Chapter 8.2 -Archangel at the Most Amazing and Unique Fair of Paradise.

The next day. Third Circle. Sera's Cottage.


"What are you doing?!"

Emily was an impressionable Seraphim. Not that she was completely innocent, as Sera or Adam thought, but she hadn't delved into the "special depths," as Vergil put it. Emily knew about sex, wars, and killings. It's hard not to know when you've been around for almost a century and have all eternity ahead of you.

But what astonished her the most was seeing Sera and Vergil still in their shared apartment when she stepped out for a stroll, preparing for today's Fair. "The best, most unusual, and amazing one yet!" This was the second such event in five years, and Emily always looked forward to it. New angels and souls could try themselves in unusual situations, make new connections, and have a splendid time in Heaven!

As for Sera and Vergil...

When she returned to her "mansion," she caught them red-handed in an act so outrageous, so appalling, it was simply wrong!

They were working! Just sitting in her sister's office, pouring over papers while sipping tea, with some music playing softly in the background (far too calm for her tastes, but she wouldn't judge Sera; that was her choice!) and they were actually, unequivocally, WORKING!

On an official day off for most of Heaven! Sure, some important Departments from the Third Circle might have to work continuously, maybe even some from the Second, but the weekends applied to the Supreme Seraphim and her assistant too! How could Emily not feel outraged, hurt, and angry?

Alright, that wasn't entirely true; she quickly forgot the bad, especially when the soul had caused it unintentionally, simply by being itself.

"Emily? Aren't you supposed to be at the celebration with Adam?" Vergil didn't even look up from his notes in his journal—what a nerve! "Did you forget something? You need…"

"This is outrageous! Alright, Older Sister, but you—Vergil! How could you not take Sera out to enjoy the festival?" Emily tried to convey all her feelings in her words, just as Adam had taught her. "And you, Sera, why are you working? You promised to take a break!" Her sister merely sighed heavily.

"I know, Emily, but as the Supreme Seraphim, much of the…" Emily was already ready to cut off Sera's excuses when Vergil placed his hand on Sera's to interrupt her, causing her to avert her gaze.

"Emily." Emily could swear that when Vergil spoke this time, a wave of calmness and something else radiated from him. "Sera wanted to say that we've been hit with more work as one of the higher pillars of the City."

"Hit with work? Just like that?" Emily knew that sometimes unexpected incidents happened, and an angel's workload could increase, but she found it so amusing to play the "little imp," as Adam called her.

"Exactly. Things happen on Earth—Heaven responds; something occurs in Hell—Heaven responds; God speaks a word—Heaven responds. Each time something happens, it's up to someone like us with Sera to handle the details." When Emily looked at Sera, she awkwardly nodded, offering an apologetic smile.

"So forgive us if we…" If Emily let Vergil finish, he would inevitably convince her of his correctness, no matter how questionable it was, so Emily launched her counteroffensive.

"But resting is necessary too! You said so yourself, Vergil!" Emily soared above the floor on her six wings, gliding closer to the working angels. "You're turning into Old Sera!" Emily poked a finger at the smirking Vergil, and Sera sighed indignantly.


"Heh… Perhaps you're right, little one." Emily certainly didn't fly closer just to earn that "head pat" she'd been dreaming of—absolutely not! But how wonderfully it relaxed her tired muscles! How did he do that? "Sera," he turned to her elder sister, "how about we truly go out and unwind a bit? I think…" Vergil paused his stroking, smirking.

"The rest can wait." Sera sighed.

"Are you sure? We can…" Emily knew Sera would resist until the end, so she had to up the ante.

"Absolutely! Plus…" Sera seemed to pay no attention to her, how rude!

"We could really use a change of scenery; it's even healthy, especially if angels and humans have similar thought processes." Vergil stretched, cracking his joints. "Besides, I really don't want to become 'Old Sera.'" At this, Vergil repeated her cheeky smile, and they both shared a knowing glance at the exasperated Sera.

"Vergil… Emily… You two…" As Sera began rubbing her temples, Emily realized they had gone a bit too far.

"Sorry, Sera, I just wanted to shake you up a little…" The remorseful tone didn't need to be acted out; Emily genuinely felt bad. "I just wanted to help you relax…" Sera sighed.

"…It's alright, Emily, I understand." The soft smile showed Emily that Sera had agreed to her suggestion. "But," her eyes narrowed dangerously, "if I hear about 'Old Sera' one more time, you both will be punished. Understood?" Even her aura shifted, causing Emily to straighten up, while Vergil seemed oblivious.

"Of course, Sera!" Emily replied, a bit panicked.

"I won't promise…" Vergil chimed in as he stood up from his chair, prompting another heavy sigh from Sera.

"Just don't tell Adam." Sera rubbed her face with her palm, and Vergil nodded.

Sera waved her hand, sending their mountain of paperwork tumbling into three towering piles on her desk. Emily was certain she could lie on them if she stacked them neatly, reaching the ceiling with ease... Well, each stack was about half a meter high. Not the largest mountain of paper. Once, Emily had seen Sera's entire office filled with white chaos after her outburst; since then, Sera hadn't dared to bring that much paperwork home.

Sera and Vergil followed after the already-zooming Emily, descending the stairs to the entryway of their home.

"So what is this 'Fair' all about?" Vergil asked gently as he donned his cloak, now adorned with new designs on the back, the hem nearly reaching his calves. "Not that I haven't seen them, but how are they conducted in Heaven?"

"You've never been to the 'Grand Fair of Heaven'?! Emily exclaimed in shocked disbelief. "You've been…" She suddenly realized she hadn't asked how long he had been in Heaven, let alone his age.

"This will be my fifth year locked up in this bureaucratic prison, Emily." Vergil adjusted his strangely glowing gem, while Sera sighed, finishing the minor tidying of their home with her wonders.

"Vergil…" Sera fixed an intense gaze on him.

"Only five years?" Emily tilted her head in surprise.

"Indeed, just five years. Yet you've grown so much since I first met you. When did you manage to grow up?" It seemed Adam often posed such questions to Sera, especially ones that could ruffle her feathers.

"The outer form of the Celestials depends on the state and maturity of their souls; earthly biological laws do not apply to us." Sera adjusted her hair, casting a little magic to prettify the feathers on her face, smoothing her wings, and "tidying up" her visage. "Besides, sometimes Seraphim can change their appearance depending on their mood."

Sera began Emily's least favorite activity—she started to "decorate" her, even though Emily had already done that herself, especially since she had just come in from outside! But if Emily chose to argue yet again, she risked Sera abandoning the endeavor altogether to go back to work, with Vergil following suit… So Emily endured. This time.

"So… if she looks around fourteen now, and a year ago she was ten…" Vergil's voice grew more incredulous, as if he were just realizing it. Did he truly not know? Emily thought Vergil must know everything—or at least a great deal.

"Then Emily asked Adam, and the time spent with you has had an effect…" Sera added with a hint of displeasure at the end, continuing to "tidy up" Emily, who patiently endured it. After all, she would do things her way when they arrived at the Fair.

Vergil gazed at Emily with wide eyes, as if seeing her for the first time, which made Emily feel a little awkward. She lowered her head slightly, drawing her wings closer to her body.

