Chapter 13.1 "Supreme Court"

Heaven. The Spire of Justice, the Hall of the High Council, the Eye of God. 1930.

"View of the Superior Court, Case No. [DELETED], the case of William Anderson Young, the Righteous One, the Archangel. "Song of Light. Full Council."

"Dear Brothers and Sisters, today I, Supreme Seraphim of the Golden City, will have the honour of conducting this hearing on the case of Archangel Virgil, true name William Anderson Jung, hearing..."the voice, devoid of emotion, no longer resembled the magnanimous and kind Sera that the Golden City knew.

She was more of a shadow of herself now, a fully autonomous construct created to do the task at hand. A tool. But even that tool had feelings.

Sera... Sera couldn't....

Why did he...?

Sera was unquestioningly fulfilling her Role, her Duty as Supreme Seraphim, her Duty. No mistakes, no emotion, just Logic and Reason.

She continued to conduct the Meeting.

" ...Today, the High Council is presented by: High Lord Metatron, Lord Commander Michael, Lord Uriel, Lord Gabriel, Lord Raphael, Lord Camael, Lady Jophiel..." - Sera proclaimed, nodding respectfully to the figures in the shadows at the top of the hall at each new name.

Sera... When news of the strange anomaly that the Devil himself was probably connected to had reached her, Sera had only shook her head, preparing herself for more work, waiting for Virgil to arrive....

But... When she found out that her... favourite Archangel was directly connected to this incident, Sera became wary, turning all her attention to this....

Virgil... William... WHY?!

Sera was horrified.

One of her train of thought. She had devoted a good half of her mind entirely to this conflicting feeling.

Grief. Anger. Despair. Betrayal. Forgiveness. Resentment. Understanding.

Sera's mind was torn by the contradiction, but she steadfastly continued to fulfil her role.

...The accused is charged with organising the very act of Sacrilege and betrayal of the Will of God, the death of three thousand souls on the spot, the death of...' her voice rang a grim sword over the matter under discussion. Sera never once looked in the direction of the chained figure.

Outside, her face was stone. This Sera was unemotionally fulfilling her Duty. She was conducting a Hearing whose category, it seemed, should never rise again, for there were to be no more fools willing to commit a crime on the level of Lucifer himself.

In one part of her mind, there were only questions she couldn't find answers to, or rather, that part of her didn't want to find them, wanting to express her pain in that way.

William... WHY?!

On the other hand...

Outside - Sera was coldly ogling what she should, behaving appropriately and fulfilling her role properly...

Sera was furious. She was insulted, offended and displeased. William... He had taken advantage of her. Had he... All this time...?

No. All those feelings, their connection, they say otherwise. William did love her.

...It was just that, as it turned out, Sera didn't know William as well as she thought she did.

She was angry, she was resentful, she was not finding answers to old questions, to new ones. Instead, she was finally able to explain some of the inconsistencies in William's behaviour of the last few years, his behaviour throughout their acquaintance and relationship.

The meeting continued.

...Each Seraphim voiced their Oaths, their Vows, their Promises. Each of them swore by the Divine Name, one that was known only to Him, those who worked directly with Him had been instructed personally, even before the Exaltation and creation of Metatron, by the Lord.

The High Council swore in honest judgement that nothing would influence its decision, that nothing would be forgotten or overlooked. Everything would be taken into account, everything would be made public. The Council would come to a Decision, and Sera would pronounce the Sentence.

It is as it should be.

...It's the only way she has a chance to help, to give him a chance at vindication.....

One part of Sera wanted to scream. Out of anger, out of grief, or the situation itself. It had been a long time since the Council had met for such a reason, the last time being the Fourth Hell Rebellion. Sera kept running the Meeting as best she could, listening and heeding the Seraphim, her brothers and sister, but for probably the first time in her entire time leading this process, Sera couldn't make up her mind.

On the one hand, she wanted to take William in her arms, replace him with another soul and just get out of here. On the other hand, Sera wanted to bring down on William the worst punishments possible. Sera was torn, only a small portion of her concentration and mental strength was directed towards this Judgement. Her reaction was slightly slowed, just a little, but it was enough for the other Seraphim to accurately understand her mood.

But no one said anything. Sera hoped that most, except for Uriel and perhaps Metatron, were unaware of her relationship with the Condemned One. She was almost certain of it. She was well in touch with Uriel, their bond strong and tested by the sands of time. Metatron, on the other hand, simply didn't care. As long as her affections didn't interfere with her work, especially in the High Council, he would turn a blind eye.

The Council itself is the highest authority in Paradise, to which all branches of the Golden City report, including her, the Athanim, Adam and his Slayings, and many other equally important, maybe even more secretive Departments and Divisions.

Above the Council is only God.

...So why was the High Council itself gathered to Hear about some Archangel, her personal assistant?

This... Virgil has gone where he should never have gone.

"Therefore, I, Supreme Seraphim of the Golden City, declare the High Council Meeting number *****, open!" - Sera finally called the meeting to order. The Oaths were said, the Word was spoken, the Condemned was sounded out.

The session has officially begun. Sera began to read the basis of the charge. She began to list all the things that had happened, to talk about the violation of God's Will and the new warp of the Plan....

Out of the corner of her eye, Sera caught sight of the figure of William, whom she no longer knew how to relate to. Break their bond...? Sera... didn't want to, no matter how much the cup of her anger was boiling.

As she spoke, her shell's gaze fell on William.

She barely recognised the figure, even the soul of her assistant-boyfriend-lover had changed. Almost complete lack of clothes, only the remnants of a shirt, trousers and shoes. They're shabby, the shirt barely clings to her body, and the right sleeve is missing up to the shoulder. The knee-length trousers were ripped open, revealing completely black feet, inscribed with strange light-blue runes that shimmered and faded in and out.

His hair had turned a dirty grey-black colour from the pristine white of the snow; it had shortened to his shoulders, falling over his face. Virgil, since he had been placed in chains, had not moved once, had not uttered a single word. He reeked of Darkness.

His halo... His wings... His wings were scorched, the beautiful blue-white patterns almost lost their shape, turning into symbols of some kind, and his nimbus was missing a part of it, cracked.

" High Lord Metatron, please read the charges in detail, for the record of the Meeting..." she addressed the shadowy figure sitting near the top of the hall, almost at the very ceiling. The only thing that could be seen was a multitude of halos merged into one, shining with the beautiful light of God himself.

