Chapter 15 Cold yet Warm

Chapter 15: Cold yet Warm.

The soldier who had talked to her last shook his head, stepping back as if the memory was too much to bear. “I’ve never seen anything like it young miss. H-He wasn’t… human, There's just no way someone that terrifying could be human."

" He… he tore through us like we were nothing, There's just no way his human.., Who knows, maybe he's just a demon in disguise and we've been thinking about this all wrong, I mean think about it, Why would a human be collaborating with a monster?.”

“No..” Crystal whispered, her legs trembling.

" Stop slandering him!, Gifts a human, He's not a Demon, he's just being controlled. You’re just lying!” She screamed at the random soldier, trying to convince herself, but the sight of the wounded soldiers made it impossible.

" Hey what do you know?, You weren't there to witness it were you?. Your just some naive stuck up brat who doesn't know better " Another soldier ridiculed while pointing at Crystal.

" How dare you! " Crystals eye's turned livid, No one had ever dared to speak with her in such a manner before, As the Village heads daughter, She had gotten nothing but respect ever since she was born.

" What?, Let me guess, Little Miss wants to report me to her daddy?. Let me remind you that most of us here are apart of a reinforcement squadron, so don't think that your daddies got any hold over us." The soldier sneered, Taunting Crystal even more.

Crystal who felt irritated and frustrated just stood their with her fists clenched, She knew that the soldier was right and that her father wouldn't be able to interfere much in this case, but even then, he was just too rude and cocky.

_I bet he didn't even participate in the battle at all_ She thought while glaring at the unruly soldier.

" William stop it, that's enough " Another soldier who seemed taller than the latter said from a distance.

" Gregory why don't you mind your own business?, Do you have to butt in everytime am doing something, besides I was just stating a fact " William scoffed at His colleagues remark.

" And please do tell me, How are you so sure that the captive wasn't being controlled as you presume? " The soldier Gregory replied.

" Tsk, Why don't you just shut up, All am saying is that she's nothing but a stuck up little brat!, Besides, why should i even bother explaining myself to you, It's not like your my superior or anything!."

" I don't have to answer to anyone of you losers!." The soldier rebuked, looking at his fellow colleagues with a look of disdain and contempt.

" Am hoping that doesn't include me, does it soldier?" Gregory suddenly heard a Gruff voice behind him, The instant he heard that voice, His face turned pale in an instant. He quickly turned around to see who it was and like he expected he saw him.

Standing behind Gregory was a stern-faced man with a commanding presence.

" Ca-Ca-Cap-tain‽ " Gregory lost his wit's the instant he lay'd eye's on the Captain of the reinforcement squadron, His expression similar to that of a deer caught in headlights.

" So this is how you behave just after experiencing a brutal battle, Soldier?. " The captain raised a brow, asking with a calm attitude, yet it was this same reason that Gregory began to feel even more frightened.

" N-N-No Sir!, it's not like that, I was just trying to explain to this kind miss over here how the battle played out, that's all. Right miss crystal?" The soldier stuttered before turning to face crystal with pleading eyes.

" Is that true miss, do you concur with his words? " The captain suddenly shifted his gaze towards Crystal.

Crystal who didn't expect the situation to reverse so quickly turned silent, She stared at the captain before moving her gaze to the pleading soldier before saying.

" No sir, he's lying!. This unruly soldier actually had the audacity to mock I and my father the village head, While also putting a poor victims life in danger by slandering him. "

" Sir, I thought the soldiers of Faeryn were supposed to be honest and chivalrous individuals, but after witnessing what I did here today, If asked by anyone, It would only be right I told them the truth, Don't you think?. "

_ **How Viscous!!!!** _ All the soldiers who had gathered around to witness the commotion all had the same thought in mind after hearing Crystals words.

" I see.." The captain only said a short sentence before turning to Gregory who trembled continuously from his gaze. " As per my orders, You shall be court-marshaled..., From this moment onwards, You shall have no place in Faeyrns Army.... Now leave here at once before you lose more than your position " The captains ice chilling words caused all the surrounding soldiers to shiver in fright. Non of them could've ever expected their captain to be so severe when giving out his verdict, To kick out a healthy soldier just because of a dispute with a simple commoner was something they never expected to happen.

" S..Sir, Please!, I was ignorant. I didn't know Sir, Please don't do this to me!!!" The soldier screamed with pleading eyes as snot and tears came pouring down.

" You dare raise your voice at me?" The captains eyes glowed coldly like a knives edge ready to cleave Gregory in half.

"...!!! " Gregory flinched before getting on his feet and fleeing the scene. Although he was unwilling, He knew that if he didn't leave now then there would be no chance for him to leave ever again.

While running, he turned around to glare daggers at the little girl who had cost him everything he had worked so hard for till now, as he fled, Gregory made sure to mark her face, He swore within his heart they if he eve

r got the chance, he would make her pay a hundred fold!!!.
