Questions about the Past

We were no more then a few miles from the farm and so far the attacks on us had stopped entirely suddenly enough so that Mr. Big availed himself on other matters of his own privacy and left me with my elders as we road for the farm. Something was building up again. I could feel it in my bones.

The elders spoke little and Alex road close beside me down a private road that led toward the farm. I wondered about the sudden stop of attacks. I silently concluded that the enemy was setting up something up ahead.

I started to feel my mind start to wonder again to my past I shook my head against it and a question suddenly came to me. Something I was beginning to think I could get information on from a more reliable source. I turned to Alex. "Did you know my father and grandfather well?" I asked.

Alex looked at me with an experience that wasn't at all surprised by my question or the timing behind it. He nodded. "Yes. Very well. I was studying under your grandfather along with your father when we were young and then I went to fight along side your father in the war with the demonic invaders." He said.

I felt a cold chill went down my spine now as I felt current if I went down this path I wouldn't like the end of destination but I couldn't live with the regret if I lived long enough into the future to recall this one moment.

As Alex stared at me his eyes began to take on a slight glow of power revealing to me sign of his advancement into full immortal status. I could fee his power stirring around him. "Are you prepared to go on?" He asked me.

I stared back at him as the other two elders were quiet and took on look out position leading us forward. "Yes I am. What happened to them? Will you tell me please?" I asked.

Alex shook his head. His eyes turning more brighter. His eyes glowed to crystal clear mirrors and I saw in them his memories. "I'll show you what happened?" He said in "The Voice" in full power.

Light expanded out around me and then I blinked and I was in another place and in another time. I was in the wild country of the were-lands. I stood in the middle of a field as the dark demonic creatures came flew in the air and raining down dark flames at the same time mage-born and the Draconian fought the creatures on the ground. I heard the screams of humans and the Draconian around me.

I hadn't seen or felt anything of the like in all my fifty years of living there was no end to it. It was the battle of hell. It was an event in the past during the final days of the war when things finally took a turn. I had read of it only a little. I froze when I felt them. True immortals.

I didn't have to wait long until they revealed themselves in the heat of the battle. Eight mage-born immortals and someone else fighting with them were cutting into them. They glowed in power as they took out the enemies with swords of lightning slicing into hordes of the enemy as they advanced forward.

They're charge and courage gave new energy to the Draconian as they pushed themselves to the breaking point. Sadly this didn't last. As the demonic enemies in the air took out the several of the true immortals only five remained along with five Draconian warriors.

I watched as I saw the rise of his Majesty begin to stabbing into the armor with his knights shooting them down until his pistol was empty. He then took up his sword and cut down dozens of enemies around him with his knights.

I shook my head at him. The remaining immortals now came to his aim using shield spells and bodies to protect him as his Majesty went to war. At one point his sword was yanked from his grasp by one of the dying demonic creatures. His Majesty began punching into the demonic creatures with his fists and catching one and headbutting it to death.

I watched with shocked horror and amazement as his Majesty took on the enemy with nothing but his hands, feet and head. Ripping and tearing into the enemy now without pause or mercy. This is were many of the showed the sign of sense fear and many of them started to running away from his path of deadly machine like killing.

"DRACONIAN. DRACONIAN. ON YOUR FEET!" A male roared out in twilight of battle.

A roar went out from the fallen Draconian still alive blood as they rose from the ground like some unknown force regenerated them and they pushed themselves up and started fighting on.

I shook my head as I felt the rush of power coming from his Majesty out to the others. It was a generating power that the others were drawing on now. The immortals pressed in close around him to defend and fight as his guard as he pushed the others on.

One of the demonic creatures in the air finally caught a hold of the immortals and saw his face and I knew. He was my father. My father had his head removed at the same time one of the other immortals launched himself in the air to destroy him but he was stabbed with a dark sword. The immortal was thrown to the ground with his son and I watched their bodies burn away in dark flames.

Tears flowed from my eyes as I cried out but the I watched his Majesty fly up toward the creature catching him by the throat and held him as the creature fought and slashed at him until his Majesty ended his life by punching his fist through his face. His Majesty threw the body to the ground.

His Majesty then flew around the battle field at the remaining demonic in the air and killed them one by one until they were all dead. When the battle was done he floated down to the ground beside the mage-born and the remaining Draconian took to one knee bowing to him.

His Majesty stared at Alex. He put a hand on his shoulder. Black blood and grime were on he looked like a legend. "What were they're names?" He asked.

Alex bowed his head. "My teacher was Granados and his son my best friend Max Wells. They are survived by their to their family legacy Angela Draconian Wells." He said.

 His Majesty stared at him. "Their heir is a sister of my brotherhood?" He asked.

Alex stared at him. "She is your blood cousin, my Lord." He said.

His Majesty nodded. "We will finish this war. Lady Angela Wells will do will. Until then please keep herself until she comes into her own and joins my royal knighthood." He said.

Alex shook his head. "My Lord. His Majesty does not allow the Mage-born into the city any longer." He said.

His Majesty stared shook his head. "Things change and one day Foxx have to retire to the country or someone else will have take over his place." He said.

Alex looked at him and took a knee before his Majesty his fist clasped together along with the remaining elders in the same fashion. "When you come into your power your Majesty. I will be your sword and defender of your law. On my word." He said.

His Majesty finally looked up and I saw the tiredness on his face but I also saw that same determination as he cast his gaze toward the direction of the capital city.

I blinked as I came out of the blinking away the tears. Alex handed me a cloth and we continued on riding. I wiped my face. We continued on in quietness. I stared ahead of the road.

"Why would anyone call them back here after all the hell they caused our realm?" I asked.

Alex shook his head. "No. Don't do that. His Majesty decreed no one was to practice such evil summoning again. They disobeyed his law so the judgement remains what it is. We are only here to perform his service." He said calmly.

I shook my head still unsure. "What kind of magic does he use?" I asked quietly.

Elder Gains chuckled shaking his head. "You felt it even in the memory?! Damn that was a day though. Describe it." He said.

I shook my head. "It was like a power generator. It started building up in him and then will it got going it expanded out touching us and filling us with a will to keep going. To keep fighting. It was. It was amazing." I said.

The others gave a loud joined snort of laughter shaking there heads. Alex stared at me. "It is the power of the King of the Draconian. His Majesty had just stepped into his prime and took hold of the spirit of their race and during that pushed himself past his limits once held on him and broke them. That day was the beginning of the end of the war and the sign that a new dawn had arrived in this realm." He said.

A thought came to me and then I another creeping feeling. "My mother." I said.

Alex stared at me. "Yes." He said.

I stared at him. "She wasn't a whore was she?" I asked.

Alex shook his head. "No. She isn't a whore. She is his Majesty's aunt. The female we have come to meet here on this farm." He said.