Metatron. The voice of God, the one that announces and delivers messages to Him. Seraphim, occupying, in fact, the second place in the hierarchy of power of Paradise, after Him.

He kept a record of everything. Everything that had ever happened in the Universe, Heaven, partly Hell, wherever his Eye and Influence could reach. An aspect of Time.

" ...His defence counsel, to speak on behalf of the Accused, to help him find the Truth and give him a chance for forgiveness before the face of God..." Sera's eyes travelled over all the Seraphim figures hidden in the shadows. While one of them...

" Uriel, Aspect of Knowledge, will you protect this soul at this Session? "- At Sera's question, purely formal, the designated figure nodded.

It was very rare for the High Council to meet, especially with such a composition. Especially one of this severity, requiring so many Aspects of the Universe.

Usually, as many Aspects were affected by a misdemeanour of this magnitude as were present.

The only time when all Aspects were present was the Lucifer Trial.

The Court presupposes an Accuser, which the other Aspects act as, but also... Providing a Defender, presenting the Grace of God, which gives every soul, no matter how guilty, a chance at salvation.

Sera, on the other hand... Usually, she acts as an impartial judge, but this time....

William... WHY DID YOU DO THIS?!

Sera once again failed to contain the panicked, now useless part of her mind.

She didn't know how much longer she could hold out before she just let all those emotions out.

As Metatron read out William's sins slowly, very slowly to her perception, Sera thought back.

She remembered their first meeting, when Virgil had just comprehended his Weave, when he had broken the Rule for the first time... It went from there, right? Sera liked the novelty of it, but now she understood the reasoning behind it.

Did he want to get close to her? He'd succeeded. Sera was both angry and flattered.

She remembered his tea parties when he'd come closer and closer to her, trying to get her soul and take it for himself. Sera was glad for the change... She could see that he was sincere, but... How unpleasant it was to find out such details when they both hadn't gotten into each other yet.

Sera didn't know what emotions she should be feeling.

He brought chaos into her life. She loved it. He helped her re-organise her workflow, almost completely overhauling it. Sera became freer and greatly improved her relationships with her loved ones. He gave a lot of advice. She taught him Miracle, Aether, and much more. He gave her dream date - she took him to Eden.

Sera still couldn't make up her mind about her feelings, so she did what she did best.

She gave herself to her work.

"...Illegal study of the Aether... Creation of your own heretical doctrine based on the Aether... Distortion of your Sacredness... Interference with God's Plan.." She listened to the speech now, automatically taking note of what was being said, making calculations, predictions, and preparing the right words.

Sera exhaled imperceptibly. The results were encouraging. Sera may be angry with William, but she does not wish him dead. That might be scary for a Righteous One, but for a Seraphim... Archangel William is just a child in Paradise, just starting to walk under the table.

Some of the Seraphim, she would not even mention the names in her mind, really consider those souls that on Earth could be described as nothing but 'wise and ancient' to be nothing but foolish children in Paradise, up to three centuries old so to speak.

That will be her strategy. If William hasn't screwed up anywhere by crossing the line, she'll be able to....

...The creation of the so-called Song of Light Project, which shook the Concept of the Universe - humans...

Sera's soul missed a beat.

'...Wanting to change Creation...'

Time after time, while the world outside slowly floated, Virgil's words spoken in the secret walk through Eden flashed through her mind.

William... Virgil... No... Please tell me this isn't....

There's that panic and fear again. It's getting harder and harder to suppress her impulses.

With this revelation, the realisation of even greater uncertainties, she was able to...

Not get answers to her questions, but she has, in this terrible way, come to know William better.

Sera still couldn't decide how to feel about it.

One part of her wanted to make up any lie she could to make William's act not sound so horrifying. After all, he wasn't, Sera was convinced. That Sera.

...So what if the people who were at the heart of the Song suffered. William had chosen those who would have gone to Hell anyway, he had shown the mercy of the holiest of angels, giving them Peace (Sera didn't know what had happened to the souls at the heart of the Song, honestly, she didn't care). ...

That panicked part of her mind that sympathised with William was not going away.

...Yes, he had warped people's souls. Not everyone on Earth, just a small part, that's one, and secondly, he tried to fix it (Sera learnt this from the reports of the Aphanim who had viewed all the details from Virgil's soul), failing only because his Song was hastily interrupted. This means that the Condemned One realised his wrong if he did not initially execute this undoubtedly horrible Plan under the influence of others...

Sera-- Sera's not thinking about that. She doesn't really care about the cultists, but she's protecting souls...

...People died? Not all of them, and it was almost always the most sinful ones. Souls warped in some obscure way? They can fix it. William worked with the Cult? Killed two birds with one stone, because the Department of Law was able to almost completely destroy the Goat Cult, the oldest and most dangerous of the demon worshippers....

Sera suppressed that part of her mind with great difficulty, missing a few more comments from the other Seraphim.

Mistake. She can't even remember what those said. Unacceptable.

Sera returned her attention, the rest of it, to the Meeting...

...Made a deal with the Devil, working closely with him...' Metatron enumerated relentlessly.


Sera barely managed to suppress a surprised sigh, maintaining her mask.

...Literally anything but THIS. Anything the man could think of. William had killed thousands of people? Sera would have been able to exonerate him. William corrupted souls? Sera would owe Raphael, Camael, and Uriel, but would be able to pull William out of the noose... BUT.....

A deal with Lucifer, one that the Celestial should not meet under any circumstances, much less for any of his goals and dreams!

If only you had asked... Did you trust HIM more than Me?

Sera nearly lost her mask, revealing her most secret feelings not inherent in the Supreme Seraphim.

But, she pulled herself back together. She must fulfil her Duty.

"..The accused has the floor."- Sera said in a cold voice, her hand pointing towards the motionless figure in the holy white chains. "Your word, William Anderson Jung ..."

Sera waited...


The High Council expected...


For heaven's sake... Say something... Say something!

A panicked thought from a distant corner of her mind.

W-why won't you say anything?!

One more thing. It's harder for Sera to be angry with William, harder to set herself up for a just punishment if he doesn't justify himself. Only obediently accepting any punishment.

Despite her gradual loss of control, Sera continued the Session.

