Chapter 13 Healing touch

Chapter 13: Healing touch

Unfortunately, The stone in the soldiers hands flared brightly the next second, The soldier who was already at deaths door sneered wickedly at Gift as a trail of blood feel down the corner's of his lips.

" It's too late..., Fret not brother, The main vanguard will soon be here to f-free you from that treacherous monster.. " The soldier managed to say before all his vitality left his body.

_When did I ever say I need freeing!_

"Damn it," Gift cursed, knowing they were now on borrowed time.

" We're leaving!" He suddenly said before bolting off into the distance. Moving faster than the remaining soldiers could keep up with.

Gift didn’t stop running until he was sure that they were truly far away from the village, the dawn light casting long shadows across the land. Only then did he allow himself to slow down.

He then opted to lower Sera gently onto the ground.

She winced as she settled on the grass, her injury still bleeding but not as severe as Gift had feared. "You’re... pretty strong, you know that?" she said, her voice breathless but teasing.

Gift managed a small smile, though his heart was heavy from the blood she'd he had just undergone. "I just did what I had to do. It was them or us" He let out a deep breath as if trying to wash away his mental exhaustion from having taken so many lives in such a short period of time.

Sera smiled at his reply, before she said in an uncertain tone. "You.. saved me, A-Again.., Why?"

" If I didn't, Wouldn't you have been the one to die?. Those people wanted to kill you because you were just born different, How is that justified?. "

" I'd say they all deserved to die, There's no use wasting your life just because they wanted you to do so " He nodded, though his thoughts were already turning to the future.

From the moment that soldier sent out that distress message, He knew that they were no longer safe, and the kingdom would surely be relentless in its pursuit if they were to learn of his involvement in so many deaths of their soilders and the fact that he was aidding a nonhuman as well.

But even then, he was still determined on going to the ancient library which might hold the key to his way back home, even if it meant later crossing paths with the kingdom.

"We need to keep moving," Gift said, his voice steady despite the storm of emotions inside him. "We have to find that library. But first, let's take a look at that injury of yours shall we?. Gift said then crouching down beside Sera, taking a closer look at the injury on her serpentine half.

A deep gash marred her scales, oozing a dark, viscous fluid that was the equivalent of blood for her kind. She had been quiet about the pain, her strong-willed nature keeping her from complaining, but Gift had noticed the way she winced with every movement while he carried her and fled.

Sera glanced up at him, her eyes a mix of gratitude and defiance. "It’s just a scratch," she insisted, though her voice wavered slightly. "I’ve dealt with worse."

Gift shook his head, his expression softening. "Maybe, but you don’t have to deal with this one alone."

Without waiting for her to argue further, he activated the nanotechnology within his suit. The nano-bots, responsive to his every command, surged to life, spreading out from his fingertips in a silver haze. They hovered just above Sera’s wound, the tiny machines shimmering with an almost ethereal glow in the dim light of the cave.

Sera tensed, her body instantly coiled around Gift pulling him closer towards her till their faces where only inches apart as he stared into her beautiful emerald green eyes while her tail continued constricting him tighter than he had expected from her.

_Wow, She's really strong_ Gift thought.

[Judging by my analysis, With her current grip strength, An average man would've experienced multiple fractures and broken organs by now]

_You don't say..._ Gift winced at the thought, not expecting her serpent tail to be so powerful

" Sorry...." Sera blurted out, Her hands covering her face in embarrassment. She didn't really mean to react in such a way, it just happened before she knew it, when she felt the nano-bots entering her body through her wound.

" It's ok, There's really nothing to fuss about " Gift smiled warmly, using his other hand to gently pat her on the head.

As the nano-bots began moving onto her wound. Gift could see the fear in her eyes, fear not of him, but of the unknown, of this strange technology she didn’t fully understand. He removed his hand from her head and placed it on her shoulder, his touch gentle and calming.

"Trust me," he said softly, his voice a soothing murmur in the quiet cave. "This will help you."

"..Ok, I guess I'll have to trust you this time" Sera nodded, her hands no longer covering her face as she looked Gift in the eye with genuine acceptance.

The nano-bots descended onto the wound, moving with precision and care. They began to knit the torn flesh and scales back together, their microscopic components working in perfect harmony. Gift watched intently, guiding them with his thoughts, ensuring that every damaged cell was repaired, every torn scale restored to its rightful place.

The process was quick, but Gift made sure to be thorough, checking for any signs of infection or lingering damage.

The nano-bots not only healed the wound but also reinforced the newly repaired area, strengthening the scales and tissues to prevent further injury.

As the final layer of scales finished fusing back together, the nano-bots all began retracting till everyone of them had returned to Gift’s suit. The wound was gone, replaced by smooth, unblemished scales that gleamed in the soft light.