Chapter 8.1 - Chapter 8.1 - Archangel and Seraphim Work in Paradise, or How Two Angels Fight Bureaucracy

A Month Later. The Spire of Justice. Meeting No. 1934212: "On the Seasons of Heaven."

Today is May 19, 1897, in earthly reckoning, and the 9126th year since Creation. This is Meeting No. 1934212, with the primary topic of discussion being the Seasons in Paradise: their necessity, the pros and cons of each time of year... The Cherub Azaliroth, a blue bird clad in a pristine toga and head of the Department of Services under Sera, declared the meeting open, commencing the discussion...

And here I was, newly elevated to Archangel, attending more "high-profile" events such as this meeting, where discussions of utmost importance for the Golden City were held—issues to which Sera, as the Supreme Seraph, and the highest authority, must absolutely be present, with no exceptions.

Now, as a newly ascended Archangel, I was to accompany my Seraph, for I was no longer just an Angel who could return to the First Circle at any moment and waste time. I was now bound to at least the Second Circle, bearing ongoing commitments and responsibilities... Most of which were mitigated by my position and title, but if I ever decided to change my focus...

Thank you for your excellent report, Cherub Azaliroth. Your insights and recommendations will certainly be taken into account. Now, I invite the next report... Sera, the Supreme Seraph, was a paragon of righteousness and steadfastness. Just a glance at that figure made one feel compelled to prepare something, to do something, to explain something...

But let's not dwell on the negative. Following my successful "Elevation," a term that pleased both me and Dante, we had decided to divide our research areas over the next few years to compare our findings. Dante opted for some manipulations involving Cherubs, while I... chose Golems. Golems from Jewish mythology—those automaton-like figures that could perform tasks on your behalf, protect, and provide more efficient automation, if I were to summarize.

This topic instantly captivated my mind; the possibilities that would unfold if I could master these realms of embodiment and life were astounding. The potential for their use was immense; these beings lacked souls, and thus the Laws and Rules of the Universe governing angels, demons, and humans did not apply to them. Theoretically, I could create my own "demonic" golem with the desired appearance and send it to Hell to gather data. The sheer thrill of the potential information was breathtaking!

Such concepts already exist; even Seraphim practice similar arts, creating a semblance of life or a soul—not the full life of the Lord, but just enough to meet minimal requirements, often delegated to the Cherubs.

Of course, there are numerous intricate details that would prevent immediate success. How does one create a golem? How to assign it commands? How to ensure obedience? How to discern whether it is performing the correct actions? These and many other questions need addressing and manifesting through Weaving. But with this project, I won't rush as I did with "Ethereus" or "Elevation." Now, with a mentor like Sera, one of the oldest Seraphim, there's no need to hurry; instead, I must examine and study every detail thoroughly.

In any case, for now, this project, "Construct," aims to enable Archangels (and possibly Angels, should they employ Weaving) to create helpers that can perform one or multiple tasks, easing my workload and handling social interactions and paperwork. Especially if I could imbue them with my soul framework, allowing them to fill out forms on my behalf... The key is not to forget to impose limitations.

But most importantly... From these, one could create a pseudo-life. A concept straight out of science fiction, where machinery evolves to the point that humans begin crafting machines in their own likeness—humanoid constructs, perfect creations that could even be endowed with human appearance and capabilities, capable of taking down an average Overlord or engaging a segment of Adam's Battalion... Yes, this is simply remarkable...

"...But what does the First Man think about this?" one of the Voices of the City directed attention to another guest.

Adam and Lute were currently occupying one of the boxes for the hearings. They shouldn't have been at meetings of this nature—it was not their area of expertise—but given how Adam had annoyed Sera this time by significantly delaying his reports and how he made me justify myself before the Second Circle... Yet another punishment from Sera, forcing this pair to be present where they had no business, all due to Adam's typical irresponsibility.

Speaking of him, the hero of this tale was currently sound asleep. To his credit, he had only dozed off in the middle of the second report, while Lute occasionally nudged him awake or answered in Adam's stead, shielding him with her wing or slipping him various scrolls and quills that bore whatever notes she had written. But Sera...

"Any problems, Adam?" Sera asked, her tone businesslike yet unmistakably tinged with displeasure. Her eyes narrowed slightly, resembling a falcon searching for prey, making it clear that she was irritated by his behavior.