"I now give the floor to the Defence Counsel." - Sera's cold voice broke the silence. -" Lord Uriel. You have the floor. "- A hand pointed upwards, towards the figure in the shadows.

Uriel... Started to speculate on William's harm and intentions. Expecting, as she did, that he was simply deceived by the Traitor or was under the direct control of that...

Sera... owed to Uriel. The one who spoke not so much in William's defence as in Sera's own. He--

He knew about her and William's relationship... Saying nothing to the others, silently supporting... He was right now, like her, naturally making up reasons to justify William, to please Sera.

Seraphim are not perfect.

Adam, as Sera had realised long ago, had come to that thought too. He dared not make it public, but he behaved accordingly.

Sera had a weakness for loved ones. She had lost two Archangels, unwilling to interfere with what she then thought was innocent Adam in matters between Hell and Paradise, effectively sending those two to their deaths.

...Of course, then Sera thought that the demons of Hell with Queen Lilith would not go for such a brazen provocation, Sera expected a display of reason and civility, but ... Adam clearly proved her wrong. That's when the idea of the Slayings was born.

Uriel, on the other hand... had a hunger for knowledge. The little that Sera knows about him. Adam probably knows much more, but from what Sera knows personally and for sure... The payment for Uriel's help to William, would be his knowledge gleaned from Lucifer himself. These 'Weaves' of William's that somehow have already gone to hand on Earth, being mastered by the cultists more and more.

'A new way to use God,' as these blasphemers assure us.

How dare they twist William's ideas like that!

Sera's thoughts froze for a moment.

Did she understand William? What did she even know about his ideology... His ideas?

Sera's anger vanished, she sincerely pondered the question, leaving Uriel's words to the background.

...No. Sera knew William, most of him. She...knew of the man's desire for more....

Saw his pride.

She just didn't want to admit it. Didn't want to deal with this 'minor' issue. Didn't want to deprive herself of her little paradise in Paradise. She didn't want to deprive Emily of her 'best friend', Adam's 'first normal assistant in a thousand fucking years'. She didn't want to lose someone who understood her, who supported and helped her. Sincerely.

It was partly her own fault for what had happened. She hadn't stopped William when she had the chance, drowning in...her own desires.

Enjoying her non-ideality.

Sera imperceptibly exhaled heavily, releasing the tension.

None of the Seraphim gathered here are perfect, nor do they live up to the image they construct for other souls.

'Sera is the perfect leader for always getting things done on time, an impartial judge, and a caring mother to all souls.'

In fact: before William, the one barely managed to devote her time to Emily, one of the few souls close to her, by snapping at the other souls, she could do everything herself, but... was left with almost no energy. Before, Sera would never have admitted it, but dealing with William had changed that, now she realised that she would use any means to keep her loved ones and those she protected from harm. Adam, Emily, William. Sera- If her loved ones are safe, only then does she think of other souls, without that she just.....

'Michael is a valiant and impartial warrior, fighting for God, Earth and Heaven.'

Yes, Michael was the first to turn against Lucifer when he began to interfere with God's Plan for Eden. The first to stop Lucifer from further harming Eden, who banished him from Lilith, who guarded his Spire, who shackled Lucifer....

But he also, the 'noble' and 'pious' Michael, the Aspect of Order and Devotion, the most faithful servant of God... He also defended Lucifer in his Judgement.

Michael loved, and perhaps still does, his younger brother very much. So much so that only the voices of the other Aspects, who recognised Lucifer's guilt, could make him stop making up words to justify his brother's actions.

After their battle, during the First Rebellion, it seemed to Sera that a piece of his soul had died in Michael... In the future, every time Lucifer caused wars, battles, where he appeared in person or in one form or another, helping the Sins who were already waging their own wars....

Michael always took Lucifer on himself.

Metatron used to impute this to Michael, to which the latter joked - "Only I know all the tricks and trump cards of my brother, only I can come out victorious from such a fight...", he always assures that no one else can defeat Lucifer, that he has become too strong, that only Michael, as 'his part' can resist him.....

But Jophiel. An aspect of the Soul, she could look into many souls and see what no one else could.

"Michael fears that if Lucifer is fought by someone else, some other group of Seraphim equal to or stronger than the Devil, those will kill the Second. Michael dreads this the most, still secretly believing that one day he will reform.", these are Jophiel's secret explanations to her.

Adam would have hated Michael for such a thought and he would have been completely right.

It was they, the Seraphim, who kept telling Adam that 'Hell is forever', that "The souls of Sinners can never atone for their sins and ascend to Paradise...". They were the ones who denied his request to help his children.

By saying such things, Michael continues to believe that the Prince of Deception will one day be able to rejoin the ranks of the Seraphim, to ascend to Heaven once again. He believes sincerely, like a child or a father who loves his son no matter what.

The meeting continued.

".The meeting dismisses Lord Uriel's words, due to the direct evidence that nullifies what Lord Uriel has said..." Sera said coldly, looking directly at the dark figure that nodded understandingly.

Sera was losing control of herself more and more. Keeping her composure, holding back the weakest part of herself, the one that loved William with all her soul. Now was not the time.

Sera forced herself to remember all her recent anger and resentment towards William to maintain some semblance of composure.

Yes, he had made a deal with the Devil. He had wrapped the Liar around his finger, managing to escape the loops of his deception. Yes, he studied under Lucifer, listened to him. William has extracted valuable information for Paradise, if there is a need - they can seal and withdraw this knowledge (Beforehand, Uriel or Sera will review this knowledge for danger, definitely not passing it back to William...). ...

Sera tried to ignore the slipping thoughts as she continued to conduct the Trial...

...The Council listened to the Defence and the Accuser, giving the floor to the Accused again...



William was silent.

"...Do you, William Anderson Jung, know what has become of the souls who have suffered through your fault?" - Sera didn't like Metatron's voice. The one was usually overly strict as it was, demanding discipline and other boring things, but now...

Sera wanted to shut this Seraphim up, the Weaker part of her was winning, but she continued to stare coldly at William's motionless figure.

His skin had lost its snow-white hue, becoming black and ash, shimmering with blue-white energy. His beautiful elven ears became ordinary, human ears. His hands up to his forearms periodically lost their flesh, keeping their shape with the help of blue-white energy, and so did his legs up to his knees. It was as if his body couldn't decide whether to disappear under the Light or cling to Life in any way it could.

