Lady Desiree Draconian

We road on in silence as I was left to my own thoughts and tried to decide how I was going to handle meeting my mother for the first time. I had thought I was going to meet the deposed queen dowager draconian of his Majesty but apparently this hadn't been the plan.

As we neared the center of the farm we were greeted to the sight of a grand country estate mansion painted blood red with three large pillars in the center of the building and two double doors as the entrance. I saw large farm animals and fruit trees around. Human slaves herded and tended the place but then I noticed among them a young draconian male with black eyes staring at me in concern and knowledge as he stood by the house with a Shepard's staff in his hand though he dressed as a slave. 

I nodded to him in respect as we approached. He looked slightly surprised but he bowed to me more formally before quickly walking away. Alex caught the exchange and looked at me but he said nothing. We kept riding until we finally came to stop at the front of the mansion. 

"Did you know that young slave?" Alex asked me as I got off my horse.

I shook my head. "He was a draconian slave. There aren't that many full blood Draconian slaves in these current times. I didn't know Draconian males could be slaves." I said absently my attention was drawn away from him so I didn't know what his reaction to my words was nor did I care. I felt them as my boots hit the ground. I sensed and smelled strong Draconian here and some other type of being.

"What is it?" Alex asked.

I shook my head my attention now drawn to the front double doors of the mansion as they opened and a tall Draconian female in a scarlet dress with gold belt on came out along with a shorter young male and female dressed in black. The lady that led the small group was beautiful blond hair lady with presence of power and dominance and chestnut ruby eyes of a pure blood Draconian high lady. She was his Majesty's mother.

I knew it by her scent and power not by her looks. She looked nothing like his Majesty but for a similar scent. I barely looked at the other female but I knew who she was the male I knew nothing about him but for the fact he had a strange scent to him and dominance I didn't like and he was staring at me with lust.

I ignored him and out of respect for his Majesty I bowed to his mother on one knee to the queen dowager. She stopped in surprise. She stared at me as I stared back. A slow smile curved her lips. "You are Draconian." She said in surprise.

I nodded. "Yes. I am Your highness." I said calmly.

"Are you though?!" She asked with a bit to voice that reminded me a snake getting ready to strike. "I smell the flame goddess kiss on you and mingling in your blood but do you have the power and right of dominance in your blood?" She said questioning me.

I stared at her. Her eyes glowed and I could feel her attempting to burn my eyes with Fire Gaze but I held her gaze unfazed or bothered by her power or stare. Her eyes returned to normal and she waved me to my feet. "I am Lady Annabella Draconian. Wife to the first Draconian Immortal king Foxx Draconian. The mother of Little Drakes Fire Blair. The current reigning ruler of the known realm of realm. The immortal Dragon of the Western skies. Who might you be lady of the house of Draconian."

I am Lady Angela Draconian Wells. I am mate to the ancient being demi-god King known as Mr. Big. I am Knight to the house of Blair. Hunter of the enemies of his Majesty and defender of the King's peace. I am the Daughter of Max Wells the immortal spell-word and the daughter of the Draconian noble lady behind you." I said.

Annabella smiled and waved the female forward. The female was a small thing and beautiful with long black wavy hair that went down her back in flowing ponytail. She didn't look at me. "This creature was an experiment a few years ago my queen. Nothing more. It amounted to nothing much as you can see. She does not have the true eyes of Draconian lady of power." She said and looked at me for a reaction as did Annabella.

I stared at Annabella. "His Majesty has heard stirrings of you causing a disturbance to his peace in his capital city. He has sent us to stomp it out before he does." I said pointedly.

Annabella stared at me and laughed nervously using it as an opportunity to look away from my gaze. "We've heard of your trouble do the road with invader monsters. We thank you for your service. You may take your leave now. You will not find any trouble from us." She said.

Alex stepped up. "We are not under your authority. You are deposed traitor to his Majesty. We owe you no respect or tolerance. We will leave when we have concluded our mission. Lady Draconian where is Lord Randell?" He said.

Annabella jerked her head toward Alex and blasted his chest with Fire Gaze. He fell back roaring as the others worked to put out the fire in his clothes. 

I stepped forward onto the steps Annabella stepped back as my birth mother stepped in her way. I pushed the female aside and stepped closer toward Annabella. She blasted my face with fire but I stared at her and took out my sword.

"Don't kill her." Alex yelled back. "Just make her understand." He said quickly and I heard him fall back to the ground breathing heavy.

"He'll be alright Lady Wells. Finish up with the dowager. Lord Big should already be searching the farm to determine what creatures here will have to be terminated. We just need to find Lord Randell." Elder Gains said.

I sheathed my sword and stared at Annabella. "Where is Lord Randell?" I asked coldly.

Annabella shook as I stared at her and then jumped when I was closer and put my hand around her throat. "Do you require me to ask you a second time?" I asked.

Annabella started shaking in real fear and shook her head. "He has fled hours ago when you defeated the demonic beasts on the way here and it was told that his Majesty had sent a Draconian female. He left us here. He went south then I'm sure you can still catch up with him down the road." She said.

There was something in her scent and words I didn't trust. "Draconian slave you have here. Who is he?" I asked.

Annabella went wild in my grasp and tried to beat and fight against my hold but I was more stronger despite her age I was still the more dominant and stronger. I glared at her and lifted her up. She stared at me in alarm as the others were quiet.

"Who is the draconian male slave with the staff?" I asked.

Annabella cried but still glared at me. "He is mean. You can't have him. You have a mate of your own bitch thief." She said and spat on me.

I nodded. "Tell me the truth and I will allow him to remain here with you. Lie to me or attempt to dis lead me I will smell the lie on you and I will take that male from here and give him to a younger draconian female that can provide him with more children then you can. Full blooded Draconian males are rare I make plenty of friends with ladies that would be friend me for a chance to have his babies." I said.

In the distance I heard the sounds of war and cries of beasts. I felt Mr. Big was near and already getting to work hunting for the invaders that were hiding on the farm.

Annabella went motionless as all the fight went out of her. I brought her down to her feet. I let go of her neck and stared at her. "We will be inspecting the farm and removing any sign of demonic or beastly invaders from this realm." I said.

Annabella nodded her head. "I will do as you say." She said.

I pointed to the young male that was motionless and still staring at me with lust. "Who is the mother of this child?" I asked.

Annabella shook her head at first but then closed her eyes and sighed. "He is Lord Seth Draconian the son of Lord Randell and Lady Desiree Draconian your half sibling." She said. She lied right to my face. I smell it and see it in her eyes.

"She's lying." Seth said and caused both Desiree and Annabella to snarl at him.

I nodded to the boy. "I know sweaty. Why don't you go inside a bit I have to talk to your mother and aunt." I said.

The boy made a face of frustration but he sighed and went inside when I looked at him. He stomped his feet back toward the inside of the house and disappeared inside. I looked at Annabella. "You said Randell went south as he ran away." I asked.

Annabella nodded quickly. "Yes. He did. He currently did." She said.

I nodded staring at her. "I want you to tell me everything about Lord Randell and everything about his plans and where he is going. Right now or I'm going to burn this whole damn farm down and make good on the promise I said to you earlier." I said smiling at her.