Chapter 7.2 “Business and Projects”

Honestly, it didn't turn out too bad. At first, when Sera expanded my responsibilities, it was tough—especially attending various meetings in person and wrapping up "The Song of Quill and Parchment," which I named my method for dealing with accounting and paperwork. It truly is one of my main inventions and innovations for the Sera Office.

As for Sera… it's hard for me to say. After that "Great Revelation" from Seraphima, when she decided to tell me about these annual "Exterminations," she became... kinder? She seems to trust me more? Trying to read such an ancient being, so similar yet older than my own lineage... I can only say that now she's more open and friendly towards me. I don't have to initiate our playful banter anymore; Sera has started to do that sometimes too.

Even now, as we sit in her office, we simply enjoy tea in silence, munching on treats—this time, pancakes and chocolates, which Sera particularly loves.

And what were we doing in the office when, seemingly, all the paperwork was being handled without us, and no meetings were scheduled for the day? I don't know what Sera was thinking, but I was caught up in one eternal question—"To be or not to be?" The "Ascension" project, whose name changed over and over until we settled on this, was practically complete (from Dante's and my perspective). Only the final tests remained before we could attempt a "trial" flight. Which was terrifying. Dante and I weren't Seraphim; between us, we had three hundred and fifty years of experience, but as reasonably cautious individuals, we understood we had never worked in this field, and thus mistakes were inevitable—possibly even fatal for the subject...

And now, I was deep in thought. Should I involve Sera, perhaps the only one who had worked with souls and wouldn't immediately condemn us? Technically speaking, Sera was already breaking the Rules and Laws of Heaven—"Thou shalt not kill," a Commandment, a Law of God. She was already compromised, and hypothetically, she could understand my motives, but that knot of uncertainty and fear of the unknown... I had been working with Sera for a couple of years, and I still couldn't pinpoint her character, but still…

- Vergil? - Sera asked softly, her voice tinged with clear concern as she seemingly noticed the slight tremor in my hands...

- It's nothing, Sera. Just foolish thoughts. - I sighed, placing my cup on the saucer.

- Something is gnawing at your mind? - Damn, when did she start showing such concern? That enchanting voice made me want to spill all my fears, knowing I would be listened to and supported... Damn Seraphim aura, it was definitely her. - Vergil, if...

- Everything's fine, miss...

- Vergil - Sera gently interrupted me, her tone pressing. Damn.

With a sigh, I leaned back in my chair. How do I present this? Thank you, Sera, for not peering into my soul to uncover my worries... Okay. Okay, after all, they could just erase me and turn me into a Cherub, as the common folk call the Lesser Cherub, and I would simply lose my identity without even noticing...

- Sera. - I tilted my head back slightly, turning it towards her.

- You know I love to... "experiment" with Wonders, right? - The Seraph nodded, a flicker of concern crossing her calm face. - So... - directly or indirectly? Sera had hinted before, but still...

- I'm working on a... Project aimed at creating... a Wonder capable of... - the hardest part, - helping an Angel become an Archangel... - Sera's eyes widened in mild surprise. - With the help of my... Etheric Art.

Sera was silent. There was no judgment in her eyes, rather... understanding? Realization and... relief?

- ...Did you really choose such a complicated route for your project? - …did she understand everything? - Are you working alone?

- ...With a colleague. – I added reluctantly, though Sera definitely knew who I was referring to, and she just nodded in response.

Sera fell silent, diverting her gaze from me, letting her eyes wander around the office. After a moment, as if deciding something for herself, she looked back at me... and there was something in her gaze.

- Vergil. - I couldn't quite grasp it; it was a blend of sternness and caring? - Please, tell me directly, what do you want to achieve with your Project? - Now I looked away, gathering my will.

- William. - The soft concern in Sera's voice complemented the enchanting smile on her Seraphim face. - I'm not ordering you, if this really is a "difficult" topic, I'll understand if you don't want to share—just say so. But I ask you, as your friend, if this truly matters to you and your thoughts have been captured by this idea for days, then I want to help. - When did we become friends? Where did this care and sincerity come from?

- ... - A deep breath, after which I finally resolved myself. Whatever happens—With this Project, I aimed to create a magical ritual, - Sera didn't react to the term that would infuriate other Celestials, - that an Angel could use to transform themselves into an Archangel on their own. - Silence.

I don't know how it was for Sera, but for me, it was one of those moments when I felt fear in Sera's presence. The fear of the unknown and the uncertainty of the future. With this move, I could say I had handed my soul to Sera, for now she could easily go and present me to her "colleagues," who could...

- And you decided to ask me for help—a wise decision. - Sera nodded. What? - What's your progress? - No judgment, she didn't even flinch, as if we were discussing yet another request from some Department when she asked for my opinion...

- Almost finished, the formula is ready, a rough outline is there; only the final tests on souls remain... - Sera nodded.

- I'm not strong in this area; it would be better if you just showed me and explained the approximate mechanism of how the "ritual" works. - I could only nod in astonishment. - However... - And now I didn't like that little sly smile...

- You'll need to help Adam with the consequences of his irresponsibility after the Extermination. - She smiled as well, but seeing my dimmed expression, she abruptly, which was strange, stopped, a hint of concern appearing on her face. - That is... Usually, I handle that, but if you're busy... - She looked at me with the same expression that arose whenever she thought she had crossed the line with her jokes... Seraphim and their inertia of thought.

- ...It's nothing, Sera, for your help in such an important matter for me, it's the least I can do... - Sera's face relaxed, and she nodded.

- Alright, Adam should be in his Department or somewhere around here; they should have a training... - It was clear Sera didn't understand much about military matters; almost all combat preparations and drills for the exterminators she referred to with just one term. - So, just locate Adam, and if you do the same thing as here, - she waved her hand at the papers floating above our heads, - you'll manage in a couple of hours.