Metatron began to list the details of the tragedy. Many people had died, their souls would not be sent to Paradise, although they would definitely pass God's Judgement, which the souls of all people undergo, which determines whether the soul goes to Paradise or Hell. Metatron had mentioned many deaths and only one case had squeezed the first reaction out of William - he had shuddered.

The death of his family on Earth.

Their souls - completely erased. As if those had been pulled from their bodies and burned. No trace of them, nothing to recover.

William sighed heavily. The chains made a prolonged clinking sound, but the Condemned One didn't utter a word.

Anything... Say something... Do what you do best - babble and bamboozle the Seraphim... Only, please... Don't leave me....

Sera heard the cry of her thoughts. Her mental streams were coming into direct confrontation, she couldn't come to one decision. She wanted to address William through their bond, something the Council would surely notice.

She wanted some way to quiet the chaos in her mind. She wanted to hear at least something from the Accused. She wanted to hear the truth.

Uriel, God bless his discernment, provided the opportunity by emitting his energy, portraying indignation.

After all, William worked in his domain, in a Department controlled by him. Uriel had to react somehow, who expected so much?

Sera was very grateful to Uriel.

It had taken her a moment to look into William's soul, and she had....

Emptiness, grief, agony... Guilt.

Many, many things were going through William's mind. He was using literally all of his train of thought to... Sera couldn't even imagine what he was trying so hard for, but...

William fully admits guilt and accepts any punishment.


No, William. Please.

Now, both parts of her mind were coming to terms. Sera almost lost control. She could barely keep from breaking her Duty.

Sera mustered the last of her strength to finish it.

The Meeting continued, but Sera couldn't remember what was there until.....

...With that, the Session passes judgement, Condemned Soul! - Was that her voice... Sera couldn't realise what tone of voice she was using? The effects of such stress on the mind? Raphael had mentioned something like that, but....

William raised his head at her, waiting for a verdict. He looked directly into Sera's eyes. She tried to convey her emotions through their bond, but....

No. He hasn't the strength to hear her, he can't hear her for some reason.

He must not remember her like this!

Panic thought, after panic thought.


Panic broke through her barriers, all Sera could do was not show it outwardly.


Her thoughts began to jumble, but that wouldn't stop her from continuing to do her Duty.

Sera couldn't stop the flow of panic. She knew what she was condemning William's soul to. She wanted to reverse Time, she wanted to plead with God, she wanted to....

Sera had to make judgement out of the Council's decision. After all that she had to hear, it was her Duty to pass the most Just and Honest Sentence.

She has that freedom.

"..You forfeit your former name, you forfeit the mandate of the Archangel, the Holiness of the Angel, the Grace of God and his Love!" - her cold voice echoed through the walls of this great hall, resounding from the high boxes of the Council Chamber. - Doomed to be cast down into the abysses of Hyena, your portion is to "Burn in the Flames of Hell'!" - announced Sera's judgement.

The eyes of the Seraphim twitched in her direction, each filled with a different emotion, but they were all surprised at the Sentence, its strange wording, but no one said a word.

But Sera didn't give a shit.

Yes, she had effectively violated the Oath of Justice, which obligated her to pass a sentence commensurate with the violation.

'If they're not perfect, why should I act like a Perfect Man?'

Adam's words flashed through her mind, words he had said once long ago... But Sera paid no attention to them.

Right now, in this room, it was just her and William.

She could only hope that William's strength would be enough to survive the Fall.

He wasn't Lucifer, but...

Sera will do anything to ease his path. She can't give him her blessing directly, but after the Meeting...

the Council has delivered its verdict.

The chains around William's figure, encompassing him from head to toe, neck to neck, shook, breaking. A red crater was forming under William's feet. William paid no attention to it.

Eight pairs of eyes watched the execution of the Sentence unflinchingly.

Some with indifference, some with understanding, some with squeamishness, some with anger, and some....

With bitterness and fear.

William raised his gaze to Sera, squeezing out a smile.

'I'll be back,' was the last thing Sera heard over their connection.

Sera's eyes widened. Tears almost welled up in her eyes, Sera managed to suppress them.

Sera's mind went blank as she watched William's figure fall through the red vortex.

Plummeting into Hell.

* * *

Space. Somewhere between Heaven and Hell.


A strange and incomprehensible phenomenon to man.

On Earth, humans have always been drawn to the stars and the unknown. Someone says that soon people will fly to the Moon, science fictionists have long been dreaming theories and hypotheses about what awaits people on the Moon....

It's nothing, it's just a big rock in the Void.


Now Virgil could see them clearly. Them and the Golden City itself.

The view from below, so to speak.

Virgil had viewed this architectural marvel many times while flying high in the skies of Paradise. He'd flown alongside Emily more than once as they walked together, flown alongside Adam, Lut and Sera.

It seemed like... No.

He had definitely flown with other Righteous, whose names he no longer remembered.

Heaven provided leisure even in the sky.

More details could be recalled....

But, it doesn't matter now.

None of it matters anymore

Virgil fell into hell.

No jokes, no pranks, or some kind of experiment.

Virgil did a terrible thing and was punished accordingly.

And most importantly.

Virgil, for some reason, wasn't against this sort of thing. He was in complete agreement.

Admitting to himself fully, flying through the darkness of Space, he saw the beauties of cosmic gases, flying comets, felt even some cosmic wind.

No smell, no sound. It was a vacuum.

It had to be. It should be by all that man on Earth knows. But for Virgil, what was the Archa... Fallen? Fallen.

Virgil heard the sound of some kind of wind, felt a strange wind, not the kind that scientists described, but... It was as if it was just falling somewhere in the Earth's atmosphere, not breaking through vast distances, through...

Strange clouds? They must be space gases, which shouldn't be useful in any way, because their density...

The speed of a comet, like thirty kilometres per second...

The clouds and stars were supposed to merge into lines, changing every second, and here it felt like he was flying down from these... parachutes.

Something people invented when they developed aeroplane technology.

No, it's like he's just floating slowly on wings.

As if the Angels or God himself were giving him one last glimpse of Paradise and the cosmos. Virgil wanted to believe it, it was so much better than yet another illogicality of Creation.


The High Council, his personal Session... Sera.

