Chapter 13.2 "Falling into hell"

Underworld. The Ring of Pride. The Mansion of the Morning Star.

"Sins' quarrels, Goetia's enquiries, thousands and thousands of Sinners complaints... And all that for later!", joyfully ran through Lucifer's mind as he drank a light tune and stamped the most urgent papers that required his personal power to guarantee their value.

What a beautiful day in this cloaca that he used to call his 'Paradise'!

What had happened that he himself, Lucifer, the Morning Dawn, the Second Seraphim, the Favourite Son, the King of Hell, the Prince of Sin, the Aspect of Wonder, Creation and Imagination, the Strongest Angel and many other honestly deserved titles, was so enthusiastic?

It was just that his beloved Char-Char had called him out for a walk! Him, along with his wife! Directly came and confidently (the fact that she slightly stammered at the beginning, and then did not look him in the eyes, embarrassed lowered her head, he does not consider something shameful, he is afraid of even Seraphim, what to speak of a simple girl!) asked him for a family walk!

How happy he was, then, to have forgotten all the recent problems that had descended upon Hell after that... Fable, Masti, Fartasti... 'Song of Light,' right!

Though, Lucifer wasn't sure what that silly Archangel had called his 'plan'. Vergin, Vestil, Vastil, Verga... 'That silly Archangel' would do.

A naive kid who decided to solve all the problems of the world at once and in one fell swoop, ending up with a legitimate ending.

'That' didn't even think about the completeness of his knowledge, didn't even think to doubt his vision, that maybe his idea, so unexpectedly, would turn out to be a complete fucking failure.

Yes, Lucifer could praise his ingenuity in handling the knowledge he had personally given him, yes, he had some other way of using the Aether, and only of the positive spectrum, but the result....

A good quarter of the modern world fell under the 'blow' of the Song. Lucifer was too lazy to count the exact figures, the more so he was bored to help somehow to fix what 'That Archangel' had done... No, of course, he fixed something, he managed to patch up Great Britain somehow... giving them a chance for rehabilitation.

That's help! That's the way to do it! To ignore the effect that it was quite elementary with the knowledge he had given them, but noooooo... Just to patch up the damage and somehow and someway put a 'bandage' on the souls that should somehow help the injured souls.

Lucifer would have laughed off that attempt, if afterwards, 'The One' hadn't done what Lucifer had helped that idiot for.

He helped Eve. The One.

Lucifer didn't know exactly how, because he was honestly doing his part: making sure the Angels didn't bother them, and the fact that the fact that the Angels saw the traces of Lucifer's powers, which caused them to shit themselves, flying away, calling Afanimov and Michael, was just a series of accidents and badly played cards, yes!

But even that didn't stop Eva, or rather her soul, from safely leaving the bloody meadow and taking a direct flight to Paradise. For real. No jokes, no cheating. Without creating horrible monsters and wars...

Lucifer shook his head, leaning back in his chair. He was done with those papers. Or rather, handed them over to his future self and future Lilith.

Eve was finally free from his mistake. 'That Archangel', albeit with his help, was able to free her from this nightmare. Lucifer would hope that he would be considered for this deed, maybe even consider the fact that his...

Lucifer shook his head irritably, kneading his face tiredly with his hand, stretching his eyelids.

"Char-Char is beautiful and sweet, but... she has her own... mistakes of her youth...", Lucifer sighed tiredly, leaning his head back in his chair.

'In the last few years, all his Charlie has been saying is 'Good is within everyone', then 'Everyone has a chance to make amends' or 'Everyone deserves a second chance'... Repeating the mistakes of her parents.'

Lucifer sighed tiredly.

Charlie is still young, not even a thousand years old to fully see the picture of Creation. She believes in the goodness and prudence of souls, believes that for some reason those souls just don't know that they can 'get on the right track.' As if that knowledge stopped any of the degenerates that inhabit this place.

'Ah... right...', Lucifer's face spread into a vicious grin.

This 'Song' and its aftermath... Just as he had predicted, which he didn't doubt for a moment, had caused a lot of potential energy that threatened to either explode or further aggravate what 'That Archangel' had done.

Therefore, Lucifer decided to kill three birds with one stone.

By redirecting the bulk of that energy, projected in a special way, into the Ring of Pride, a day after the Extermination...

He almost razed the city to the ground!

Okay... not almost, just some areas, because otherwise, his wife, the beautiful Lilith Queen of Sin, would have to rebuild that part....

She's the Queen that keeps some semblance of order in all the Rings, and here in Pride in particular. Otherwise... Those fuckers will fight for a couple of years just for the right to the very fact of being the leader of the rebuilding of Pentagram City without achieving anything....

And Lucifer speaks from experience.

Therefore, Lilith, as a responsible and caring Queen will have to rebuild the City... And considering the fact that she is no longer engaged in the affairs of other Circles, where other Sins, having retired from business, will start, then... the City will have to be rebuilt by him...

'And once again watch as the whacked out nits and scum tear apart my creation... Once again...', Lucifer thought grimly, looking up at the ceiling.

He didn't feel like it, so he did just one thing.

Bombed a couple of newspaper editions into nothingness, along with the Sinners in them, ensuring their final death. Lucifer smiled grimly.

'Those scum dared to offend my Char-Char... So what if she sent them articles about the goodness of demons and other childish nonsense, but to respond so rudely to my daughter...', Lucifer shook his head disapprovingly, literally flying up from his chair, in a flash approaching the window that overlooked the still visible smoke from the city.

Recently, Charlie had been trying to write articles. Lilith had taught her how to write, and so Charlie wanted to put her dreams on paper... As much as Lucifer didn't like the idea, he respected what his daughter was doing, even if he didn't believe it himself.

Now, as usual, no one would remember such a 'unfortunate' Charlie moment. Some part was killed by Adam and his Valkyries three days ago, some part was killed by Lucifer himself, another part was killed in the 'explosion' that happened to be in the Ring....

And for the rest of us, he left a message.

"Do not touch the daughter of Lucifer and Lilith. By no means."

Whoever dares will be no more, no matter what powers the fool possesses, be it Sin himself, be it Michael himself, he...!

"Dad, Mum and I are ready!" - came from behind Lucifer, at the door, making the designated Second Seraphim wince.

"Of course, dear Char-Char, coming..." Lucifer spoke a little too sharply, which Charlie herself noticed.

His daughter is the best thing that happened in his eternity, in Lilith's eternity.

But also, she's his greatest weakness.

Sure, if Paradise takes his daughter, he'll just burn down the Golden City, but if she dies....

What would be left of him...?

Lucifer shook his head, pushing the silly thoughts away.

He's a good father. He's helping his daughter realise her powers, given her her personal goats, given her everything she could ask for. He's a good father.

He shut up (permanently) those who insulted her, who tarnished her reputation, who hurt her with words. He gives her his time, all the time he can.

'I'm a good father,' Lucifer kept repeating until he and his family began their walk, starting at the grounds of their mansion.

First he would escort them in his uniform and then he would braid himself around Charlie's neck, leaving the casual introductions and greetings on those feminine shoulders.

As much as he loved Lilith and Charlie, he didn't want to mingle with these... Parasites.


Heaven. The Golden City, the Spire of the Supreme Seraphim.

Adam was the First. First in many things. Founded, invented or invented many things.

But how angry he got when he was the last to know about something important.

"What do you mean, fucking dead?" - Adam said threateningly, hovering over Archangel, who hadn't done anything to him, just had the misfortune to run into Adam in a bad mood. - "I haven't heard more fucked up shit than that today..."