- And what will you be doing? - Now it was my turn to smirk.

Sera looked around the office slightly lost, her gaze seemingly asking, "What do you mean?"

- ...Am I supposed to work? - Are you asking me or answering a question? Damn it, why does that questioning look and slightly tilted head seem so... sincere? Why doesn't the Seraphim know what to do?

- Maybe you could spend some time with Emily? She's been complaining lately that she can't see you for more than a couple of hours. - Sera's eyes widened; had she forgotten?

- ... - Sera scanned the paperwork and then turned to me with a harried look. I didn't get it. - I have... tasks...? - Weak, Sera—weak.

- Sera. - The Seraphim's face twisted slightly. - Emily needs care from her "older sister." - Sera took a deep breath, closing her eyes.

- But what am I supposed to do with her? - You have Adam; why are you asking me? Fine, what should I say...

- Just be with her, Sera: talk about something, do some silly things while keeping within acceptable limits, just monitor the moment and Emily's mood, and if anything—call me or Adam. - Sera nodded seriously, almost like I did when I received orders from her... Is it really that bad? No, of course not; she's just playing, having fun, and she knows it.

- Then... - a sigh. - We both have work to do. - She looked into my eyes, lifting the corners of her lips in a semblance of a smile. - Shall we meet when you're finished? - Where does this pleading tone come from?! Emily isn't that scary to be... Fine, the question is off the table.

- Sera. - I covered her hand with mine; she didn't pull away. - Everything will be alright; people on Earth go through the same thing, especially the youngest among us. - She looked straight at me. - It's normal to make mistakes in upbringing; we all do it. - Sera's gaze softened, - I think even great Seraphim can err in human matters; after all, your failures will only be seen by Emily—none of us will witness them. - We both chuckled.

- ...Thank you, William. - I nodded. - Then... - She gently pulled her hand from beneath mine. - I think we have our "children" to look after. - And there it was again, that "Sly" Sera and her playful smile that made me chuckle lightly.

- That's for sure...

With a wave of my hand, the teapot and leftover sweets disappeared, dissolving into countless blue threads, and Sera, throwing one last glance at the papers, nodded at me, diving into her last documents, delaying her visit to Emily, who would surely be delighted by the early arrival of her "beloved sister," while for me...

As Sera said, now all that's left is to meet my "child"...

* * *

Golden City, Third District, Third Circle. Vergil.

The Third Circle. A peculiar place where I still feel that sense of judgment and a "itch" in my chest, almost unnoticeable. A strange place where I rarely linger, hardly even examining the sights or the souls that inhabit it. Perhaps it's a mistake, considering some of them, just like me now, are soaring through the white clouds of an excessively hot day. But they fly towards beaches, lakes, and rivers, perhaps even seas; I've never been particularly interested in such things.

The hot air, instead of the usual balance of warmth and coolness, has shifted towards heat, forcing me to constantly feel these streams of hot air, running like unpleasant shivers across my body, slipping through my clothes, directly to my skin, causing irritation.

It turns out that if any part of the Righteous wishes and manages to collect signatures from others, a hot summer day can descend upon Heaven—a perfect time for beaches or swimming. Or the Golden City can be buried in snow, or leaves can fall, depicting spring, and sometimes, just once during my entire time here, it rained all day during my first year. This is Heaven; you can get anything you want, including weather and mood, but... coordinate it with other souls, get permission, fill out the forms, collect signatures from a sufficient percentage of souls, and submit it to the Supreme Court, because for some reason, Sera has to handle that too. Not entirely, just accepting or denying; in the first case, passing orders to the appropriate Departments and Offices...

Yes, even here, a simple Righteous person from Earth won't have it easy, but these efforts... result in days or weeks like this, depending on what decision the Court, overseen by Sera, reaches.

Damn, I can even see that hot air under my wings; how hot must it be without my weavings? No wonder people are looking at me strangely for flying in my full work attire, complete with a tailcoat, in this weather.

Fine. Of course, I remember where the Office of the First Human is located, but that was a stroll on the ground, and here... Well, it was not hard to spot the training grounds where the Exterminators (or Valkyries) train and conduct exercises from three hundred meters up.

… Damn, they really instill patience for deprivation and teach resistance to fire. In this weather, flying and engaging in physical training at maximum speed while fully outfitted... Angels can sweat, especially in closed clothing with those horned helmets on their heads. I don't know what kind of armor or gear they have, but I heard some of the Forces groaning even from the air as I descended onto the training ground.

No one paid me any attention, except for those close to my landing spot—three girls who quickly nodded, almost imperceptibly, before returning to their tasks.

Finding the First Man with my gaze wasn't difficult; his white robe, trimmed in gold, stood out starkly against the surrounding Exterminators. At that moment, Adam was reclining on a cloud, half-lying as he sipped what was undoubtedly the coldest version of soda available in Heaven. He was propped up, shielding about five Forces with his left golden wing, creating a large shadow for them to enjoy whatever coolness they could find.

Adam slowly turned his head in my direction as I approached.

"Yo, White!" Adam lazily saluted me with a wave of his drink. "Or Blue, whatever you prefer? What brings you here on such a shitty day?" Right. Adam must be especially enjoying wearing his helmet and robe in this weather.

"Adam," I nodded. As Adam lifted his cup again, I continued, "Sera sent me to help you with... the consequences of your work." I stepped closer to the cold-feeling cloud. "I see you're enjoying your day off to the fullest…" Adam didn't let me finish the joke.

"That bastard Uriel demanded extra training for my little ones, and made me conduct an 'inspection'," Adam said, air-quoting with two fingers from his free hand. "So that I can include it in yet another damn report…" He leaned back on the cloud, pushing a nearby exorcist aside with his other hand.