Virgil didn't remember the details of the Session. As silly as that sounds.

The only thing that was accurately imprinted in his memory were the most memorable... moments.

The death of his family... Virgil wished he could be upset in some way, but....

He didn't feel fear or nervousness at all.

He was somehow melancholy and apathetic, flying somewhere, probably down... to Hell?

No, it was just that Virgil didn't... care, no. He just knew what to expect from the Song, knew the consequences, knew where he'd end up. This time his calculations were right.

Virgil had a strange take on his Fall in general. Like it was just another Tuesday at the office.

Virgil was so comfortable 'falling' that he even wrote down his Fall.

Yes, his powers have not changed or drained in any way. Aether is not a Miracle, his body became even better at conducting that energy. There's definitely a catch, but that's later... If that Sentence doesn't kill him. Virgil hoped so.

So... As soon as Virgil regained the ability to orientate himself in space, he, just on reflex, started recording what was happening.

The weave of the Sketch, which stored a fragment of memory in a separate Node, which could then be conveniently transferred to paper or screens. The weave worked itself out, Virgil didn't even immediately realise what he had done.

Just like that, the moment when he should have been in despair and panic turned into an interesting pastime.

Though, Virgil definitely expects that as he starts to fly towards Hell, he'll dip into its Flames. According to the records, it could burn the soul, burn the very being, the very Essence... There was no such thing when Lucifer fell, so, the First Fallen got off easy, especially lucky for his Queen, come to think of it.

A whole three streams of thought have been devoted to creating a defence against this Flame, especially since it has the Sentence and possibly the God's Curse hanging over it. Virgil still doesn't know what happened to the Curse. He supposedly took it off Eve... Probably even burned it, but... You just can't say for sure.

What was he thinking about?

About those beautiful and strange clouds, giving off a strange light that shouldn't exist in Space, or wherever he was now? Or about the strange sensation as if he, like a comet falling through the atmosphere, was burning up? As soon as Virgil realised this, he immediately protected himself with weaves. It helped.

Ah, yes. Judgement. 'Coolest moments,' as Adam would say.

Metatron's words. Exactly!

He should have been contemplating how touching the moment of his family's death was! Instead, he was pondering how he felt....


Even now... That Reflection... It, no He, a part of him, was right.

Virgil had only nominally helped the family, once he'd found out they were okay, he'd only spent the next couple of years taking an interest in them. On Adam's practice, he'd just brought it up simply because then he'd considered the other options, he'd wished to maximise the effectiveness of that practice.

What a bastard he was...

The souls of his Mother, Father, Sister... her family...? He can't remember their names... No, really...?!

Oh, no. Martha, Anderson, Olivia, he didn't... care about her children, he just wasn't interested, and her husband Jonathan was too conservative, causing him to have to send curses on him with magic a couple of times... Simple jinxes, ailments.... Did his sister have a lover - Virgil didn't know, but if she never complained... They had an interesting personal life...?

Why didn't he remember immediately...? Same as before. 'Only remembered on holidays' or whatever Moral's phrasing of his thoughts was. The song and their death is also a holiday, albeit....

Okay. He continued to fly somewhere 'down', the Golden City was getting farther away, becoming like a snow-white planet surrounded by discs of light, wings of Light...

Metatron's words simply reminded him of all the lives that had been distorted by his Song.

He didn't know exactly what had happened to them, but... He would find out if he survived.

And Uriel...

They'd never met, but Sera had mentioned that his work and projects had impressed this Seraphim, and Sera hadn't arranged a meeting due to avoiding revealing the fact of the Weave.

He helped not Virgil but Sera, otherwise he just can't explain his overly successful interventions for him and Sera... He must have said something else....


She could barely keep herself under control. She withdrew and went into her work. It was like he was seeing her again from the first year we met.

Her emotions... feelings... 'I'm sorry,' a thought ran through Virgil's mind.

All he could say. Right now, Virgil was disgusted by his past thoughts. Before the Weave, all the years...

William's gaze touched the various kinds and shapes of 'clouds', probably some kind of gas, that he was flying through. He couldn't describe his sensations exactly, but it was like being... intangible? William would have liked to do the calculations, but... why?

William covered his eyes, giving himself over to the memories.

A longing to go to Eden? That one turned out to be nothing like what the Verg had imagined it to be... William. William didn't see anything special, apart from the historical, visual and, partly, magical value of a place from which one couldn't even carry away some of the ingredients or do any research.

William had even forgotten about that desire, focusing on something else more important than the naive man's foolish wish.

Magic? William had uncovered part of the Intent, seen the background, learnt about the Quintessence, the Entropy that made up the Aether. He got down to such a level of abstraction that he began to utilise the different types of Aether energy. He realised probably what the Miracle was made of, he realised how it worked.

These were the ones William was pleased with.

Become a Seraphim? Why? To do what? To get a Mountain, no Mountain, and a couple of Responsibility planets? Yes, a nice three pairs of wings and a new halo design.

Becoming just an Archangel, William felt the strain increase, he dreaded to imagine what would happen if he continued...

All William wanted, as he now realised, was Magic and loved ones. He had found genuine happiness with this bunch... Sera, Emily, Adam, Lut and the Shield Sisters.

And now... Ah, here comes his moment of reflection!

William perked up. Shaking his head sharply.

The stars began to redden and darken. William prepared weaves to protect himself from Flame, Entropy and, just in case, Evil... He would, for the first time, pray as an Archangel. He couldn't remember the last time he had used a Miracle, but he was willing to use any means necessary to preserve his mind and soul.

William couldn't say for sure, but he was starting to get... nervous? It felt like something was looming over him, and the smell... began to resemble the smell of a forest fire. Like something had burned somewhere, far away and long ago.....

Something else...?

Something else that had been on Trial...?

A blue star with a golden core flew past, shrouded in a red glow, travelling in the exact opposite direction from him, William barely had time to catch a glimpse of the comet that flew past him....

That's it!

Eve, her Ascension to Paradise.

All through the Trial he had been concentrating on her. On getting her to Paradise as soon as possible, as safely as possible.

He prayed, without Miracle or Aether, he just couldn't, because those chains restricted the very soul... But he just prayed, trying to transfer his Will to help Eve. He naturally put all of himself, all of his Will, all of his Desire and Intention. He imagined and modelled the result, made formulas. William used everything he knew to make sure that Eve would definitely go to Paradise.