"I should have guessed… these Seraphim…" Vergil muttered under his breath, but both he and Sera heard him, prompting a smile from Sera as she finally finished smoothing Emily's hair and dress.

"Alright then!" Emily darted forward toward the door of their home, while Sera approached Vergil, who turned to her. "Let's go to the Fair!" Emily flung open the door, bursting out, her hands beckoning Vergil and Sera to hurry. They simply followed her lead.

The First Circle was now buzzing with life. Once a mere residential area, it had transformed into a scene straight out of a fairy tale. Shades of purple dominated the landscape; even the sky radiated those hues. Various stalls of every kind lined the streets, filling the air with the scent of festivities and countless delights. Emily always relished the surge of souls' activity; each year she could attend the Fair, it felt like the first time all over again. The sounds of angels fluttering about, the atmosphere of joy and merriment—it was tangible, a celebration you could feel in your very skin. Angels wandered everywhere, strange and marvelous birds flitted through the air, and animals roamed about, while warm yellow lights flickered, making it seem as though evening had fallen in this realm, even though it was still clearly day when they stepped out.

Emily stared in amazement at the changed architecture of the buildings as Virgil and Sera walked behind them, talking, seemingly unconcerned about the views, seemingly oblivious to the splendor of the architecture. The monolithic steel buildings looked like fairy tale wide tents or circus tents enveloped by trees. Most of the buildings seemed to be directly in or growing out of the trees. The trees themselves matched the color of the neighborhood, their purple crowns smelling of fresh leaves and seeming to spread laughter throughout the street.

Emily waved at one of Adam's staff members, the Valkyrie Sigrin, one of the Sisters of Adam's Shield, who had apparently decided to take a day off, as she was alone without her sisters or Adam. Perhaps the First Man was somewhere nearby… It was worth trying to find him, but first, there was fun to be had with Sera and Vergil!

The Fair was teeming with attractions, and the variety of strange and incredibly interesting foods was overwhelming. How delightful it was here…

"...And so, I plan to create a consciousness matrix for the Construct. Hypothetically, it will be able to perform one or two tasks, but in the future, it should take on an entire direction, such as 'Security' or 'Surveillance'…" Vergil was quietly explaining some nonsensical jargon to Sera, who listened intently, one of her eyes (a literal eye embedded in her hair) open and observing the surroundings while she focused on him.

Emily couldn't believe their audacity. She had organized their entire outing, meticulously planning their journey through this wondrous realm, and yet they couldn't even spare her a moment's attention!

"…Then I suppose I agree; that's truly an intriguing avenue for your research. But what about those 'projects' for Adam?" Sera sipped her cold strawberry milkshake, intensely discussing with Vergil some "projects" that were hardly important right now. What mattered was their escape from all of this!

Ah, the workaholics!

Oh, of course, there's nothing wrong with—wait a minute.

"Hey!" Her exclamation pierced the air, catching the attention of these two "lazybones" who refused to take a break, physically or spiritually! "We're at a celebration, at the Fair! Can't you at least rest from your work for now?" They looked at her with that same expression—the one other angels wore when she annoyed them, or the one Sera had when she thought Emily was doing something "pointless."

"…Emily, even so, this is our way of relaxing, albeit with… work discussions. But we're having a good time, aren't we, Sera?" Vergil, the one who had introduced her to the modern world, sounded almost like Sera or Adam when they didn't want to play with her.

"It's true… it is quite the Fair, a bit noisy, but…" Sera hesitated, glancing around, "Acceptable." Her crooked smile suggested this was the best she could muster. How could they…?!

They continued down the magical lane, with Emily to Vergil's left and Sera to his right. Sera and Vergil resumed their "work" conversations, while Emily…

Alright, Emily. Calm down. Adam had said that anger should be channeled appropriately, and Vergil had taught her to keep a "cool head." You couldn't think smartly or cleverly while emotional; you would simply miss the finer details, getting lost in a myriad of distracting thoughts, wasting your energy that could be directed towards something more useful.

Emily knew Sera had seen the Fair before—many times, in fact—but… but! She wasn't paying attention to the details. Perhaps she thought this Fair was just like the last one, but that was a lie. Each Fair was unlike the one before; this was an unspoken tradition of the event. Sera, like Vergil, likely just didn't know how to appreciate the little things, failing to recognize their necessity…

So, Emily would teach them, show them how to find joy in the simple things. She would demonstrate to Vergil that happiness could be cultivated thoughtfully, correctly…

"This won't do!" She flew ahead of them, hands on her hips. "You can't enjoy a celebration simply by attending; you have to immerse yourself in its atmosphere, feel its rhythm and intention!" Emily pointed upwards with an earnest finger.

— …

— …

Both angels looked at her in mild confusion. Sera with a hint of irritation, and Vergil with curiosity.

— …We are absorbing the atmosphere of this celebration, aren't we? Vergil said, raising an eyebrow and leaning toward Sera, who simply nodded. — It's fun here, with the attractions and all…

They stopped, and around them, a faint blue field appeared, almost invisible to the eye, but for some reason, Emily noticed it. Other passing angels began to steer clear of them, creating a small ring of space.

— This won't do! Emily puffed her cheeks, fully aware of how both angels would react. Their attention was on her, and now she had to make good use of it.

— Emily, just let— Sera tried to reason with her, but Vergil placed a hand on her forearm. When Sera leaned toward him, he shook his head.

Vergil smiled encouragingly, and a wave of calm washed over Emily, allowing her to collect herself.

— …What I wanted to say, Emily exhaled loudly, gratefully nodding at the Archangel, — is that Sera and I have been to many Fairs, right, Sera? Sera nodded briefly, awaiting further words from Emily. — And you, Vergil, have you ever been to one? At least to last year's? Emily understood his answer without needing to hear his voice; his thoughtful gaze and the five-second pause spoke volumes.

— That's just it. Emily crossed her arms. — Even if you've simply been there, you didn't immerse yourselves in the emotions, you didn't let your soul soar, didn't allow your mind to rest, to occupy itself with something different. You didn't let yourselves live and enjoy the fleeting moments of beauty. Sera might have known this already, but a reminder wouldn't hurt, while Vergil's eyes widened in surprise as he looked at her strangely.

— …And why, Emily, do you rush joyfully to this "next" Fair, knowing perfectly well what awaits you? Vergil continued to regard her with that peculiar look, tilting his head in question, his smile now a thin line.

— Nothing. Emily's calm answer took them both by surprise. — I never expect this "next" Fair to be anything extraordinary; quite the opposite. She turned toward the surrounding scenery.

— I don't expect any food at the next stall to be divine ambrosia that will astonish my taste buds, she waved toward the nearest cart selling some steamy dish, — I probably will just burn my tongue or end up throwing up. She turned to Sera, who sighed, her eyes wide, while Vergil chuckled.

— I think the songs and performances will be strange and possibly incomprehensible, and the music might not appeal to me, she nodded toward a humanoid hawk angel playing a flute, whose soft and tranquil melody contrasted sharply with the lively atmosphere of the street, gathering a small crowd of listeners. — I don't know what I'll see today; I don't build any expectations. I'm simply walking into the unknown. Emily looked first into Sera's bewildered eyes, then met Vergil's gaze, which held that same curious sparkle.

