The Problem of Lord Randell

Mr. Big, Alex, the Elders, Seth, Bill and I all stood outside of the stable finally gathered to hear the tale. Mr. Big motioned with his hand to Bill. "When did Lord Randell die and the take over begin." He asked.

Bill sighed. "It was some years ago Sir. When his Majesty took over the hill and banished Lord Randell and the dowager to this place. One of the old invader bastard managed to keep himself hidden because he's a shape shifter. He came here killed Lord Randell in a duel cursed the dowager and in exchange for her to keep her former form she would use her connections to be employed for him. The rest history. One thing is current though if the fake Lord Randell is killed the dowager will revert back to her cursed form." He said.

Mr. Big frowned. I could see him studying Bill and I could guess he was listening to his thoughts or possible seeing what had happened. He nodded his head. "True. Your not lying though you purposely left out some in between details it doesn't matter. I see your telling the truth." He said.

Bill seemed to relax. "My pardon Sir. But can it be availed on you to not kill Lord Randell and possibly sentence him to life imprisonment at Hate Gate prison island." He asked in quiet voice.

Mr. Big was quiet. He held up a finger. "One moment." He said and disappeared. 

I frowned and looked at Bill. "You should have tried to contact his Majesty or the spell-swords for help." I said.

Bill frowned and started to speak but stopped as Mr. Big appeared again. "I've had a talk with his Majesty. He will arrive here with in the next few days to personally set matters to bed. Bill he will wish to speak with you personally because he has a few words to say to you. I've sent along to him your request. He informed me that wished us to hold Lord Randell here until his arrival if possible and then the sentencing would be handed out."

Bill looked pale. "Will the Dowager be allowed to live?" He asked.

Mr. Big folded his arms. "There is a standing rule made by his Majesty that anyone that harbors or works with the enemy invaders of this realm would be destroyed however," He said holding up his hand and forestalling Bill from saying anything else. "However, he is willing to forgo this rule if Lord Randell can be held down here upon His Majesty's arrival and then he will give you a choice on whether or not the dowager lives or dies." He said.

Bill stared at him. "My choice. I don't understand Sir. My Lord. I am just a slave. My heritage has always been of low tier." He said.

Mr. Big nodded. "Bill. Neither his Majesty nor I give a damn. You are the only grown male Draconian here. Dowager chose you to mate with you. Are you sure Lord Randell will be returning here?" He said.

Bill nodded. "Yes. Yes. If we can hold Lord Randell here then his Majesty would consider allowing the Dowager to live. Yes." He asked.

Mr. Big nodded. "Yes. His Majesty wants the invader eliminated. He cannot be allowed to escape or go on. If we can hold him here then you have much of a better chance of cooling his Majesty's rage down when he arrives from the air. Are these terms acceptable to you?" He said.

Bill nodded his head. "Yes. More then acceptable. Thank you. Thank you. If you and the elders and Lady Wells can travel out. I assure you it will be done." He said.

Mr. Big shook his head. "No. We will go out a distance. You will then send out a messenger to us when Lord Randell has returned. We can assist you of course in holding him but you will have to do your part as per the agreement you have with his Majesty." He said.

Bill's dark eyes glowed for a second with fire gaze. He took a breath and exhaled. He bowed his head respectfully. "Yes Sir. My Lord. I promise you. I promise you that Lord Randell will be held here." He said in voice that was breaking a little in emotion but he kept his emotions in check.

I could feel the rise of anger and dominance rise out him. Bill turned to Seth. "Seth. You will travel out of the farm when Lord Randell has been nailed to the ground here." He said.

Seth nodded his head. "Do you wish me to tell the dowager of the plan of attack." He asked.

"No." Bill said in a Dominant voice. "I will speak with her Highness. I will explain to her the situation." He said in a stiff and quietly angry voice.

Mr. Big nodded looking up at the sky. "It is getting late. I think we should leave here. If he's close then he'll take the opportunity to maybe do something stupid. Mr. Bill do you require a weapon?" He said.

Bill grimaced but he shook his head. "I work better with my hands My Lord. I will do my best to convince Lord Randell to surrender peacefully." He said in a tone and meaning in his voice that said he had no intention on speaking anything at all in a respectful or peaceful way.

Mr. Big turned to me and held out his hand. I nodded drew out my sword and then passed it to him. Mr. Big then took the sword and handed it over to Bill. "Use this sword and plant him in the ground with it." He said.

Bill sighed but he nodded his head. "I will do as you say." He said and then he walked away for the mansion.

Seth followed after his father. I stared at them and looked at Mr. Big "Will his Majesty kill the dowager?" I asked him.

Mr. Big shook his head. "No. I want let him even if he wanted to you. You would do it though. It would be your duty. I can't interfere in your traditions and family matters." He said.

I bowed to him.