There could be no mistake, or William would lose any excuse at all.

He didn't know if he had succeeded, but he was doing everything he could to make sure she got what she had long deserved - God's help. He might not have been able to hear Eve, for she was asleep, but He could definitely hear him at that moment.

'Heh... That's kind of funny, isn't it?' thought William.

He, the Condemned One, used the moment when God looks at you with judgement and holds judgement for Him to hear his prayer.

William couldn't say from where, but he was certain that his prayers had been answered, that He knew about Eve.

Considering that Eve's Star, a great new name, was still holding course, gradually moving further 'up' away from William, and Weave's calculations showed the Star's end point to be Paradise... God had heard him and helped Eve.

William hoped so.

...When did the stars disappear...?

It's about time. The time for humour and positivity is over.

William is approaching Hell. The Flames of the Hyena.

William was beginning to panic. So far it was the beginnings of real Panic, but....

'This is going to... hurt... ', flashed through William's mind.

William was preparing for the Burning, his Sentence....

'What is this energy... Sir?', William thought tiredly, feeling such a native and pleasant energy of his... Seraphim.

'What's that?', here William felt another type of Seraphim energy... much stronger and more powerful....

'Mikhail?!', panic rushed through William's mind as he....

Remembered. Remembered Mikhail suppressing Uriel with his power when he started to resent something... Then Mikhail....

'You have recognised Lucifer, you have known his present one, tell me soul, if you will, why did Lucifer help you?' - Was Michael's question. His voice was soft, but demanding. Not at all like anything William had heard before. This was not a jolly humorous man, no. A weary and tired warrior.

'He criticised my ideas, laughed at my dream, called me an idiot or a fool, veiled in several layers of words, but he... Sincerely wanted to help Eve...' - William answered Michael through the mental channel, he could sense nothing from the First Angel, he was like a monolith. William couldn't understand anything, and he was also just too tired to lie to Lord Mikhail in any way.

'...Gratitude, condemned soul.' - A hiccup, tangible, as if stretched out, that was how Michael's last words to William were spoken. No further, they did not make contact.

Now, William realised, Michael was thanking him. By completely breaking his vow.

If William could, he would have laughed, but now he was absorbing the energies, amplifying his weaves with them.

William had hope that he would not go mad in the Flame.

His wings and halo... which, as it turned out, had been worn away by the Fall, were beginning to regenerate. William made the most of this opportunity, for it was not a lot of energy, but it was of a high quality that helped to patch up the cracks.

And so it went on.

A moment of flight, converting a portion of both energies to restore Sanctity, halo, and wings, redirecting the remainder for defence.

And so it went on, until the 'clouds' were finally gone, and the smell of... sulphur? Burnt wood? Ashes, sulphur, something rotten?

'Here comes Hell...', William thought indifferently. Nerves managed to calm down a bit, and with the help of the Weave to perform the necessary operations, but when William literally skinned his shell he felt the heat... no Heat.

Like he was falling into the sun. By the feel of it, it was definitely around six thousand degrees Celsius here... And yet William had only just approached.

William adjusted his defences, preparing himself... for the Strike.

'Here comes the Sentence...', William's thought flashed through his mind. For a moment, he turned his head downwards....

Flame. If one had to pick the perfect visualisation for every word, this particular landscape would be the definition for 'Flame'.

Looking up there, into that 'Eye' of Flame, everything was burning. Everything. Thoughts, intentions, shell, energy, even the Light itself was transformed into the energy powering this strange phenomenon.

'If I survive this...', William thought nervously, 'I'll definitely get better. I swear to God...', William continued to stare at this Eye of Flame without taking his eyes off. The flame seemed to absorb his attention, causing him to be distracted by himself.

'I'll be a better version of myself, I'll be better with souls, I'll be more considerate of others' feelings... Never again will I manipulate loved ones... If it harms them...', the panic managed to take hold, stopping that branch of consciousness. William shook his head sharply, gathering his thoughts.

Adapting the Weave and transforming Sera and Michael's energy...

Concentration. Formulas.

William had no cane, nothing to focus on. If he tried to create something with Incarnation, it would just burn up.

'Like all my clothes...', William remarked in passing, continuing his concentration.

'L- the important thing is... not to break concentration...', William's panicked thought betrayed.

Concentration. Desire, Emotion...

William entered the first layer of Flame. He immediately felt a sudden rise in temperature. He, for some reason, felt a sudden need to breathe, which made his breath spit momentarily, but he was able to suppress panic.

The flames stung, but the Defence shielded his soul, halo and wings, the most important things that needed to be preserved. The shell could be rebuilt later, he heard....

'Not now,' William shook his head, finding himself in an ocean of plasma. It was like he was swimming in lava, as if every cell in his shell had begun to slowly eat away.

The pain was intense. Pulling and sharp, it was like it was burning through his body, heating up and causing the energy within to harm the shell itself.

The pain... the pain could be accepted, could be tolerated. He could continue to concentrate.

For, otherwise, he would simply burn. The flames would consume him in an instant. William began to be overcome with fear. Not of pain, but fear of losing his grip on himself, that all his defences would simply collapse from his shaking hands.

William didn't know if he was flying somewhere, or if he should bend down here, but he set a course downwards. Instinctively, as long as he still had a sense of direction.

William strengthened his Defence, 'diving' deeper.

Concentration... Formulas, calculations... Desire, emotion.....

William still couldn't tell exactly how long he needed to be here, if there was even a concept of time, but he didn't want to give up.

His shell, his angelic body, was now a skeleton. This was even a good thing, as now he wouldn't have to be distracted by the painful sensations of the shell, focusing on Defence even more.

William's fear increased, but he did his best to push it to the edge of his consciousness, ignoring it. It was getting harder by the second, as the heat of the plasma grew stronger by the second, increasing in geometric... even higher speed.

The defences gave slight cracks, but Michael's strength kept him safe from the Flames.

William dismissed the rest of his thoughts, but his hand treacherously trembled. Thankfully, it didn't interfere.

Concentration! Formula, Result, Desire, Intention!

William was able to adapt. He was able to encompass the plasma surrounding him with his Weave, even if only for a few moments, but it was enough for him to realise an important detail.

There is no way out here.