— So, does that mean I'm not an optimist, but rather a pessimist? Emily didn't give them time to respond. — I don't want to get used to anything, to take it for granted, because otherwise, I simply stop appreciating it. Sera's eyes widened, and Vergil's smile grew broader. — But what I truly want… Emily took to the air, spinning once before stopping to face them, spreading her arms and wings wide.

— I just want to savor everything this wonderful place has to offer, as if I were a human child visiting for the first time, and I want to keep doing this, relishing every moment as if it were the first. Emily floated back down to her two companions.

Sera seemed contemplative, her milkshake forgotten, while Vergil gazed off into the distance.

— I want to enjoy every little thing, every detail, for nothing and no moment ever resembles another from the past, right, Vergil? She slightly altered the words directed at him, eliciting a light chuckle from him.

— …And that's true, Emily, indeed it is… Vergil said softly, beginning to look around. His eyes widened as he finally noticed the details of the place—the music, the colors, the birds; even the air felt different. Vergil took a deep breath, a gentle smile gracing his face.

Sera mirrored Vergil's actions, her own surprise evident as she noticed elements she hadn't seen during her last visit to the Fair. Her bewildered expression slowly transformed into a soft smile, accompanied by a small laugh.

Emily stood between Sera and Vergil, taking both their hands.

— So, please, let's truly enjoy ourselves. Vergil and, moments later, Sera laughed.

"Oh… Emily, why not?" Virgil said, bending down to her level as she stood at his chest height, gently stroking her head with his free hand. A warm feeling of encouragement flowed through her, affirming her right actions. "Sera? Why don't we take a little break from work and leave it for a couple of hours?" Sera smirked.

"You're right, Virgil," Sera nodded. "Thank you, Emily, for dragging us out to this place." The soft, weary, and almost imperceptible, yet sincere smile became the greatest reward for Emily.

Emily happily led the two older angels behind her, who were laughing and joking as they followed.

After all, Virgil was right. If she just expected that souls would somehow understand how to "properly" relax or view things, she would be met with disappointment and anger. She couldn't force them, but she could offer them a glimpse. If she simply gave them a chance to see things through her eyes, maybe they would find something for themselves.

She couldn't make a soul feel joy or interest in her activities, but she could do everything in her power to engage the soul, to show what it could gain, and only if it desired to participate could it truly touch the strings of its soul. She could try, but that wouldn't change the soul for the better, wouldn't bring Peace or Happiness.

If she did everything she could and still didn't succeed, then… she would change her approach, not give up, and try to make this gray and harsh world a little better.

If not for the other souls or God's design, then for the happy smiles of her loved ones and all those she would help.

But she also had to remember the bad. Adam and Virgil had told her many stories about the cruelty and baseness of souls. She would keep that in mind.

But for now…

She could enjoy the Fair. Like the first time.


Emily was right; this Fair was different from all the others Sera had seen before. Huge purple tents, each with a large entrance glowing gold, fireworks everywhere, bits of paper flying around, and the sounds of laughter, shouts, and cries… of happiness, relief—she didn't remember and didn't want to remember.

The most remarkable part was when they stepped away from the section of the Fair with the "fast food," where they tried various dishes just for fun.

Emily really did burn her tongue, but fortunately, Seraphina quickly healed it. Vergil was breathing fire from his mouth and long ears, causing not only laughter from those around them but also from him and Emily. As for Seraphina… Her hair turned black for a moment, only to immediately revert to its usual color. In one of the bars, one of the drinks… That "dwarven beer"… Shrunk her! Making her look like Emily in her early years—absolutely outrageous! Luckily, the noble Vergil quickly shielded her with his large wings, preventing anyone, even Emily, from seeing her embarrassment. Her clothes became oversized, and she didn't even immediately realize that Vergil was looking down at her for the first time since they'd met.

He was probably shielding them with some sort of "weaving," as no one, not even that short angel—"dwarf" or Emily—noticed her predicament. Vergil replied to that angel, but she wasn't listening, consumed by a slight shock from what was happening. Seventh heaven, she hadn't felt such shame in ages! What an outrageous insult from that angel; even Vergil wasn't rude enough to turn HER, one of the oldest Seraphim, into a damn little girl!

She felt comforted by Vergil's gentle stroke on her head. A wave of comfort and tranquility washed over her. Seraphina understood why Emily clung to Vergil so often. He had created some sort of "weaving" or miracle to affect their auras. Seraphina was definitely not against it; on the contrary, she was fully supportive of exploring this direction.

When Vergil lifted her into his arms, still covering her with his wings while saying something to the others and leading Emily somewhere, she experienced a sense of peace for the first time in many years. It was as if she could forget all the work, all the responsibilities that lay beyond those wings, narrowing her world down to just the three of them. For the first time, Seraphina understood why Emily and Adam had so much fun and indulged in revelry. They simply wished to forget about all that stress, even if just for a little while.

As Seraphina noticed, this was quite beneficial. She nearly dozed off while Vergil's warm embrace carried her somewhere through the district, heading toward a tent. The room inside was painted in soft yellow hues, resembling some kind of fairy temple with numerous columns crafted in an exquisite style. All around were various candles and fireflies, creating a cozy atmosphere, and a soft, calm melody played inside. Angels gathered around the main attraction of this place—the Tree of Life, as the tent was called.


In the tent, songs were sung and people danced. Vergil referred to this style and culture as Irish, although Sera had never been particularly interested in human cultures; they come and go. However, the musical instruments captivated Sera, and the female performances made her peek out from behind Vergil's wings, wrapping her arms around his neck.

Sera wasn't sure how long the effects of that "beer" lasted, but she would always remember the moments when Vergil held her in his arms and guided Emily, who sometimes flew off somewhere, probably to socialize or fetch food.

For the first time, Sera felt… confused. For the first time, she lost control of the situation, leaving it to Vergil and Emily. For the first time, she was not listened to as Seraphim, but simply as… Sera. She finally understood how Emily felt when she explained something to her or gave her orders, and Sarah simply complied. The shock and stupor from this change of form prevented her from reacting sensibly, as she had never really "experimented" with it, only changing the proportions or patterns of her robe. But this… As a creation of the Lord, she should have been indifferent, yet she wasn't.

The uncertainty, the lack of control over the situation—she had given her form into Vergil's hands, and Emily was directing them… It was simply wonderful, even divine.

Emily was right; this Fair would forever leave her with new memories, if not from the attractions or tents, then from such incidents.

She would always remember Emily's laughter when she saw Sera's new form, immediately shrinking to a similar size, perching on Vergil's shoulder and beginning to command the "Crusade of Happiness" from there.

Sarah would not forget the beating of Vergil's heart, which was not worried at all, at least after he realized that nothing terrible had happened to her. She wouldn't forget those strong embraces, which offered such an unusual sense of calm, that "refuge" from the wings that created a similar feeling.

