Chapter 7 Tales of Demons and Devils

Chapter 7: Tales of Demons and Devils

As they fell into a somber silence, nursing their drinks, another man stumbled over to their table, his face red from drinking and his eyes wild with a strange intensity. He was older, with gray hair that hung in greasy strands around his face, and he clutched a mug in one hand, sloshing its contents as he leaned in close.

"Demons, you say?" the old drunkard rasped, his voice low and conspiratorial. "You don’t know the half of it, lads. You think those demons are bad, just wait until the prophecy comes true."

The bearded man squinted up at him, frowning. "What’re you on about, old man?, What prophecy?"

The old drunkard glanced around the pub, as if checking to make sure no one else was listening, before lowering his voice even further. "The prophecy of the devil," he whispered, his breath reeking of stale ale. "A devil from another world, it says, who’ll bring ruin to these lands. The demons? They’re just the beginning. The real trouble’s yet to come."

The lanky man snorted, dismissing the old man with a wave of his hand. "Ah, you're full of it. Ain’t no such thing as devils from other worlds. Just stories to scare the children."

But the old man’s eyes were unwavering, his expression deadly serious. "Laugh if you will, but I’ve heard the tales. Old as time, they are. Passed down from the sages of old, warning of a time when a great evil will descend upon us. A devil in human form, with powers beyond imagining. They say he’ll come from the sky, a harbinger of destruction, and there’ll be no stopping him."

The bearded man leaned back in his chair, a troubled look crossing his face. "From the sky, you say? That sounds like the stories about the sorcerer who fell from the heavens not long ago. You think... you think that’s him?"

The old drunkard’s eyes gleamed with something like fear or perhaps it was excitement. "Could be. Or it could be something worse. But mark my words, lads, the demons are just the start. Dark times are coming, and there ain’t a thing we can do to stop it."

The lanky man shifted uneasily in his seat, glancing at his companion. "Maybe we should head south, too. Ain’t nothin’ good gonna come from stickin’ around here."

The bearded man nodded slowly, his earlier bravado draining away as the weight of the old man’s words settled over him. "Aye, maybe you’re right. Best not to tempt fate."

The old drunkard took a long swig from his mug, a grim smile playing on his lips. "Run if you like, but you can’t outrun a prophecy. If it’s meant to be, it’ll find us all, one way or another."

With that, he turned and stumbled back to the bar, leaving the two men to ponder his ominous words in uneasy silence. The laughter and clatter of the pub continued around them, but the shadow of the old man’s tale lingered in the air, a dark cloud on the horizon of their thoughts.

_Could their really be an actual devil in this world?_ Gift wondered, his thoughts clouded in worry.

[I highly disagree, My Database suggests that creatures such as devil's and demons are merely unconventional being's fabricated through myths and folklore] pixel replied but.

_I don't really think you're database is going to be one hundred percent accurate for now, considering the fact that were in a world rumoured to have men in robes who shoot flames from their fingertips_ Gift wasn't feeling to sure about her answer.

After hearing the old man's tale, he began feeling even more impatient to head home but when he recalled that he hadn't gotten what he'd come here for, he shook his head to calm down his nerves before focusing on the chatter in the pub once more.

At another corner of the bar sat two men who looked more well kept than the drunkards prior. Their appearance looked youthful, like a pair of students close to only 18 years of age.

" William my Friend, why waste such precious time here when we could be out their celebrating. My boy just got accepted into Witch Wood magic academy hahaha, in a few years my boy would become a full blown mage"

" Gosh, that's blooming news Herald, You never told me that brat of yours was so capable. Aye, isn't Witch Wood magic academy that old mage's academy everyone keeps praising for it's rich history."

" Hahaha that's correct my friend "

" Golly, am impressed William, looks like that brat of yours is a prodigy, I'll say. Just imagine it, Getting access to all their resources, being able to meet those sons and daughters of them noblemen and most of all getting to see their legendary Ancient library, I heard that it's ancestry dates back to the year of the kingdoms founding "

" Hahahaha am so overjoyed, I never knew that brat could bring me such blooming luck. Come my friend let's drink, tonight we'll chug down ail like water!" Herald hoisted up his mug of liquor before downing it all in one gulp.



Gift’s mind raced as he pieced together the information he had gathered so far. Mage academies, demon invasions, prophecies of a devil..., just these three piece's of news had him worried about his future in this so called Magic world.

In his opinion, This world was far more complex and dangerous than he had anticipated. But the mention of the ancient library piqued his interest. If there were texts dating back centuries, there might be something that could help him understand how he was transported here, and how he might return.

Satisfied that he had learned all he could, Gift slipped out of the pub, keeping to the shadows as he made his way back to the cave. He moved cautiously, aware that his unfamiliarity with this world could lead to vulnerabilities.

" Looks like I made it out " Gift said after approaching the the periphery of the town.