"That is truly foolishness, Mr. Archangel, not worthy of your mind." - echoed by Lute.

It was fine that they'd been called back from the Seraphim Extermination much earlier, making it the shortest sweep of the century, but no...

Something happened on Earth. Lucifer, that winged scum and rotter, was involved. But more importantly, it killed Virgil.

"I-I-I... I don't know, Sir..." - Archangel was the kind of soul that had only recently risen to that rank. A righteous man who wished to achieve something there. Adam didn't give a shit about those souls, just as long as they didn't get in his way and keep him busy. -" I'm just sayin' what I know, Adam, sir." - Breathing heavy, the Archangel was afraid of him.

"And I'm saying that I know that Archangel, and that asshole wouldn't shut that asshole out for any heavenly ass..." Adam straightened, keeping his gaze on the Archangel. - He'd be more likely to call me or the Athanim, but he wouldn't risk his ass for some people. - Archangel swallowed.

"I-I understand, sir, but I'm just-" Lute came to the Archangel's rescue, for the benefit of the increasingly white-haired Archangel.

"Sir, I think it's time we went to meet the High Seraphim." - Lut softly hinted in a firm voice, to which Adam shook his head and silently turned around, walking in the opposite direction of the Spire. Lut followed him silently, not asking any unnecessary questions.

"Sera's probably busy, which means we definitely have an hour or two to spare." - Adam's voice was... distracted, as the surprised Lut noticed. She didn't show it outwardly, but emotionally she was blazing with genuine surprise.

"Sir?" - At Lut's unspoken question, Adam simply waved it away.

"We're going to a place where we can get some strong booze, some truth, and some good ribs." - At the Commander's words, Lut simply nodded.

At the news voiced, Adam...he couldn't make up his own mind what to make of it.

Virgil, that all-knowing and perpetually snide asshole, just couldn't just pick up and die. He's too sensible, to the point of boredom. He wouldn't risk himself even if there was a critical situation where the Nit himself was breaking through to Earth.

First of all, he'd probably notice the preparations for that fuck-up still in progress, which would give Paradise advance warning. Second, he'd surely have several ways of communicating with Paradise, Sera, and him personally just in case of such an eventuality.

Therefore, Adam didn't believe Virgil was dead. He can still fucking feel bits of his energy. He may not be the best at handling the Miracle, but he's learned something in nine thousand years.

He feels his energy somewhere in the Cosmos, on Earth, and somewhere here... He could trace it somehow, just name the places where Virgil had passed exactly.

That fact alone completely ruins Archangel's version, and thus Sera's.

"Another fucking secret of Paradise, where everyone knows everything but won't say it out loud... Pisses me off...", Adam frowned, thinking as he continued walking with the silent Lute under his arm.

If the souls of the Golden City haven't been told anything about this 'Song', then the High Council has definitely taken care of it. Adam knows the song, knows what to make of it. He's seen it a thousand times.

Virgil... No matter how he feels about him, he's... never let him down yet. Never lied to him, never broken a promise. Especially when he'd lied to some Second Circle Archangel to get him out of work so he could go to a bar with the Valkyries, the unit that'd gotten an "A" on their Earth training.

Back then Adam was just... fucked up and lazy, to be honest, but they had an agreement back then. He pulls Virgil up in earnest so he can definitely take down some weak Overlord, and he covers his joints.

Even in front of Sera, who saw right through his schemes. I mean, that's when they were dating. Then, of course, Adam had stopped the pedantic Archangel by explaining himself to Sera and getting a well-deserved slap on the wrist.

"And a month of paperwork for the entire Division...", Adam noted in passing.

The main thing was, if Virgil gave his word, he'd keep it.

Unlike the six-winged birds of a feather, who stand behind you unless you cross a line they know or it conflicts with their worldview....

Adam still hasn't forgotten who forbade him to break into Hell to save his children. Adam hasn't forgotten who didn't help him find Eve. No, there had been wars going on then, organized by Nits or his suckers, but to not help his wife... Adam remembered those feelings well.

It was then that he stopped seeing these Six-Winged men as ideals. He realized they were just like him. Not perfect. With flaws and imperfections. They too experience fear and panic, especially when faced with something they've never seen before - war. Even Metatron panicked, in his own way, but he panicked.

And Virgil... He had made a promise, no Oath, that he would find his wife and bring her back to him.

Therefore, he, Adam the First of Men, will find Virgil. He's definitely alive. He's definitely found or learned something about Eve.

"That feeling... It couldn't have been anything else...", Adam thought tensely as he and Lut walked past the mansions of the Third Circle.

It was Eve. Virgil had found her.

"That fucker did what ten wing-asses couldn't do," Adam thought.

He would find Virgil and shake out what had happened to Eve. Whereas before, he had scoffed at his "goal" of finding Eve, when he had been able to feel her at the Slaying... That connection... Adam realized that Virgil wasn't kidding. He had somehow been able to find her, been able to make his energy touch her. To let him know she was alive...

Adam couldn't ask for a better Christmas present.

So, he wants to visit another soul that would have similar interests to him.....

" Adam?" - Pernata's surprised voice. Little Emily was at his and Sera's house, bored and doing something, just as he thought she would be.

"Hi, Amy."- Adam smiled softly, removing his helmet. Lute, also without her helmet, nodded hello to Seraphima. - "I heard what happened and immediately wanted to check on you". - At his words, Emily's face creased slightly.

She was the one who told the man the latest news.

Adam didn't interrupt, didn't even insert the usual barbs, surprising both women present. He nodded when necessary, inserted words when Emily asked, supplemented her story with parts of his own.

"...I mean..." Adam leaned back in his chair, taking a bite of ribeye, Emily was getting better and better at this. - Virgil had something to do with this 'Song' that 'warped' the souls of the people caught in its sphere of influence... In doing so, he 'sort of' died preventing the catastrophe... - he chewed another piece of meat. Emily nodded as Lut served tea for three.

 "...That being said, there was Eve involved somehow." - At Adam's words, the women's eyes widened in surprise. - "I gave him some of my energy, because Snowflake expressed a desire to search for her for the next century... Who knew he could find her in less than a quarter of a century..." Adam wrapped his hands around the mug and brought it to his mouth, cooling the hot liquid with his breath.

"Did he find her?" - Lut asked disbelievingly. - "But...Adam..." Lut's intonation became more vulnerable.

Everyone knew that the 'Eve and Apple' issue was very sensitive with Adam. No one dared raise it in vain. Not even the Seraphim.

" Found it. "- Adam nodded, looking straight ahead. - "And did something to her. I felt it... Our connection." - Adam's words made Lute wince and Emily stare at him incomprehensibly. - "Later, Fluffy." - Emily nodded.

Adam had explained his earlier thoughts to the two women, explained his ideas, but most importantly....

"He's alive." - Emily smiled in relief, literally settling back in her chair as Lut stroked her shoulder approvingly. Adam nodded.

"Alive and in one piece. Just, I don't know for how long..." Adam echoed grimly, making Emily twitch. Lut squeezed his hand, holding her shoulder warningly.

"I don't know where he is, but something tells me he's the one who started this mess," Adam continued quietly." - Although, even if he didn't, Lucifer was clearly involved somehow..." At those words, both angels tensed. - "Even so, Amy." - The designated Seraphim lifted her head tiredly. -" I'll help you find this idiot, just bring the necessary documents, and I'll organize his search on Earth." - At such insolence, Emily only nodded her head curtly.