Vergil never laughed at her, not like Adam would have; he was simply delighted by the change in her form, and then he softly joked, making silly comments like, "Where's Sera? We should check underfoot," or "Sera Seraphim, the greatest efficiency indicator, the smallest form."… Silly jokes that helped her come to her senses more quickly and realize that she could return to her original form anytime, but…

She wanted to enjoy this feeling of losing control, of uncertainty, just a little longer. Emily was right again—if she just surrendered to the new sensations, she could view this event differently.

Yet, she didn't want to repeat such an experience, definitely not without Vergil, who had those conveniently large wings and knew a couple of hidden "weavings."

Wait, could Metatron or Uriel…? She hoped her brothers would show tact and resilience, either accepting this "incident" as a fact of her personal life or simply forgetting about it.

…Just in case, she should ask Vergil to find something equally embarrassing about them, and organize something similar for Adam… This thought was unworthy of a Supreme Seraphim, but Sarah didn't care; she had a night filled with new sensations, so why not just have a good time?

Either way, she returned to her previous form amidst Emily's laughter and Vergil's smirk. She held her head high against their gazes, proudly straightening up and continuing their exploration of the place.

When she regained her… high perspective, she noticed that Emily had found a couple of friends—two teenage angels born in Heaven, who were only a couple of centuries old, practically contemporaries of Emily.

Well, Adam and, recently, Vergil had told her that Emily should socialize more with her "peers." Why not? She had already shown that she could think wisely, so she could entrust this responsibility to her. Her first—responsibility for herself and her safety.

She would leave the rest to Adam and his Department, who would keep an eye on her, while Vergil would watch over her morals and views. Emily deserved this freedom; she was sure of it.

They also entered one of the tents, which had an "Irish" theme, though it was filled with mirrors and soft cushions nearby.

As the Organizer of the attraction said, "Peering into hidden worlds and distant Creations, the mind can grow weary; thus, comfort for the form next to the mirror best alleviates such shock…"

Sarah checked the "Mirrors of Other Worlds," merely a variation of "Fantasy," a wonder conceived by her brother Kamael. Although, as Vergil said, perhaps he, using Weaving, the same Ether, could unveil the potential of this idea. Sarah agreed to back him up.

She found such things uninteresting; she was content to turn to Metatron, who speaks with God, to see what is "Distant" and "Unusual." But her companions…

Emily immediately dashed "into the mirror," literally walking through it, only to return a few minutes later, covered in glitter and scraps of paper. Emily exclaimed that she had landed at some kind of festival, with a strange clown… Apparently, his name was "Pennywise," but Emily quickly said that this clown was unusual and scary, so she did what Sarah and Adam had taught her—she "ran away."

As for Vergil… He also stepped into the mirror, only to come out with a bewildered expression.

"Sera, Cain!" he immediately ran up to her, casting some kind of weaving over them. "Where is Cain, son of Adam?!" His voice was filled with genuine concern, although he should have guessed the true nature of this entertainment.

"…Cain wandered the Earth, and then he was swept away by the Flood…" Sera replied to this, which was actually a secret, but she trusted Vergil not to gossip about it to Adam.

"Cain founded the First City, fathered three children, and those three had thirteen more…" Vergil whispered in a panicked tone, pulling Sera closer to him.

"…Cain truly founded his city and had descendants, but how do you know…" Vergil interrupted her, but his words made even her uneasy.

"Cain studied the wicked; Lilith taught him! He and his descendants began to eat people and drink their blood; his children will never know the joy of the sun and will be cursed to devour each other forever!" Vergil's panicked words started to alarm her. He knew things he shouldn't know.

Lilith had indeed taught Cain, and in that city, they practiced cannibalism and drank the blood of their enemies… But they were all swept away…

So she told Vergil, who tightened his grip on her shoulders.

"Cain and his descendants are vampires, beings cursed by God; they do not need air or food. Cain has long roamed the Earth, and he and his descendants will bring about the end of the world! The last nights are just a hundred years away!" With each of Vergil's words, doubts crept into Sera's soul. Could this be a part of God's Plan that she hadn't been informed of? Seraphim have secrets from one another, after all, each with their own role in God's Plan…

"Only we can stop this, Sera! Quickly, to Earth! We must find Cain as soon as possible and cleanse or destroy his soul, and then all his 'vampires' will disappear!" But still, no matter how much Sera trusted Vergil, she remained a Seraphim.


It turned out that, according to the authors' design, these mirrors were indeed meant to offer glimpses into other creations. A project by Kamael, with Metatron's permission, which meant it was from God Himself. However, these angels did not consider that they merely embodied the "dreams" or "fantasies" of people on Earth. Whereas, if the Ether—the material of the Universe—were used, then the soul could truly peer "beyond the veil"…

Not on its own, just a "dream" from there. Vergil must have seen another God, another Creation, and taken it at face value. Another proof of the dangers of the Ether.

Sera would need to give him a few lessons on handling such a dangerous phenomenon.

Emily and Sera laughed at the still-nervous Vergil; Emily joked about his panic and the "scary vampire," to which Sera nodded in agreement.

Their "journey" continued.

"…Please, come this way! A place for a relaxing trip or an extreme heart marathon, any desire you have can be fulfilled…!" joyfully proclaimed a green-skinned, three-eyed angel. She was dressed in shades of brown, with autumn leaves on her dress, various round ornaments around her neck, wrists, and cow-like ears. Her snowy white hair was styled in a voluminous ponytail, beautifully tied in knots, while small angular horns seemed to hold her beige halo in place. "A place where all your feelings, sorrows, and joys will emerge again, where you can relive your first love, experience the joy of motherhood, or the pride of a mentor—everything is possible here…!"

This angel, Lilith, was part of the Department of Phantasm, where they studied and embodied the dreams and fantasies of angels. A former colleague of Vergil, Remigius, also worked there, alongside the Department of Sin. The poor angel longed for memories of his daughter, whose soul had been mutilated by demons… She wished that Raphael would help Remigius; he had long deserved such a privilege from a Seraphim, but that was a matter for the future.

For now… Emily, along with two other angels she had "met" during Lilith's brief speech, quickly settled into one of the white boats, which had a swan-shaped prow. Vergil, shrugging, organized a raft for the two of them, which followed Emily's raft down the water.

The lantern at the end of the crescent-shaped pole on the back of their boat illuminated the initial darkness of the "Tunnel of Wonders," a place where they could float through their fantasies or feel the touch of the earthly wind. Simple angels cannot leave Heaven without permission, so the attraction had a large crowd of eager participants. However, as expected, the wonders managed to provide each group with privacy.

They floated through a night forest, immersed in the blue glow of the water that cascaded down from both sides of the path, which continuously changed direction, but never abruptly, creating a quiet and pleasant journey.

In the background, birds sang, insects danced, and the sound of the blue waterfalls complemented this musical symphony—one that both of them had come to love. Sera allowed herself to close her eyes and enjoy the music.

She opened her eyes when she heard Vergil's quiet sigh. They began to drift along the current, where paper lanterns hung, creating a warm red atmosphere.

"Truly beautiful, isn't it?" Sera asked quietly, not wanting to disrupt the ambiance. Vergil nodded.