"A…? I-I mean, yes, Sera, I'm fine, and this project is undoubtedly very important, yes-yes..." Adam stumbled over his words, sounding half-asleep as he tried to adapt to the situation. Lute whispered something to Adam.

"Does Mr. Adam believe that the rainy season will benefit Paradise?" one of the Archangels or Cherubs, who had previously addressed Adam, asked in confusion.

"Y-yes, w-why not? The last quarter was just scorching heat, so w-why not, right?" Even from my place beside Sera, in the highest box of this vast hall, I could hear Adam stammering and the sweat dripping from his helmet.

"Then I consider the question closed..." Sera concluded, slightly tired and irritated, massaging her nose. Her annoyance softened when I gave her a brief encouraging pat on the back, nodding supportively. "...Let's move on to the next item, Archangel Patroliil, your word..." Sera, with a grateful nod, continued to lead the meeting.

I would have preferred to return to my thoughts, wishing to pass the time of this tedious gathering, but I was distracted by the duet of the Exterminators. Adam said something to Lute, prompting her irritation... he removed his helmet, leaving a smug grin, and knelt beside Lute. Was Adam not rested or just suffering from a hangover again? Heh, now Lute was holding Adam's helmet beside her, shielding his body with her wing.

Sera and the other Voices noticed this but said nothing... Sera instead let out a heavy, prolonged sigh, rolling her eyes. If even such a breach of decorum didn't faze the celestial beings, what else had Adam pulled before? I found myself curious...

The meeting continued at its usual pace, and Adam was no longer questioned.

After the three-hour ordeal, dubbed "the important meeting regarding the Golden City," finally ended, Sera and I headed to the tea house "Eden's Hearth." I had managed to persuade Sera to visit my favorite establishment, where several Seraphim were already present thanks to my recommendations. Valentino, the owner, had prioritized me and my company, and he even gave a few lessons on good tea... A magnificent investment.

"By the way, Sera, I always wanted to ask..." we began as we walked through the corridors of the Spire, passing by angels who nodded respectfully.

"Hmmm...?" Sera's face radiated calm and enjoyment; she even closed her eyes, which didn't hinder her walking or speaking. Instead, it allowed her to relish one of my new steps toward comfort and pleasure in the workplace. The new Weaving relaxed and positively stimulated her form, providing comfort and soothing her muscles—if she even had any—just what was needed after a long workday or a stressful meeting.

"Is Santa Claus real? Or maybe Father Frost? "(TN:In the post-Soviet space, there is no Santa Claus; instead, there is Grandfather Frost and Saint Nicholas.) I asked in a light, teasing tone, the kind that suited Sera's tired mind. She appreciated my intent and let out a soft chuckle.

"...If you're referring to Saint Nicholas, then yes, such a person existed, and that soul ended up in Heaven. But the story itself didn't originate solely from him; it evolved from similar fates across the earthly realm, which caused the image to form and change every century or two..." Sera stretched her words lazily, her eyes barely open.

"...Has Emily already asked about Santa Claus?" I ventured a guess, to which Sera nodded.

"As soon as she learned about that tradition on Earth, she immediately began asking and pestering Adam and me," Sera sighed but then smiled softly. "Adam wanted to summon Saint Nicholas himself, but he was busy delivering gifts to the other children of Heaven and couldn't give personal attention to one little girl, even if she was a Seraph. So Adam had to dress in red, remove his helmet, and don a wig with a snowy white beard." Sera's smile grew brighter and more cheerful, her tone a bit livelier.

"You should have seen Adam trying not to swear while Lute played his 'Mrs. Claus'..." Sera laughed lightly, pulling me along.

Just then, we were interrupted by unexpected guests, who caught up with our leisurely tandem in the corridor.

"E-hey Sera, how's it going? Where are you off to?" Adam's sleepy voice reached us, causing our laughter to die down instantly. "What are you laughing about? What's the joke?" Lute was holding Adam up by the shoulder.

"Greetings, my Lords." Lute nodded to us. Sera paid no attention, closing her eyes again, while I simply waved.

"We're discussing the phenomenon known as 'Santa Claus,' Adam." Sera began to draw out her words again, seemingly surrendering to the Weaving that granted her a semblance of peace. "Also, your performance in front of Emily on Christmas Eve..." The corners of Sera's lips lifted slightly, while Adam—and surprisingly, Lute—let out soft groans.

