
As we were led to the detention center, six imposing security men formed a tight perimeter around us. Three of them marched ahead, while the remaining three closely trailed behind, their fingers poised on the triggers of their guns, ensuring our compliance.

Silence enveloped our group as we were shepherded forward, the only sound being the rhythmic tapping of our shoes on the ground. The detention center loomed before us, a forbidding structure, and at the entrance, burly guards with stern countenances awaited our arrival.

Upon entering the building, we found ourselves in a hallway painted in a stark shade of blue. In the lobby, an elderly man with a severe expression leaned against his chair. On his desk sat a book and a pen, serving as a register for all who entered the detention center.

"You are required to sign your names in the book," the man instructed, his disapproving gaze fixed upon us. This time, the number of students being ushered in had swelled, and he seemed determined to ensure that we received the appropriate discipline.

We formed a line, each student taking their turn to inscribe their name and signature in the book with a red pen. When it was my turn, I took the pen and wrote, "Carol Davis." Glancing at the numerous names written before mine, it became apparent that this detention center was frequented by rebellious students, although I found myself here through sheer misfortune, all because of Theresa.

Once we had completed the registration, the security men guided us through the detention center once more. We were led upstairs, as the rooms on the ground floor were already occupied by students undergoing correction for their delinquent behaviors.

I felt a vibration in my pocket and swiftly retrieved my phone. A message awaited me, and I eagerly opened it, anticipating its importance.

"Class has ended, and I took notes for you. Your book is safe with me. Where did you go to? Theresa and the rest attended class."

"Where have you been Carol? I've been searching all over for you."

"I just saw a video on the class group. Carol, are you okay?"

"Please tell me where to find you. I'm already at the bookstore but I didn't see anyone."

A faint smile graced my lips as I read the compassionate messages from Coco. I realized that I should have left her a message to allay her worries. But before I could respond, another message arrived from Coco.

"I left for the cafeteria. I'll wait there for you."

Ensuring that no one was observing me and everyone was preoccupied, I quickly typed a response.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me."

I sent the message and stowed my phone away to take in my surroundings. After making a left turn, we were confronted by a long corridor and a chill ran down my spine. The unpainted, rough stone walls seemed to close in around me, casting long, ominous shadows on the ground. The air was heavy with the stench of fear, sweat, and despair. Every step echoed through the deserted corridors, making me feel like I was walking deeper into a nightmare.

With each footfall, my heart sank, weighed down by the eerie atmosphere. The silence was oppressive, punctuated only by the faint whispers of suffering from the depths of the center. I strained my ears, and the sounds grew louder: screams, pleas, and guttural cries. My imagination ran wild, conjuring images of the unspeakable horrors hidden behind the rusty doors.

Every door creaks, a dreadful announcement of what lies within. I hesitated, fearing what I might witness. The sounds intensify: whips cracking, bones snapping, and the sickening thud of flesh against a stone.

My breath caught in my throat. Fear clawed at my chest, threatening to consume me. I felt vulnerable, exposed, and trapped. The detention center seems designed to break spirits, to extinguish hope.

Suddenly, a blood-curdling scream pierced the air, freezing me in my tracks. Along with others. "Did you hear that?" Someone finally whispered.

"Move it" The security men didn't leave any room for unnecessary talking as they began pushing the reluctant students who were being led to the detention center. Fear marred their faces. While some were trembling visibly, some of the guys stood still, their eyes feigning defiance even though they were questioning what that sound was inwardly.

Finally, we came to stand at the end of the corridor, and one of the guards forcefully pushed the door open; he then stood aside, asking all of us to enter at once. We were reluctant at first because we had no idea what was in the room for us to witness and we would be foolish to just enter after hearing the horrors from the other rooms. When the security men saw that we weren't moving, they began grabbing us by the arms and throwing us inside one by one.

Before anyone could lay their hands on me, I hastily stepped into the room, only to find myself engulfed in darkness. The absence of windows or candles left the room shrouded in an impenetrable blackness, making it nearly impossible to discern anything. As the door was forcefully closed and locked from the outside, the fading sounds of the security men's shoes signaled their departure, leaving us isolated in the eerie darkness.

A girl's stifled sobs reverberated through the room, her voice quivering with fear as she struggled to convey her innocence. Tears streamed down her face, "I was only walking by" She sniffled.

"I didn't know anything about the fight. I shouldn't have been here" She continued to cry, the sounds of her cries echoing through the dark room.

Amidst her distress, another voice erupted in defense. "Just shut the fuck up! Do you think we had anything to do with the fight? We were only watching!" It was unmistakably a guy's voice as he intended to keep her mouth shut. It was evident that everyone was in distress and was trying to assess the situation to the best of their capabilities.

Amid the escalating tension, the girl screamed out, "Just stop talking to me. I don't care about anyone but me. I need to get out of here" She muttered with an unsteady breath.

Abruptly, a sudden movement shattered the silence as someone seized her, lifting her off the ground with an alarming display of strength.

The dim light barely revealed anything, but I could make out the outline of the girl's legs flailing in mid-air. It was clear that the muscular guy who had been entertaining her earlier was the one who had grabbed her.

"You don't care about anything, huh?" he asked. The way he said it sent chills down my spine as if his next actions were going to be as dark and menacing as his taunts.

He flung the girl away harshly, some meters away from where everyone stood.

The girl let out a gasp and a cough simultaneously as she fought to rise to her feet, but the force of her impact on the ground left her unable to stand. She struggled for what felt like an eternity until she finally regained her composure. However, something caught her attention – a cold sensation had brushed against her arms as she attempted to stand up. It wasn't the wall, but something else entirely, rough and jagged to the touch. Her hands cautiously explored the object until they came into contact with a flaring nose. She let out a gasp as she began to take steps backward. It was alive. Whatever it was, it was alive. Nonetheless, she couldn't discern its identity as she cautiously made her way backward, taking slow strides.

Her eyes widened when a pair of red eyes with black slits fluttered open in the dark. She stumbled on her feet, falling to the ground. Her heart thumped loudly in her chest as the room was engulfed in silence. In the next second, fire blazed from a source, directed at her and engulfing her before she had the privilege to run away.

The creature began to emerge from the dark; large talons collided with the ground, creating a thumping sound. The fire continued to blaze, and the girl continued to scream. Until she was burnt to a crisp.

The rest of us stood still, visibly shaking as we watched the scene in front of us. Some had peed in their pants and the brazen one amongst us had cowered back fear in a matter of seconds. Hearts thumped loudly in the dark room as we began stepping backward slowly.

I moved backward like everyone was doing, shaking as invisible sweat broke from my head. I just witnessed someone burning alive, and what was responsible for it was something that I could have never imagined. My eyes fearfully took in the creature's eyes. Red with black slits. When the fire had blazed a while ago, sending a glow across the room, I was able to see the outline of something bewildering. A dragon. I would have never expected it.

This time, I was certain that my eyes weren't playing tricks. There was a dragon in this room and everyone was left to burn alive here.