"...And all the damn paperwork, too..." He took a big sip through his straw, covering his face with his free hand. "...Wait, what did you say, Vergil?" Only now realizing my words, he turned sharply towards me. "YOU—" he pointed at me rudely. "You'll help me instead of Sera?" I nodded.




"Sir, can you please...?" a distant exorcist whimpered, shielding herself from the sun with her wing.

With a quick gesture, I wove a ventilation spell for her.

"O-oh~" She stretched blissfully on the cloud, letting her hand hang down to indicate a question.

"What the hell?" Adam exclaimed in exaggerated delight. "You can do that? What a miracle! You know such wonders, Sugrin?" he quickly asked the nearest subordinate, who was lying closest to him. In response, the First Man received a confused groan.

"See? She's shocked too!" Adam turned back to me. "Spill it, what's this divine grace?" He took another long sip through the straw.

"Classified." It was true; Dante and I had made oaths forbidding us from revealing our business to the uninitiated. Adam groaned softly.

"O-oh, what are you, a Cherub, shoving all your collected knowledge up your ass?"


"Fuck." Adam threw his head back. "Can you then...?" Without further ado, I applied identical spells to Adam and the other exorcists lying nearby.

"O-oh~" A collective sigh of relief escaped from the girls.

"Fucking amazing..." Adam simply leaned back against the cloud, slightly pressing down on the exorcist next to him, though she seemed not to notice. "Like being back under the Antarctic ice..."

Wait, what? Well, whatever...

The training continued while I stood with my hands behind my back, observing the various elegant, aggressive, and sometimes almost animalistic movements of the angels on the ground and in the air, while the angels beside me on the now slightly colder cloud, which had sunk closer to the ground and was almost dissolving into a small mist at my feet, enjoyed the fruits of my labor.


This "silence," interrupted only by the sounds and shouts of the surrounding angels, was broken by Adam.

"...You say you came instead of Sera?" He propped himself up, sipping his soda. I nodded.

"Sera is with Emily, I believe." Adam smirked, "And she sent me to help you with... your paperwork, I suppose?" In response, Adam sighed heavily.

"Don't remind me... It's so damn frustrating..." His face twisted in a grimace of disgust, softening only when he took another sip of his drink.

"Then, as you might know..."

"You're incredibly fast with the paperwork, yes." Adam waved it off. "If you can get me out of this bullshit today, I'll owe you one." Huh? I'll hold you to that.

"Shall we get started now or...?" I asked, nodding toward Adam, who grunted and stretched, getting to his feet.

"Give me a couple of minutes; I need to get everything from my office and move it to another, Archangel secrets and all that..." Adam crumpled his cup and evaporated it in a flash of golden light.

"Alright, and..."

"The girls will rest a bit and continue their training, right?" To which Adam received uneven, half-sighs, half-words of agreement. "See? By the way..." Adam suddenly became extremely awkward, and his face took on a comically innocent expression. "Could you do the same for the others, oh Great Cherub?" He even clasped his hands in a prayer-like gesture, and a mock tear appeared in his right eye.

"..." I looked at Adam.

"..." Adam looked at me, not changing his position or expression.

"P-please, Angel Vergil, our sisters are suffering from this damned sun just as much..." one of the exorcists lying down whined.

"Mr. Vergil..." another one chimed in.

"We beg you..." the one next to the previous exorcist added.

"I'm ready to..." What nonsense?

"Alright, alright, enough!" I squinted my eyes, rubbing my nose. "Like children, I swear... You'll have your relief from the heat, just leave me alone." At the collective exclamation, even from Adam, I made a note—"Only if Adam doesn't drag his feet with these documents."

"I'll be quick." The First Man perked up immediately, smirking relaxedly. "LUTE, GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!" Adam shouted right away.

The designated angel immediately descended to the ground, saluting.

"Sir!" Lute was in her horned helmet, her expression serious.

"Our salvation has arrived in the form of Angel Vergil. I'm going to my office to move the papers, so you're in charge. If anyone from upper management shows up, you know what to do."

"Yes, Sir!" the lieutenant responded sharply, but then hesitated, her white eyes, marked with a black cross, shifting to the angels lying down. "Sir, but what about..."

"This badass knows the secret techniques of the first Seraphim that'll cool our asses..." Adam said, as Lute looked closely at her colleagues, her eyes widening slightly. "While I'm gone, he..." Adam faltered, awkwardly asking—"Can you handle all these souls?" He gestured around.

Good question... I had never had to create such spells, and I wondered how it would feel for others if applied over a wide area. Although...

"If they line up or form a few large groups, I can come up with something..." I answered the Big Man, stroking my chin.

"Awesome!" Adam clapped his hands, stretching his wings. "Lute, it's on you." She nodded.


Adam soared into the sky, flying north. As for Lute...

"AT-TEN-TION!" all the Forces ceased their activities, freezing in place. "FORM UP IN A THREE-ONE-ONE SCHEME!" Damn army and their shouting right in my ear.

The exorcists, even those who lay on the almost dissolving misty cloud, immediately began to gather into groups of ten to twenty souls, whether in the air or on the ground. After about four heartbeats, each exorcist was in her group, forming some kind of circle if they were in the air and a semicircle if on the ground, though it was hard to tell from my position. In total, there were thirty groups, with twenty-one souls in each...

"Battalion formed, Angel Vergil." Lute turned to me and even saluted.


"Is this the whole Division?" I turned my head toward her, stopping to observe the hunters.

"Fourth battalion. Part of the Division," Lute's mask twisted into a smirk, "one of the deadliest..." I nodded.

Six hundred thirty souls, including Lute, minus five already "woven," but that's still quite a few... As Adam would say, "a hell of a lot."

