Chapter 14 Crystals Resolve

Chapter 14: Crystal's Resolve

Sera stared down at her body, her emerald eyes wide with wonder. She uncoiled slightly, testing the movement of her lower half. The pain was gone, replaced by a sense of relief she hadn’t felt in days. She looked up at Gift, her expression unreadable for a moment before it softened into something close to awe.

"I… I don’t know what to say," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "Thank you, Gift."

Gift smiled, a warmth spreading through him that had nothing to do with the technology he wielded. "You don’t have to say anything," he replied. "I’m just glad you’re okay."

Sera’s eyes lingered on him, her gaze filled with a depth of emotion she hadn’t shown before. She had always been strong, resilient, but in this moment, she allowed herself to be vulnerable,

" Hmm... Maybe going after the ancient library right now isn't a good idea, We really don't have a plan nor do we know how to get into that mage's academy to get to it.." Gift stood up and said.

" Maybe we should just take a raincheck for now, When we've settled down, Then we'll start heading to the ancient library." Gift decided, he glanced at Sera to see her decision.

Sera agreed, her golden eyes meeting his with a newfound determination. Secretly, Sera decided that together, they would face whatever came next, no matter how dangerous or uncertain.

No matter how much she thought about it, she just couldn't seem to think otherwise, She didn't know whether it was because of her bodies innate urges but the longer she stayed with this strange human who saved her life in the woods, The more she found herself growing closer towards him.

_Could I perhaps be falling for a human of all things_

Sera's cheeks turned a light shade of red while her breath turned a bit rapid before she shook her head inwardly, trying to deny such thought's.

As they set off again, This time with Sera moving on her own, Gift who was following closely beside her still couldn’t quite shake of the lingering fear for his beloved mother, Up till now her fate was still unknown and it was this fear that was really driving him onward, his resolve hardening with each step as he sprinted sparingly while keeping Sera's speed in mind.


Crystal sat by the edge of the village, her heart heavy with anticipation, while her eyes gleamed with expectation as she patiently waited.

The sun was setting, painting the sky in shades of orange and pink, but all she could think about at the moment, was the squadron of soldiers who had gone out to rescue Gift. Currently, Her thoughts were a whirlwind of fantasies, In her mind, She saw several images of Gift being brought back, safe and sound, grateful for her actions.

“ I wondered just what he's reaction would be when he gets back^^”.she murmured to herself, smiling as she imagined his warm gaze meeting hers. “Maybe he’ll even decide to remain in the village with me…, we could talk, laugh…, go on outings together, walk home after where done with work and maybe mom and dad would even like him..…”

Her cheeks flushed at the thought, her mind drifting to the possibility of them spending more time together, growing closer. “ I still can't believe ge’s so strong and so brave…not to mention being so kind and sweet."

" I just know he’ll appreciate what I’ve done. I just can't wait^^ " She hugged herself, trying to calm down her excited nerves.


As the sky darkened, her excitement soon began to fade, replaced by a gnawing sense of anxiety.

_Why aren't they back yet?_ She stood up, her eyes fixed on the road leading out of the village. Finally, she spotted movement in the distance, and her heart leaped with hope, Only to crash down the next moment when she saw the condition of the returning soldiers.

To her horror, a lot of them where actually battered, limping, while a good few looked bloodied, their blood staining their garments, dying them a noticable red hue.

Meanwhile, Some of them were being carried on makeshift stretchers, their faces pale and haunted. Crystal’s heart pounded in her chest as she ran towards them, her voice trembling with fear.

“What happened?, Who did this to you people, was it that monster” she cried out, her eyes wide with panic. “Where’s Gift? Did you bring him back?”

" It sure was a heck of a monster I'd say " A soldier said while holding his bleeding chest, his eyes sunken and his face pale.

" Well.., Did you all manage to kill her? "

" Her?, More like him!, That bastard tore through us like a raging demon! " Another injured soldier shouted as if trying to voice out all the frustrations in his heart.

" I..I don't understand, What do you mean him " Crystal unconsciously took a step back as if she couldn't believe what she'd just heard, Her eyes glanced around at the soldiers who looked like they'd just survived a near death encounter.

_No..., it can't be!_ Crystal didn't want to believe what she'd just heard but the sights of the several soldiers who were worse from ware left her feeling conflicted.

A random soldier suddenly turned to her, his face ashen, his eyes wide with a mixture of despair and terror. He looked at her like he was still seeing the horrors he had just witnessed.

“ it's true young miss, He… he did this..,” the soldier whispered, his voice cracking. “It was him…, That Gift…”

Crystal stared at him, her mind refusing to process the words. “ Stop spouting nonsense!"

" There's no way he'd do such a thing, He wouldn’t… he couldn’t have…” She tried her best to defend him but her words only attracted the pitiful gazes of some soldiers.

_Poor girl..._

_Looks like she's fallen in too deep_

_What a sad sight, That young man's sure to have secummed to that monsters complete control_ T

he soldiers began murmuring amongst themselves as they contemplated Crystals situation