
When Roman stepped back into his office, his gaze immediately fell upon Carol, who was clumsily scrambling to her feet from the floor where she had been sitting. His golden eyes scanned the room, and a frown creased his forehead as he took in the chaos she had unleashed. Papers lay strewn about like fallen leaves, and various items cluttered the once-organized space, a stark contrast to the meticulous order he prided himself on.

Despite Carol's clumsiness, Roman could sense the underlying frustration radiating from her, even before she uttered a single word. He then instructed her to address the other students. She fled the office in silence, leaving him alone and somewhat bewildered.

He elegantly shed his blazer, the fabric catching the light as he flung it aside with a fluid motion. It didn't merely drop to the floor; instead, it found its perfect perch on the hanger behind the door, like a well-placed trophy. With a surge of vibrant energy coursing through him, he glided across the room, a striking wave of red radiating from his very presence, igniting the air around him with an electrifying intensity.

He leaned heavily against the desk, glancing around the room—a place that was, by all accounts, tidier than Carol had left it. The shelves stood solidly in their designated spots, books were arranged neatly, spines aligned in a row, and the furniture was still perfectly positioned against the walls.

Why had she upturned even the furnitures?

Sighing deeply, Roman sank into the plush chair at his polished mahogany desk, the cool glow of his laptop illuminating the room.

As he booted up the computer, the anticipation in the air was palpable; he was preparing to lead a pivotal meeting with the employees of his esteemed company.

At only twenty-five years old, Roman carried a heavy burden of responsibilities, yet he exuded a calm confidence that belied the pressure weighing on him. Unlike many his age, he handled his myriad duties with an exceptional level of skill, often making him seem more like a highly sophisticated machine than a mere human.

His ascent to the role of CEO of the Golden Group came swiftly following his graduation, thanks to the unwavering support of his father, Mr. Golden. The Golden Group was not just a company; it was a conglomerate of thriving businesses that had established a formidable presence both locally and internationally. This success was a direct result of the relentless hard work and dedication that the Golden family had poured into their ventures over the years. Additionally, as the owner of Crown, a prestigious institution known for shaping young minds, Roman had been designated to mentor a select group of incoming freshmen. This opportunity to guide new students over the coming months not only allowed him to share his knowledge, but it also came with a lucrative financial reward.

As he meticulously opened the virtual meeting portal, Roman observed the familiar scene: his team was assembled online, faces visible through a mosaic of small video feeds.

Each employee was present, yet their anxious expressions betrayed the unease bubbling beneath the surface. Despite the physical distance between them, he could feel the weight of their apprehension, as if his commanding presence loomed large even through the screen.

"Let the meeting begin," he demanded, releasing a slow, deliberate breath that punctuated the atmosphere with authority.

The employees managed to muster nervous smiles, cautiously taking turns to share their thoughts while the others fell silent, acutely aware that any misstep could result in their dismissal from a position that not only offered generous salaries but also promised a bright future for their families.

As the dialogue unfolded, Roman's phone buzzed insistently, its screen lighting up with notifications. Initially, he resisted the temptation to check it; he was fully aware of the importance of the conference at hand. However, when yet another alert chimed, curiosity took hold of him. A flicker of intrigue prompted him to glance down, revealing a trending video on the school's website.

Astonishingly, it had just been uploaded two minutes before, yet it had already garnered a million views and five hundred thousand comments.

The video appeared slightly distorted, but its content quickly became apparent upon closer examination. As he recognized the figure at the center of attention, a frown creased his brow.

"Let the meeting be adjourned," he declared, his voice echoing through the sleek conference room as he addressed the attendees on the other side of the screen. With a click, he closed the tab, the hum of the digital meeting fading into silence.

He then reached for his phone and tapped on the video, his brow furrowing in concentration. The screen brightened, revealing a chaotic scene where Carol, a feisty girl with fiery determination, was caught in a scuffle. She was throwing punches at another girl, her hair flying wildly as she fought. The other girl, equally fierce, retaliated by grabbing Carol's hair and shoving her away.

"Aren't you one little trouble?" he mused inwardly. He quickly swiped to his call log, his fingers moving briskly.

Without hesitating, he placed a call to his brother, knowing full well what awaited Carol if she was taken to the detention center—an ominous fate that could easily break her.

"What if he's annoyed that you're favoring one student?" Julian's voice came through, punctuated by the unmistakable sound of him chewing on a juicy cheeseburger.

He could picture his brother leaning back in his chair, the casualness of the moment contrasting sharply with the urgency gnawing at him.