Using Weaving, a soul gets tired; I don't know the exact details or reasons, but it's a significant limitation for mass or prolonged use of Ether. My idea was to apply the weaving to one soul, which would then "jump" to another and so on, like lightning. But to do that for so many at once... This will be an interesting experiment.

With a gesture, I summoned one of my research journals and a quill, which immediately began recording data: date, title of the experiment...

If Lute was puzzled, she didn't show it or say anything. However, the ranks of exorcists began to stir, expressed in quiet whispers.

So, slightly altering the usual formula, allowing the weaving to be "thrown" and repeating its action... The quill sped up its writing.

"What do you think, Lute? Will Adam be done soon?" I quietly asked the lieutenant, my hands still behind my back. Lute hesitated slightly before answering, glancing at the journal and quill.

"Probably in about half an hour; it's such a mess..." she replied tiredly, to which I nodded.

...But what will feed the weaving? If I expend energy on each application, I'll collapse after the second or third group...

"Is it really that bad?" The slightly detached voice didn't seem to disturb Lute, allowing her to continue observing the groups of exorcists while making calculations.

"Sir Adam has..." Lute hesitated, "a couple of bad habits that cause paperwork to pile up..." she answered somewhat awkwardly, as if covering for the Commander.

"There are mountains of paper, right?" ...and what if...?

"Yes, sir." Her shoulders drooped slightly, and Lute took a deep breath.

...What if for repeated applications, I use the energy of the soul onto which the weaving is applied? That's not too much energy, so...

"Just Vergil, Lute, I'm not your commander or superior..."

"As you say, sir." Lute replied with a hint of sarcasm.

The first weaving; the feather accelerates the writing. A small orb, slightly smaller than my fist, formed above my palm, seeping with mist and exuding a refreshing breeze. I aimed at the nearest group.

"Stay still." The exorcists, realizing I was addressing them, straightened up and even saluted for some reason… The orb flew forth, leaving a trail of mist behind, and then:






Success! The dissonant moans of relief and ecstasy inspired me; I had used only a fraction of my total mana! Or whatever I should call the amount of weavings I could use. Either way, on to the second group...

"I've been meaning to ask, Lute." An angel broke away from the moaning ones, who, perceiving this as a game, began to emit similar sounds—some with sincere enthusiasm. "How long have you known Adam, if I may ask?"—the third group.

"…I don't mind, Vergiliy." She looked at me a bit strangely, but continued. "I've been with Commander Adam since the first uprising of the damned, though we met a little earlier." The new moans elicited giggles from the previously "cooled" group, who started commenting on the game and their colleagues' sincerity. "I've been through a lot with my sisters, and much with Sir Adam; each of us would trust him with our backs without a word." She finished with a hint of pride.

The feather recorded my observations on paper, and I continued.

"Is that related to your constant blood of the Sinners?"—another "misty orb," and Lute blushed slightly, if you could call her averting her gaze that. An awkward topic, huh?

"…It's an element of intimidation for the cursed souls…"—Lute replied somewhat listlessly. "In any case, it's more of a decorative feature." To emphasize her words, those bloodstains quickly vanished and reappeared.

"An intimidation element that causes panic and rash actions, simplifying the killing of the Sinner's shell." A nod and onto the next, the fifth group.

"Exactly!" A joyful smile appeared on her helmet, and her eyes seemed to ignite. "These souls must understand their end; they must feel dread and horror, realizing their doom!" It was as if she found a second wind, seeing understanding instead of judgment, as she began to discuss the benefits of such an appearance.

The seventh group… Did I imagine it, or did one of them actually experience an orgasm, judging by how they looked at the exorcist afterwards? Interesting…

"…And also, it's a great way to hide in the bloody background of these Rotten Hole buildings, especially if you're completely covered…!" - Lute continued her actually interesting story, outlining the features of Hell, while I moved on to the next group of Forces.

The conversation was interesting, Lute managed to tell me that Sinners are identical to the Righteous in that they take on the form that best suits their soul, and all that blood on her body, as she admitted, came from uprisings with the most brutal battles, where there wasn't even time to clean her wings, which Lute especially complained about.

And what was especially interesting was the information about the Ark Goetia, the hellish aristocracy, who are demons born in Hell and "Overlords." Sinners who have become strong enough to hold their territory in the Ring of Pride and keep many souls of other Sinners under their control, from where, for some reason, they cannot get out, Lute did not know, and it did not interest her.

What's important is that I learned a lot of interesting things and, it seems, gained a new source of information…

Meanwhile, all the exorcists who had received their protection from the heat, resumed their teachings and training, and Lute and I…

"Three at once?" I was genuinely impressed by what I heard.

"That's right, pierced one Overlord and two of her subordinates in one go." Lute answered proudly, breaking into a wide smile.

"Worthy, but what…" - but then, we were finally interrupted.

"Hey White, Psycho!" - Adam landed nearby, creating small blue clouds. "Looks like you two have become friends?" - the sarcastic tone and that smirk… Lute and I exchanged glances.

"Just the best friends in the world. We love to walk our little rascals." - Lute nodded.

"He's the only one who understands my suffering." - I nodded understandingly.

"Oh, go fuck yourselves." - his contorted face was a balm to our souls, - "You two stuck together, you motherfuckers…"

"Sir, you know I was born in Heaven…" - the usual smirk on Lute's mask.

"My mother is a good woman, helping…" - I try to copy her expression.