Lut, however... Emily wondered at Seraphim's attitude. She knew that she and Mistress Sera were in a relationship with Archangel Virgil, but to be so....

Adam naturally asking her to bypass all the procedures and Rules and she didn't bat an eyebrow, even though she knows exactly what Adam is asking her to do.

She realized that Adam knew that Virgil was probably already dead, that he really could have died. Either truly trying to do something about this "Song", confronting Lucifer, or from something to do with Eve. Adam just didn't want to upset Emily.

Lut herself... She'd lost loved ones. Not once, not a thousand times. For nine thousand years, almost ten, she'd seen the death of her very best friends, the sisters she'd been with since the beginning. She had seen war change the angels, the ones who simply left the Army of Paradise, the ones who became mere shadows of their former selves, the good Lord Raphael had helped them... For ten thousand years now.

Lut was a simple woman. She was a warrior, a soldier, the tool and sword of Paradise. She obeyed Adam, the Supreme Seraphim and the Seraphim. What she is commanded to do, she will do.

If Virgil is alive, she and her sisters will do their best to find and help the Lord Archangel.

If Lord Virgil is dead... Or worse, has strayed from the path of God, becoming a shell of Sin... No longer the man she knew....

Lute was no stranger to killing those who chose to betray everything they'd fought for before.

* * *

Underworld. Ring of Pride, Pentagram City. 1930. Three days after the Extermination.

My first thought, upon awakening consciousness, was not some logical reasoning or observation or something along the lines of "Where am I?".

No, it was much simpler than that. "How... It hurts," I thought at the time.

I distinctly remember falling into the Hyena Flame, escaping from there, somewhere.

If I'm still thinking, clearly feeling my shell, I must still be alive.

Only this... body... It doesn't feel like the shell of an angel.

It's like I've become an invalid at the peak of human capability. I went from god to mortal.

My whole body ached, every muscle, if I had any. I could clearly feel the many burns, feel the smell of burning, rot, something stinky, concrete debris, and more... entering my apparently damaged lungs.

My stomach was aching with hunger, my eyes were shaking from the light, even through my closed eyelids, and my entire limbic system was sending pain signals to my brain.

I was also very tired.

Compared to the body of an angel, this body... Was horribly mortal.

As a Celestial, I could go months without eating or drinking. It wouldn't be pleasant, but I could do it. I could go without sleep for a year, especially during the period of the seventeenth year when the Great War was coming to an end.

I mean, it was... It was like I was back in an old and decrepit body. Especially compared to what it was.

"And if memory serves me correctly... I'm Pal," I thought grimly as I tried to regain sensation in my hands and move.

The weave helped. I remembered it awfully late. Apparently, the change of body had affected my thought processes as well, and I was horrified to discover the terrible truth.

"We'll have to splash the new whip." - came out of his hoarse mouth. The grief was like morning lethargy, only a dozen times worse. I managed to roll over onto my stomach to try to pull myself up, and preferably stand, on my hands....

"By the way, my body burned to the bone in the Flame...", the passing thought came and went. Right now, I had other problems.

With the same Weave, I could 'scan the area'. Primitive release and energy harvesting, mimicking the echoing location of bats, but it worked.

All around me were ruins, ruins to be honest.

Somewhere to the right, though... There was familiar architecture.

"Paradise Embassy," my mind clung to that thought.

There was no activity nearby. No Sinners, no demons. Apparently I was lucky once again, since I was in, truly, one of the few safe places in Hell.

Sinners can't get into the Embassy unless they have permission, which these degenerates never do.

Yeah. I'm in Hell. It wasn't hard to guess from all that stench and body-swapping.

As I crawled, or there was no other way, all the way to the Embassy, I began to remember the delights of the mortal body.

The pain in my elbows, bones, knees, back, and more....

Speed was minimal, about... okay, I crawled along, feeling my new body perfectly.

At least it had one, that was good news... So far, the only one.

It would be bad if I couldn't get into the Embassy, but... I was able to enter its grounds, which, according to Adam and Sera, was already more than the average Sinners could afford.

And the body... It's like I'm just naked. Only... I can't feel my sex organ... along with my other... needs.

I'm kind of thirsty or hungry, but... Like the angels, this food will digest into energy, though I wouldn't be surprised if I have to go to the bathroom now.

Damn it. It's like dipping into a vat of slop... Such a smell.

So, crawling down the very smooth (and also sharp) steps, I somehow, somehow, crawled to the door. Still without opening my eyes, and my body moved only on willpower and Weave. Pain had become my new friend, something I just had to ignore or accept its perpetual presence in my brain.

Now... To try and open the door....

The sound of the mechanism opening, no creak or malfunction, not even dust...

"Thank God...", ran through my mind as I was able to literally plop down on what felt like a small, traditionally austere style couch in Paradise.

At least there was something native somewhere.


Strange... I don't know exactly how long I spent sprawled out on the comfortable medium of the interior, with its soft and pleasant cushions, but....

As soon as I was able to recover a little, I was able to look around.

Not with my eyes, it was still scary to open them, maybe not even safe, but with Entropy...

After a gift from Lucifer, his knowledge of this aspect of the Aether, I learned a kind of "echolocation". I don't know how useful this skill is in isolation from such sterile conditions, maybe this method can be picked up on once or twice, but at the moment, it's replacing my eyes.

Color... became taste, it's like I was tasting a fruit-vegetable when I "looked" at the color, and shapes... It's like I'm feeling them with my own hands... Only with my eyes? Rather, it's as if I'm looking at myself from the outside, as if I'm shooting a movie camera.

The general tone of the room is light purple. The standard furnishings of Paradise's offices.

Strict geometric shapes, no sharp transitions of colors, only beautifully executed images. On the walls were... shell walls, in the form of white lines on a purple background, as if chalk lies on a plum... Strange flavor.

On top was a pineapple and apricot chandelier designed in the shape of descending waves or... waves of northern lights? The yellow-gold chandelier illuminated the room.

At the other end, near the reception desk, was a stained glass window with... a picture of the flames of Hell at the bottom and the light of the "planet" Paradise at the top. The flames were orange tones, bitter peach, and Paradise was purple, plum.

The room itself was spacious. In the center of the room was a gray rug like mayonnaise, and the sides were filled with the same kind of couches I was lying on.

On the sides of the room, illuminating the room with the light of Hell, were tall, ceiling-high stained-glass windows with a cross.

Gold trim around the edges of the violet stone, Greek-Victorian architecture... It was as if I'd returned to Paradise....

Somewhere in my stomach, I felt something drop. Mood, I guess.

After lying there for about half an hour, I started to come to my senses. I started to use medical weaves... I was especially careful, afraid of the reaction of the new body to such an intervention....

As it turned out - for nothing, because this body, judging by the analysis... Was closer to human, albeit with a dash of magic.

"Magic... It's more like a whole bunch of what this body is made of, you can't just hang a stigma like that... even though it's easier.", a viscous thought in a tired mind.

Here's a fun one. Once in Heaven, I was full of energy, as if I had a good night's sleep, but in Hell... It was like going through a meat grinder, do all Sinners go through this? Even though I'm a special case, but still...

Slowly, supporting myself with weaves, I gradually open my eyes...

"Ho..." A surprisingly clear sound came out of my mouth.

Hands... Body... Just as I remembered them at the end of the Song.

Hands shimmering with Aether, changing density, becoming transparent or completely black, with blue-white runes on them.

