My New Job

I felt refreshed after talking with Mr. Big and having sex with him for several hours. Afterward I left home and headed for the library to start my new position. I felt jittery but I was still happy to get going.

The drive to the library was pleasant though the weather at large was the same dark and foreboding climate. Though there was a strange quiet to the city in early morning. Something was happening. I could feel it now.

I arrived at the library parking in the faculty parking port with my name assigned to single spot designated for me. I got out of my cruiser feeling on top of the world. I started to feel deep elation and thrill at finally after years of waiting and bounty hunts and preparations. My life was finally coming out of the shadows that was Cadre's influence and curse.

I was going to prove my worth and talent. I closed and locked up my cruiser and took the short walk to the back entrance of the library and used a charm on the doorknob unlocking the door opened it and stepped inside locking the door behind me. 

I heard the peaceful quiet of people reading and the scent of books and walked inside down a long narrow hallway to the front of the library where study desks were arranged all around the one room library and books lined the walls on tall bookshelves and a spiral stairway led up to the second floor. Elderly old man some with long thin beards or cleanly shaven faces sat at their desks reading, recording and studying.

I turned and looked to my left and saw Alex at his desk writing dressed in blue robes. He looked at me smiling and waved me over. I grinned and came over to his side. "I've come to begin my duties for you." I said in excitement.

Alex's smile widened at me and he chuckled. "You are in better spirits. Your cheeks are glowing." He said making me giggly in delight.

He stared at me as he reached over on his desk and handed me a thin piece of paper. "After you finish reviewing two books for the approval to be added to the library at your desk to my right I need to you to head out to the lower dregs of the city to eliminate a former noble of the king's peace with violent prejudice."

I took the note in surprise looking down at the location and the name on it. Dilan Drakes Owens. A Draconian. I frowned and walked over to the desk he indicated to me and sat down. I set the note down examined the books on the desks before me and took out a quall ink pen and writing paper to take down my thoughts. I started examining the quality of the leather bound book and the paper and then I started reading through the first book flipping through the pages quickly.

I took down thoughts as I felt someone standing over me. I looked up when I was done taking down my thoughts. An elderly man with a kind smile looked at me. 

"What do you think of the current book your looking at?" He asked.

I held up the book. "The leather is poor quality the paper is good though, the binding mid-range and the contents of the writing is mid-range information at best, Sir." I said.

The elderly man nodded his head. "You'll do fine here in your position. Move on to the next book and when you finish your task of hunting down the violator of the king's peace I will present you with your sword upon your completion of your task." He said.

I smiled at him. "Thank you Sir." I said.

The elder bowed. "Grayson Dellwood. It is a pleasure to have a keen academic mind from the house of Wells at such a long time of having to endure your uncle for such a long time. Welcome officially to the library Lady Wells." He said in a respectful tone.


I grinned and nodded my head to him and went back to my work quickly running through both books and finding only the second was worth adding onto in the library library officially. Once that was done I picked up the note and I headed out the back entrance nodding to the others as a few waved goodbye.

Alex I noticed sat quiet in his seat frowning over some books he was inspecting and finding them in no better condition then one I had.

"Lady Wells." He said stopping me.

I stopped and turned back frowning and walked back toward his desk to see him writing down something with frown on his face. "Yes, Sir. Do you need me to attend to another matter as well?"

"Indeed I do, Lady Wells. I need you to go to this location and discover why we are being delivered such books in the condition we've gotten from them in the last few months. This is not a termination mission at present just one of discovery. When you come back you can write me up a report on your discoveries and the elders will decide on how best to proceed if it will be more expedient for us to proceed in retraining the fellow or shopping around for a better book print and designer." He said and finished writing down a note and handed me the paper.

I book it and quickly put it into a hidden pocket in my jacket. I bowed to him and turned heading for the back exit/entrance. I walked outside as it began to rain lightly. Again, I felt a feeling of unease. I wondered about it for a few seconds then put the thought a side I would eventually run into whatever the problem was on journey or not for now I would concentrate on my tasks.

I walked over to my cruiser and unlocked it and got inside and started it up with my magical energy. I out my first note and the address to the Draconian I was hunting. I stared at the address until I had memorized it and then put it away and started my cruiser off and I started off. 

Traffic was low. Though people cautious as it began to rain lightly. I turned on my windshield wipers. I drove calmly toward the lower income area of the city. The Dregs was just one ride over the bridge. 

The dregs was the lower class area of the weakest Draconian and lower race new arrivals given to live. I found a storage parking area for visiting vehicles and paid a toll to have my pride protected inside the safe building while I walked about looking for the Draconian I had to hunt down. 

I got out my cruiser locked it up and headed out of the building. I walked toward the address of my target. I met only a few male Draconian on the street few met my direct stare as I past the ones that did frowned at me in confusion but did not talk to me.

This was the Draconian way of sorts. I was used to it now that I had got to walking outside more and hunting over the years and months I've been on my own. I looked at a street post I wanted and looked around until I found the apartment building of the my target. I saw a large Draconian coming out the apartment building with paper bag of stuff.

He noticed me. He started shaking his head at me with a grin looking only at my body and sway to my hips. He didn't really look at my face or see the real me yet. When he finally did look at me I saw recognition in his eyes before he reached inside his bag. I was quickly reaching for pistol and fired on him.

The male went flying backward to the ground growling as he looked up at me glaring and getting to his feet to fight. His eyes glowed with drakes fire before fire blasted out of his eyes toward my head.

I was knocked down and grimaced at the pain before I was up again as the draconian was already walking away whistling. I took aim and fired at his back. Fire blasted out of pistol and the bullet landed on home in the center of his back knocking him down onto his face.

He screamed in shock rolled onto his side and then roared in rage bounding to his feet as I shot him again in the chest this time. He went down in shock and laid on the floor a few seconds longer as I approached him while loading my pistol. He rolled to his side and attempted to glare at me and took in my scent and his eyes went wide has he smelled the other part of me in my blood.

He had his hands up. "Wow. It was a mistake. I thought you were somebody else." He said trying to lie as fire lite his eyes.

I stepped to the side as fire launched out again from his eyes at me but it only burned my shoulder of my jacket. I took aim and fired striking him between the eyes. He stared at me blankly and then fell face forward to the ground.

I stared at the body of my target and then lifting my hand I blasted the body with inferno flames coming it quickly and then turned leaving it to go and be put out by the rain.

I had learned early on to lean into surprising the prey the quicker they realized what I was and who I was mated to it was always the sooner they would turn tail and run. I could fight but I had short legs and couldn't beat a Draconian male in a foot race.