"Yeah, yeah, you're both annoying." - he had no pupils, but Adam definitely rolled his eyes, as strange as it looked. "Did you cool down these pussies? Okay, I see, and Lute?" - For the first time that evening, Adam said something sensible. Only… Remembering the data obtained as a result of two sessions with Fedelia and the ones that had been gathered recently…

A slight adjustment to the weaving and…

"O-oh~ " - Lute's moan was natural, because the weaving stimulated some "special" points with its cool wind… Lute's eyes widened, and Adam's helmet had a grin on it. For the first time in all our acquaintance, I saw an embarrassed Lute, so to speak, in the wild.

"Oh-oh… Is our little Lute…" - Adam's speech, as if positive and encouraging a colleague who found herself in such an embarrassing situation, was rudely interrupted by the subject of the speech.

"Shut the fuck up!" - The first swear word from Lute in my presence. Yes, this day is full of surprises…

"Okay, okay, sweetie, but I'll keep that in mind." - Adam winked at me, quickly, without Lute noticing, nodding, I answered the same. "But Vergil and I have to get to work, I'm leaving my girls to you."

"Go and fall into the depths of these hellish papers… Sir!" - Having given us both, as I understood it, honor, she flew into the sky with the others.

"Well, Vitalik," - Adam leaned down slightly, whispering the following. "It was fun, for this I forgive you for treating Lute that way, but no more. That's. Not. Done. Got it?" - The quiet and calm tone contrasted completely with his previous behavior… and he knows how to scare the shit out of you, especially with that mask.

"Of course, Adam." - I allow the wind of the weaving to carry away a drop of sweat from my forehead. "Then…"

"Yes, let's go, I'll show you the front of the work, Angel." - He chuckled on the last word. "I hope we can get it done by evening, I hate…" - Adam muttered quietly, although I didn't hear the last part, but it wasn't difficult to add.

We didn't walk for long, having moved away from this "training ground" in the clouds, Adam leaned towards me again, smiling strangely.

"You started dating little Emily, right?" - My nod widened his smirk. **"Just some friendly advice. If I hear her complaining about you even once, bad, real complaints. ** - He leaned closer to my face. "If I see even once that you've made this little girl cry, then you'll be answering to me, and then…. Oh-ho~ You won't want to be alive, because I'm not called "The Executioner of Hell" for nothing, you understand, Virgil?" - The completely calm tone and that unnerving smirk made the semblance of a heart in my shell beat faster, drowning out the surrounding sounds, squeezing the world down to a single Archangel hovering over me.

"Yes, Adam…" - It felt like I was about to drown in an ocean. A drop of sweat fell onto my shoulder, taking a couple more with it. Damn, he's the oldest person, what did he learn in Heaven all this time… How long has he been doing Extermination?

"That's wonderful!" - The pressure disappeared, and Adam's face was lit up by a joyful, overly exaggerated smile, as he closed his eyes for a moment, clapping, straightening up. "Let's go, to adventures, my comrade!" - He put his arm around my shoulder, literally dragging me towards the Department's office.


Probably every Archangel I meet will literally bug me. Roses are red, the sky is blue, Archangels are making fun of me. Everything is as it should be.

To hell with this Heaven and its jokes…

* * *

Two months later. The Spire of the High Seraph.

Finally. No evil Archangels, only the sweetest Seraphim, no moaning and constant sexual tension with those exorcists who, as if in mockery, for the remaining two days while I helped Adam finish his work, began to reach such vibrations and sound fluctuations that even Fedelia would have called them lewd and indecent, I asked. The price is a recording of those sounds, but it's just the little things in life in Heaven.

No more walking around the Departments to hand out papers, applications, and reports, no need to constantly invent convincing lies to cover for Adam and Lute, with whom I was forced to visit other Heads who were not aware of the "Great Secret of Heaven" (rather another skeleton in this graveyard).

The main thing is that after these annoying days, the First Department, or rather the girls who wrote "that very" common project of the Sin Department, were invited there with me as a guide to the world of "Consequences for your actions"…

It was fun, because I warned my former colleagues in advance, and how happy they were…

I have to say, the mood was high, and when Amedeo sent her "special" book…

Well, nothing inspires and excites like progress in research! The "Ascension" project is actually finished, the Seraph's supervision and all the millennia of experience allowed us to simply "in a flash" complete it for sure, leaving not even a hint of apprehension for the test-discoverers. The formula was ready in a week, and the ritual scheme was drawn up in three days. Why the delay?

Sera formalized my Winging, placing herself as the one who would raise my Rank. Even with the influence of the High Seraph of the Golden City, the process is not fast, a month and a half is the maximum speed of such a promotion for an Angel. Usually it's somewhere between one to three years, maybe ten, depending on what the Archangels in the higher positions are doing and some of the Third Circle Department.

My personal Winging. Becoming an Archangel. A truly exciting event. I wasn't so worried even when I first conducted an experiment in magic, expecting the result of the rune chains, but here… Becoming one step closer to God, one of those Archangels who struck down the strongest demons and overthrew Darkness into the depths of emptiness…

Okay, Archangels don't do that anymore. Now an Archangel is more like an extension of access and a mountain of responsibility, although Sera speaks of new perspectives, but still…

Now, Sera and I were alone, not in my usual office at the top of the Spire, but somewhere in the tower, in one of the rooms, with, as it became clear, a one-way glass window opening onto Heaven, although from below or flying around, this window is not visible.

This was a room with a small, solemn slab by the window, rising a couple of feet, where, apparently, the Winging ceremony is held, under the rays of the God…

Sera and I were standing on just such a slab, with Sera standing a little further away, observing the final preparations for the ritual, where I explained the meaning and purpose of the signs, and she corrected if necessary, thankfully it was only twice.

The Winging process itself was both simple and complex. From the outside, it looked simple and fast. The conducting Angel gives a solemn speech, and the Angel-to-be-winged reads a prayer, then golden light, a solemn choir, yes there was a choir from somewhere, and an Archangel comes out of the light.