The body is ash-colored, with the same runes, meaningless runes that are worse.

The legs, yes even the lower torso, suffered the same fatigue as the forearms. They were not stable.

"Which indicates the instability of the shell itself... And the reason...?", ran through my mind as I tested my boldest guess, for I remembered perfectly well that....


There was even some Holiness left in it. Not left, it was in him and... replenished?

Like I was still an angel.

"Rather, a Fallen Angel..." - a quiet voice that sounded... otherworldly, like a spectrum from another plane, like a jammed record, like interference in a movie....

I guess that's why I'm having trouble with the shell... Are the Sinner's and Angel's natures in conflict? It's not clear, but I won't get an explanation.

Hell is not Heaven. There are no kind and sympathetic souls here that are always happy to help, always happy to offer something to help or suggest ...

Here everyone wants to drive a knife in the back, steal someone else's soul and enjoy their sin....

I leaned back on the sofa. My body felt better and better, and the pain gradually receded.

"It's time to get used to this sort of thing...", slowly stretching my limbs, feeling their brokenness and weakness, even though my body was composed more of Ether... One of the Laws of Punishment for Sinners?

Turning over on my stomach, I lower my hand to the floor, running my hand over it, weaving it transforming... Creating a mirrored surface above the surface of the floor.

"...It could be worse." - I spoke in a voice with otherworldly static.

The face was almost identical to the one I had in the guise of... "Virgil". The skin had turned dead pale, the whites of the eyes had finally darkened, and the ocean-colored eyes had become like a dirty sapphire, a cracked sapphire. Instead of broken glass shimmering beautifully in the eyes, now the pulsing energy of the Aether pulsed in the cracks in the pupils.

A wide, crooked scar ran across his nose, starting at his left eyebrow. There were small cracks in his eyes, and his blackened hair was only a little shorter than it used to be, just below his shoulder blades.

" At least you won't have to suffer with hair..." - I let out empty words, trying to find something positive in this ass.

The strength is slowly returning... Rather filling this body, and therefore....

I create a small cane. A simple black cane with a polyhedron on top. Nothing fancy, just to save energy.

And now.

Concentration, Desire, Formulas, Emotion and Calculation.

It feels like a very viscous liquid is pouring over me, simultaneously filling my muscles, my bones...

"...It was worth a try." - The man's voice lost its otherworldly notes, leaving only a small, almost imperceptible, note of interference, as if, sometimes, one or two sounds were lost in speech.

The usual black clothes of a gentleman of my time. Black strict shoes, completely black pants, white shirt, black vest with white buttons... Black coat and....

White hands, with holes in the middle of the hands. Trying to change his shell failed. Trying to get my skin back to its normal color - failed.

The face, on the other hand.

Lost its hair, and instead of facial features, it was a white mask with a mouth and eyes. It's as if the lines had been squeezed out of the figure.

Carefully leaning to the floor, which probably looks funny from the outside, but the goodness of no one was around.

Through the left eye, like sweat wax, a line descends to the mouth, like a broken mask ....

The pupils are the same - dark blue, like two lights in the Void....

A black cylinder appears in my hand, and immediately dips onto my empty white head.

"Well..." I adjust my newly-made clothes, feeling around for my surroundings. - "Why not take a walk?" - I asked an unnecessary question, slowly turning around to leave.

The power was slowly filling the shell. The power of my soul, an Archangel, albeit a Fallen one, should be enough for any ordinary Sinner, and Lords... I know how to run away.

Cane in my right hand and forward....

Stop. Wings.

Concentrate, let the wind out...

Barely perceptible, faint, dark blue glow and--

"Fuck." came out of my mouth.

Stumps, that's the word for it.

It no longer towered above the ground, impressing others with its unusual size, no... Now it was just an echo of itself. No feathers, just a flat surface of shimmering blue-white black matter, hanging like ribbons if not energized...

"As soon as I'm back on my feet, I'll restore them to their former glory." - in a firm voice in an empty hall.

I tuck those wings back into the shell and open the door, intending to look around....

Without getting too many injuries or making enemies.



It's not that scary...

Just a big pentagram instead of clouds, and for the moon, or rather its semblance, there's some satellite with the exact same pentagram.

But most importantly, no clean wind. Just smog and its semblance. As if someone tried to reproduce the sensation of wind embrace from a dream or from the description of some drug addict.

Paradise is seen from afar, as if in mockery of the lost souls.....

"Hey, faggot..." - the nasty voice of a soaked sailor, whose owner I didn't even pay attention to, decided to distract me.

My sigh mingles with the nasty sound of flesh tearing, ripping the scraps apart and compressing them into one small ball.

I continue onward as the exclamations of what are probably the Voice's accomplices come from behind me. They suffer the same fate.

Sinners of all shapes and forms scatter in fear, giving way. "Lousy place..." I conclude in disgust, surveying the surroundings.

As luck would have it, or just such a universal injustice, but here... There were a lot more humanoids, more humanoid shell forms.

Fuck, I could definitely tell that those ladies with the horns over there (or is that one with a mirror instead of a face?) were women. There's no sugarcoating or joking about it. I even checked the weave to make sure they were women.

And over there... Fuck. There's no other word for it.

It's a walking couch. There's a couch with horns and eyes. A pair on the back cushions, a pair on the armrests, one in the center and a mouth in the middle. Spider legs, and what's most disgusting... It's a woman.

I'm not talking about any parodies of Wendigo or other monsters of various folklore....

It's like I'm surprised again. Oh, yeah.

This fucking place really is Hell if it's like this... Strange about the Sinners' species.

There were succubi, those women with horns of different shapes and skin colors. Incubi, the same succubi, only for women... Demons. Small humanoid creatures, usually of a red skin tone...

"Are they replacing Heruvs?", flashed through my mind as the Sinners circle me ten meters away.

My face is a mask without emotion. A thin line in place of a mouth, eyes half-open, and blue stars lazily surveying the surroundings. Sinners... Demons, Succubi, and... Hounds?

They're these anthropomorphic dogs or what-have-you... Just hairy humans with animal paws and faces.

The architecture of Pentagram City was a hodgepodge of every possible building style. Victorian, imperialist... There were a couple in the form of Greek.....

Rustic hovels were replaced by grand buildings that would be the envy of some of Earth's wealthy, and then the circle repeated... Depending on the neighborhood, I figured.

"It's a horrible place, it's just pus." - I didn't stop, voicing it out loud, receiving nods of agreement from the nearest Sinners just passing by.

Surprisingly, the number of Sinners dwindled as I went on, the number of souls dwindling with each turn.

The Sinners themselves were dressed in whatever they could find. A collection of garments from all times. A peasant neighboring with a society lady, and a succubus in the form of a prostitute walking with a wolf (how sickening to watch, it's even worse than in Heaven...) dressed as a biker....

Gross. It's like walking on a pile of excrement.

I'm already regretting my stupidity. I want to go back. Why did I ever think that staying put and saying NOTHING at the trial was a good idea?

"You could have said something about Lucifer controlling me or something..."

Entertaining such thoughts, cutting off brazen Sinners who decided to rob me, rape me (and often men... Gross), kill me, talk about some religion, discuss some book, offer to sleep with me (always succubi), offer drugs for some currency.

The smell of acid began to hang in the air. Unpleasant, but I guess that's part of the place....

But whatever. Currency... Do I need it if I can just create it? Maybe it's verified here somehow...

