Dancing with madness

Lady Annabella was more reasonable now that dominance levels between us had been established. We sat in her sitting room around a round table and cups of tea were served while she and my mother sat quietly waiting for me to speak.

I sat back not drinking the tea and studied them closely. I stared at Annabelle while she sipped on her cup and my mother remained almost motionless in her seat. My cousin sat in a corner reading a book and glancing at my profile occasionally looking at me.

"Your Highness. I promise this meeting will go by quickly and my elders and I will leave your farm immediately as soon as you answer all of my questions regarding Lord Randell truthfully and without lying. Keep in mind please again. I will know when you are lying to me or omitting the truth for your own supposed protection. It is not necessary. The truth will do." I said.

"Has his majesty asked of me?" Annabella asked.

I shook my head. "His Majesty is aware of your schemes to subvert his rulership and control of the kingdom. He sounded rather neutral about it nothing more. He was more annoyed with Lord Randell for coming under your charms. You knew we were coming here? Is this correct?" I asked.

Annabella stiffened at my tone but she nodded. "Yes. Randell's servants made it known to us. Once he realized the game was up he left of course." She said.

I pointed at her. "Why didn't you run away with him?" I asked.

Annabella snarled at me glaring at me. "I am a Draconian. I run from no one. Neither male nor female of our kind or anyone else. I stood at the top of the hill with Foxx the pride and first king of our kind. If I am to die I will face my death no matter the cost of failed plans." She said in a voice filled with pride and arrogance but still the hint of a lie in her scent.

I stared at her. Something wasn't right. "You told Randell to leave and continue your plan out is this correct? Yes or no." I said.

Annabella lapsed into a long silence. I saw the hint of embarrassed on her face but she still held my gaze. She didn't answer with a word but I had my answer. She hadn't ordered him to do anything because she wasn't in charge here.

"How capable is Lord Randell in magic summoning?" I asked.

Annabella shrugged. "He is capable but not anything as a truth master as the mage-born are in wielding high levels of magic. Still he was able to learn a bit once I turned him toward my side he invested more time in learning to calling forth beasts into this realm to seed the way for another Draconian to challenge my son's place on the hill by another means. The plan would have succeeded if not for that we over estimated the alliances and you on His Majesty's side." She said.

I nodded. "So when did you realize you were the one being used?" I asked.

Annabella took a sip of her tea. She said nothing but again I had my answer in her silence. She hadn't realized it at all until Randell had taken off and told her what to tell the Elders and myself when we arrived to confront her. 

I stared at her and noticed something about her. I nodded my head to the boy. "Young Seth. Is he the person you had in mind to challenge his Majesty in the future?" I asked.

"Yes." Seth said.

"No." Annabella said.

I had my answer. Though the answer from Seth and I also had my plan for how to catch Lord Randell. I noticed now how Desiree was quiet. I turned my attention toward my mother now. She stared at me in anger not meeting my gaze but looking at my nose.

"Do you wish to stay here with Annabella?" I asked her.

Desiree flinched at my question and dominance in my voice. "I very much would. I am bound to serve her Majesty." She said.

I nodded. "I will allow you to stay here for now then. Does that make you grateful toward me?" I asked.

Desiree's face flushed in embarrassment but she nodded her head. "Thank you, Miss Wells for your good will." She said in a respectful tone."

Seth giggled at the show going on. He was very young and he had no control over what was going on around him about him. I looked at him. "Seth. What do you wish to do?" I asked him. I noticed reasons from both females that stiffened up in anger as I was dismissed them.

Seth looked up. "I want to be farmer like my father." He said with all the honesty of child and seriousness.

I nodded. "Has Lord Randell treated your father well?" I asked.

Seth's face formed angry frown. "He hates my father and he treats him like shit. But he is the piece of shit." He said.

"Pay the boy no mind. He is speaking out of turn." Annabella said to quickly.

Seth hide his face behind his book at his mother's reprimand. I turned my attention toward Annabella whose face was red in embarrassment. I stared at her. "You birthed the Draconian slave's child rather then Lord Randell's son." I said.

Annabella stared at me without talking. I was beginning to get confused. "Draconian law stands. The strong will rule over the weak. It is the law handed down to us by our nature and the law that still reigns under his Majesty. Have you abandoned the way of the Draconian?" I said coldly.

Annabella over turned the table roaring in animal voice. Both Seth and Desiree ran from the room while I remained seated staring at her. She stared at me. "I am Draconian. You are a mutt mated to demonic being." She said.

I stared at her. "You birthed a child by the Draconian male that was made a slave by lord Randall? Are you trying to tell me Lord Randell is a worthy Draconian mate to lie for but you wouldn't bare his child? No something else is wrong here. What is Lord Randell?" I asked.

Annabella was silent. I came to my feet taking out my sword. I was done being nice. Seth rushed into the room and standing between us. He stared at me. "Lord Randell died many years ago. That being that has taken his form is a demonic demi-god. He enslaved us and my father to service under a curse. He will return here soon once he has seen that you have left. He wishes to use me as his slave to gain entry into rulership. Don't kill my mother." He said.

I smiled and put away my sword. I rubbed his head. "Your a good lad. Now show me to your father. I wish to have a closer look at him. I waved a hand around Annabella incasing her in shield of magic around her body. "You'll stay here a bit." I said and took hold of the boy's shoulder and guided him out of the room and house. My elders were waiting for me along with Mr. Big outside.

Mr. Big looked grim face. "We heard it all. The matter of the dowager will have to dealt with soon. His Majesty will have to called here to decide on it." He said.

Alex nodded his head and grimaced at his wounded shoulder. "She is a silly chit but the way she has been used also makes her danger to herself." He said.

I nodded. "Send a call toward him. The fake Lord Randell can't be faraway. We'll have to draw him out first however to handle him. I'll see to the matter of the Draconian slave that is enchanted." I said to them. I toward to Seth smiling. "Take me to see your father. We will see about this curse on him and how best to remove it." I said.

Seth looked un easy but he bowed his head to me. He led me toward the stables were the tall young Draconian male was brushing his a horse without his shirt on. He turned toward us and smiled at his son but then he looked at me and froze. He bowed. 

"My Lady." He said.

I stared at him moving forward. "What is your name my Lord?" I asked him.

He shook his head. "I am not a Lord my Lady. I am Bill Dice. I have been a servant of Paradice farm for all my life under Lord Randell. I am the head servant and farmer here." He said.

I moved striking my fist at him but he easily caught my wrist and when I would have jerked out his grasp he held me firmly before he realized what he was doing. He blinked and let go and bowed to me. "My apologizes. I didn't mean to do that." He said in apology.

I walked around him and half turned frowning at me. I held up a hand when he would have spoken. I sensed the magical chain around him holding him back but I also knew he was strong enough to break it. I looked at him. "What type of curse was put on the dowager? No don't lie. I need to know so I can break it." I said.

Bill stared at me shaking his head. "It cannot be broken. The bastard changed her body and the only reason she is even able to hold her old normal form is because of his will. The moment he dies she will revert back to the half-Draconian beast creature he made her." He said.