The devil is in the details. According to our conclusions with Dante, the speech of the conducting Winging plays the role of an appeal to God, allowing Him to turn His gaze to the Angel, and the prayer of the winged brings the soul of the one to the Trial, where the Winging is conducted by God…

Only the mechanism itself is not clear. There was before our weaving with Dante. Having developed a couple of formulas, we were able to create a magical equivalent of a microscope, examining the details, making a "recording" with another weaving, thank goodness we had these "monitors" for playback.

It's not to say that we understood everything - not at all, we described at most a couple of grains that were already known to everyone, only we were able to describe and understand how and why this happens.

For example, it is known that faith, somehow allows you to "gild" wings. The halo changes to a more individual one, changing color to another, not necessarily gold, plus "decorations" appear. But this time, we were able to "see" the process of appearance, and also put forward a couple of hypotheses for further study.

The only thing we did for the project was to adapt both processes, on the part of the Conductor and the Winged, into one, allowing the angel to conduct this ritual independently, but that part with the "light"… that's where the problem was, because we didn't know what would happen next, experiments were needed, which is where Sera helped.

She was able to create a "pseudo-soul" of an angel, a semblance of it, possessing the parameters we needed, allowing us to conduct safe tests as much as we want. Naturally, I conducted the experiments, under the direct supervision of the Seraph, without Dante, with whom I only shared the recordings, causing his incredible envy… Well.

This made it possible to establish that the energy that allows you to "gild" wings and "change" the halo, the sanctity of the angel's soul, is taken precisely from that light, and these changes… Some kind of interaction of this energy and soul, allowing it a certain freedom, "as if you are entering Heaven again, getting a new shell for your soul," as Sera described it.

That's precisely why I created the signs with Weaving in the ritual place. They will serve as a restriction of energy, not allowing excess energy to be lost, creating maximum efficiency, and also creating the necessary effects, actually replacing "light" with Aether.

What will happen if an Angel doesn't become an Archangel through the Light of God? I have no idea, but Sera and Dante claim that nothing bad will happen, because the ritual formula contains symbols that ensure a connection with the "positive Aether" of which the Light consists… As strange and absurd as it may sound, but it's magic, so…

"Ready." - I straighten up, turning to Sera. "Can we start the Winging, boss?" - Sera, closing her eyes, smiled gently.

"We can still do the official Winging, you truly deserve it." - Sera once again tried to "reason" with me, but it was pointless. I didn't need to be reasoned with, I was in my right mind, I wanted to become an Archangel in my own way, I wanted to prove, at least to myself, that I could do something, that I understand something about magic and Aether.

"We can always roll back or cancel this ritual, so please," - I looked directly into the Seraph's eyes, "let's at least try." - To this, Sera just sighed.

"…Okay, but if we don't succeed, I won't listen to your attempts to "do it right" anymore, and you'll be Winged the official way, okay?" - Sera concluded a little irritably, to which I nodded. "Alright, then we can start this "experiment"…"

I stood in the center of the rune circle, which began to glow as soon as I began to send Aether into the signs. Next, it was necessary to read the slightly altered speeches, to myself or aloud doesn't matter, the important thing is that you are not addressing God, but the Cosmos.

I closed my eyes and began to read the first Prayer.

"I offer a prayer to the Distant and Hidden, to that which is hidden from my sight;

I ask that you let me see the Greater and touch the True, hear the Unseen and experience the Indescribable;

Let me become what I was not, becoming closer to you, overcoming my vices and shortcomings;

Let me dive deeper into your depths, becoming part of you, proclaiming a new birth; "

The altered text, as expected, worked, putting my mind into a kind of trance, allowing me to continue the ritual. My head started to spin a little, my body started to sway, and my thoughts were becoming confused.

Okay, calm down. Sera didn't intervene, which means everything is going according to plan. Let's continue.

"I, foolish and blind, immature and meek, ask to hear my call;

I ask that you allow me to see the Mystery, see Knowledge, experience your Eternity and allow me to step beyond the Boundaries;

I desire your Guidance and Direction on my Path, I ask you to allow me to spread my Wings and look inside myself and see the self that will become a new Me; "

After completing the simplest and easiest-to-predict part…

I felt as if my flesh, my shell… became less dense, as if my flesh became softer? No, not me… my soul felt easier to "breathe," it was as if I could see more, feel what I couldn't before, I have no idea what, but this "something" I had never known.

I… felt like I was in an ocean, at its very depths, like I was in the void of the Cosmos, in a vacuum… Energy filled me completely, flowed everywhere, everywhere possible and inconceivable, in the very soul. I didn't know how much time I spent like this, I'm not even sure if my thoughts were real at all, or if they happened later, when this procedure ended…

It was like I was here and not here, I didn't lose my sense of space, my sense of time, but it was like I had been transported somewhere?

It was dark, as if I had shrunk to a single point again, but at the same time… At the same time, it was as if I had ended up in some kind of hall… I can't make out anything except… A strange reflection on the floor, what kind of giant is that on chains?

"I want to know."

A voice, coming from… me? It was my voice, it was as if I was speaking to myself, in my head, but at the same time I don't have…

"I want to know more-more-more-MORE-MORE-Moremoremore"

What is this…? It's me… but as if in a dream, I don't understand.

"Why? How? What is this? How does it work? Why this way, not that way, why is it needed? What's behind it? Can we do it that way? When? How to describe it? What is it? I WANT TO KNOW."

This is… my soul, my desires? Why am I even…

"Do I want to? Am I afraid? Why do I? Can I?"

Listen, yes… Just listen… and answer.

"Do I want to?"


"Am I worthy?"


"Can I?"



I want it so much.


Because it's right, it's supposed to be this way.


Because that's how it should be – in my opinion.

"So let it be."

So let it be.

