The bookmaker's problem

I was quickly on the road again heading out of the dregs toward the tradesmen district of the city with a smile on my face even as the weather turned rather gloomy and wet. Though when I heard the crack and boom of thunder and lightning above the city in the heavens I realized Earl and Amy were arguing again. I sighed as I felt the magical sexual tension as they fought in a game of cat and mouse though it would be more accurately more defined as foreplay.

Earl and Amy were two annoying mid-level demi-god new arrivals from the devil's eye portal. Oh. By the By. The devil's eye is a dimensional portal into the Drakescape mini realm. It can be found near the Red Stone desert region of our realm.

Most alien beings make their way into our realm that way but there have been known to be a few dead souls to come to our realm by the hand of the ancient gods that created the Drakescape realm.

Traffic slowed a bit as more the rain continued on and the crack and and boom of the dragons fighting it out against each other above was felt. People started parking their vehicles to the side and getting out to walk off the tension they felt or heading possibly heading home to get some sex for lunch.

I had already gotten mean from Mr. Big so all I was feeling was a low buzz of excitement still. I wondered again What type of mission would the king of Drakescape would be handing over to us. I knew that the job I had just dealt with couldn't have been the request the king had asked from the library. 

That idiot hadn't been much of match or warrior of the top dominance level of the Draconian. I shook my head. The pickings for strong dominant Draconian of the current generation was slim pickings. I felt sorry for the best quality females. I grinned with a pride.

I looked out window seeing a female walk by with frown on her face. She caught me staring at her and I could feel her sniffing my body before she without changing expression calmly lifted her hand up and presented her middle finger to me before calmly walking away.

Jealous bitter bitch. I sighed and turned my attention back to driving. The traffic died down again and I drove off heading for the location of the book maker. I arrived at the book maker's little shop as I heard a scream in the skies above and shook my head. 

I parked at a the corner in front getting out and quickly walked toward the door opening it I stepped inside. I froze at the sight of his Majesty Dr. Arnold Blair in a discussion with the older balding Draconian. He had a pair of square spectacles on and dressed in a red vest and dress shirt. His majesty was dressed in his typical black suit and his black hair was combed back and beautiful scars on display. 

I bowed to his majesty first. "Hello your Majesty." I said.

His Majesty nodded to me. "Good afternoon Lady Wells. My apologies I just have to discuss some matters with Mr. Grant here and I will be out of your way." He said modifying his voice slightly toward me not to upset me with his high level of dominance and power.

The only known being in the entire to equal his level was Mr. Big. It still amazed me that Mr. Big had not challenged for his Majesty for his position in the city and ruler of the kingdom of the Draconian kingdom. This was something though I would have to remember to ask Mr. Big when I got back home later tonight.

His Majesty looked at the book maker though with a purely dominant stare. "What the hell is going on with the quality of your books lately Mitch? This is most unacceptable unprofessional business your doing. I want to know the reason for such. Right now!" He said pointedly.

The book maker shrugged in a motion of difference to His Majesty's voice. "Can't be helped Arnold. If you want better quality then you had better start expecting higher prices." He said simply.

His Majesty stared at him. "What the hell did you just say to me? Mitch. What has gotten into you." He said.

"Finances. I need the money. You plenty of Arnold. I think you can spare me some." He said.

I reached behind me and locked the door behind me quietly and I put a spell on the lock to keep anyone from coming in. Neither males noticed me now as their discussion became heated. I carefully walked forward and turned my gaze away from Mitch looking at me. I started walking toward the back of the shop.

"Hey! Girl. Get away from there." Mitch said.

I ignored him as I opened the back door heading into a office and back way. I started looking through the room even as I heard feet stomping toward me. I got out my pistol and aimed it at Mitch's face as he came near. "Take your ass back to the front and have your discussion with his Majesty." I said.

"Ahh!" Mitch screamed as his Majesty grabbed him and dragged him to the front. There was banging at the door as someone was trying to break inside but I knew they wouldn't be able to get inside with the enchantment I had put on the lock and building.

I searched the building as I heard began to interrogate Mitch roughly. I kept to my business looking through the Book maker's desk and notes. I finally found something in pile of letters tied with pink bow. I undid the bow and searched red through the first two letters with a casual eye. I picked up the stack of letters and headed out. 

"My dearest, Mitch

You must be steadfast in your mission. You must act in your part with the others in subverting the false king to rise up unrest and displeasure. The time is drawing near. Our savor is coming. In a short time he will be made ready by trials and under my guidance he will come and bring an end to the false king's evil reign over our blessed people's lives.

Yours, The Draconian Matriarch. " I said reading out the letter. 

His Majesty took the letter while he held Mitch down on the floor with a boot on his chest. He looked at me. "Did the librarians send you here?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yes. Your Majesty they did. I'm to report back about them on my findings of discovery." I said.

His Majesty nodded handing me back the letter. "Tell them that I'm trusting them to get a hold on this idiotic embarrassment before my people get word of this foolishness. You may leave Lady Wells and coagulations on the departure of your wicked uncle from this realm. Don't worry about the gentlemen outside. You can let them in. I'll handle them." He said.

I smiled at him. "Thank you very much your Majesty. It couldn't have happen to worse kind of reprobate of a man. Good day to you." I said bowing to him and then headed to the door I opened it letting in the Draconian males as they came storming in attacked his Majesty. 

I waited until the way was clear and his Majesty in full battle against several males as I headed out of the shop closing the door behind me. I walked to the cruiser got in quickly started it up and drove off as I heard the screams of males fleeing and the fighting spilling out into the street.

I drove on toward the library and pondered the latest craziness to come from the deposed ruling class of the Draconian. They still couldn't accept his Majesty was in charge now. Even after a hundred and fifty years later after he took control. It was absurd at this point but it was the way of the Draconian at times.

The slowest to change out of all the races of realm and slower still to accept the rule of the new young king in charge though he had won his throne by right of the old ways.

I drove on down the road to the flow of the noon day traffic until I finally found myself at the library again and parked in my space got out taking the stack of letters with me and headed once again to the back entrance and walked inside the library to hear more then a little more talk and males talking loudly.

They all went silent when I arrived Alex looked at me waving me forward as he stood in the middle of the group. I handed him a letter along with the stack. He read it out loud for the others and then read again silently. He looked at up me. "What did his Majesty say to you?"

"He asked us to handle this matter quickly and privately before it becomes a publicly known embarrassment." I said.

Alex stared at me nodded his head. "Indeed. Well. Lady Wells. It looks like we will be taking a trip out to the back lands for a bit to stomp out the remaining Draconian rebels." He said bluntly.

"You mean war?" I asked.

Alex nodded. "Minor one but yes Lady Wells. I mean war." He said.