A chuckle came out of my mouth. No one was around. Currency control? Here in Hell?

That's funny.

It's like here.

" "Careful, stranger, if you want to save your soul, it's up to you to get out of the way. - A low voice echoed nearby, pulling me out of my thoughts. The air around me felt like it was filled with chemicals or... acid? It was as if a spider's web had engulfed the air....

I blinked, looking around.

Nothing. An empty street, except...

To the right, stood a tall, taller than me, perhaps even Adam, though more likely equal in height... A cloaked figure.

A spider. The first word that comes to mind when looking at this Sinner.

Green colors diluted with red. An upside-down spider with green lines on the tips of its legs, with a green dot replacing, presumably, the stone that should hold the cloak.

Lined with white patches, a cylinder, with green feathers and red fur...

Dark gray skin, four fully green eyes... High collar and wide smile. Too polite and sweet for a place like this.

A sinner with the power to corrode or control acid of various kinds?

" Which I'm sorry, I was caught up in my own thoughts." - I quietly reply, cocking my head, wincing, turning to face the tall figure.

" Empty, Stranger." - The figure nods softly, examining me with an appraising gaze. - "Just a warning to the polite soul that-" A playful chuckle slipped into the echo of the voice. - "Have you recently found a place in this reality?" - A broad palm, matching her complexion, with long three fingers, circled the manicured street. I nodded.

" So let me warn you like a gentleman to a gentleman." - he swung his cylinder, to which I nodded. -" In my neighborhood, three streets away, the royal family is taking a stroll for the sake of taking a look around the block." - the figure speaks expectantly.

"Thank you, sir..." - I shake my cylinder, leaning slightly, leaning on my cane.

"Zestial, Mr... "- Zestial nods politely.

" ...Zephyr". - Picking up the name quickly, I reply, receiving a... chuckle from Zestial. -"Mr. Zephyr, nice to meet you. "- He extends a long hand with long fingers, which I shake with a little delay.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Zestial. "- I answer, nodding.

No magic or contracts... Just a handshake... You can't relax here, so....

Zestial grinned, ending the handshake.

"Good advice, Mr. Zephyr." - I nod at Zestial's words. - "Don't just shake hands with strangers, not everyone is as polite as your new acquaintance." - he nods, starting to move forward. I follow him.

"I'll keep that in mind, Mr. Zestial." - the strangely empty street is now diluted by the clatter of canes against the stone slabs of the sidewalks....

That's right, they started using these cars on Earth. And no one's flying in the sky. They're being shot down, I guess.

I didn't know my impression of Hell could get any worse.

"Did you say something about a royal family out for a walk about a block from here?" - I turned my head slightly toward my companion, asking. He's obviously found something in the otherworldly noise that should be barely audible, since he's being so polite and courteous to me.

"That's right, Mr. Zephyr. "- nods the cloaked figure. - "The Queen herself and her noble daughter have blessed our eyes with their beautiful presence, and what honor they do my lands..." Zestial almost sang, as if tasting such expressions.

"Do the Morning Dawn family so rarely go out into the city?" - I asked in his tone, eliciting a chuckle from his companion.

"You wouldn't believe it, but yes. Very, very rarely, as you can see," the long hand circled the empty block again. - We have a special way of celebrating such a holiday.

I look around the empty street.

This Zestial, if I am to believe the feeling and Lute's stories... A lord.

An old one, if I am correct in my definition of that amount of energy. It's best not to engage. Until I know of his abilities, definitely no confrontation.

"Do they really kill anyone who dares approach?" - In response to my question, Lord Zestial laughed softly.

"Not at all, I think..." Zestial rubbed his chin playfully, choosing his words. - "...Rather, those who dared to make eye contact with the Princess... Didn't hold back."- Zestial laughed softly, as if recalling an old joke. - "And the Princess's parents are very... very protective of their child." - Zestial emphasized his voice, losing his cheerful tone of voice. The echo intensified, as if pressed.

"Therefore, it is my duty to warn a potential Sinner that may bring my name into disrepute with the Queen and King." - Zestial leaned closer, looming almost menacingly.

...Adam was scarier.

"Does the Lord of the Quarter meet every foolish soul that has had the ignorance to wander into this moment?" - A slight smile on the mask, eyes slightly open and head tilted questioningly.

Zestial... laughed approvingly?

"Only if they can inflict more than a verbal warning after their souls have been torn apart by the King of Hell." - Zestial said simply, covering each of his four eyes, one by one, forming a wave.

"Then, I apologize for... my outburst, not befitting my status and behavior." - I bow my head, receiving the same in return. - "It is not proper for the souls of our etiquette to stoop to such a primitive level of verbal battles." - my words elicit an understanding smile.

"Indeed, Mr. Zephyr, indeed.." Zestial nodded, his head raised for a moment, as if listening to something.....

...Indeed. There, around the corner, is a little girl who stands out from the crowd...

With her purity. It's like I'm looking at a holy maiden instead of the demoness that Lucifer's daughter should be.

" My warning still stands, Mr. Zephyr." - Zestial nodded, surveying the empty streets. -" If your behavior harms you, that is only your concern, mine is to show danger and threat."- Zestial concludes quietly, receiving my appreciative nod with the cylinder.

"More, I cannot demand, mister. It was a pleasure to find an understanding soul." - at my words, Zestial echoes my nod with his large hand, turning around and, rather abruptly, walking away in the opposite direction.


Empty street. An empty neighborhood. No souls for about three or four blocks.

Or rather... They just locked themselves in their houses.

The Morningstar family must have such an interesting reputation, if the mere appearance of a daughter of the family, albeit accompanied by the Queen, could scare one of the oldest Lords so much.

No matter how much the Sinner twisted and forked his tongue, I could detect the echoes of fear. He didn't just come to me, he sensed my power, or my energy. Somehow he understood my approximate level, though as an old soul, he should have known that I was new here...

But that's not important. What matters is what to do next.

Going to meet a princess whose mother had gone into some store, and I can't call that structure and what this... Woman, might be doing there any other way.

I don't know how Adam would feel in this... "Darkvision", let's call it that, but Lilith....

It's like an ancient flower or tree. An old wisdom, but also a danger. She was like a viper that could pounce at any moment, sting you in the most vulnerable point of your body and soul, and you wouldn't even realize it. This one was a mother that was constantly making sure her daughter didn't fall into bad company, constantly patronizing.

"It's like seeing an even worse version of Old Sera...", I thought to myself as I stood on an empty street, literally around the corner from the Princess doing something. Charlotte Morningstar, daughter of Lucifer and Lilith. The niece of Sera, Michael, and the other Seraphim...

"Purely hypothetically, if I meet... dated Sera, and almost to the point of getting married, did that mean Charlotte was my kin?", a rather entertaining thought visited the mind....

The mind was sped up a dozen times, pondering the next steps while 'outwardly' only a couple of moments passed.

Concluding the results, one could come to the following.

No, Charlotte is not my niece or adopted relative, for I am so not wedded to Sera, plus Lucifer is not considered a family member... From Sera's words.

The second thing is that I don't even have to talk to the Princess. I'll just walk by and see the Queen, the one Adam had told me so much about... I'll see if her eyes and appearance tell me enough to draw any conclusions.

No contact with Charlotte or Lilith. Zestial didn't mention Lucifer, which logically should either be somewhere nearby or watching them with both eyes, after all, the way he spoke of them while we were working...

"Unless, of course, it was all a lie from the Prince of Deception...", a sensible thought visited me.