"Little Emily was right; I've missed so much while burying myself in research. It's so… peaceful here, quiet, as if a childhood dream of a cozy home somewhere in the unknown has come true—a place where everything you need is available, where you can simply… enjoy the silence." Vergil's voice, for the first time since they had met, was… vulnerable. It reminded Sera that she had often shared stories about herself or Heaven, but knew little about him.

William dismissed this, claiming he had an ordinary human life, but now, especially after Emily reminded her of the value of small things, she wanted to learn all of William's little secrets. In return, she would share about herself. Probably.

"Unusual dreams for a child," Sera said, leaning back on the cushions, shifting a little closer to Vergil, who was resting his arm on the edge of their raft, dipping his hand into the water.

"From noisy toddlers of one city—yes, from all humanity—no," Vergil said softly, tracing his hand through the water, where various fish swam, certainly not found on Earth. "...Sera."

"Yes?" Sera leaned toward the water, next to Vergil, peering into the surface.

"...You could teach me to do the same," he said, moving his hand through the air after outlining water figures. "To create such landscapes, such… Wonders." Sera smiled at her companion's admiring tone, which, unbeknownst to him, was the first time he referred to such a phenomenon not as magic, but as a Wonder of the Lord.

"Okay," she replied softly, reaching her hand toward the water, leaving a trail in their wake. "Besides what you're already busy with, I'll teach you this too, even though I don't know everything."

"It doesn't matter; at least the basics, anything I can build upon." Vergil's voice was full of the determination she recognized from when she taught him about working with souls. This determination… a passion for knowledge, but… was it different? Not as bright or one-sided, almost… kinder?

"...Especially since I even miss those pleasant evenings." Vergil's quiet chuckle prompted a similar response from her. "Like the good old days…" He began trying to coax a long red fish glowing with blue light.

"...You'll once again intrude into my office without a hint of decorum or etiquette, just spreading out the tea," Sera smirked.

"Admit it, you enjoyed that." Vergil turned his head toward her. "Especially the part with the sweets."

"...I won't deny it." Sera leaned back against the back of their raft. "Especially since your culinary skills have only improved since then."

"...You could just say you liked my sweets." Vergil snorted, also leaning back on the cushion to her right.

"...A Seraphim shouldn't lower themselves to earthly burdens." They both understood the absurdity of such words, especially coming from her. "...Those chocolate bars were indeed tasty, especially the ones with milk." Vergil nodded.

Their raft began to glide between a nighttime city filled with rounded spires, illuminated by gold-yellow fireflies—thousands of them that surrounded their raft, creating a sense of seclusion. The raft floated, creating ripples on the crystal-clear water, while the music of the waterfalls was replaced by the quiet celebration of the city.

"...Thank you, Vergil." Sera's unexpected confession made Vergil turn his head toward her in confusion. "For everything."

"...I try to help with everything…" Vergil began cautiously, prompting a smile to appear on her lips. "...But what exactly are you saying 'thank you' for?"

"For bringing chaos into my eternity," Sera raised her gaze to the night sky, filled with a multitude of burning stars. "For filling it with care, warmth, and…" She lowered her gaze to Vergil. "...tea, delicious tea." They both laughed.

They continued to drift in silence for a while until it was broken.

"...Thank you for giving me a chance," Vergil confessed even more quietly. "For letting me rise so high and so quickly. Even if I hadn't gone to the Department of Sin, I would never have learned all that I have in your leadership. Thank you for introducing me to Emily, that bundle of happiness and innocence." Sera frowned slightly, prompting Vergil to smirk.

"Let her stay like that a little longer; beings like her are rare on Earth, where everyone looks out for themselves, where you rarely meet such goodness, such genuine care." Vergil smiled at some memory. "It's a good kind of innocence, one that allows for expanding boundaries and changing norms, if realized correctly…" Vergil looked into her eyes with a grin that she returned.

"And Adam with Lute isn't so bad either," he added cheekily.

"Only until Adam starts with his jokes?" Sera asked politely.

"Only until Adam starts cracking jokes and trying to make everyone laugh." They both chuckled quietly again.

These confessions made Sera relive the two, almost three years since they had met. A moment by Seraphim standards, especially for one like her, but so much had happened in that moment. Was that why Adam constantly pulled his "pranks"? To diversify his life in this way? Sera hoped he succeeded.

Vergil, this Angel who had not lived even a century but had already "Ascended" to the rank of Archangel, albeit with her help, constantly used the Ether, which inevitably altered his essence, developing his soul. His halo and wings were evidence of that.

He was one of the few who did not… not that he didn't care—no, that would be too harsh—but among those who clearly wanted to diversify her leisure and ensure her happiness. He cared about her "quirks" with music; he respected the silence, sharing it with her.

Sera moved a bit closer to Vergil, who slightly turned his head toward her.

Sera didn't understand where these feelings had come from, surfacing in her consciousness all at once, clouding her thoughts and interfering with her ability to analyze the situation. But she didn't care.

Sera leaned closer to William, who still looked at her in confusion, a question in his eyes.

These feelings made Sera feel lost, contemplative. It was simply magical. If this was what Adam felt for Eve or Lilith, she could understand his change in character when he lost them both.

Sera cupped Vergil's face in her hands; his eyes widened, the irises of his blue eyes swirling in circles. Those shattered glasses sparkled like uneven waves on water, constantly shifting their position.

Those feelings of care, those wings, that embrace—she wanted to repeat it again, to forget her worries and responsibilities. Just… enjoy the moment.


Their faces nearly touched; both felt the breath of the other. They were in a trance, both ignoring everything else.

To enjoy…

Sera awkwardly bumped noses with him, prompting Vergil to smirk and gently tilt her head to the side.

The moment.

They kissed. It was just a touch of lips, a mere brush of lips, following all the tenets of chastity… But Vergil deepened the kiss without going too far—just a nibble of Sera's lip and new kisses. Sera was bewildered… and it was wonderful…

A moment or a couple of minutes passed, but they pulled away from each other, still feeling the warm breath of their partner. Sera's eyes were still wide with surprise as she gazed at Vergil's lips, while he seemed to look through her. The raft filled with their heavy breathing; both were still coming back to reality, and in front of them appeared the end of the "Tunnel of Wonders," where Sera could even hear Emily's laughter as she chatted with her new friends.

"...It seems that angel mentioned something about 'releasing your feelings'…" Vergil suggested quietly, and Sera nodded.

"...She did mention that, but I didn't think it would manifest like this." Sera was still trying to catch her breath; her emotions and feelings gradually faded, returning her to clarity of thought.

"…" Vergil's smile was unnaturally wide, even forced, as he quickly adjusted his clothes, glancing at her robe as if searching for traces of their "crime."

"…" Sera leaned back against the raft's backrest. The light from the crescent-shaped lantern began to dim, and the sounds of the Fair grew louder. In a few moments, they would emerge into the crowd, where Emily awaited them…

Sera didn't want any uncertainty to linger in their communication; she had never liked such plot devices in the books she read.

"...I don't regret it, Vergil. It was…" He turned his face toward her, his eyes wide with surprise. "Pleasant." Despite her still-fresh emotions, Sera felt a twinge of awkwardness.

"I felt the same, Sera… How about we bring this topic up at tomorrow's meeting?" The corners of the Archangel's lips turned slightly up as he attempted to infuse his tone with a joking note.

