Strange Beasts and Weird magic

I sat up as I felt someone shaking me awake. I frowned and started to remove the hand but sensed it was Mr. Big. He put his finger to my lips. I was dressed and had my sword and pistol in hand as I came to my feet.

It was time to get started with the business of hunting. Mr. Big led the way out of the tent flaps outside into strange setting indeed.

A thick mist was all around us. Where I couldn't see the sky above or the earth beneath my feet. I sniffed the air and listened as I heard the beasts all around me. They were snarling and stalking the ground. I could feel their eyes on me though I couldn't see them I felt them watching and I looked back at a pair of eyes at staring back at me.

The snarling only increased in volume as I felt it. I wondered about it. Mr. Big nodded his head. "Not what you expected. Is it?" He said.

I nodded. "Are they the strong ones?" I asked.

He shook his head. "Mid range. Can you feel Alex and the others? Can you sense where they are?" He asked me.

I looked around shaking my head. "I don't. Are they dead?" I asked him.

Mr. Big shook his head. "Oh no. They are hunting. The whittled down their numbers considerably but your elders have finally gone to ground in a manner of speaking. It is now your turn to join the fight." He said.

I stared at his back. "Is this another lesson? I thought this is a battle." I asked.

Mr. Big shook his head. "No. Every way possible as you live your life from now and after you achieve true immortality every event is possible lesson to learn. As you live your life you will learn the way of yourself and how to break past the limits put on you. How do you fight in the mist when your enemy can see you but you can't see your enemy." He said.

I grimaced and shook my head. "I don't know. I can feel them but-" I said but he stopped me with a upward finger up.

"Start there. Sight is a sense and element of who you are but you have more senses. available to you through your draconian blood." He said.

I smiled in frustration. I sniffed and felt them watching me. I turned lifting my pistol and fired as one of them got to close to me. The creature screamed and fell back. I smell him bleeding now and the others were on alert. I shook my head at this feeling.

"This is something more then normal senses even for a draconian. Have you done something to me again." I asked Mr. Big.

Mr. Big chuckled lightly. "Beyond pleasure and safety no. No my dear. I'm getting you used to being more loose and free with you being all of yourself. I want you to get used to being completely yourself and discovering some new things and accepting some other. Why did I want you to use the lightning as a means of fighting? Keep alert." He asked.

I breathed in and out and tried to control myself and think through my emotions. I nodded. "You didn't want me to get hurt like I did and possibly killed." I said.

"No. I wasn't worried about you dying. Why would I be?" He said.

"Excuse me? What in the nine hells is that supposed to mean?" I said. I heard a snarling sound before something leap toward me. I stabbed at the thing in the chest. The blade lit the body with lightning and it caught on fire. I through it aside.

I turned back to Mr. Big. "What did you mean by not being worried about me dying?" I said.

Mr. Big nodded. "I meant I said. You were in no danger of dying from those foot soldiers and you know it. I wanted you to think and focus your power and not lean on your draconian side. You feel your enemy. You sense things. Do you know what they look like? The creatures in the mist." He said.

"I don't." I said.

Mr. Big grinned. "Are you sure about that? You can hear their minds. You can smell them and something inside of you wants to destroy them." He said.

I stared at him. "I fail to see you point Sir we are in a battle?" I said.

Mr. Big shook his head. "No. We're not. We're having a discussion while smaller beings fly around our area attempted to challenge for you attention but your attention isn't on them or the elders. It's on me." He said.

I shrugged. "Your the only dangerous person here. The rest are merely flies as you said. What are you trying to find out. Why don't you just ask me." I said.

Mr. Big laughed. "I know you dear. I knew you before we even met and I've known you entirely to my satisfaction. I'm the reason you want to become immortal. I'm the reason you want to advance yourself. This has always been the case. You want to fight me." He said not all angry or displeased by this knowledge.

"I've never said once in all our time together that I want to fight you." I said placing my words carefully.

Mr. Big smiled and his eyes lite with power. "You never had to dear. I can see it in your eyes. It's that part of you that is a kin to my own nature. Behind your mask of mage-born and human beauty I see what attracted you to me and why you ascribed to be hunter and spell-sword. The urge is in you. The Draconian are very much in all a kind to my own people in this regard." He said smoothly.

The sky crackled with power and lightning above our heads as the mist started to ease away. I stared at him as my heart pounded and I felt the rush of blood in my veins. "Your a god I could never hope to challenge you. I would never think such thoughts a loud my lord and master." I said smoothly. I heard the boom of thunder and lightning.

Mr. Big snorted. "There will no be secrets between you and I dear. No secrets. It is the one rule I am enforcing in our forever bond with each other. There is nothing to fear from me." He said.

I stared at him. "You aren't a full god. Your demi-god. Is this correct." I said.

"Correct. Go on!" He said.

I stared at him. "I don't want you to be the master over me. I want freedom from your control." I said calmly my heart racing.

Mr. Big nodded. "I know dear. I know intention on giving way. Though if you want a bought then you will have to earn it. You have to rise above where you are. If you prove yourself well in defeating my former people at the farm." He said.

I frowned at him. "Your people?! Is this all your doing?" I asked.

Mr. Big shook his head. "I meant my race. My people have invaded his Majesty's domain. If you can defeat them then and only then will I accept your challenge to face me in muck fight for my control over you." He said with grin. "This is my gift and incentive toward you to grow stronger and meet me in the position I stand as a true immortal." He said.

Fire. I could feel it in my blood. I could do it. I could stand with him as his equal before I had thought it a dream. A possibility but now I was sure I was going to do it. Just get a chance to prove myself and fight with the one that acknowledged me when no one else would and taught me to fight.

I wrapped my arm around his waist as I placed my hand on his chest. I felt that strange feeling of happiness as Mr. Big called it.

Yes. This is strange reaction to you humans. But this is who I am. This is what I am. I learned long ago to stop bothering to care for explanations or reasons. This was apart of my strange twisted genetics and nature.

Mr. Big shook his head at me. "Not at all. Your thinking to much dear. You just enjoy a good rough time in between the sheets. Your not a monster but you have to stop resisting being who you are. Your not Cadre. You are far far from what he became. I know you don't believe me dear but trust me. I'm going to make good on the promises I made to you." He said gentle.

"Lord Big." Alex called to us as the last of the mist started dissipate in to a thin either. He along with the other elders came. I straightened up from my position around me. The elders grinned at me. 

Elder Gains waved at me. "How is the book? Have you gotten through half of it already." He asked.

I nodded. "Yes I have. It is a lovely. I plan to put the information to good use when we get back and I begin my lessons with you and the other elders." I said.

 Elder Gains stared at me. "You finished half of that book in under forty-eight hours." He said.

I nodded. "Yes. I like to read and I'm very good at it." I said smiling.