Chapter 12 Swarmed

Chapter 12: Swarmed

The Next Day...

Gift was jerked awake by a faint noise, a sound barely audible, but enough to set his nerves on edge. He sat up quickly, instinctively activating Pixel’s sensors.

[Detecting Several Targets moving closer towards your location]

A cold knot of fear formed in his stomach as the AI confirmed his worst suspicions: they were surrounded.

"Soldiers," he whispered urgently, shaking Sera awake. She was alert in an instant, her eyes narrowing as she listened.

"How did they find us?" she hissed. Her eyes unconsciously turning feral.

"I don’t know," Gift replied, his mind racing. "But we have to move. Now."

The first soldier appeared at the mouth of the cave before they knew it, his sword glinting in the pale light of dawn. " Foul Monster, Surrender, in the name of the King of Faeryn!, And unhand that innocent man right this instant"

" Fire Ball!!!"

" Fire Ball!!!"

" Water bullet!!!"

" Ice shard!!!"

" Wind bolt!!!"

" Earth bullet!!!"

Gifts eyes squinted sharply when he saw the barrage of strange spells coming towards him!, He had never had the chance to witness magic before so this was a first for him.

_First I get psycho men with swords now hypocritic preachers with spells‽_

_Pixel, Shields up!_

[Raising shields!]

Gift didn’t hesitate. The nanotech suit reacted instantly as he flashed forward while a bioluminescent glow covered the surface of his skin, Energy coursing through his body as he launched himself at a soldier, disarming him with a swift, precise strike to the abdomen.

" Urk!! " The soldier spat out a jet of blood as he was sent flying into his comrades who feel backwards the moment he slammed into them.

The cave erupted into chaos as more soldiers poured in, their numbers overwhelming as they flooded towards Sera.

" Die monster!"

" Despicable creature, your days of evil have come to an end!!" The soldiers screamed several unsavory words at sera as they swarmed into the not so spacious cave.

Sera fought fiercely beside Gift who stood by her side, constantly protecting her from any stray attacks, While her tail was lashing out with deadly precision. Sending soldiers flying with each strike, But even with her strength she was soon outnumbered.

Before she knew it, a few spells and swinging swords came hurtling towards her.

" What witchcraft is this?!, How come they're so many!" Sera began to panic when she saw more soilders emerging from the woods outside the cave.

What she didn't know was that most of these soldiers where actually a reinforcement unit that were on their way to the battlefield to stop the encroaching demon army.


The clash of metal and spells against metal echoed through the cave as Gift and Sera fought back with all they had. Gift’s mind was a whirlwind of calculations and strategy, Yet despite their efforts, Sera was soon struck by a sword, the blade cutting into her scales.

" Guah!" She cried out in pain, her strength faltering. Gift’s heart clenched as he saw her struggle, the instinct to protect her surging through him.

[Warning: Testosterone levels rising]

[Warning: Heart rate accelerating]

[Warning: Blood Circulation increasing]

[Caution: Please remain calm!]

_I think we both know it's too late for that_ Gift said, his anger climbing upwards.

_ I wanted to avoid this, but I guess it can't be helped, if I don't get serious then the both of us will only end up getting hurt even more!_

"Hang on!" Gift shouted, fighting his way to her side. The sight of her blood, dark red and glistening on her scales, ignited an emotion Gift never thought he'd feel in this strange world.


" GO TO HELL!!!" Gift roared, instantly

dispatching the soldier who had wounded her, His hands grabbed at the soldiers throat before retracting, Riping out the soldiers wind pipe with it.

All the soilders were finally frightened by the scene. With the soldiers momentarily stunned, Gift scooped Sera into his arms, while also using his incredible speed to wrap her serpentine half around his body like a scarf. Sera who was not expecting him to act in such a way blushed, her voice weak but protesting. "I can still fight..." Gifts prior outburst had warmed her heart a little.

"Not like this," Gift replied, his voice firm but gentle. "I’m getting you out of here."

Sera’s resistance melted away as exhaustion and pain overcame her. She leaned against Gift, her serpentine body which wrapped around his upper body didn't even feel heavy in his arms. Sera managed a faint smile. "You’re... a stubborn one, aren’t you?"

Gift didn’t answer, his focus right now was entirely on escaping the encirclement. " If it's to keep you safe then I don't think I mind taking on that title" he suddenly revealed a warm smile.

_You...._ Sera felt her blood rushing to her face, she quickly turned her face to side, not wanting him to see her embarrassed expression. She really didn't expect him to actually reply back, not to mention in such an.. intimate way.

Unfortunately Gift didn't have the luxury of paying attention to her reaction, instead he moved swiftly, cutting through the soldiers who tried to block their path with his right hand, his mind pushing away the guilt and horror of taking lives.

Sadly, He couldn’t afford to think about it now since it was Sera's life or there's, Since they wouldn't let him leave nor would they let her live a second longer, He decided it was either them or him and her.

But as they broke free from the encirclement Infront of the cave, Gift’s relief was short lived when he saw a soldier clutching a small glowing stone.

" Stop him!, He's going to use a transmission stone. That's how they were able to track our whereabouts last time" Sera said hastily in one breath, her urgency signifying the seriousness of the situation.

_Your kidding me‽_ Gift was exasperated, he quickly flashed past several tens of meters in an instant to the soilders side, but the instant he arrived, the soilder had already finished

muttering something under his breath.

"No!" Feeling a bit panicked, Gifts right hand punched straight through his chest.