"Don't remind me of my embarrassment, Sera. We've long accepted that such entertainments for children are not my thing." Adam surprisingly maintained a level of decorum, even refraining from swearing. This is what sleep deprivation and exhaustion do to an Archangel!

"Aren't you the first father, hence a parent?" Adam didn't catch my question right away, prompting Lute to repeat it.

"A...? Yes, I was, I am the First Father, but I lived in caves and rocks..." Adam leaned on Lute, who held up his considerable bulk of over two meters. "Our entertainment and games consisted of hunting, domestic chores, which Eve handled, and a little bit of me, but no—" Adam sleepily dragged out his words, seemingly managing to sleepwalk.

"...These days, kids want all sorts of toys and costumes that adults dress up in; it's not enough for them to just enjoy time with family..." Adam waved his hand in some gesture, probably not even realizing what he was doing. "They need poems read to them and performances; they don't appreciate the hard work of adults..." Adam leaned against Lute again, falling silent.

Sera seemed entirely uninterested in Adam's rant, while Lute silently supported her Commander.

"...What were you doing that caused you to be late for the Meeting?" Lute diverted her gaze, while Adam appeared to be starting to snore.

"...Personal matters, Archangel Vergilius." Lute's tone was awkward, and Adam chuckled softly at her words.

"It was a hell of a night, right Lute~?" Adam began to wake up, once again resorting to his habitual swearing. A good sign of his energy and positivity returning.

"Sir, I think it's not the best idea to discuss personal matters in public." Lute looked at me, silently urging me to change the subject. I would have played along, but then Adam decided to dig himself deeper.

As we walked through the streets of the Golden City, I had to weave barriers to absorb the sound as soon as Adam started talking.

"Vergi found such good ways to... you know, stimulate her, opening up a new road to 'interesting'—" Adam chuckled. "—pastimes, right Lute..." With each word, it seemed he was waking up from his sleepy haze, ultimately returning to his usual smirk, but then he was interrupted by a gentle tug at his collar, pulling him down.

After the three-hour torture known as the "important meeting on Golden City matters" ended, Sera and I headed to the tea house "Eden's Hearth." I managed to convince Sera to visit my favorite place, where a couple of Seraphim were already present thanks to my recommendation. Because of this, Valentino, the owner of the place, prioritized me and my company, even giving us a few lessons on good tea... A magnificent investment.

By the way, Sera I've been meaning to ask... - we walked through the Spire's corridors, passing by angels who nodded respectfully.

Hm...? - Sera's face expressed calm and enjoyment, even closing her eyes, which didn't hinder her from walking beside me and only enjoying one of my new steps toward comfort and pleasure at work. The new weaving was relaxing and positively stimulating, granting comfort and relief to her muscles—if she even had any—just what was needed after a long workday or a stressful meeting.

Is Santa Claus real? Or maybe Father Frost? - I asked lightly and jokingly, a simple and easy question perfect for Sera's tired mind. She appreciated my intention, letting out a quiet chuckle.

...If you're talking about Saint Nicholas, then yes, that person existed, and his soul ended up in Heaven. But the story didn't originate solely from him; it was a collection of similar fates from all over the earthly realm, which is why the image has been gathered and changed every century or two... - Sera lazily stretched her words, slightly opening her eyes.

...Did Emily already ask about Santa Claus? - I voiced the obvious assumption, to which Sera nodded.

As soon as she learned about that tradition on Earth, she immediately started asking and pestering us, me and Adam, - Sera sighed but then smiled softly. - Adam wanted to invite Nicholas himself, but he was busy delivering gifts to the other kids in Heaven and couldn't give personal attention to one little girl, even a Seraphim, so Adam had to dress up in red, take off his helmet, and put on a wig with a snowy white beard. - Sera's smile grew wider and more cheerful, and her tone became a bit more lively.

You should have seen how hard Adam tried not to curse, while Lute played his "Miss Claus"... - Sera laughed lightly, pulling me along with her.

Just then, unexpected guests interrupted us, slowly catching up in the corridor.