"Just tell him he'll be dead if anything happens to my prey," Roman growled into the phone, his voice a low rumble.

With that ominous warning, he abruptly ended the call, the click of the disconnection echoing like a gunshot in Julian's mind.

Julian let out a heavy sigh, feeling the weight of the world pressing down on his shoulders. He rose from the chair, its cold surface leaving a lingering chill on his skin. His half-eaten cheeseburger lay forgotten on the plate, the lettuce slightly wilted and the condiments starting to congeal. With a distracted shake of his head, he pushed through the cafeteria doors, the din of chatter and clattering trays fading behind him.

As he navigated the crowded hall, he bumped into one of his friends, laughter spilling from their lips like sunlight breaking through clouds. They dove into a deep conversation, words swirling around them like autumn leaves caught in a playful gust. Time slipped away unnoticed, and the urgency of his earlier thoughts faded into the background until a sudden alarm rang in his mind. He glanced at his watch, adrenaline surging as he realized he was running late.

Without a second thought, Julian dashed towards the parking lot, his heart racing in tandem with his footsteps on the pavement. He hurriedly unlocked his car, the familiar sensation of the steering wheel grounding him as he sped away toward the detention center, the landscape blurring past.

Upon entering the stark, detention center, the atmosphere shifted. The air hung heavy with tension, and the muted sounds of despair echoed in the distance. The elderly man at the front desk looked up, his tired eyes widening in recognition. Alarm flickered across his face as he instinctively lowered his gaze, almost as if afraid to meet Julian's eyes.

"Master Julian," he stammered, a nervous chuckle escaping his lips, laced with uncertainty. He hurriedly rose from his seat, shuffling toward Julian with a mix of respect and apprehension. The absence of security by Julian's side sent a clear message—the young man shouldn't even be here.

"Do you recognize this girl?" Julian asked, his voice steady as he swiped through the footage on his phone. The screen displayed a chaotic scene of two girls engaged in a fierce fight. The elderly man's expression shifted to one of shock as he absorbed the sight.

"Yes, they were here just a few hours ago," he replied, his voice laced with unease. With a creaking of old bones, he gestured for Julian to follow him to a nearby table, where he flipped open a dusty register filled with scrawled names and hurriedly written notes.

"Carol Davis," Julian muttered under his breath, his fingers tracing the letters as he scanned the page. Suddenly, adrenaline surged through him, prompting him to dash upstairs, leaving the elderly man momentarily speechless.

Upon reaching the upper floor, he rushed down the dimly lit corridor to the last room. Pushing the door open, he stepped into a tense atmosphere, where a group of people were gathered, their energy palpable. His eyes quickly honed in on the man his brother had instructed him to find, surrounded by the others who seemed caught up in a chaotic scenario.

"Julian!" the man shouted, eyes narrowing suspiciously. "What are you doing here?"

In that moment, Julian's gaze darted around the room, landing on a woman in distress—Carol, the very person he had been sent to save. Panic clawed at his insides as he realized how precariously close she was to danger. If he had arrived even a heartbeat later, she might have slipped into the abyss, and the consequences would have eaten away at him.

Wasting no time, he seized a nearby robot, its metal exterior gleaming under the flickering lights. With a swift gesture, he activated the device, watching with focused intent as it sprang to life, hovering mid-air. He guided the robot with precise control, steering it gracefully toward Carol.

"I'm here to save you; please trust me," Julian urged, his voice firm yet reassuring. Although Carol could only hear the mechanical voice of the robot, he could see the flicker of confusion in her eyes. He encouraged her to step onto the robot, and with a sense of urgency, he whisked her away from the chaotic scene, propelling them toward safety.

"You're safe now," he declared, relief flooding through him as the robot landed gently on solid ground.

As soon as they touched down, Julian let out a long, relieved breath. However, his gaze was drawn to the man beside him, who held the remote control. The man's face darkened, seething with irritation at the disruption Julian had caused to his enjoyment.

"What do you think you're doing?" the man demanded, his brow knit in anger.

"If you have any questions, direct them to Roman instead," Julian replied coolly, unwilling to engage further. He had completed his mission and was ready to depart. A final glance at Carol, now animatedly embracing her friends, brought him a flicker of satisfaction before he slipped away quietly.

Ky turned his gaze to the man nearby, whose demeanor had shifted to grim. "You're not seriously considering challenging Roman, are you?" he asked, tension threading through his voice, sensing the brewing conflict in the air.