"...I agree, Archangel Vergil." Sera began to fix her hair, trusting Vergil with the cleanliness of her robe.

"I'll prepare everything necessary, Seraphim Sera." Vergil stood up from his knees, brushing off his dark blue pants, paying special attention to the golden accents at the edges. "But it seems Emily still wants to continue our 'journey' through this place; I even saw the silhouettes of Adam and Lute…"

Vergil offered her his hand, even though they were at the same level, but she appreciated the gesture of politeness, accepting the extended palm as she stood.

"I hope Adam is having an interesting time too." Sera said, hoping to change the subject as she, like Vergil, began to brush herself off, though there was little point in it.

"Do you think Emily climbed onto his head to impose her view of entertainment?" Vergil's smirk was slightly awkward, but he quickly returned to their familiar rhythm.

"I don't think so—I know. Adam, as usual, took it in his own way." Sera took a breath, diving into some unpleasant memories.

"Used it as an excuse for his antics?" As the raft approached the dock, where a respectful cat-angel awaited them, Vergil offered her his hand, which Sera immediately took.

"And not just that…" They both stepped onto dry land, only to be immediately bumped into by a blue-purple "comet."

"How did you like the 'Tunnel'?!—" Sera only laughed as Vergil rubbed the spot where Emily had just collided with him.

"...Beautiful music, good views. If I want to paint, I know where to seek inspiration." In his everyday tone, Emily puffed her cheeks indignantly. "What about you, Sera?" Vergil's teasing gaze met hers, a smirk on his face.

"...Pretty fish." Emily huffed in indignation as Vergil chuckled softly, followed by Sera and then Emily.

This Fair truly became one of the best Sera had ever attended.

* * *

Adam was happy.

The beautiful meadows of the Garden of Eden, the best air he could possibly breathe—though he had no other examples, he knew for sure that he wouldn't find better anywhere else. The strange "sky," the unusual "friends" with multiple wings who introduced him to his "Kingdom," where, by their design or perhaps some Lord's will, he was to be King. The King of Eden, who would rule this new kingdom, this new "circle," as those… Seraphim said?

Adam was joyful. He didn't know much, understood even less, relying more on that "feeling" he couldn't describe. He managed to grasp something. He learned to understand those "animals," naming them, and they seemed to come alive, becoming more active, as if… a frozen image from memories that somehow began to move.

But Adam was lonely. The Seraphim kept him company, but they weren't… equals to him; they were above, somewhere in Heaven, beyond his comprehension. So Adam settled for the company of his pets, his livestock, those he cared for.

Adam had an excellent memory.

He remembered how the Seraphim once called him, leading him first to the Second Seraph, the Beloved Son—Lucifer. He helped finish the "perfect animal"—the Duck, and he gave it a name.

But Adam and Lucifer didn't take to each other right away. Lucifer couldn't fathom that Eden, a whole new kingdom, was created not for them, the Seraphim, but for Adam, its King. He saw in him only the Dirt and Ash of the Earth, from which he was made, saying that Adam couldn't do all that the Beings of Light could. Adam felt ashamed of his weakness. Although Raphael comforted him, Lucifer's words etched themselves permanently in his memory.

Adam had an excellent memory.

He remembered how he met Her. How he calmed her, frightened by the excited Seraphim, how he introduced himself for the first time, completely mixing up the order of words…

Lilith. His other half, his equal, His Queen of the Garden of Eden, the one who would share the Garden with him and rule alongside him as an equal for all eternity. The Lord God heard his sorrow; He gifted him a companion, the one he would always love.

They worked together, each performing what was entrusted to them by the Will of the Lord, the very reason they were created. He remembered how they gifted each other "creations," how they named and devised concepts for one another, while the Seraphim assisted and praised them.

Adam recalled those beautiful moments when he and Lilith sang under the tree canopies, surrounded by golden flowers. He was inferior to his beautiful Lilith, who simply adored to sing, but he didn't mind; he was happy for Lilith, and she was pleased with his attempts to catch up with her.

Adam had a magnificent memory.

He remembered how the Seraphim helped them, although more accurately, they with Lilith helped the Seraphim. How… how Lucifer began to spend time with them, no, not with him, but with His Lilith. His wife, his other half, HIS Queen.

Adam remembered how gradually Lucifer started to see Lilith more often. How he called him "below" himself, a wingless semblance of an angel. Hurtful words. That was when Adam first experienced that feeling. But he chastised himself, blaming his weakness and ignorance, even though other Seraphim said the opposite, praising his potential as a "human," scolding Lucifer.

Adam remembered how Lilith first tried to take on his work in the Garden, his little patch of plants that only he needed to grow, plants that were nowhere else in Eden, for they were created by Adam.

"We are equals," she said then, standing beside Lucifer, who was egging her on, assigning her a new task from the Lord.

He remembered how Michael scolded Lucifer, commanding him to return to Adam's plot, where the three of them found Lilith, dirty and in tears. Michael also reprimanded Lilith for taking on Adam's work without finishing her own. Lucifer persuaded her, and in the end, she destroyed his entire plot. All his efforts went to waste; all his Creations were obliterated.

But Adam didn't care. All he saw then, what forever etched itself in his memory, were the tears of his beloved wife. The face of Lilith, tear-stained and ashamed. He didn't care about that silly patch.

Then Adam, to the astonishment of all the Seraphim and the bewilderment of his wife, smeared himself with the mud scattered near the ruin of his labors. He embraced Lilith, dragging her to the nearest lake, where he washed her, comforted her, and held her. That night… he gave her all his love, passion, and desire. Poor Jophiel, the Seraph of Love, fainted… Adam and Lilith had a good laugh, inventing "love" and "sex."

Time passed. Lucifer continued to spend time with HIS wife, his lover, his equal…

Adam was against this, as Lilith gradually grew cold toward him, becoming more enamored with the "Beloved Son," a title coined by Lucifer himself, as Michael had said.

"Why not?" Lilith said then, reproaching him for spending so much time with other Seraphim… But he did not change his feelings for his beloved Lilith; he always wanted to show her that he didn't care about Eden, that he would gladly change all of Creation in her honor, that…

"How do you know it's wrong?" Lilith began to say strange things. She wanted more and more to carry out his tasks, leaving her part for Lucifer, speaking with him about "worlds beyond Eden," reproaching him for his "dependence" on the Seraphim and…

"It's unworthy of me; I am above such things," she said once about one of her assignments from the Lord, passed to her by Gabriel. Then Adam, not wanting to incur the wrath of the Seraphim upon her, took on that assignment for her, but…

Everything began to fall apart, and Adam had a perfect memory to remember it all.

Adam and Lilith drifted further apart; Lilith no longer smiled at him as she smiled at Lucifer…

Adam invented a new musical instrument. Perhaps he sang poorly, but if he tried to approach it from a different angle… Lucifer mocked his attempt to recreate his "violin," for which he was besieged by his brothers and sisters who watched over Eden.

At that moment, Lucifer's words struck Adam deeply; he sought explanations from Lilith, wanting to know the reason for their separation, the reason…

They quarreled; he and his wife invented "a quarrel" for the first time, giving it meaning and a name. How Adam regretted his transgression.

