Chapter 9 A terrible Misunderstanding

Chapter 9: A terrible Misunderstanding

But the girl wasn’t convinced.

" Stay away from me you Monster!" With a yelp, she bolted, darting out from behind Gift and running as fast as her legs could carry her back towards the village.

" Wait... " Gift called after her, but she was already gone, disappearing into the trees. He let out a sigh, shaking his head. "Well, that could have gone better."

Sera’s shoulders slumped slightly, the tough exterior she usually maintained cracking just a bit. "She was scared of me," she said quietly, a hint of sadness in her voice. "She didn’t even give me a chance."

Gift turned to her, his expression softening. He reached out, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Hey, it’s not your fault," he said. "People fear what they don’t understand. And let’s be honest, you’re not exactly what she expected when she thought ‘rescuer.’"

Sera glanced at him, the corners of her mouth twitching as if she was trying not to smile. "Is that your way of saying I’m scary?"

"More like… ‘impressively intimidating,’" Gift replied with a grin. "But you’re also kind, brave, Caring, and you didn’t hesitate to come help when you thought someone was in trouble. That’s what really matters."

She sighed, leaning into his touch just a bit. "I just… I don’t want to be feared. Not like that."

Gift nodded, he never thought that Sera could actually be this vulnerable when it came to something like this. "I know. But give it time. Not everyone will see you as a monster. Some people will eventually see the real you."

Sera gave a small, grateful smile, the sadness in her eyes fading slightly. "Thanks, Gift."

"Anytime," he said, patting her shoulder gently before pulling back. "Now, what do you say we hurry up and head back to the cave?, I’m pretty sure I left something on the stove, oh wait, no stove. Or food. But hey, we’ve got each other, right?"

Sera chuckled, the sound lightening the mood. "I don't know what's a stove but alright."

As they turned to leave, heading back towards their cave, neither of them noticed the small figure who had been hiding just out of sight, watching their every move. The girl, too frightened to stay and too curious to leave, had seen everything and what she saw only confirmed her worst fears.


The girl, her heart still racing from the earlier encounter, huddled quietly in an underbrush. She could still feel the warmth of her savior’s arms around her, the way he had caught her in mid-air with such effortless strength. But the image of the monster that had appeared afterward kept replaying in her mind, The glint of those sharp eyes, the sinuous movement of that serpentine lower half.

She began talking to herself, her voice low and trembling. “What if she’s already got him under her spell?, I mean, he didn’t even seem scared of her. What kind of magic could do that?”

She shivered at the memory, clutching her arms around herself. “But… he saved me. He didn’t hesitate, didn’t let me fall. And he smiled at me, like everything was going to be okay. How could someone so wonderful and kind be with… with *her*?”

Her thoughts spiraled, anxiety threading through every word. “He must be under some kind of control. That has to be it!, There’s no way he’d willingly stay with a monster like that, There's just no way"

" I'm sure It’s all her fault, she’s keeping him prisoner, making him do her bidding.”

She paused, a flush rising to her cheeks as a new realization dawned. “But… he was so brave, so strong. The way he looked at me, the way he… he held me…” She felt her heart flutter, and she pressed her hands to her chest, as if trying to calm the sudden rush of emotion. “I have to save him. I can’t just leave him there with *her*.”

Her voice grew firmer while her resolve began hardening with each and every word. “He’s my savior. I… I owe him my life. I simply can’t let him stay trapped like that. I have to do something. I have to get help. I have to save him... ”

She stood up, her legs shaky but her mind, set. “The guards… they have to help. They can fight her, free him from whatever spell she’s cast. I’ll tell them everything, and they’ll rescue him.”

She took a deep breath, trying to calm the pounding in her chest. “It’s the only way. I can’t just sit here and do nothing. I have to be brave, like he was.”

With that final thought, she hurried towards the village gates, her heart filled with a mix of fear, determination, and something else, something she didn’t fully understand yet, but that made her cheeks burn and her steps quicken.

The moment she reached the gates, she ran to the nearest guard, breathless and wide-eyed. "There’s a monster in the woods!" she cried. "And it’s taken a man prisoner!, You have to help him, He’s under her spell, and she’s making him do her bidding "

A few passing people couldn't help but stop when they saw the girls frightened demeanor.

" Aye, Ain't that the village heads daughter?, Crystal. What's got her all spooked"

" Dunno, but whatever it is I'm sure the village head won't let it slide. You know how he gets about that prescious daughter of his "

" You don't need to tell me twice, Quick let's get out of here before they drag us into this".



The guards Infront of Crystal, Exchanged uneasy glances before one of them nodded, signaling for the other to follow. "We’ll alert the captain," he said. Then turned back to Crystal. " Don't worry, If there’s truly a monster out there, we’ll take care of it."