I don't know how long it took, I don't know if anything happened, I just… Was. There was ringing in my ears, drowning out everything around me, and all the sensations of my body were numb.

"Virgil?" - I was shaken by the shoulder, I felt my body move… the shell. This is my shoulder, right? Why are they shaking me? What's happening…

"William." - That anxious tone, but at the same time care in the intonation… Sera? Everything is blurry and unclear.

"Sera?" - Is that my weak voice? I'm on the floor, what are we… Oh yeah, Winging. I was supposed to become an Archangel.

"William, are you alright?" - I can't see clearly, everything is blurry. I hope it passes quickly.

"Did it work?" - I don't care about my condition. Wounds and injuries, almost all of them, are temporary, research is what matters. - Did I manage to become an Archangel?

"…" - I'm not sure what Sera is doing, it seems she's checking me out, not so much physically, but with that "Seraphic gaze" or whatever she called it. - It seems… Yes?

What do you mean, "it seems," woman?! Either yes or no, there's no third… Okay, everything is possible if magic is involved…

"Seems?" - I start blinking, my vision gradually becomes clear. Sera's face clears up, sensations return, gradually, like numb limbs.

"You look like an Archangel. You look like an Archangel, you even feel like one…" - Sera's face, which I was finally able to see, expressed a great deal of concern. And I was lying on the floor. That's just a minor detail, the main thing is the results!

Journal and pen! I left my enchanted belongings levitating nearby, observing the progress of the experiment, just like these "cameras"! Okay, now to get up…

"Don't rush, Virgil, give yourself a rest…" - A warm, soft, and gentle hand stopped me. I have no idea how I understood this, since I was still dressed, and she pressed on me through my frock coat. - This shouldn't have happened, you shouldn't have collapsed. So, give yourself a little break, come to your senses.

"Journal. What's in there?" - That rasp in my voice will pass, this new data needs to be recorded as soon as possible!

Judging by the sound, Sera came up, or flew, and… picked up my belongings from the floor? By the way, has this office always smelled so good? Like a mix of fresh hot paper and coffee? And the sun is so dim today, I'm looking directly at it, and it doesn't cut or strain my eyes… By the way, who dropped that pen on the floor below? Or what was that that fell?

Shaking my head, those strange sensations didn't go away, but… they were muffled? Apparently, I have new physical features… I hope they're all positive, because constantly hearing such details is scary.

"…" - "The records break off at the words "More-more-more…?" - Apparently she read these records, since she answered with a pause.

"Right, and before that?" - Another pause.

"…" - "Your thoughts? It's as if you ended up somewhere, but that shouldn't have happened, you were just supposed to be enveloped in light, not some dark blue energy, and this "ritual" took too long compared to the usual method…" - Yeah, yeah, woman, it was expected, after all, it's a new methodology, a new path for angels!

"But I still became an Archangel, got Winged?" - This is the most important thing right now.

"…" - "Yes, but something's not right… I can't figure out what, but you're a little… unusual, I don't know how to put it more precisely." - Sera sighed, flying closer, leaning down.

"In a good way or a bad way?" - Another attempt to get up on my elbows was half successful, I was able to see the room, and my clothes really remained intact. My wrists… they became a more gray shade? Instead of snow-white, the color of my skin became like Emily's, only a little brighter, is it ashen? Later, I should check my whole hand.

"I don't know, I've never done this kind of "research," especially haven't participated in such madness." - Sera sighed, and my body flew up. Apparently they lifted me somehow, or whatever it is that Seraphim do.

A flash of white light and we… at my house?

"I apologize, it's a little messy…" - The answer was a light click on my nose.

"You have a nice and cozy home, Virgil." - Good, because it would have been awkward… Okay, woman, don't distract me from the Research.

"Did I change in any way?" - The rasp was almost gone, and Sera just sighed.

"You're still the same humanoid with a pleasant appearance with ears that look like mine…" - How did I annoy her with those ears, she'll always bring them up? It's fine, I can do the same. Spot, "pleasant appearance," she really…? Stupid, probably the hormones and adrenaline haven't dissipated yet.

"No external changes? What about the halo?" - Sera leaned over me, although she could have…

"Mh… You'd better take a look yourself." - She poked my halo? Strange sensation. Like some kind of hat hanging in the air, connected to my spinal cord or an antenna that was swayed.

"Okay, I guess I'll do that…" - Another attempt didn't meet any resistance from the Seraph, and I was able to successfully stand up, albeit I was still swaying.

"Don't rush." - Sera took me by the elbow, seating me on the nearest sofa. "How do you feel?" - That caring tone, so sincere and… Stop it, foolishness, now I need to record the data.

"Okay, I think. Okay, for someone who conducted such a crazy experiment on himself." - My head was still spinning, and I only now noticed that my wings had disappeared, although according to the original Winging, they should have remained embodied. "Can you get me the journal and pen?" - Sera nodded. - "…And a mirror." - A woman's chuckle.

"Don't worry, your face hasn't changed at all, and the halo… Interesting, for an Archangel, apparently it's the influence of this unusual "ritual"…" - The joking tone didn't stop me from getting my research supplies and taking the floating mirror in my hands.

"You're probably right…" - My face really was the same. Expected, but the halo…

The halo became a little bigger, a little more in diameter than my head, it became completely… gray-blue? Did it become like a diadem? A diadem-crown, the tops of which are slightly rounded closer to the center, and in the center of the halo, above my forehead, the branches of the "crown" go up and turn into an "enveloping common thread", which is pierced by a rhombus-shaped "cross", like the glow of a star through a telescope, the back of the halo was entwined with something like branches… elaborate and rounded.

"No external changes? What about the halo?" - Sera leaned over me, although she could have…

"Mh… You'd better take a look yourself." - She poked my halo? Strange sensation. Like some kind of hat hanging in the air, connected to my spinal cord or an antenna that was swayed.