Heyyy, Sira-Sira, how's it going? Where are you going? - Adam's sleepy voice reached us, causing our laughter to fade immediately. - What are you laughing about, what's the joke? - Lute was supporting Adam by the shoulder.

Madam-Sir, - Lute nodded at us. Sera ignored her, closing her eyes again, while I just waved.

We were discussing the phenomenon known as "Santa Claus," Adam. - Sera started stretching her words again, seemingly lost in the weaving that was giving her a sense of calm. - And also about your performance in front of Emily on Christmas Eve... - The corners of Sera's mouth lifted slightly, while Adam and, surprisingly, Lute quietly groaned.

Don't remind me of my humiliation, Sera. We've long understood that such entertainments for kids are not my thing. - Adam was surprisingly censored, not even cursing. That's what sleep deprivation and fatigue do to an Archangel!

Aren't you the first father, hence a parent? - Adam didn't catch my question right away, so Lute repeated it.

Ah...? Oh, yes, I was the First Father, but I lived in caves and rocks... - Adam leaned on Lute, but she sturdily held up the two-something-meter figure. - Our entertainment and games were hunting, household chores, which Eve took care of and a little bit I did, but noooo... - Adam sleepily stretched his words, seemingly managing to doze off while walking.

...Today kids want all sorts of toys, and costumes that adults dress up in, and it's not enough for them just to have a good time with family... - Adam waved his hand in some gesture, likely not even realizing what he was doing. - They need poems read to them and performances, they don't appreciate adults' hard work at all... - Adam leaned back on Lute, falling silent.

Sera seemed completely uninterested in Adam's speech, while Lute just silently supported her Commander.

...So, what were you doing that made you late for the meeting? - Lute glanced away, and Adam seemed to have started snoring while walking.

...Personal matters, Archangel Virgil. - Lute's tone was awkward, and Adam chuckled slightly at her words.

It was an amazing night, right, Lute~? - Adam started waking up, cursing again. A good sign of his energy and positivity.

Sir, I think it's not the best idea to discuss personal matters in public. - Lute silently urged me to change the topic, and I would have played along, but then Adam decided to dig himself deeper.

As we walked through the streets of Golden City, I had to weave barriers to absorb the sounds as soon as Adam began to speak.

Vergil found such great ways to excite her, opening up a new path to "interesting" - Adam giggled, - pastimes, right, Lute... - With each word, Adam seemed to wake up from his sleepy bliss, eventually returning to his usual smirk, but then he was interrupted by a light grasp of his collar, pulling him down.

Who said this would stay between us and that we "would definitely make it" on time, huh?! - Lute's face expressed extreme irritation while maintaining a semblance of calm. I could practically see the vein bulging on her forehead, and her whisper didn't prevent me from hearing the details of their past night.

Not wanting to listen to their drama—or maybe it was what you call "male solidarity"—I decided to change the topic.

- So, how much unfinished work do you have left? - I didn't mention the backlog piling up while we dealt with the previous one; that was Adam and Lute's future problem, and I... I would be busy with Sera, yes.

- We're almost done with this crap, Verg! - Adam immediately understood my intentions, exclaiming overly theatrically, but Lute let him go, still holding him by the hand. - Just a little more, and we'll sort everything out, I swear! - Adam's joy was dampened by his executioner.

- ...What about that part that comes with each passing day? - Sera spoke quietly and slowly without opening her eyes. Adam slumped, and Lute sighed in irritation.

- ...Can we deal with this later? - Sera and I sighed in unison.

Anyway, we arrived at the "Hearth," where Sera enjoyed the finest drinks served personally by the owner, who gratefully glanced at me, while Adam and Lute were just part of our company.

Adam dozed off, softly snoring, and Sera did the same, albeit more majestically and ceremonially. With her eyes closed, back straightened by my weavings, she pretended to slowly sip her tea, even though that was also my magic...

While both of our superiors rested from their workdays, Lute and I quietly discussed various topics, eventually focusing on veiled conversations about Hell. Lute referred to the latest Exterminations as "battles of the past," sharing stories about Pentagram City, the only city in the Ring of Pride, and the peculiarities of some Overlords and Demons.

Naturally, after casting a couple more spells, we continued our conversation, although Lute was mostly happy to share her stories about Hell and the extermination of those "God-cursed beings unworthy of even a drop of mercy."