"Oh, of course, it's Lucifer this, Lucifer that! Of course, if Lucifer said it, it must be the Truth!" they argued, expressing everything they had hidden from one another, and for the first time, he raised his voice at his Lilith.

Lilith reproached him for hypocrisy, saying he had no issue spending time with other Seraphim while she couldn't spend hers with Lucifer, but she didn't understand…

"I! Your husband, and you are MY wife, not HIS; it has always been so and will always be so!" Then Adam made his first mistake. He hurt Lilith deeply; he would have apologized, but she struck him with her palm across the face. Adam felt pain not from the blow, but from having hurt his wife.

Adam realized his mistake; he decided… "to reassess his views," as Uriel had taught him; he resolved to apologize.

Adam had an excellent memory for his mistakes.

They didn't speak for the next few days; Adam wanted to create music on… a Harp, a Lute? A Harp, as Jophiel had named his instrument. He wanted to play music, hoping to ask for Lilith's forgiveness.

Adam had an excellent memory, and he hated it.

He remembered that evening when the Seraphim hurried somewhere, when Michael himself arrived; he recalled… finding Lucifer's robe-clad form and… His Lilith. His eternal love. How Lucifer declared his love for his wife and… how Lilith responded in kind.

Adam hated his perfect memory, for it always haunted him.

He was empty, he was angry, he was in rage and sorrow.

Lucifer and Lilith shared some fruit, but Adam didn't care. He slept for several weeks, likely destroying something somewhere, "fell like a star," as Michael said, who came to apologize for his brother, so disgustingly similar to him.

He remembered that emptiness and apathy that followed him after Lilith was cast out. The one he never stopped loving and cherishing, despite all her faults.

Adam had an excellent and perfect memory, which sometimes brought him something pleasant.

He remembered… Her, created not from dust and dirt, not from the remnants of Creation, but from himself, from his rib. The Holy Spirit descended and made Her. Eve. The new Queen of the Garden of Eden.

His part, his second half… The Seraphim feared that Adam would not accept this innocent, oblivious Eve, but he opened his heart once more. He found another place for his new wife. He didn't replace Lilith with her; Lilith would always have a place in his heart, the very Lilith who cried in the dirt. He created… yes, created, a new place in his heart, especially for Eve.

They were happy; once again, Adam was happy and once again found meaning in Eden. Eve was not like Lilith; she didn't want to do his work, only what was given to her or what Adam assigned. If she did anything for him, it was only because she wanted to help or just to finish quickly so they could embrace each other.

His Eve did not want to go beyond, but she gifted him the Sun and the Sunset, Night and Day, and he, in return, gave her the Moon and the Stars, which she always admired. Once, he asked Jophiel and Michael to sprinkle many "stones" in the sky, which they gladly agreed to; Adam and Eve shared the "meteor shower," as the Seraphim called it.

Adam was grateful to have perfect memory.

Eve sang for him, and he played the harp for her. Adam had begun to create a new, more convenient instrument when…

Not the Seraphim, but he himself somehow understood that something was wrong.

Something terrible, something wrong had happened.

He didn't know how, but he rushed to the place. The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. What God commanded them never to touch, neither him with Lilith nor him with Eve. With Lilith, he didn't ask questions, but later… Uriel told him it was something beyond him, something ancient and more dangerous, but necessary in the Garden, as something whose meaning Adam would understand later.

Adam had a perfect memory, and he would forever remember that moment.

Exiled from Eden, Lilith—not his Lilith but THAT Lilith—and Lucifer stood next to HIS Eve. She held in her hands the Fruit of Knowledge of Good and Evil. The only thing that was on that Tree…

Adam didn't care how powerful Lucifer was or his love for Lilith, who looked at him with a strange gleam in her eyes; he didn't want to look. No, he immediately stood between those two and his Eve, who looked at his back with confusion.

She wanted to offer him the apple, but…

The Seraphim appeared again, and Adam saw Michael looking so furious for the second time. Then Adam saw Lucifer's Fear for the first time, Lilith's confusion, and… Eve's tears.

The Seraphim scolded HIS Eve, berating her for being deceived… Deceived by THEM. That it was not her fault; how could she have known?

"How dare they?!" Adam thought.

He stood up for Eve before the Seraphim, to the astonishment of all at the Tree, Seraphim, and Lilith with Lucifer. He shielded Eve with his back from God, who seemed to be looking directly at him. He defended his wife with words, asserting her innocence, blaming the two "temptors," who, strangely enough, took the blame upon themselves, especially Lilith, who continued to look at Adam with a strange gaze, as if seeing him for the first time, while Lucifer seemed to see something new in Adam.

But he didn't care.

The main thing was to protect the trembling and tearful Eve.

Lucifer and Lilith were cast down. In Lucifer's "Heaven," which he created to make a place for him and Lilith, that realm quickly filled with the Evil he had let into the Earth and into… Eve.

Eve was scolded, shamed, her tears and pleas ignored, while Adam…

Adam spoke for both of them, took on all of Michael's rage, listened to Uriel's reproaches, responded to Sara's concerns and…

He looked straight at Him. They silently gazed at each other.

Eve was to be expelled from Eden, stripped of Paradise. Adam was furious; he would not allow himself to be robbed of his wife again, not by Lucifer, not by the Seraphim, not by Evil, not by God!

"Then I will leave with her!" he shouted then, and under the various gazes of the Seraphim, from anger to pity, they were Cast Out.

Adam had a perfect memory.

…And he constantly wanted to escape from it.


Adam, Sir! – someone shook him by the shoulder.

Lute, he quickly realized.

What do you want, Psycho? – Adam shrugged off the hand of his most loyal follower.

You've drifted off again, even though around us… - Lute didn't finish, simply gesturing to the surrounding Fair.

Yes… "Fucking and Awesome, definitely not like before, the Fair." Hooray…

Adam took a sip of the excellent "dwarven" beer, "Knockout Scout," as the little angel had named his wonderful drink. This beer became one of the few that could truly impress him. It simply knocked the Ambrosia he'd been drinking the day before off its pedestal.

Adam was a busy angel, you see. Work at the Department, those Meetings, Exterminations, which, although they happen only once a year, have their annoyances that begin much earlier and later than that "Day I." What else...? Adam was one of the most famous angels, second or third after Jesus Christ, so he often attended various… "events," the consequences of which so irritated Sir, one of the first he saw in Edem...

These memories had once again caught up with him, although Adam thought he should be quicker. Yesterday, Adam decided to get thoroughly drunk not only to celebrate yet another "job well done," but also because these… moments had reminded him of themselves again.

Sometimes, Adam wants to forget it all, but he can't. Then he would forget Them. His Lilith and Eve, those two images he would forever keep in his heart.

Much had happened after the Fall, after the creation of this Damnable Hell.

Adam had lived nearly a thousand years on Earth, lost Eve, lost his children… Those who cared for their old man, who were close to him.

When he arrived in Paradise and found neither his children nor Eve… it felt as if he was alone again in Eden.

Despite all his prayers and pleas, he was denied the wish to elevate Eve and his children… All of them, however Adam felt about them, were still his children; he loved them all in one way or another.