It's a natural star, somewhere off Hell, maybe just the other side of it, William didn't know that detail of this world. Or maybe it's just some part of it, after all, it's just another dimension... a dimension.

Dimension! That was why William had been falling for so long, because he had fallen into a different plane of space, a different part of Being! A part of physics that Einstein himself even touched on! He just had to try to change planes and he would have a chance!

William concentrated once more....

Concentration! Will, Desire, Knowledge!

William summoned everything he had, not counting the Seraphim's energy. Gathered everything he knew about what was necessary and what was needed. His whole mind, his whole soul was focused on surviving. Thousands of calculations flew by in moments, hundreds of forms of Signs, Runes and Patterns, music filled his soul, creating a Song.

For a moment, just a few seconds, he forgot the ever-increasing panic as he watched the defences sag under the power of the Flame.

Out of habit, William didn't immediately realise that he could sense other dimensions. He felt a fourth, maybe even a fifth or tenth, he couldn't say for sure, but William was definitely starting to see his place of residence from a different angle. Literally.

But William didn't ask himself any unnecessary questions. No notes, no thinking, no planning a plan. Just calculation and Weave.

Just his soul and the Aether, just him and the Universe.

He wanted to survive. He wanted to escape this Flame. He wanted to get out of this Heat....

He reached for...

* * *

Heaven. The suites of the Supreme Seraphim of the Golden City.

Emily was worried.

It wasn't because of the dire predictions of the Eye Division, whose documents with data on the future of the human world she had bypassed Sera's inhibitions to read. No, it was a small thing, she would worry about it later, like a normal adult angel.

After her lengthy interaction with Virgil, she had picked up on something.

'Not surprising when you're not treated like a child, but an equal,' Emily thought slightly irritated, continuing to...

Flying around the room, waiting for Sera, who was due to arrive soon from some important meeting or High Council Meeting. Emily wasn't sure, for the angels didn't provide accurate information that was locked behind oaths and seals, only rumours and witnesses.

Emily had long ago prepared something she and Sera would both enjoy: a good beetroot soup, raspberry pie and, for dessert, waffles. Virgil's lessons had come in handy here too, Emily was glad.

Cooking, cleaning the already perfectly clean house, reading, planning future work and her activities, preparing for the upcoming Future Responsibility...

Emily's been on pins and needles for three days now.

Sera, as soon as it started as Emily realised, had sent Emily back to their house, instructing her not to go out and come to work.

...Previously, naive and seeing Sera as her ideal Emily would have obeyed this edict from the Elder, but now ...

The girl can see the other woman as her ideal for exactly as long as she doesn't see her dating their common man. Seeing her more 'human' and 'simple', and Virgil even jokingly referred to it as her 'Adam' side, Emily... No, didn't stop respecting Sera, didn't stop seeing her as a role-model and taking her as an example... but it sure opened her eyes to new sides of her personality that allowed her to realise one simple and so unusual truth...

'Sera isn't much different from me when it comes to anything new.'

That was it. They both didn't understand many 'human' customs, knowledge and traditions, both reacted in roughly similar ways, even if Sera managed to hide and conceal it better. They were equals.

But even so... Sera, while beginning to treat her better, still sometimes held her as a 'child', thinking that she might 'misunderstand' or 'misunderstand' something.

Of course, Sera only knows for a fact that she slept with their man, Virgil, they had dates, they had romantic encounters. Damn it, they've both organised similar things where Sera praises Emily!

But no...

Sera still didn't trust her with this sort of thing, which meant not explaining or telling her critical information without giving the full range of data.

So, Emily wasn't worried because she was working against all of that. Not because she'd learnt some terrible secret of Sera's that would forever destroy her image in her eyes, no....

Emily was worried because something had happened on Earth.

Something that caused the High Council to convene.

Such meetings are not advertised to the inhabitants of the Golden City, as those, as history shows, gather 'instantly' and 'instantly', with no prior paperwork and arrangements... All 'heavenly', that is. Emily had already tasted the flavour of Seraphim's work, and was sincerely thanking God for sending her and Sera Virgil to help them.

And now, something had happened on Earth that was causing Sera to not show up fully at home for the third day, and if she did stop by, it was only to pick up or drop off papers.

Emily was worried.

Sitting in four white walls, she had already had a lot on her mind.

'The New Hell Rising!', "The Invasion of Goetia into the human world!", "The Awakening of the Patriarchs from the Children of Cain", "The Birth of the Antichrist!" and so on. Emily even made front page newspapers with these slogans and distributed them throughout Paradise.

She also pointed out that it was only a joke, not to be taken seriously, but, to Emily's displeasure, there were some 'unicums' among the Righteous who took her joke at face value.

'I'm beginning to understand why Virgil doesn't have much faith in the prudence of men...', she thought then, as she watched the crowd of the Righteous gather for discussions on the second day of her "imprisonment". Discussions of such matters with serious faces, making up and framing arguments in favour of her words.

Words said for a joke when she was dying of boredom. It was then that Emily first reconsidered her views on the general intelligence of the Righteous. Those 'native' Celestials who believed as she did were just a static error, nothing more.

But not one of her boldest ideas could match what actually turned out to be the case.

She had managed to catch one Archangel working in one of the departments of the Supreme Seraphim's Spire. She was able to question that deer in the red coat and got some interesting answers that only heightened her excitement and planted the seeds of panic.

'There was some incident on Earth, organised by some cult, probably the Goat Cult, that somehow and for some reason warped the souls of the people that were within the scope of the incident.'

The incident is called 'Song of Light', which is a rather ironic name for a demonic ritual, Emily thought at the time, trying to distract herself from her gloomy thoughts.

'Virgil...,' Emily then began to seriously worry.

Virgil had taken his first holiday just then, much to the displeasure of both Seraphim. Sera was just better at hiding it, and Emily was more vivid in her expression, causing a contrast. No...

Virgil had taken a holiday to the place near where the Incident had occurred. He was... in London, or Great Britain if Emily wasn't confusing the names of human countries, and the Song originated somewhere from this very London. Details were very scarce, but Emily could already predict Virgil's behaviour...

Surely he would...

Emily felt a surge of energy, and the hallway of their house was coloured white. Emily immediately rushed to the spot, seeing....

Sera. A very tired Sera.