One story was particularly noteworthy: when Adam descended into Hell to save some angel whose name was classified, which was later depicted in Dante's "Divine Comedy," or how Adam, Lute, and the other Valkyries fought against a demon that took the form of a giant serpent, later dubbed by humans as "Jörmungandr." We quietly laughed when Lute recounted how Adam once substituted for Nicholas in Heaven, delivering gifts all over the Sky... Involving his entire Department, dressing them in red robes and attaching some fake white beard from the nearest Heaven theater to his helmet.

Eventually, the evening came to an end when Lute nudged Adam awake, dragging him off to his apartment, while I had to rouse Sera because, somewhere in the middle of my conversation with Lute, she had stopped pretending to be a tea connoisseur, majestically closing her eyes and straightening her back... I had to shake her awake, and she simply teleported us to her home in a white flash. Then, Emily and I gently pushed her into bed.

* * *

A Month Later. The Spire of the Supreme Seraph of the Golden City. Sera's Office.

Another meeting in Sera's office for the angels of the Second Circle wrapped up about ten minutes ago. Thankfully, this was the last "official" meeting for us today, which meant Sera and I were engaged in our usual activity—drinking good tea that I had made using Valentino's recipes and lessons, and eating sweets that were the result of my culinary experiments.

- ...So you say that these "constructs" can be used for even greater automation in handling paperwork...? - Sera savored her tea, as a light melody played in the background, reminiscent of the one I created during my first visit with her, while we discussed my new project.

- Not just that! - I made a sweeping gesture in the air with my finger. - Just imagine being able to create an assistant for yourself, sending it to a complicated meeting, and then just "snap" – I snapped my fingers, creating a small blue flash. - The construct dissolves into threads and transfers all its knowledge and memories to you! - I spread my arms wide, holding the cup in my right hand, which caused a little tea to spill.

- That certainly sounds... - Sera hesitated slightly, waving her hand to clean up the spilled liquid. - Promising, but can't I create something like that myself? - Not so much dismissing the idea as inquiring about my response, Sera gently clarified, taking another sip of tea.

- Of course you can, but you're a Seraph! - I gestured with my free hand at her figure. - I'm just an Archangel. Plus, can you receive the knowledge and memories of your creations? - Smiling, I leaned slightly forward, tilting my head to the side.

- ...Not quite, - Sera hid a smile behind another sip, - but you're right; Archangels can't do that, not on their own and without permission. - She emphasized the last part with her voice.

- ...A special miracle, the disclosure of which is forbidden by the Supreme Seraph? - My servile tone elicited a light chuckle from the Seraph.

- Only if you vow not to use these "constructs" to abuse the laws and rules of the Golden City. - She took another sip of tea and then picked up a small chocolate in the shape of a unicorn's head and took a bite.

- Harm in general or the kind I would call such? - My teasing tone prompted another smirk from Sera.

- I trust your good sense, so... - Our important conversation was rudely interrupted by our "unofficial guests" bursting through the broken door.

- "But he's a drunk, S-s-sera~" - Adam's body, as I couldn't call it anything else after it crashed through the door, fell beside the entrance, leaving Lute and a few of the Shield Sisters, elite warriors of the First Department, who were close to Adam's power, receiving a portion of his strength, as rumored (I didn't dare ask Lute about it personally), standing just outside. - "He guzzled it all up~"

This is not only a song, but the music also reflects the condition of the performer. Some strange notes played by the musician in exactly the same state. Out of tune and mixed up, with a hint of wrong notes.

Sera's face immediately twisted into a grimace of disgust and her teacup was quickly placed on the table. The Valkyries who entered behind Adam looked tense and guilty, even Lute, whom I recognised by her helmet.

- "He saw El, S-s-sera~!" - Sera's eyelid began to twitch, and she stood up from her chair while Adam continued to sing off-key in a drunken, drawn-out voice. - "He shooowed how..."

- Enough, Adam. - Sera saved our ears from the blasphemer's intrusion and, in an instant, by some miracle, brought him back to his senses, causing him to start coughing and trying to stand. Sera chose a less-than-ideal method for a quick sobering, merely accelerating the processes in his body, but Adam didn't utter a word.

- Why is Adam in this state, Valkyries? - Sera's voice was displeased and even angry. Had Adam's latest stunt finally become the last straw for her patience?