Anyway, nodding to my thoughts, I started moving. That way - I don't know where, why - for fuck's sake, since I'd decided to naturally pass by the most po-faced creatures in Hell.

Adam had mentioned that Lucifer was the strongest in Hell, no one above him, not even the Sins together were his equal. Below him are Lilith and... Charlotte. Potentially, but Lilith's power could equal most of the Sins.

They can defeat her if they get together, but Lilith's abilities are unlikely to allow....

"Good afternoon, mister." - A quiet voice, mature enough not to be confused with a child's, brought me out of my thoughts. I just nodded, continuing on my way.

Charlotte. She looked to be about twelve or fourteen, not quite sure what she looked like behind that voluminous dress (or was it a robe?). Her gaze is unsure, timid. The posture is unsteady, standing as it comes, not a fighter or a warrior. Her hands have slight calluses, but not from weapons or instruments of torture, more like some kind of musical instrument.

And her soul... Purity with a dash of Darkness... Just a dash, an almost imperceptible trait of her essence.

Charlotte was wearing a neat, as if she had just come from a needle, robe dress, with a white scarf around her neck. Her arms were dressed in some kind of bracelets, and her hair, which at a glance reached to her shoulder blades, was arranged in a luxurious ponytail.

"Good afternoon, young miss." - I walked methodically down the street, trying not to look in the direction of the Princess, and even more so, not to look at the door of the store where Lilith was. She had already sensed me. And just now, which is weird...

Great, I was able to keep up with her and was about to just go about my business. No Lucifer or Lilith. Especially no dropped words...

"Excuse me, mister." - I was naturally yanked by my cloak, forcing me to stop, lowering my gaze.

A girl... A girl? I don't know how demons like her grow up, but she certainly wasn't a child. Emily was about a hundred years old when we met. She looks to be about the same age, if not more.

That whole thing about her body being a reflection of her mental age? Or how it works with demon spawn.

"What is it, young miss?" - My doom didn't seep into my voice, and I managed to suppress a tired sigh.

A look full of curiosity, shyness, and... firm determination, if that's what you can say about a child's eyes at all, stared back at me.

"I hope she won't demand anything, for I am her future subject... Though, I might have broken some imaginary rule of her behavior with her... First she will be angry, and then her father...", the accelerated thought was strangely interrupted by a slap from reality that decided to shatter all my expectations.

"What do you think of this place?" - An innocent question from an innocent girl-girl, asked in an innocent tone. - "In this city, how is it like for the Sinner?"

- ..." the question caught me off guard, forcing me to stare silently at the rapidly nervous Charlotte. From Lilith I could sense the emanations of snarkiness and contentment.

"I mean..." the girl-child that so strongly resembled Emily's voice in appearance, Charlotte continued, as if afraid to scare off the nearly two-meter tall gentleman, in front of her parents. - "I'm writing an article... an article about "demon rehabilitation" and I haven't been able to talk to the other Sinners... It's not that I haven't tried, it's just that they probably just can't because they're busy or..." the Princess continued.

...Was it just me, or did the scarf twitch slightly? Must be the wind.

"Doesn't anyone want to help such a polite young miss?" - I tilt my head questioningly. Charlotte, as soon as she heard my voice, was silent. - "Not that I am against quenching the young journalist's thirst for knowledge, but I am interested in... the motive of this, curiosity, pardon my rudeness." - I tilted my head apologetically, "You know, this place..." I circled the empty street with my free hand, Charlotte's eyes following me. - "It doesn't lend itself to revelations without looking." - I shrug, and Charlotte nods understandingly, smiling a little too energetically.

"That's because I want to help demons!" - Charlotte grinned happily, revealing an even row of snow-white fangs. It was as if they were stuck in an in-between state, ordinary human teeth and those of Lucifer. - "I want to prove that demons can get a second chance! I mean..." she faltered, as if stifling her impulse. - "I don't want anything bad, I just want to know what you think!" - Charlotte replied with a wide smile.

"That girl..." I hope my lips didn't quiver. I hope so, because Lilith was definitely watching us.

"Then let me help you."- I snapped my fingers, realizing there was paper and quill nearby to record my answer. Charlotte's eyes widened in amazement. -" It will record my answer, and the paper itself does not bear any harm to you or your loved ones, nothing but a record in regular ink, I swear to God." - I nod, getting a perplexed nod from the girl-child.

I lean toward Charlotte, leaning on my cane.

"To answer your question... I can't give you a definite answer, young miss." - Charlotte listened attentively, nodding at my every word. - "I'm new here, you could say it's my first day." - I straighten up, looking at the pensive girl-girl. A little girl.

"But!" I raise my voice slightly, catching the little girl's attention. - "I can describe my first impression." - I nodded affirmatively, raising a finger up. Charlotte only nods enthusiastically. - "A total shithole, my dear." - Charlotte's eyebrows go up.

"Nothing like Earth, which despite all its disadvantages is much better than this..." I look around the street, still not finding any other souls, tapping the top of my cane with my finger. - "But that's for now." - I finish enthusiastically, returning my gaze to the pensive Charlotte. - "Maybe my opinion will change, especially once I've made my... my home here." - he corrected himself at the end, so as not to swear in front of the child. - "But for now, my opinion is it's a hole you'd better not be in, young miss." - I finished, straightening up and taking my cane with both hands, knocking it on the ground.

Every word I said was accompanied by the sound of a writing pen.

"Thank you." - Charlotte smiled happily, not looking at my retort. - "I don't often get a straight answer from Sinner..." Charlotte looked away.

"Oh no.", I realized it immediately. I remembered the conversations I'd had with Emily.

" I almost always get rude, called names, or laughed at for my ideas...", Charlotte mumbled a little, looking away. - "So thank you very much, Mister!" - Charlotte smiled broadly, slightly... bowing, and the daughter of the King and Queen of Hell replied, causing me... not a stupor, just a little dissonance.

" ...You're welcome, young miss, I wish you good luck with your article, and now, if you don't..." - speaking in an urging voice, I was about to leave, the paper was already flying towards the girl... But Charlotte obviously wanted to bury me. She certainly didn't like my look.

"Can I ask you another question?" - she grabbed me by the edge of my cloak again, but immediately recoiled with a worried meow of her hand. -" I'll be quick, I promise."

Quill and paper got ready to write again.

"Fuck. She definitely wants to wait for Lilith to come out of the store.", a quick thought in quickened consciousness.

"...I don't mind, young miss, but I'm in a hurry for business, so " - just this one and no more. - My sigh went unnoticed, and at the remark, Charlotte only nodded.

"Do you believe that demons can deserve a second chance?" - At Charlotte's new question, her scarf twitched sharply. An enchanted thing? Her father is an Aspect of Wonder, so no surprise there.

"You ask unusual questions for someone who lives here, young miss..." - I tap my fingers on the top of my cane, to which Charlotte crumples a little. -" But as for my opinion... " I look up at the sky. "To the Planet of Eden."

"...Before, I would have said 'no' or 'I don't know'..." I said, raising my head to the sky of Hell. My gaze was trying to catch a glimpse of that very comet. - "Now, I can only say that the soul can get deliverance from suffering and sins, but only with great sacrifice and, often, help from the outside. What's more," I raise my finger sharply, looking into Charlotte's astonished eyes. - "The soul has to want it for itself, and there's no way to do it without it." - I sighed, putting my hand on my cane. Charlotte is mesmerized by these actions with her gaze.