She slowly rubbed her face, slowly hovering towards her office until her gaze came across Emily waiting for her.

Their gazes crossed.

Emily... silently took the one by the hand, leading her into the kitchen.

Setting her down on a chair, she began to set the table. A snap of her fingers, a simple tune playing in the background, and a little work with her hands and Sera sighed in relief as her body relaxed.

Virgil didn't trust her with all the knowledge of this Weave, but he helped her create analogues for the most needed, read most interesting, for Emily. A weave that allowed her to relax her shell, clearing out accumulated tension, was one of them.

Emily served the food on the table and they both proceeded to eat a late dinner. It was only two in the morning.

Emily quietly started a conversation to try and distract Sera. She talked about her progress at work, how she was getting more and more comfortable with the paperwork, getting a nod of approval from Sera. Emily talked about how she was getting easier to handle the miracle, how she was able to organise an entire meeting without Virgil's help, getting a... sharp twitch of her shoulder from Sera.

'Something wrong with Virgil?', Emily realised at once.

Virgil had told her about such a thing. Keyword questioning and gauging the interlocutor's reaction. Emily's brief conversation had that very purpose... besides defusing the atmosphere.

Emily realised that the problem with this 'Song' wasn't the paperwork or meetings with some angels, probably other Elder Seraphim, no... there was something here that Emily feared. Something had happened to Virgil.

So, keeping the tips of communicating with Sera from Virgil in mind, she let them finish their meals, moving on to desserts with tea, before starting a serious conversation.

She asked directly about Virgil, unadorned and without mystery, not broaching the subject of her great knowledge of the Song, just an indication of the excitement in the Spire, to which Sera only....

- He's dead. - Sera replied quietly. Emily's breath spat, and her eyes widened in horror. - His soul dissolved into the streams of the cosmos, going to God. - Sera covered her eyes, her breathing a little hitched.

Emily, on the other hand...

Aside from the storm of emotion that swept over her in the blink of an eye, she was... confused.

How could Virgil, the Archangel that has a plan on a plan, that knows a lot if not everything, that has the nerve to start a relationship with the Supreme Seraphim and be friends with Adam, the First of Men... Just die?

" H-how?" Emily asked quietly, at which Sera wrinkled her nose. -"I mean, he was just going on holiday to spend it with his family..." Emily stretched in amazement, trying to make sense of the situation, matching knowledge with the revelation of reality....

" His family died in the Incident called 'Song of Light', organised by Lucifer, or rather his cult of demon worshippers, the Cult of the Goat" - Sera continued, still keeping the hoarseness in her voice. - "Virgil was able to detect before anyone else what was being prepared and at the cost of his life, stopped this tragedy, he saved many..." she explained. - Sera began to explain, but Emily wasn't listening.

"Virgil and helped someone who isn't close to him?" Emily's eyes widened and relief flashed across her face.

That was what Emily didn't like, the part of the puzzle that was going astray. Emily realised it all.

Sera was lying to her. Again.

Virgil does have something to do with the Song, but definitely not as the 'hero' that stopped her at the cost of his life.

Emily knows her... boyfriend? Boyfriend. Virgil wouldn't go out of his way to save other people without seeing some sort of meaning in it if he doesn't get anything out of it. Glory and honour from Heaven? Unless he's given access to the deepest libraries, then Virgil wouldn't lift a finger to stop a cultist from killing a man. To save people because it's the right thing to do? Virgil was the one who taught her that everyone couldn't be saved, that some people wouldn't realise it, that it wouldn't change people. He could save people from the Cult of the Goat, but only by calling out the Athanim or Division One.

Emily, probably for the first time in her short life by Seraphim standards, decided to incriminate Sera.

" Fuck Sera, you could've done better than that,"she exhaled indignantly, folding her arms across her chest and turning away, one eye on the reaction of the Elder....

Which wasn't there. Except for the eyes wide open in surprise, Sera didn't react in any way to this violation of her 'good girl' image.

Now, Emily was getting really worried.

Sera had patronised her so much that she had forced Adam, ADAM, not to swear in front of her. She'd intimidated him so badly that he'd come to believe that it was necessary and had tried not to swear in front of her at all! And here...

" I mean..." Emily faltered when she heard Sera's heavy sigh as she dropped her head back onto her hands, her eyes almost asleep, as if she'd spent centuries doing some kind of work and... not succeeding at it. Emily needs to come at it from a different angle.

"I understand, Sera."- Those were the words that made Sera look up at Emily in surprise. -" You're bound by Oaths, Duties..." - Emily circled the table, closer to Sera, - "I really understand." - Emily placed her hand on Sera's shoulder, smiling softly. - "It's just that I know Virgil, I know he wouldn't have done what you said, not by the dictates of his heart." - Emily shook her head in a playfully judgmental manner, causing Sera to smile lightly.

" Emily" Sera's quiet tired voice was easily interrupted by Emily.

" I don't take offence and I don't blame you Sera." - Emily said in a firm voice, looking the Elder in the eyes. - "But I will.." Emily looked away, "I will find Virgil..." Emily looked into Sera's eyes again, with fires of determination burning. - "I will recognise or bring him back, wherever he is... help him if he's lost his way, I will... I will be careful Sera, so you don't worry about me..." at the Younger's words, Sera's eyes opened, glittering.

" I know it's... a little out of the Rules." - Emily chose her words slyly, causing Sera to squeeze out another smile. - "But I learnt from the best!" - Emily proudly proclaimed, causing Sera to laugh softly. - "...And I hope you'll help me if I inevitably mess up somewhere..." Emily said quietly, her face drooping, causing Sera to grin again.

" Of course..." Sera said tiredly, stroking Emily, with a faint smile on her face and a tired, almost dull look in her eyes. - "Thank you, Emily..."

The recognised Seraphima, burst closer, closing the distance in an instant, hugging the Elder tightly. Both immediately wrapped their wings around each other.

"I know you can't tell me anything, but... It's okay, I'll find out all about him myself," Emily said quietly into Sera's chest. - "I promise that I'll be careful, that I'll find something and... I won't blame you if I burn myself on it." - Sera's hands squeezed Emily's sheath even tighter, which felt wet on her back. Emily blew her nose.

" Thank you Emily..." said Sera a little tearfully. A very tired Sera that just wanted to rest. - "Thank you..."