- …Supreme Seraph, you see... - Lute, as I recognized by her helmet, began to cover for her superior, while the culprit himself started his own defense.

- I just finished my, uh, important work, S-s-sera. - Stumbling and trying to rise, the First Man replied in a slurred voice. - I apologize for the delay. - Adam seemed to be playing for Sera's benefit, as his movements quickly regained clarity and coordination, allowing him to rise to his feet.

- Adam. - Oh, that voice and tone. It held everything: displeasure at his abrupt interruption, irritation at his condition and public performance, and much more that I couldn't quite grasp. I immediately summoned the journals and forms for such work, beginning to record with a self-writing pen, entering data about the arrivals and cross-referencing with the First Department's forms.

- I apologize, your Majesty, but it truly was a rather unexpected meeting. - Another Valkyrie, with a different helmet featuring wide goat horns curling parallel to each other at head level. It seemed to be Freya? - Our Department was at a celebration... - The angel gradually quieted under Sera's gaze, transitioning to a near whisper as she concluded her words.

- ...That is, we were forced to leave the company of Mr Christ and Mr Gabriel to come straight here. - new helmet, angular long horns reaching back. Valkyrie Frigg.

- And also, the day before, our Division had finished taking a whole course from Uriel on new weapons for Extermination! - Another Valkyrie with short horns that extended from her helmet to the sides in half arcs immediately supported her sister in battle. Sanchi.

Sera was watching the entire First Department intently; the Valkyries had, for the first time in my memory, "followed suit" like Adam. Just a few more seconds, and Sera might explode—not literally, but the punishment for the Department would be significant.

- I believe we've heard enough, so why don't we move on to the topic of our meeting? - My calming voice rang like thunder in the tense room. The Valkyries and Adam gratefully glanced in my direction, while Sera let out a heavy sigh.

- I guess- - Sera sat back down at the table, picking up some of the papers I had summoned. - Vergil... you can begin. - Sera gently appointed me to lead the new meeting regarding the next Extermination, to which I responded with a noncommittal "hmm," after which a hot chocolate appeared beside her, along with a small barrier that separated her from the room, leaving her in the quiet of the music still playing in the background. - Thank you. - I nodded at Sera smile.

Adam chuckled slightly at our little game but quickly composed himself when I turned in my chair toward them. With a gesture, I created five black chairs—one wider specifically for Adam—and a simple table. My attempts at manifestation using Ether were no easy task, but with the help of formulas where I could record all the necessary parameters, this process was simplified, allowing me to create such simple, minimalist black chairs and a small round table.

Adam whistled approvingly, and one Valkyrie, Frigg, even clapped softly. The Exterminators sat at the table, waiting for me to move my chair closer, which floated just like the coffee table beside me.

- So, First Department, I declare Meeting No. 2347 open, with the topics: "New Weapons for the Department," "Blessing of the New Weapons According to Vergil's Method," and requests and wishes. - I read clearly from the paper prepared by Sera. I wasn't sure how Sera usually conducted such meetings, but I hoped the First Department would appreciate Dante's approach.

Surprisingly, Adam straightened up in his chair, showing a readiness to listen. Odd... The other Valkyries followed their Commander's example, with no mocking smirks—only serious expressions. It seems there might be a catch later.

- Ready? - The Exterminators nodded in unison. - Then let's begin. - I presented the next paper with brief points on the first topic. - As you already know, Seraphim Uriel has created new variations of weapons for your Department, conducted drills and briefings, so Sera and I need your opinion. - Adam nodded to Lyut, who summoned her folder and a small parchment.

- The Department considers it advisable to use the new weapons, which performed well both in trial exercises on the ranges and in practical testing on Earth against thirty demons of Goetia. The Department believes it is a wise step to diversify our sisters' armament, anticipating an increase in the efficiency of Exterminations by four percent. - The folder floated to Sera, who was working with the paperwork, smiling slightly while glancing at our table.

- Wonderful, let's move on to the next topic... - Adam exchanged glances with the Valkyries, looking at me strangely but nodded. - I'll be brief. Present me with a list of the exact quantity of weapons that need blessing, and I'll set deadlines for their completion. Do this using this template within the next couple of days, a week at most—no more. - Adam smirked, beckoning the paper that floated to him. - Estimated deadlines—three to four days, maybe a week if there's a need to adapt the Miracle to the weapon's specifications. Any questions? - Silence. Perfect.