However, all those fucking featherbrains turned him down, the Seraphim shrugged their shoulders, saying, "Rules and Laws cannot be circumvented"…

Thanks to the Demiurge, some Seraphim Adam had never seen before, who he didn't even know existed, for helping him get back at least some of his children… But not Eve.

No one offered him explanations, and…

- Sir, the High Seraphim and her… assistants are coming. – Lute called out with a smirk, distracting him from his sacred consumption of beer.

- Then let them go about their business; what do we care… - Adam sat at the table of this dwarven bar, and that angel would likely become his favorite supplier of new "headache remedies."

- You don't understand, sir. They're coming to us. – That phrase made Adam glance gloomily in the direction Lute was looking.

And indeed. Sera, Emily, and Virgil were approaching them.

Oh… and Sera and Virgil seemed to be awkwardly shuffling between themselves. Adam had known Sera for a long time, practically since his own "birth," minus a thousand years when he couldn't see her, only listen. He immediately understood that something had happened between Sera and Virgil.

Though… Considering how they'd been behaving lately, you didn't need to be Jophiel to realize that Sera had finally decided to take charge of herself and, at long last, lose her virginity. This Sera, who even shied away from a direct sexual hint, was now shining brighter than ever, walking closer to Virgil, with some silly, barely noticeable smile on her face.


Adam had long realized that NO ONE in Heaven was perfect. He didn't know what God had in mind, but absolutely everyone in Paradise had their own weakness.

Michael collected figurines and staged mini-wars. "Tactical training practice," he called it when he invited him and other "his" Seraphim to these "trainings," where they spent their time joyfully battling their armies.

Jophiel, for example, loved reading lewd literature, like that former colleague of Virgil's, Amadeo, who published her fantasies under another name, for which she really should be sent to the Department of Heresy… But her Supervisor Dante covered for her, and Jophiel herself wouldn't allow it.

As for the hobbies of Raphael, Kamael, and Uriel, Adam swore not to even think about them, only in their presence when they themselves would guarantee the sanctity of his thoughts, but Sera…

There she was, walking hand in hand with him, not Virgil, who seemed to be hammering his way into her heart, not yet. Emily, that was her weakness. It seemed to be Virgil as well, given her joyful eyes and quiet laughter at every silly joke Virgil made, which testified to something.

Even that hypocrite Metatron, the Last-to-Become-First, had his own hobby. He composed music, poetry, and literature. Not bad, to Adam's taste, but Metatron never admitted to his "sin."

And how, forgive me, Lord, was he, the First Man, supposed to maintain "purity" and "perfection," the lack of which Metatron constantly kicked him for? "You must be the ideal, the embodiment of Man!" he would say. Goddamned hypocrites.

But Adam wasn't angry; he had simply long understood the limits of what was permissible for him and his loved ones, and now lived in a new comfort.

Searching for Eve and missing Lilith, who still refused to leave his heart. He hated That Lilith who deceived his Eve, but with all his heart, he cherished the memory of His Lilith, that innocent and tearful Lilith whom he had comforted and cheered up…

…Sometimes Adam just wanted to fall asleep for a couple of decades.

Wait, he had done that, somewhere after a thousand years, following his Ascension to Paradise. It didn't help.

"I should ask Virgil to come up with something to get rid of these damn thoughts." He could reach out to Raphael, maybe even to Kamael, but… Those two already had plenty on their plates, and Adam didn't want to distract them.

- Adam, Lute! – oh, that voice. Emily was as loud as ever, especially when Adam had just started his evening.

- It's the little girl Emily, Sera, and… - Adam elongated the words, a light smirk on his mask. - Vitalik, how are your wings? Not sore?

Virgil just smirked.

Adam adored his wings, loved his new powers, and seeing one of his descendants neglecting them… That bastard didn't even clean them, just haphazardly adjusted them and off he went!

He should unleash Lute on him; she was obsessed with wing cleanliness, plus… they had their "Practice" coming up! That's where this jerk would learn the meaning of the word "punish"… that is, "taking care of your wings."

- Adam. – Sera spoke up, apparently in too good a mood to be truly angry at him. - Please, leave your jokes and…

- Yes-yes, the Fair-Fair, fun and all that… - Adam toasted to the three of them with his mug, taking a sip. - My apologies. - Virgil's eyes widened in surprise.

- What are you drinking, Adam? Is it good? – Emily tilted her head questioningly, and Adam nearly spat the sacred beer on the table. Lute quickly stepped between him and Emily.

- Your Majesty, Emily, you shouldn't consume such… It's too strong for you… - Lute, his savior, tried to protect them both from Sera's wrath.

- Sounds like a challenge! – Adam panicked, glancing at Virgil, the one who could potentially stop this whirlwind of enthusiasm that seemed determined to annoy everyone, that little devil…

Virgil was about to put a hand on Emily's shoulder when…

- Why not. – Sera's words froze all four of them, looking at Sera in shock. It seemed she had also drunk a couple of oceans of the beer Adam was currently drinking since this was the same Sera who hadn't wanted to let Emily out for a stroll just moments ago, and now she simply allowed it. Adam's template broke, and Lute stood there in astonishment.

- REALLY?! – Emily clasped her face in her hands, only to immediately dart over to the bar.

Adam immediately understood the reasons for such generosity when Sera's eyes sparkled with a white gleam, and Virgil stared intently at the dwarf-angel, who preferred to be called Karl.

- Can I please have that, and that too, and… - Emily wanted to try everything within reach, and Sera didn't mind, sitting a few stools away from Adam, while Virgil and Emily sat next to her. Virgil to her left, Emily to the left of Virgil.

Karl, that wonderful angel, quickly brought Emily three green mugs, assuring her that these were the "strongest" drinks that only the "boldest" dwarves dared to drink. Adam didn't know where this angel came up with those words, but may God bless him; they were hilarious.

Karl correctly understood Sera's, Virgil's, and Adam's hints, giving her essentially sweet soda called "Leaf Lover."

Lute sat back with him, returning to her mug, Virgil took a golden mug of ale, and Sera… decided to take nothing for herself, glancing warily at the bartender's assortment, and her gaze… Oh, there's some story behind that!

- …what? – Emily was saying something to him. Had he zoned out again?

- What was that again, little one? – Adam took another sip of the "Bouncer." - Sorry, I dozed off a bit.

- Are you okay? – Emily's eyes filled with genuine concern. - So… I asked how you were doing, Adam? – The First Man smirked.

- What's there to tell…

With the support of Lute and Sera, Adam began his tale about his annual "training sessions and confrontations with the demons of Hell," which was essentially true, but… Emily would be better off not knowing. She wouldn't understand; her soul was too wounded by those… By that part of his streams that still had chances, certainly, while the others… Adam didn't consider them "descendants"; rather, they were products of Evil that had crept into the world, since such an amazing father as Adam couldn't have spawned such scum, could he?

Adam believed not.

In any case…

Adam and Lute persuaded Emily to walk with her company, although Adam thought it would be better for the three of them to leave the two lovebirds alone to figure out the situation, which was obvious to Adam…

He should call Virgil again to "talk," this time about Sera.