New sketches on paper, my every word complete, wanting the Princess of Hell to have a complete answer, even if she had questions later.

...Either Lilith is shopping there for decades to come, or she has some important business to attend to with the vendor... or she's just waiting for the denouement.

"I, on the other hand, would need to prepare weaves for escape... Which is not too convenient, for mind weaves take a considerable amount of strength..."

" I hope I have quenched your thirst for knowledge, young miss." - I nod meekly, turning to the side.

"Do you really believe that demons can change?! "- Charlotte jumped up too sharply for a girl her size, grabbing me by my cloak, causing me to raise my hands up, afraid to touch her.

She looked up at me with her ridiculously innocent eyes. Her ingratiating smile, as if it was the first time she'd ever spoken to anyone who had any kind of similar opinions to her...

"You've got to be fucking kidding me...", my mind drifted doomily as the expectant stare washed over me.

" I don't believe it as much as I know about several cases of such... "- I gently, almost without touching her shoulder, push her away from me, to which the little girl doesn't react, still almost stuck to my cloak.

Okay, I didn't really need the cloak. If anything, I'll just teleport to the Embassy, at least Lilith won't be able to get to me there.

"..And I'm not talking about Sinners so much as people, regular people or people who would definitely... be here, let's say." - Charlotte was still mesmerized as she listened to my words. -"..So your ideas do have a right to life, even if they have to be proven true.." the scarf twitched, and Charlotte almost gasped.

"Really!" - receiving my short nod, Charlotte threw herself into a hug. - "Thank you! You know you're the first Sinner who didn't ridicule.." I lowered my hands awkwardly, not daring to touch Lucifer's strange daughter.

Lucifer, obsessed with having fun at the expense of others. Lilith, obsessed with control and defiance. Now, this Charlotte, who for some reason wants to test the hypothesis of "soul redemption" that Adam tried to test long ago. But he, a soul who had lived for almost ten thousand years, had not succeeded. He had not seen a single Sinner that had received redemption.

...But her ideas and truth might be true. People wrote in the Bible about Purgatory. A place where a sinful soul could be purified and go to Heaven. The funny thing is that this particular part of the text of the Bible was definitely written by humans. It is clearly emphasized in the Paradise books, even mocking the naiveté of earthly minds....

And here we go again. Some soul, the daughter of Lucifer and Lilith, the ones through whose fault Sin came into existence, Hell came into existence, because of whom this "judgment of God" came into existence, which determines the souls between Paradise and Hell.

"...And just how could such parents have raised such a...sincere in their beliefs daughter?", ran through my mind as I listened to Charlotte's explanation. Something about how even her parents didn't believe in her ideas, how some newspaper didn't accept her articles, but she was glad there was someone who shared her ideas....

She suggested I read her article? I nod automatically, getting an even more admiring look, to which she....

Pulls out some papers with the text from somewhere, happily handing them to me...

"Fuck, where the fuck is this Lilith?!", panic ran through my head as Charlotte looked up at me expectantly, waiting for my somehow undoubtedly important opinion on her work....

"And Lilith is still in that store, for fuck's sake! Is there another Fallen Angel in there, or did one of the Sins decide to visit their Queen, since she's been there so long?! How long has it been?! Ah, just a couple minutes...", rushes through my mind as my eyes wander over the text of the overly excited little girl.

...And what have we here?

There's too much reasoning and conclusions that don't make sense. Here she explains her idea that every demon has "Good" inside and that everyone can take a path to improve their lives... While there is no logical transition. After three paragraphs of such reasoning, she concludes that all demons wish for the same, although no statistics are given here.

...the word Beelzebub? Sin of Gluttony, King of the Flies? Either Charlotte made that up, or she didn't write the context of these words from Sin, or Sin of Gluttony has taken a moralizing stab at it from some fuckin' place... I don't know which is scarier.

...To summarize her five A4 pages, one thing can be said. A childish piece of writing that would have been hung from the nearest tree at my university. Or just locked up to clean classrooms for a semester.

Thoughts jumping from one to the next, almost no evidentiary basis other than a reference to the words of her father, Sin of Pride, her mother, Queen of Sin, Sin of Gluttony. While no reference or explanation of sources. She simply cites these words as evidence, as if she were simply explaining them to another child, hoping the child would take her word for it. Structure... not that there isn't any, just a general theme of 'Rainbows in every demon' stretched throughout the paper and that's it.

Handing the paper back into the hands of an excited Charlotte, I begin to recount my thoughts to the Princess. So that her parents don't kill me.

"What kind of article are you writing, young miss?" - I tilt my head to the side, getting a puzzled look.

"...What kind?" - Charlotte asks in a strange voice. It's as if this isn't the answer she expected.

"Are you writing research, academic, analytical, journalistic, or are you just writing an excerpt for a book?" - A perplexed look is fixed on me, and this living scarf is just as frozen in a kind of bewilderment.

"..Is there a difference? "- Charlotte answers awkwardly. It's like a child who's just realized that she's been doing something wrong, having been previously convinced of the exact opposite. I nod at her words, leaning on my cane, rocking back and forth on my heels.

...When will Lilith come out and get her daughter?! - Of course, young miss, you see... - I begin my explanation to Charlotte, who is mesmerized listening to me, and... to this scarf.

I explained the difference in writing styles of similar texts using her own text as an example, without criticizing it directly. Charlotte vividly commented on my words, actively asking questions, and in response to my detailed explanations she exclaimed something like "Oh, that's what it is!" as if I was opening America to her rather than explaining the plain truths known to any educated person.

"Her father is Lucifer, the Miracle Aspect, who can create anything and even come to Earth, couldn't he have known to bring educational materials for his daughter?" my mind was perplexed as Charlotte listened to my explanations.

I even, having specifically previously indicated, wrote her an article, much to her great joy. I gave an example, described and argued about how to do and wrote, while Charlotte listened happily, almost looking into my mouth.

"..But still, I recommend that you ask your parents to get some study materials from Earth, if possible." - I gently concluded, handing over a dozen written and detailed sheets of paper. My answers to her questions and my words about her article are highlighted separately.

She takes the sheets as if they were a lifeline in the ocean, and Lilith was still gone, even though it had been about ten minutes.

"If this is how the King and Queen let their daughter socialize with other Sinners, which is not surprising, then I can understand her stiffness and underdeveloped social part...", a stray thought ran through my head.

"Thank you very much, Mister!" - Charlotte smiled broadly, receiving a quick nod, but immediately faltered. - "...My daddy can get something from Earth, but only if he knows how..." Her voice grew quieter with each word, and her gaze stayed fixed on me, as if afraid. I sighed heavily, and Charlotte looked up at me fearfully, causing me to wave my hand reassuringly.

With the same wave, I summoned another paper, on both sides of which, I wrote details about the articles' study materials. I don't know who taught her such things, but they were clearly ignorant of conventional concepts. As if striving to do things her way... It was Lilith, wasn't it?

Who else would reinvent the wheel just because they don't want to recognize "common rules and standards"? So it's such an embarrassment when her daughter copies her thoughts and teachings without even understanding their meaning.

On paper, I wrote down where and what can be obtained, how and when, especially focusing on materials of different levels of understanding. Student, master, or commoner.

Receiving another paper, Charlotte bowed once more, much lower, nearly dropping the armful of paper.

"Where the hell is that...?!", my thought was finally interrupted. Interrupted by the very object of my thoughts.

From behind Charlotte's figure, a tall and graceful woman stepped out from behind the door of the store.