"Okay, I guess I'll do that…" - Another attempt didn't meet any resistance from the Seraph, and I was able to successfully stand up, albeit I was still swaying.

"Don't rush." - Sera took me by the elbow, seating me on the nearest sofa. "How do you feel?" - That caring tone, so sincere and… Stop it, foolishness, now I need to record the data.

"Okay, I think. Okay, for someone who conducted such a crazy experiment on himself." - My head was still spinning, and I only now noticed that my wings had disappeared, although according to the original Winging, they should have remained embodied. "Can you get me the journal and pen?" - Sera nodded. - "…And a mirror." - A woman's chuckle.

"Don't worry, your face hasn't changed at all, and the halo… Interesting, for an Archangel, apparently it's the influence of this unusual "ritual"…" - The joking tone didn't stop me from getting my research supplies and taking the floating mirror in my hands.

"You're probably right…" - My face really was the same. Expected, but the halo…

The halo became a little bigger, a little more in diameter than my head, it became completely… gray-blue? Did it become like a diadem? A diadem-crown, the tops of which are slightly rounded closer to the center, and in the center of the halo, above my forehead, the branches of the "crown" go up and turn into an "enveloping common thread", which is pierced by a rhombus-shaped "cross", like the glow of a star through a telescope, the back of the halo was entwined with something like branches… elaborate and rounded.

A rather interesting feature, considering that such a form is rare… No, this hole, it looks like a flaw, even I feel some kind of wrongness, as if the halo was torn… But it's still beautiful!

"How do you like my new halo? Still holy enough for an Archangel?" - I finally managed to force out a smile, a semblance of one, since my facial muscles still didn't quite obey me.

"Hmmph… A rather colorful depiction of your Ego, not the first variation I've seen in Archangels, but definitely "special," apparently because of… the "unofficial" ritual." - The smirk and playful tone said that I probably had nothing to fear, if Sera had found something that threatened my life, she would have said so right away, or immediately transferred me to the hospital.

"We'll still be monitoring your condition, and if we find anything that could harm you, we will immediately reverse all changes." - I could definitely hear that serious tone, I'm definitely not going back to being an Angel, not after that "dream".

"Of course, of course, and the wings?" - The feeling of "wind" is muted, but…

"The wings shouldn't have disappeared at all," - Sera tilted her head slightly to the side, - "according to my feelings, everything should be fine with them." - Sera fell silent for a moment. - "How do you feel, are there any strange sensations?"

Good question… The journal entries were kept with the precision of every thought, which is a great indicator of the effectiveness of the weaving for recordings, I should pick a suitable name for this direction…

"Virgil." - Sera's slightly annoyed voice brought me out of my thoughts.

"Ha… No strange or unusual sensations, just some… "swelling" of everything? I'm not sure if you'll understand, but it's like in the morning, when you've slept on your arm, which doesn't obey you and creates a bouquet of the "most pleasant" sensations." - No, Sera didn't understand, judging by the bewildered expression on her face. - "The sensations are gradually returning, causing some pain, but nothing serious, as far as I can tell." - Sera breathed a sigh of relief.

"How are your wings?" - The sensation is gradually returning to normal, so why not try.

Instead of an answer, I perform the usual procedure of embodying wings, which was a little "rusty," apparently the consequences of the "Ascension" ritual. Yes, a good name. Instead of "Winging" - "Ascension."

The Embodiment procedure itself… It's as if I'm stretching out my cramped muscles, energy flows through my shell as usual, a little more and… more saturated?

A flash of light, the same beautiful dark and light blue "flames" of light burst out of my back, creating… Okay, I need to move the mirror back a little, which obediently floats back.

Hm… They're not golden, thank you for that. But now they're a darker shade, instead of the saturated gold, it's a saturated dark blue, with some variation "in the middle" of the wings in the form of a lighter shade.

The wings became a little bigger, although, it would seem, where else, but somewhere by five or six percent, they became bigger. The shape remained, they were still bigger than me, anatomically correct, so to speak. If I were still alive, I probably could have even flown on them without the help of magic or whatever helps angels fly on such disproportionate things. If I weighed two or three times less than I weighed in life, my bones would have had to be like bird bones… But it doesn't matter, what matters is that the symbols now glow a little! A small detail, but how pleasant, like buying a new house and can't get enough of it! It's simply pleasant to look at those twisting light blue symbols and lines, like small streams enveloping the ends of the feathers on each wing…

"How do you like them?" - I ask ingratiatingly, turning slightly to Sera.

"…They are still just as beautiful." - Sera answered with a strange inflection, after a slight pause. It doesn't matter.

"Then, the experiment can, for now, be considered successful. We need to enter this in the journal and make predictions and conclusions…" - Aether still obeys me, the journal and pen flew to me as soon as I called it with my will, so as to immediately start writing down my thoughts, as when…

"Virgil." - I don't like that tone. - "You seem to have forgotten something." - That's the tone Sera used to send me to Adam, the mockingly raised corners of her lips leave no room for doubt!

"We successfully completed the Winging, thank you Sera, my best sweets and culinary skills are yours, but I need to make…" - My pathetic attempts were stifled by the merciless Seraph.

"You've forgotten about your new duties as my assistant as an Archangel…" - That beautiful smile is ruined by her intonation and context.

"Can this wait until tomorrow?" - There was a flicker of hope in my words.

"Of course not." - Sera smiled sweetly.

Hope died.

Wait. If I became an Archangel, and this is literally my first acquaintance with my new form, then it turns out that I, an Archangel, made fun of myself?

Not even in the way Adam was talking about?

It turns out I screwed myself over?

Damn Archangels…