A new Era

I arrived at the mansion late into mid-day as a saw a bustling of activity in and outside the mansion. There was a white transporter parked outside the front where dresses and jewelry was packed in the back. I saw my female cousins and their husbands quickly hurrying in and out of the mansion getting out their stuff and clothes into the transporter.

They all ignored me oddly enough as I walked past them. I found out the reason inside as I found white uniform men inside that had the emblem of a "BD" and sword logo of the Brookstone of a debt clearing company. They were handlers for banks and other businesses that dealt with collecting on debts un paid loans from the living and the dead.

Cadre must have had more then one reason for starting to live more humbly. His business and personal debts had finally caught up with him. I got one step inside and I felt a change in the mansion as my presence seemed to announce I was here. I gritted my teeth as I realized what that meant. Cadre you old bastard. This could mean only one thing. The mansion must have belonged to my father been enchanted to me after his death.

The debt collectors hardly seemed to notice the shift in ownership of the residence they were all to busy snatching up what they could. I let them to their work but when I saw one of them with a box full of books. I way laid him with my palm up stopping him. "Put the books down and take anything else you want. Every book in here stays." I said.

The man laughed in my face and started to ignore my command until I put a pistol to his forehead. Everyone stopped. No one moved. The smile on his face froze. I stared at him and smelled his fear now.

"I said take anything you like but every book in here stays. What didn't you comprehend from what I just said?" I asked him using The Voice. My voice projected out through out the house and no one breathed a word.

The man dropped the books to the floor at his side. I stared at him. "If I find a book missing from my house. I'm going to come for you. I know your face. I'll come for you and hold you personally responsible. Think about that smart ass before you think to do anything beyond what I just commanded you to do." I said.

"Yes Ma'am." He said respectfully and promptly whistled. "Let's go mates.!" He said before there was a rush of movement all around as everyone started running away.

I sighed and started moving toward the basement door. I felt someone lock their hand around my wrist. I turned and twisted out of his hold and kicked him in the chest before I drew my pistol on him. The man was pushed back against the wall and fell to the floor.

The man shook holding up a vanilla envelope folder. "Miss Wells. I am the estate solicitor of your Wells family estate. I came here to present the deed for your family estate and holdings." He said.

I frowned studying him. "What family estate? You mean Cadre Wells estate? I have no business with that and for a so called gentleman with a professional tradesmen I find it puzzling you would lay hands on a single female you are not connected to. What are you about Sir? Speak!" I said.

The man had the grace to flush in embarrassment. "Forgive me my lady. I overextended myself. I've inherited your case from my grandfather's practice today. In regards to your family estate I am speaking about the Wells family Estate. Your father held no estate to my knowledge." He said.

I stared at him with narrowed eyes. "So your new to the trade of adulthood. Fine. I will forgive your forward behavior. What is your name?"

The man sighed. "Frances Richardson 4th. My apologizes again my lady." He said.

I frowned at him. "Why do you keep calling me my lady? I am a commoner born." I said.

Frances frowned shaking his head in confusion. "Because you are noble. Again, I am sorry for overstepping my place. Please the information is in this folder." He said holding up the folder up with shaky hands.

I frowned walked over snatching the folder out of his limp hands. I took out my profile documents and read through them at my folder and I froze at the symbol the king's mark on my birth records and my estate documents that held the deed to the mansion and financial holdings. I saw my name and the estate and property of the mansion on it.

That made sense when the magical wards in the foundations of the mansion activated when I stepped into the building. I owned the mansion out right. I looked at the human boy as he stared at my bare naked legs.

"Frances!" I yelled at him.

The boy jumped back and away holding up his hands. "Yes Ma'am." He said.

"Card." I said.

Frances stared at me blankly. I frowned at him. "Give me your business card and leave my mansion. I will contact you tomorrow." I said.

Frances stared at me with idiotic look of lust at my face.

"Give me your damn card boy." I yelled at him.

Frances jumps up quickly yanking out his business card throwing it down and ran away for his life. I stared after him and walked away.

I bent down to my down snatching up the card and looked at the location.

Down Town White Hall and grand 440b street.

Come to me!

I felt him suddenly call me. I hurried to the basement door and hurried to open it. The opened outward and almost hit me but I missed the hit. I quickly went inside down stairs. I found the basement the same. The books in place as well as the papers on desks. One difference though. The cell door to the dimensional jail cell was open. 

There was no smoke to mark Mr. Big was here. I looked around the room. I started to take off my jacket and gun belt and put my knife down on a desk. I heard the open stairs door close. I flinched at the sound of it locking loudly.

I looked around and wondered where he was. The door to the cell opened wider. I sighed and went to the cell and headed inside. My clothes disappeared and the jail door closed behind me smacking me in the ass.

I rubbed my bare ass and looked around wondering why didn't appear. I looked down as a large book appeared on the floor. I bent over to pick it up and felt him behind me. I straightened up taking the book in my hands and turned to look at his muscled chest and the back up a little to look up at his handsome face and glowing white eyes.

I stared up at him. "Thank you for the book Sir." I said.

Mr. Big folded his arms across his chest. "You've thinking about the past to much." He said.

I flushed. "I'm sorry about that. So ah. I got something to ask you." I said.

"Yes." He said. Taking a seat on the floor. He waved me over toward him. 

I went into his arms sat on his lap. He put his arms around me. I smiled at him. "I got a new job at the library. The elders want me to take over Cadre's position in the spell swords. Is this okay with you?" I asked.

"That's not the question you want to ask me." Mr. Big said already guessing I was hiding my thoughts from him.

I smiled up at him nervously. "Did you have Cadre killed?" I asked.

"Yes." Mr. Big said. "I was done with him after tried to become a block between me and you. So I brought about his death and handed all he acquired to you. What do you say?" He said.

"Ah. Thank you." I said.

Mr. Big nodded. "Very good. Things will be changing very soon in the city. The King of Drakescape. He is going to give your people a mission. Your going to handle it with my help and power of course. This will make my position in his court secure and he'll see you as mean and strengthen your alliances." He said.

I started crying uncontrollably. "Thank you." I said in quiet voice.

Mr. Big rolled his eyes at me but he wiped away my tears. "Stop your tears. I'm using you to advance my control and power in the city and the king's court." He said.

Mr. Big always did this shit to down play how great he was. He didn't like me to look up at him as what he was god. I was mated to a god. Every time I thought about it. I don't know if I can handle this shit. By the gods.

"Stop it. Your making yourself nervous. I told you to stop thinking that way about me it only makes you more insecure about your place. Just relax and enjoy your book for a bit and then we'll have sex afterward." Mr. Big said.

I smiled leaning against his strong muscled chest. He was wonderful. I examined the cover of the book. It was a book of about trans creation. I really wanted to study this subject for longest time. Though I would never be as amazing as Mr. Big. I opened the book to the first page reading through it and started flipping through the book.