Chapter 8 Rescuing the Damsel in Distress

Chapter 8: Rescuing the Damsel in distress

The sun was setting behind the rolling hills, casting long shadows over the landscape as Gift made his way back to the cave where Sera awaited him.

His thoughts were on the conversation he had overheard earlier in the village, especially the tantalizing lead about the ancient library hidden within Wester's Mage Academy.

Right now his mind was busy racing with plans, strategies, and the possible knowledge he could gain there. But as he passed through a dense thicket, something unexpected caught his attention, a distant cry for help.

Gift paused, his enhanced senses zeroing in on the sound. It was faint, but desperate.

_Pixel, any leads?_

[My readings suggest a female adolescent calling for help]

_Well that can't be good, i better hurry up over there before things get worse for her_

Without hesitation, he broke off into an abrupt run, his nanotech suit boosting his speed and agility to blur like speeds as he navigated the uneven terrain.

Within moments, he arrived at the edge of a cliff, the ground giving way to a sharp drop into a ravine below. And there, hanging precariously from a narrow ledge, was the source of the cry.

Specifically a young girl who looked about 16-17 years old, her hands clutching the rocky edge, her face pale with fear.

"Hey, hey, it’s okay!" Gift called out, positioning himself at the base of the cliff directly below her. "I’m here to help, just hang on tight!"

The girl who was desperate for help looked down, her wide, terrified eyes met his, her grip slipping as pebbles and dirt crumbled away beneath her fingers. "I-I’m going to fall!" she wailed, tears streaming down her face.

[My scanners suggest that your words have no effect]

_Not helping Pixel_

" Please calm down, Your not going to fall, Not on my watch," Gift muttered, steeling himself as he assessed the situation. The ledge was unstable, spiderweb like cracks spreading on the rock as it threatened to give way. He needed to act fast otherwise the girl would be in serious danger.

"Listen to me," he shouted up to her, trying to keep his voice calm and reassuring. "I’m going to get you down from there, I promise. Just don’t let go, okay?, Whatever you do, don’t—"


The ledge gave a loud, ominous groan before splitting under the girl’s weight.

[Target's Heart rate accelerating rapidly]

" Ahhh!!!" Her scream echoed through the ravine as the rocks began to crumble away beneath her. Without thinking, Gift leapt into action, literally.

With a burst of nanotech-enhanced power, he launched himself straight up the cliff face, his muscles coiling like springs. He soared through the air, reaching the girl just as the ledge gave way completely. Wrapping his arms around her, he twisted in mid-air, using his body as a shield as they plummeted towards the ground.

The instant he landed, he quickly leaped a few meter's away. The instant he moved, The rocks and boulders followed behind them, a cascade of debris raining down on the spot where Gift had been standing moments before. But he had already dodged, landing lightly on his feet several meters away, the girl clutched securely in his arms.

"See?" he said with a grin, gently setting her down on solid ground. "Told you I’d get you down safely." With her safely in his arm's Gift was a bit stunned when he realized that the girl was actually really beautiful, With rare white hair similar to fresh fallen snow, Sapphire blue eyes that glistened like gems, Soft smooth skin, curvy figure and a refreshing scent she gave off, which made him recall the breathtaking waterfalls he'd been to back on Earth.

The girl was still trembling in his arms, her eyes wide with shock, but she managed a shaky nod. "T-thank you," she stammered, but before she could say more, her gaze shifted to something behind Gift and her expression turned from gratitude to sheer terror.

_Did something sneak up on me?_

[You are advised to proceed with caution]

Gift turned to see what had gotten her so frightened, only to see Sera emerging from the underbrush, her serpentine lower half gliding silently over the forest floor.

_Hey it's just Sera silly_ Gift remarked.

Sera's emerald green eyes were sharp, scanning the area for any signs of danger. She must have heard the commotion and rushed over to help, but her sudden appearance was clearly too much for the already frightened girl.

With a gasp, the girl stumbled back, tripping over her own feet and landing on her rear. "M-monster!" she shrieked, scrambling to hide behind Gift. "Please let's get out of here before it eats us!"

Gift blinked, then looked between the terrified girl and Sera, who had come to a halt, her expression a mix of confusion and growing annoyance.

"Monster?" Gift repeated, struggling to keep a straight face. "Oh, you mean Sera?, Nah, she’s not going to eat you. She doesn’t even like her veggies, so humans are definitely off the menu." Gift waved his wrist to calm her down. While snickering at Sera.

Sera crossed her arms, her tail flicking behind her in irritation. "Very funny," she said dryly, her eyes narrowing at Gift before turning to the girl. "I’m not going to hurt you. I heard someone in trouble and just came to help."

The girl only clutched at Gift’s arm tighter, her fear undiminished. "Please, let’s go before it casts a spell on us!"

Gift sighed, glancing back at Sera with an apologetic shrug. "You’re not really helping your case here," he said in a mocking whisper, though loud enough for the girl to hear. "Maybe try smiling more. Less… fangs, though."

Sera rolled her eyes, clearly not amused, but she softened her expression and slithered forward a bit. "I’m not a threat," she said, her voice gentle but firm. "I’m… a friend."