Chapter 6

I quickly made it home from school in hopes that my mother would be busy going shopping all day so that I wouldn't have to bump into her cheating face. But unfortunately, when I did get home, she came out of the kitchen when I walked inside the front door. Dressed in an apron, she looked like she was actually busy baking. I had a feeling she was trying to bribe me.

"Kaya, welcome home." She smiled sweetly at me.

I had a great day today and wouldn't let her face ruin my mood. "I just came to get changed. I'll meet with Micah later." I said and walked to the stairs, passing her.

I heard her sigh. "Kaya, can we talk?" This was the part where she wanted to bring up what happened last night.

I didn't know what to say to her. On the one side, I was happy it happened; otherwise, I would've never stormed off to the woods as I did and met that hot alpha, and on the other side, I was pissed because she cheated on my dad, and I felt terrible for him, even though he was a total douchebag.

I halted by the stairs and looked at her. "What is there to talk about, Mom? I know what I saw last night, so god help me if you're going to tell me it's not what I think!"

My mother formed a pained expression and fidgeted with her fingers like a little girl. "Kaya, I was hoping you would understand it the most."

"Understand what?!" I tossed my hands in the air, raising my voice. "That all our family values mean nothing to you?"

"No!" She snapped. "I expected you to understand that Derrick is my mate!"

My eyes widened in shock. Did I hear her correctly?! She called my principal her mate and not my dad! I mean, she and my dad weren't mates. The word mate hasn't been uttered for the last fifty years, and at that moment, I was trying my best to process all of it.

This could mean that my mother found her perfect match and never loved my father all along. Having a mate was something many in our time dearly wanted, and my mother was the first person I ever heard say that she found her mate. I didn't know whether I should feel happy for her or not because it proved that she and my dad weren't endgame and that nothing could change that.

It was still a lot to process, and I needed to leave the house.

"Mom, just do whatever makes you happy!" I said, and she couldn't believe what I had just told her. "And come clean to Dad, by the way." I didn't care if hell broke loose in this family. I was leaving the town anyway.

I rushed upstairs to my room to shower, and then I played video games, texting Micah and agreeing to meet at Lakies around 18:00.


I took my car to get to Lakies. I didn't think I would be able to walk with my sore ass for the rest of the day any longer, and I definitely didn't need a reminder of what happened last night. Even now, my body misses feeling the alpha's pheromones, a longing I tried to suppress. I hoped I would forget over time and no one would find him there. Alphas were still banished from our town. What was the absolute truth behind the story of them being banished? They all said the rut was dangerous and alpha to fuck someone to death, and here I was in the flesh. Still alive and very healthy, all I could think of was that alpha and wondering if I would see him again.

I arrived at Lakies right after sunset. Lakies was a small hangout spot/pub on the outskirts of town near Redmoon Lake. It was also a hangout spot for us high school students, more specifically, and a place where omegas and their beta boyfriends fuck.

I was lucky enough to find myself in the parking space, and then I got out. I texted Micah that I was outside, and she replied, telling me she was waiting for me inside. I walked up the staircase to the entrance and then opened the door. I saw Micah at our usual spot, but what did irritate me was seeing that asshole Lannard there. Why was he here?!

I rolled my eyes and dragged my feet as I walked towards them. He was probably trying to corner my bestie and flirting with her. I was not going to have that.

"Get lost, Lannard!"

"Look who just arrived!" Lannard laughed and looked up at me, clapping his hands.

"Uhg!" I wanted to punch him really badly. What was it with these betas thinking they are so badass and hot when they are not?!

Lannard tried using his pheromones on me, but they bounced off my body and didn't even affect me, an omega.

"Do you Think I'll get shy and sit in the corner, saying nothing while you disturb my friend?" I asked and folded my arms. This was so weird. My body was really changing, and so was my very own omega self.

Mostly, betas do a thing where they try to be alphas and control us with their pheromones, but he's so weak compared to the alpha I had last night.

"Come on, Micah, let's go sit elsewhere."

"Actually..." Lannard interjected. "Micah was the one who invited us, isn't that right, Micah?" He looked at her. I also looked at Micah to confirm this and wanted to know why she would invite this asshole to our table. Please don't tell me she already fell for his trap. Micah has to be smarter than that!

"I..." she stuttered and sighed before looking at her hands. "Okay, yes, I did! I needed company till you got here, and he and I just talked."

"Well, for someone just talking, you got pretty comfortable, I must say!" I folded my arms. His friends were there, too, so it did look to me like they were getting comfortable.

I didn't want Micah to be left in this uncomfortable situation, so I sat beside her, shooting daggers with my eyes at Lannard.

"Thanks," Micah whispered, and I smiled at her.

"Shall I get us some drinks?" Lannard asked us.

I wanted to say no, but I did want a drink, so I shrugged. "Fine, just one drink."

He stood up, walked to the bar, and then I turned to Micah. "Girl, you need to tell that guy straight to the face that you are uninterested."

"I have many times, but you know how he is. He never gives up!" She whispered back. We kept our voices down so his three friends wouldn't hear us.

We looked at Lannard when he returned, placed a tray full of drinks, and handed us one glass each before his friends took their own.

I lifted my glass and took a sip. Uh, I wouldn't say I liked brandy, but this could suffice. Why did he even bring us these? It's not like there are all rich older men here complaining about our wives.

I turned to look at Micah, and she wasn't even touching her glass. None of them were, and that's when I finally felt a little dizzy and sick,

I held my head, and Micah got closer. "Kaya, are you okay?"

"I'm fine..." I said before looking at the glass and then at Lannard. "What the hell did you put in my drink?!"

Lannard smiled at Emily. I tried to get up, but a hand shoved me back onto the seat. I stared in shock when I saw who had shoveled me back into the seat. My very own best friend, Micah.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, and at the same time, everything went blurry. Was this a prank? But why would Micah be betraying me like that?!

"Hushhhh, Omega. Just go to sleep!" she said with an annoyed tone, and that was the last thing I heard.