- Next... - apparently, this is where the catch lies, as the next sheet was blank, clearly waiting for me to fill it in with the words of these... - Ahem... I'm listening. - I clasped my hands, placing them on the table, trying to appear as accommodating as possible, and smiled easily.

The First Department exchanged glances, but Adam took the first word.

- In general, the wingless Archangel. - He smirked, poking at my reluctance to walk around with my large wings, which he somehow considered a bad thing. - According to Metatron's forecasts, humanity is soon entering a period of skirmishes and serious wars. - At first, his voice carried a tone of laziness, but by the end, Adam had grown serious. - Not to mention other rather unpleasant events predicted by the Eye Department... - Adam tossed me a small folder, which I promptly caught. - These skirmishes will worsen the already looming problem—overpopulation in Hell.

- Can there be overpopulation in HELL? - I tried to convey my surprise while maintaining the formality of the meeting, setting that folder aside for later.

- The Ring of Pride is not infinite; on the contrary. - Sera interjected, and Adam nodded in agreement. - It can hold billions of souls, even trillions, but that doesn't solve the problem. There are far more sinners than the Righteous, and this number grows every century, starting from the first millennium of Christ's Redemption. - The news was not new, but it was one thing for a simple Angel from the Second Circle to discover this while making his first "simple" project, and quite another for one of the oldest Seraphim...

- These bastards reproduce at an incredible speed, forcing us to literally squeeze every Valkyrie in our Department, raising the overall stress and dissatisfaction levels. While it's not critical yet, if the trend continues, and we destroy more and more souls each year without significantly expanding our staff while maintaining the usual speed of exterminating Sinners, then my girls may face burnout, or worse—they could die. - Adam's face twisted into a snarl, and the Valkyries frowned.

- Usually, I take under my wing women with difficult fates: prostitutes, discarded women, single mothers, and so on. Heaven offers my Department to some Celestials, and while the latter almost never leave, - a nod toward the Valkyries, - the former... only under Oaths and Prohibitions. While this isn't very common yet, the trends... - Adam pressed his lips together.

- Does the First Department have any proposals? - I asked, frowning as I created a new stream of consciousness to contemplate this new thought. Adam exchanged glances with Lyut, who waved her hand in my direction.

- Mr. Archangel. - Lyut straightened in her chair. - The First Department asks you... to consider possible improvements to the effectiveness of eliminating the souls of Sinners... - I sighed and interrupted Lyut's speech with an upraised palm.

- So, bypassing standard procedures, create a Miracle that can mass-exterminate Sinners? - Lyut nodded, and Adam smirked.

- You get it, Vergil. - Adam gave a thumbs up, leaning back in his chair.

- Also, - Sera added from behind me, - it's desirable for the souls of Sinners to undergo your "Blessing" process. - At the suggestion in her tone, I nodded heavily, sighing.

- Why not submit a new request to the Sin Department... - I replied slowly, dragging out the words. - If I'm not mistaken, there's no urgency in this issue... - Sera nodded, shifting another filled paper, taking the next one.

- It may take about a year to create a request and subsequent application for the project, especially considering Heaven's current preparations for the increased number of souls in the coming decades. Therefore, the Sin Department will be busy with its work for the Second Circle. - Sera said softly, simultaneously filling out the remaining papers. - That's why Adam is forced to seek your help, despite the fact that so far, - Sera placed special emphasis on these words, - this problem isn't that large-scale, but the Council sees the need to prepare a solution for this issue. - Sera didn't look up, focused on her paperwork.

- In response, Archangel Vergil will receive my full support as a Seraphim and leniency in his work... - another emphasis in Sera's words, but it didn't make me happy.

"Leniency," more like Sera would take on a heap of work again, and Emily would complain about our walks once more. Everything would revert to the way it was, damn it...

- ... - I massaged the bridge of my nose while the members of the First Department awaited my response.

Not only do I need to come up with some destructive Weaving, but I also have to disguise or even transform it into a Miracle… I'm not even considering a simple Miracle; I look down on it, but it should be usable by ordinary angels. I glanced at the Valkyries, who were patiently awaiting my answer, while Adam... closed his eyes and dozed off.

