Chapter 10 Doing something special

Chapter 10: Doing something special

Within minutes, the entire village was abuzz with the news. The matter then escalated when the guards quickly relayed the girl’s story to a group of soldiers temporarily residing in the village.

They were originally passing through, en route to the battlefield to reinforce their comrades.

The few soldiers within the passing group quickly went to relay the news to the leader of their squadron.

Seated calmly within a large spacious tent with several figures in soldier armour, was a stern-faced man with a commanding presence, who listened intently to the tale.

"An actual monster is residing within the exterior of the village?" he murmured, his eyes narrowing. " Not only that, but it has even enchanted a man into its service?, You sure this isn't just some baseless prank!" The Captain voice sounded out like a defining roar, Which caused all the soldiers in the tent to flinch.

Fearing the captains rage, One of the high ranking soldiers in the room took a step forward and said. " Captain these were the words of the village heads daughter, As his daughter, she's well aware of the implications of deceiving the kingdoms soldiers. "

" I'm sure she isn't as foolish as you think, If there's a chance that what she's saying is true then why not we just send out our weakest unit's to scout the area first, just to make sure "

" Hmmm.., You have a point. If there really is a chance that one of our own was captured by those unholy creatures then we can't just stand by and wait " The captain stroked his beard with a contemplating expression.

" I'll leave it to you to assemble a battalion of 100 First Tier soldiers for this operation ". He requested for such because in this world, every one was ranked based on tier's, depending on the level of magical power they could muster.

The Tireless was what they used to classify those without much magical power, Similar to the first group of soldiers Gift encountered after having transmigrated. With each increasing Tier, The power of an individual would increase exponentially.

" Consider it done Sir." The soldier bowed after hearing the captains orders.

" Good! " The captain nodded.

" We’ll have to strike at dawn before the monster manages to flee. Since that is all, You may all leave "

" Yes Sir!." All the high ranked soldiers in the tent saluted the captain and silently left, leaving the captain alone to sit behind his desk and ponder his thoughts.

_For a monster to kidnap a common villager while still remaining in one location is a bit suspicious, Whether it has any other agenda is unknown. We'll just have to wait till tomorrow to see_ The captain thought.


As the village buzzed with the impending action, the soldiers began readying themselves. a few of them ecstatic about the thought of finally getting to see some action, while some of them were simply wishing they could be the ones to attack the supposed monster.


Meanwhile....Back at the cave.

"What did you find out on your little outing anyways?" Sera suddenly asked after the both of them had returned to the cave.

Gift sat down beside her, recounting what he had overheard. Sera listened intently, her eyes squinting at times, at the mention of the mage academies and the demons encroaching on Faeryn’s borders.

"And the supposed Ancient library at Westers Mage Academy" Gift finished. "It might hold something that could help me get back home."

Sera nodded slowly. before adding "Am not quite sure about that part, Westers Mage Academy sounds like a well known mage's academy within the kingdom of their able to possess such a an extraordinary library... "

" But, if it’s our best lead..." She said through reluctance.

"We’ll figure it out," Gift said, his voice filled with resolve. " Let's just take it one step at a time."

The cave then turned quiet, save for the occasional crackle of the makeshift fire Gift had set up earlier. Outside, the wind whispered through the trees, and the distant sounds of the forest at night added to the sense of isolation, yet also safety, within their rocky shelter.

Gift was adjusting a few of the cave’s interior elements, tweaking the placement of a stone here, smoothing out a rough patch of wall there, when he noticed Sera’s quiet presence behind him. She had been unusually silent since their encounter with the girl earlier that evening. He turned to face her, a thoughtful look on his face.

"You know," he began, trying to keep his tone light, "I’ve been meaning to ask you something important."

Sera looked up, curiosity sparking in her golden eyes. "What is it?"

" You haven't eaten for awhile now, have you?" Gift asked, leaning casually against the wall, his expression almost too casual.

Sera blinked, the question catching her off guard. "Well, I—" she started, but then hesitated, looking away as if suddenly very interested in a nearby rock formation.

Gift’s eyes narrowed playfully. "That’s a classic dodge if I ever saw one. Seriously, when was the last time you ate something?"

Sera fidgeted, her tail coiling slightly around her lower body. "I’m fine," she said, her tone a bit defensive. "I don’t need to eat as often as humans do."

Gift folded his arms, giving her a pointed look. "Okay, but you still need to eat. And since we’ve been running from soldiers, dealing with misunderstandings, and generally trying not to get killed, I’m pretty sure we’ve both skipped a few meals."

Sera opened her mouth to protest, but Gift held up a hand, cutting her off.

"Nope, not letting you wriggle out of this one. I may not need food in the same way anymore, but you do. And I’m not going to let you starve just because we’ve had a rough couple of days."

He straightened up, brushing off his ha

nds as if the matter was already decided. "Stay here, I’m going to find us something to eat."