-The powers of a dragon cannot be underestimated, amongst all, hypnotizing was the greatest of them and no one has ever been able to conquer it-


I sat in the bustling cafeteria, the air thick with the chatter of students and the clatter of lunch trays. Valerie and Leah were with me, their faces a mixture of concern and curiosity as I struggled to articulate the chaos that had unfolded. My heart raced, and every second felt like a ticking clock as I sought their advice, desperate to shield Coco from the fallout of my actions.

Ever since the incident, a nagging irritation had plagued me, even if I was reluctant to admit it. It was as if fate had conspired against me, leading me to drag an innocent bystander into this web of trouble.

"You've been such a nuisance, Carol" I said to myself.