Chapter 5

Micah sounded just as happy to hear that I was officially graduating earlier before everyone. She even said that I could consider these being my last few days in high school and for a moment there I wondered if I was ready for that sudden change in my life. Normally high school students had a whole year to prepare for college, meanwhile I only had a few months or weeks. Mrs Burnst didn't exactly give me more info on that, all she said was that I was an early graduate. I was 18 so luckily I didn't need to check any this with my mother or wait for her approval.

After our third class for today we were having PE. I was still in the locker rooms busy getting dressed. I shouldn't even be here since my backside was still sore, but I needed to act normal in front of everyone. I literally took three showers to take the alpha's scent off me and I couldn't do shit about they hickeys that covered my neck and entire left shoulder and upper arm. I wore a long sleeve vest under my shirt and then I tied my shoelaces before heading out to the basketball court.

Upon entering I saw Micah and the high school jock Lannard Dorry. I hated that guy, ever since freshman year he had a problem with me. He was a homophobic sicko that would do whatever it takes to humiliate me with him and his friends and that all ended when I met Micah. We became friends and then he and his squad no longer had me in loneliness because me being alone was the only possible leverage they had over me. I could care less about their insults.

It looked as though the two of them were in some seriously deep conversation, but I went and interrupted them in anyway because didn't want him messing with me friend. She always stood up for me and now it was my turn. I had no idea where all this confidence came from.

"Hey Lannard!" I said sounding as obnoxious as ever. "What brings you here? Last time I checked Icedale's football squad are too good to be attending PE classes!"

He looked at me and glared. He didn't expect me to come at him like that and even Micah was startled. "Oh last time I checked Mrs Burnst top A student is too good for high school! Speak for yourself you piece of shit!"

What? How did he know?

I looked at Micah and she shook her head. "I promise I didn't tell him!" And I believed her. This was Icedale afterall.

"Think of what we talked about, yea?" He said to Micah giving her a wink and she only rolled her eyes at him before he walked away.

I hissed glaring at him and shooting daggers at my eyes and then I glared at her. "What were you and that beta talk about?!" Oh yea I just called him a beta. No offence to betas, but some of them kept thinking that they were the alphas in town and that annoyed me. They weren't even close to an alpha's backbone.

"Nothing! It's just Lannard being an ass as always. He tried to flirt with me!" She folded her arms and shook her head.

I cringed with her in disgust and also found it surprising because Lannard wasn't into girls like Micah. I mean Micah is hot and any guy would find her as a catch but she was a good and awesome girl to be around with. Lannard only hangs out with Carla, the bad bitch in town. An omega who just in general is a bitch who sits on any dick she gets her hands on. A girl with zero self respect. That's the kind of girl he is into. The sudden change in his taste was off and again he probably just wants to lay a trap for Micah to use and dump her, but my girl was far more cleverer than that.

PE started and all we did today was a few stretching exercises.

"By the way, wanna hang out some time later?" She asked me.

I looked at her wincing internally in pain as I was forced to stand and literally do a forward bending back and leg stretch. My ass was screaming at me!

"Y-yea sure that sounds good!" I said. Good thing I had a butt plug or the whole room would be seeing an alpha's cum leaking out my ass. "Where exactly do you want to hang out!"

We both straightened our backs following every instruction our teacher was giving to us. "How about Lakies? And maybe you can tell me more about what you still find so exciting about your late night cruising!"

I blushed when she called it that especially after what my late night cruising got me into. "Actually I do not want to get into that, but Lakies sounds like a great idea especially since I need to take my mind if a few things. I mean last night on my parent's anniversary I saw Principally Dawn sucking my mother's face!"

Micah gasped. "No way!"

"And right now I could do with a drink. Let's go to Lakies and have fun, also to celebrate me graduating and going to college!"

"I'm all on board with that idea! And by the way for someone who found his mom cheating you've been gloating all day. I know it's probably the news Mrs Burnst gave to you, but you're different. You've been different ever since you walked into her room it's as if your aura changed."

My aura changed?! That's the third weird thing that happened to me today. First my mood, then my pheromones being released and now Micah said my aura. The fact that this was happening the day after my night with Wolfe couldn't be a coincidence.

And while I standing there pushing through all the pain to stretch the limbs in my body, there grew this aching and longing for feeling I had inside me. I couldn't get out of my head how great sex felt like and I was burning in desire for him.

Hopefully tonight's drinks would take me off it too!