A little less than Adam in height, about half a head, which did not in the least detract from her majesty and elegance.

Her blond hair, just below her buttocks, was beautiful, as if it were blowing in an invisible wind. On the top of her head, long, back-curved dark red horns. His hair was slicked back, only two locks falling over his shoulders.

Bright red pupils, red whites... A perfect figure. "Hourglass," as Adam had described her. He even showed a picture of her. "That Lilith"... She hadn't changed a bit since then. Like a picture from the legends come to life.

Voluminous breasts, a beautiful burgundy dress with a wide neckline at the hip, revealing her beautiful legs. The burgundy trim of the dress with the symbols of an apple and a lily vine...

" I apologize for the delay, Charlie, the choice was... too great." - a beautiful, mesmerizing voice. As if she were the Sin of Lust, her voice sent a wave of goosebumps through my shell, the costume and mask hiding the shame. It was like she was whispering intimately, speaking in a tone slightly quieter than conversational.

Her voice... was it tired? I don't know what it felt like, but beyond the obvious, her voice conveyed that feeling as well.

Her daughter, as if not even paying attention, just nodded, immediately ducking under her skirt... Charlotte was immediately picked up by her mother, placing her in her arms, playfully running her hair through her hair, looking at the paper in her hands with interest. A moment and her eyes fell on me, which immediately bowed deeply.

" Your Majesty." - a deep bow at forty-five degrees at the waist. His free hand on his chest, at his heart, the other resting on his cane. - "Have a lovely evening, you and your daughter." - Looking up at Charlotte watching with interest and the laughing gaze of Lilith herself.

" Thank you for keeping my daughter company in my absence..." There was a hint of introduction in her voice, but I'd already spent too much time with this family. I didn't need Lucifer himself to fly in and tell me about the fool who'd caused one tragedy.

" It was an honor to speak with your daughter, but please forgive my impertinence, I have to go." - my words eliciting an understanding chuckle from Lilith, and Charlotte....

"Thank you very much, Mister! Have a good evening!" - Charlotte waved at me, the paper in her hands having disappeared.

I waved back and practically raced down the street, trying to hide around the corner.

I really hoped the Morning Dawn family hadn't followed me. It would be awkward, even more awkward than it already is, if they have to go the same way....

"How I wish I could just take off, but even more to attract attention...", then images of a white and red bird and a white scarf flashed through my mind....

"...And what are the chances that instead of a scarf around the neck of Charlotte, Princess of Hell and Lucifer's daughter, was the Fallen Seraphim himself, just in the form of a snake or the same scarf...?", I thought nervously, continuing to walk quickly through the still empty streets.

...Fuck, it's possible, isn't it?

Do I have to wait for Lucifer's visit now?

With such panicked thoughts, I headed back to the Embassy and didn't care if anyone would be there. Weave for stealth or blend in with the terrain and that's enough.

Just as long as the royal family didn't follow.....


" ...What is it?" - Charlotte's mother's bewildered voice lit up the street.

Lilith, Queen of Hell, the First Sinner and First of Women, was now perplexed at the... writing that the Sinner had given her daughter.

They had stopped somewhere in a sort of park, which her husband had immediately tidied up, still in snake form.

Lilith didn't mind this twist in her husband's behavior, but Charlie sometimes gets frustrated that he can't take a "full" walk with both of his parents....

She had spoken to Lucifer on the subject, but the latter was unbowed. "I'm squeamish," he said. No matter how "threatened" Lilith was, he didn't want to even see the Sinners, as if he was allergic to them.

" These are tips and edits to one of my articles from that kind Mr." - Charlie smiled happily, and Lilith nodded thoughtfully.

" And if there's any help there..." her husband hissed playfully, still in his snake form, still wrapped around Charlie's neck. His head peeked out of the ring of his body to answer, and Charlie immediately began to play with it, to Lucifer's delight and support.

Lilith did take a look at that paper...

Addresses, names of materials for different levels. Addresses scattered all over the world. That Sinner either knew her daughter was a Princess or didn't understand the nature of her lovely daughter.

"...These are notes for human work, not hell." - Lilith replied stubbornly, albeit without a spark of denial, to her husband's hissing laughter.

"I told you Charlie should have-" Lilith only covered her eyes at Lucifer's snake-like voice, firing a small burst of electricity at him, to Charlie's laughter as she watched her father comically fly into the air, 'translucent' as a skeleton.

"Imitates Earth cartoon books and doesn't blush.", Lilith shook her head as she continued to read the notes. Lilith had to admit that they were well-written, on a decent level, perhaps below Belphegor's work, but still...

Too good for the average Sinner.

That was her conclusion.

" Mom..." Lilith tugged at the hem of her dress in embarrassment, drawing her attention. Lilith immediately smiled, stroking her daughter's head. - "Can Daddy bring those textbooks?" - Charlie asked slightly nervously as her father nodded vigorously at her neck.

Lilith shook her head. Those two...

"Of course, Stargirl." - Lilith replied softly, flicking those notes to Charlie's room at their house. - "But a little later, right now we're on a walk with your father. You don't want to interrupt her for such a small thing, do you?" - Lilith smiled wryly, immediately receiving a sharp shake of her head from her daughter and, even funnier, from her husband.

Lilith laughed softly, taking their daughter into her arms.

Charlie could have followed, but... she just wanted a little longer to imagine that Charlie hadn't yet outgrown that age when she and her father walked like this all the time. Charlie might not be comfortable with that kind of care, but she'd obviously understand her and her father... Right.

"Can we meet Mr..." Charlie's excited voice was interrupted by Lilith herself, a little abruptly, but there was a point to be made.

" No, Star. You know..." at her words, Charlie only sighed heavily.

" Sinners lie all the time.." Charlie stretched out, rolling her eyes. - "But, Mister didn't seem to be a liar... Oh!" - Lilith was slightly surprised by Charlie's exclamation, to which Lilith cringed slightly. Her ears were particularly sensitive to Charlie's voice, something she had inherited from her.

"I never introduced myself... I also didn't ask his name!" - Charlie exclaimed, her hands clasped around her face as if it were a tragedy.

Lilith chuckled softly as her husband... made himself comfortable, continuing to keep an eye on the surroundings, slightly reclaiming the city.

"No matter how much he complains and rages at the Sinners, he just can't look at these ruins... For some excuse to rebuild some parts...", Lilith smiled softly as she listened to Charlie's worries, nodding in the right places and watching her husband's stealthy work.

She spotted the two Sinners as they approached, ready to intervene if they crossed the line, as they usually did. Or rather, if a young Sinner tries it. She knows Zestial, a suave Overlord that has survived more than one sweep.

This "new guy"... He feels strange somehow. Lilith couldn't describe it exactly, but other than the word 'wrong', nothing came to mind. Perhaps her husband could explain further, but he didn't see fit to even mentally explain it to her.

Which meant she and her daughter had nothing to worry about. Of the two of them, Lucifer was the best at all things Miracle, Aether, and many other high matter.

She was the Leader and the Manager.

He was a Magician, Designer and Architect.

Charlie, on the other hand... promised to be either something in between or something else that thrilled and excited Lilith.

She just hoped that her Charlie would not repeat her parents' mistakes and in any way damage or corrupt Creation.

There were already enough outcasts and "family disgraces" in their family. She wouldn't want Charlie to feel the Wrath of Heaven or the Temptation of Evil.

Lilith just wanted Charlie to be happy and be a better person than both of them. Nothing more than that.