Adam is fine; he's a machine of death with eight thousand years of experience—who knows how many of those were in battle? If he participated in suppressing all the rebellions in Hell... at least a couple of thousand years of combat experience. These "Sisters of the Shield" probably wouldn't have issues with my weaving either, but there are only seven of them, including Lyut, and the others...

Alright, I can come up with something for Adam. Maybe some meteor shower or something like that, but for the others... Perhaps some enchantment for tracking? One group would mark Sinners from the air, while another could launch a "recon ball" into buildings and other strange places, and everyone else would get the visual feed, knowing the precise locations of all Sinners? Not bad, but it doesn't solve the speed of extermination... Enchanted weapons, like a bow or some heavenly rifle, that could automatically target and annihilate the shell? That brings a lot of problems too...

I started tapping a rhythm on the table, not even listening to the sound.

Hmm... Continuing the idea with the enchantment for locating Sinners... Good thought. Why not... at the same time as detecting and pinpointing the location, place a mark on the shell? They could probably remove it, but the "recon ball" could be launched again. And other Forces could teleport to that mark... while tying the teleportation energy to Adam, who definitely won't tire out, and if we also enchant the weapon for quicker annihilation of the shell while keeping its original purpose...

Complicated, very complicated, but with the help of a Seraphim, it's doable. Especially if...

Adam and the Department would take me to Earth, bypassing all kinds of instances, since this would be "unofficial" testing... Of course, it would be on demons, but still.

I'd get to see my family again. I could tell them that I'm alright, that my mother and father should focus on the church, and my sister should make a few donations, confess her sins, and repent to come here to me. Naturally, this needs more work, but the mere possibility...

- I might have a couple of ideas... - I began to explain my earlier thoughts to the listeners, including Sera, who was also paying attention to my explanations, which I veiled under the thesis of "miracle-blessing." I didn't even need to elaborate on the Ether.

- ...Not quite what I wanted, especially the part where I'll need to power these "teleports"... But in principle, not bad, especially if you can really come up with some crap for me to throw meteorites or massive beams—I'm in. - As he spoke, Adam began his "active mimicry" again, gesticulating vigorously and changing his facial expressions. He finished quite amusingly: sticking out his tongue, he smiled and winked, "shooting" a finger-gun at me.

"One of the possible options, but I can't think of any simpler ones without knowing the limits of your Powers," I shrugged, folding my arms across my chest. "Even if I did know, I still couldn't create anything specific, certainly not alone," I added pensively, gazing up at the ceiling.

"Then how about we practice killing all sorts of scum?" he suggested again, striking that same "pistol" pose. "Who knows, it might spark some inspiration..."

Looks like I'll have to tell Adam about the Ether. Not about Weaving, but about my so-called "art," omitting almost all the details. I need to discuss this with Sera.

"Alright. You can have your 'killers,'" I said, grabbing that very folder with the predictions from the Eye Division. "Now, if there are no further wishes, you can continue with Sera, while I need to think..."

"Hell yes!" I heard the sound of palms slapping together; likely Adam and Lut gave a "high-five," just great...

After that, the conversations between the First Division and Sera faded to the background, remaining on a second stream of consciousness. Thanks again, Sera, for teaching me such a trick. But when it comes to this "paper"...

A splendid forecast for the next century. Two world wars, possibly three, although the third seems unlikely. A couple of serious crises, plus several significant conflicts projected to claim a considerable number of lives, both soldiers and civilians.

I couldn't care less about the latter, but the "World Wars"... I don't know how the Eye Division makes its predictions, but the fact that my homeland, England, will be dragged into this doesn't surprise me, nor does it bring me joy.

I'll need to hurry Adam along with his "practice." I must protect my family as soon as possible, or at least warn them about the existence of Heaven and what's necessary to get here...

And then, I still have the "Constructor," "Song," and "Illumination" projects...

Looks like now I'll be adding a couple more. "Wrath of the First" – Adam's "killer" and "Eye of the Valkyries" – a network of enchantments for navigation through helmets and tracking the locations of sinners, plus "Web" – for teleportation to marks that will remain after the "Eye"... And I need to modify the previous "Deliverance" project too...

On the bright side, I'll get to experience the combat aspect of Weaving.

"Look at everything from a positive perspective," right, Emily?