yet commanding. He didn't need to turn to know who it was—Selene. She had a way of showing up at the most opportune times. Her footsteps were light as she approached, her silver hair shimmering in the moonlight, her crystal blue eyes fixed on him with a curious gleam.

"What?" Dante asked, not bothering to turn fully. He was still playing with the shadows that danced at his fingertips, his mind more interested in this newfound ability than any conversation.

"You fought the beast alone," she said, stepping closer until she was at his side. Her tone was unreadable, a mixture of admiration and concern. "I didn't expect you to survive."

Dante smirked. "Shows how much you know about me."

Selene tilted her head, studying him for a moment. Her lips parted slightly, as if she were about to speak, but she hesitated. Instead, she reached out, her fingers brushing against his arm, tracing the lines of his muscles. "You've grown stronger. The system—"

"Is mine," Dante interrupted, his voice sharp. He shrugged off her touch and stepped forward, away from her. He wasn't in the mood for idle flattery or coy advances. Not now. "What do you want?"

Her eyes flickered with something—annoyance, maybe—but she masked it quickly. "You could have called for help. I would have come."

"I don't need help." Dante's response was immediate. "From you or anyone else."

He could feel her eyes on his back, but he didn't turn around. The beast had been a test, a challenge that he needed to face alone. If he couldn't handle something like this, then he had no business pursuing greater power. He would carve his own path, and if anyone wanted to follow, they could. But he wasn't slowing down or softening his edge for anyone.

"You've changed," Selene said softly, her voice carrying a hint of something else—something deeper. "You're not the same as when we started."

Dante finally turned to face her, his eyes narrowing slightly. "Maybe I've just stopped pretending to be something I'm not."

There was a silence between them, thick and tense. Selene met his gaze, her expression unreadable, before she finally spoke again. "The others are waiting. They want to know what happened out here."

Dante's jaw tightened. The others. Of course, they were waiting. They always expected something from him—answers, guidance, leadership. But he wasn't their leader. Not anymore. He wasn't some self-appointed hero, fighting for their cause.

"You can tell them whatever you want," Dante said with a dismissive wave. "I'm not explaining myself to anyone."

Selene studied him for a moment longer, her crystal blue eyes searching his face as if looking for something. Then, without another word, she turned and walked away, leaving Dante alone in the clearing once more.

As the sound of her footsteps faded into the distance, Dante let out a slow breath. Let them wait. Let them wonder. He didn't owe them anything.

The system chimed again in his mind, breaking his thoughts.

[New Quest Available: The Path of Shadows – Unlock the second level of Shadow Manipulation.]

Dante's eyes gleamed with interest. Now that was something worth pursuing. Power was what mattered. Everything else—loyalty, trust, even love—was secondary. They were distractions from his real goal.

He didn't need to save the world. He didn't need to be anyone's hero. He needed only one thing—strength. Enough to crush anyone who stood in his way, enough to rise above everything that tried to drag him down.

Dante walked away from the dead beast, the shadows swirling at his feet like obedient servants. His path was clear. He would take what he wanted, with no apologies and no regrets.