Chapter 11 A good nights sleep

Chapter 11: A Good Night's sleep

"Gift, you don’t have to—" Sera started, but he was already heading towards the entrance of the cave.

"I’ll be back soon," he called over his shoulder, flashing her a grin. "Don’t worry, I’m a fast hunter." He smiled reassuringly, recalling one of his past vacations, in which he went on a hunting trip with a certain President of a widely known eccentric nation.

Sera watched him go, a mixture of concern and appreciation in her eyes. She wanted to argue and tell him that she was used to going without food, that it wasn’t necessary. But the truth of the matter was that she really was hungry, Although she didn't show it, her body was beginning to feel the strain of their non-stop fleeing and fighting. And maybe, just maybe, she appreciated the gesture more than she was willing to admit.


True to his word, Gift returned not long after, a satisfied look on his face as he carried a decent-sized game over his shoulder. Sera was perched on a smooth rock near the fire, her tail curled around her as she watched him with an almost amused expression.

"Impressed?" Gift asked, setting the game down with a flourish. "Told you I’d be quick."

" Impressed that you didn’t get yourself into more trouble, yes," Sera replied, a hint of a smile playing at her lips.

Gift chuckled, kneeling down to prepare the meal. "You have so little faith in me. I’m hurt."

Sera shook her head, her smile widening. "You just have a knack for finding trouble."

"Hey, trouble finds me," Gift corrected, expertly skinning the game with a knife made from his nano-tech. "I’m just good at dealing with it."

Within minutes, the smell of roasting meat filled the cave, the fire crackling as Gift turned the spit over the flames.

Sera’s stomach growled softly, and she shifted slightly, trying to ignore it. Gift noticed, of course, and shot her a knowing look.

"See? Even your stomach agrees with me."

Sera sighed, her shoulders relaxing as the warmth of the fire and the scent of the cooking food began to soothe her. "Maybe I was a bit hungry," she admitted quietly.

Gift grinned, his eyes twinkling in the firelight. "Good. Then you’re going to love this."

When the meat was ready, he carefully carved off a piece and offered it to her on a stick, similar to skewered meat. Sera hesitated for just a moment before accepting it, taking a cautious bite. Her eyes widened slightly in surprise at the taste.

"This is… really good," she said, looking up at him with genuine appreciation.

"Of course it is," Gift said, pretending to brush some imaginary dust off his shoulder. "I’m a man of many talents."

Sera rolled her eyes, but there was warmth in her expression as she took another bite. She ate slowly, savoring the simple, hearty meal. As she did, she noticed that Gift wasn’t eating. He was just watching her, a satisfied smile on his face.

"Aren’t you going to eat?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

Gift shrugged. "I’m fine. My body doesn’t need much food these days. Besides, I wanted to make sure you got enough first."

Sera frowned slightly, setting down her plate. "You need to eat too. You’re still human, even if you don’t think you need it."

Gift looked at her, seeing the genuine concern in her eyes. He sighed, realizing that arguing would be pointless. "Alright, alright," he said, grabbing a piece of meat for himself. "I’ll eat. But only because you’re insisting."

Sera smiled, a soft, almost shy expression that made Gift’s chest feel a little warmer. They ate together in admirable silence, the tension of the day easing as they shared the simple meal. It was a small thing, but for Sera, it felt like a rare moment of normalcy, something she hadn’t had in a long time.

As the fire died down, casting flickering shadows on the cave walls, they both settled down to rest. Sera coiled up in her usual spot near the entrance, while Gift leaned back against the smooth wall he had recently smoothed out, closing his eyes and letting his body relax.

But Sera couldn’t sleep. Not immediately, anyway. She lay there, staring at the darkened cave, her mind racing with thoughts she didn’t fully understand. She was grateful to Gift for his kindness, his understanding, and his constant, unwavering presence. But deep down , she couldn't help but feel that it was more than that. It was the way he made her feel safe, even when everything else was falling apart.

Quietly, almost timidly, she uncoiled herself and slithered closer to where Gift was resting. She paused a few feet away, watching him, making sure he was asleep. His breathing was slow and even, his eyes closed, his face peaceful in the dim light.

Satisfied that he was indeed asleep, Sera carefully moved closer, finally curling up right beside him. The warmth of his body was comforting, chasing away the last of the day’s lingering fears. She let out a small, content sigh, closing her eyes as she settled in.

What she didn’t know was that Gift was wide awake, his heart beating a little faster as he felt her settle beside him. He didn’t move, didn’t open his eyes and definitely didn’t want to embarrass her or make her feel awkward. Instead, he allowed a small smile to tug at the corners of his lips, shifting just slightly to ensure she was comfortable.

He let the warmth of their shared body heat envelop them both, the coolness of the cave fading into the background. In that quiet, shared moment, they both found a sense of peace, of connection, something that went beyond words or explanations.

As they drifted off to sleep, the forest outside continued its symphony, a lullaby of rustling leaves and distant calls of night creatures. But inside the cave, there was only warmth, quiet breathing, and the unspoken

bond of two souls finding solace in each other’s presence.
