I found myself engulfed in a whirlwind of confusion, struggling to comprehend the chaotic series of events that had led me to this point.

How had I ended up here? In a matter of mere weeks, I'd been thrust into the harsh confines of a detention center, embroiled in a brutal fight, and preyed upon by Mr. Roman. Sil 01 had claimed me as his servant, and now I was trapped within an occultic group I would have preferred to avoid.

"To restore balance in the world." His words reverberated ominously in my thoughts, each syllable twisting in my stomach like a coiling serpent as I remained in this dimly lit basement.

Before me loomed the golden lock, the creature's jagged teeth gaping open, forming a menace; I could see the energy of my fellow students being drawn towards it, like moths to a flame. As the dragon clamped its jaws shut, I felt an unsettling familiarity wash over me—this felt eerily reminiscent of a game I played long ago.