Chapter 16: It Can't Be....

Chapter 16: It Can't Be..

Everyone began murmuring amongst themselves at what had just happened, Even Crystal didn't expect the captain to be so stern with his verdict.

Just then, While everyone were still in disbelief, a commanding voice cut through the tension.

“Miss,” the Captain of the reinforcement squadron called out, his tone firm yet gentle. “Come with me.”

Crystal looked up, her eyes full of fear and confusion. The Captain, a tall man with a stern but understanding expression, motioned for her to follow him.

Although she wasn't too sure about what he had in mind for requesting an audience with her, With no other choice, she did as she was told, However, her mind was still swirling with dread.

Inside the Captain’s tent, the atmosphere was heavy. The Captain gestured for her to sit on a simple wooden stool while he sat across from her, his face drawn with fatigue.

“ Do you know why I called you here?, Miss” the Captain began, his voice softer now.

Crystal could only nod, her throat tight with emotion. “ Its because of him isn't it..."

" I really didn't expect him to be so... "

" Destructive?." The captain finished her sentence for her.

Crystal could only nod with a forced smile, " I just…, I wanted to help him,” she managed to say, her voice barely above a whisper. “I never thought…”

The Captain sighed, running a hand through his graying hair. “ Look, here's the truth. I didn't call you here to blame you young lady, I just wanted to let you know that what we faced out there…, it was beyond anything we’ve ever seen."

" Your friend Gift…, I'm guessing with such destructive prowess, He mustn't be from around here then? "

" What are you saying Sir... " Crystal felt worried because of the captains sudden change of tone, She began worrying about just what he had in mind.

" I'm saying that there's more to him than you know.... " The captains expression suddenly darkened at the end of his sentence.

" Here..." The captain retrieved a piece of parchment from a drawer in his desk and placed it on the desk, Infront of Crystal. She took a look at the contents of the parchment, only for her pupils to dilate in shock.


[Name: Unknown]

[Threat level: Second tier]

[Charges: Aiding a Lamia monster and murdering a squad of Faeryn soldiers.]

[N/B: Capture on sight and handover to any Faeryn Kingdom military outpost, to be sent to the capital for further trails.]

" As you can see, This really isn't his first offense " The captain tapped on the wanted order while staring silently at Crystal.

Crystal’s eyes were filled with tears. “But it’s not his fault, is it?. He’s being controlled by that… that monster. There has to be a way to save him.”

The Captain watched her, his expression unreadable. He let out a sigh and stared at the ceiling as if contemplating something.

Crystals eyes glimmered with hope as she said. " There is a way isn't there!. Sir, please tell me, at least let me save him before it's too late. " She pleaded with eyes which were now a tad red from crying earlier.

_Sigh..., I might as well just tell her since Its partly my fault all those soldiers got injured. If only I hadn't underestimated that monster and sent suitable soldiers of at least Second tier, or maybe even made an effort to take down that monster myself before it was too late..._ The captain stroked his chin while contemplating.

“There might be a way ” The Captain said slowly. “But it won’t be easy. The kind of power needed to break whatever hold that creature has on him, it’s not something you can just find anywhere.”

Crystal looked up at him, desperation in her eyes. “I know, just tell me what I need to do,” she pleaded. “I’ll do anything to help him.”

"Hahaha, I knew you were a stubborn one when I saw you."

" But first, Let me see your status window then. I'll see if you're at least capable of knowing the answer."

" O-Of course Sir " Crystal said, then she quickly summoned her status window.

[Name: Crystal Snow «Tierless»]

[Occupation: Not Decided]

[Affinity: Wind, Ice]

[Strength: 1]

[Agility: 2]

[Stamina: 3]

[Skills: Icy wind, ice bolt]

_Impressive.., She actually has dual Affinities!, Not to mention they both compliment each other perfectly._

_ Although her physical stats are a bit low, With this bit of potential, she should at least be able to reach the 3rd tier or 4th tier, Maybe this naive dream of her's could even be accomplished afterall_

_However she's still not at the first tier yet, but if I were to help her with a bit of training, There's no way she wouldn't catch up hahaha, This young lady's talent for magic really is splendid_ His eyes gleamed with expectation.

" Mmmhmm.., You seem capable enough " the captain said with a nod. Crystal felt relived after having received the captains recognition.

The Captain paused, then spoke carefully. “There is a place that would be able to help you, it's called Witch Wood Magic Academy. There, you should be able to find the knowledge and the resources you’ll need. Finding it is one thing but actually getting in is the real challenge. They don’t accept just anyone that comes walking through the door” He chuckled as if reminiscing about something, though this time, he spoke with a bit of warning in his voice.

“I don’t care,” Crystal said, her voice trembling with determination. “I’ll do whatever it takes to save him.” she clenched her fair soft hands.

_To have such a determined friend like yourself, That young man must be truly lucky_

The Captain nodded, reaching out to gently squeeze her shoulder. “You’ve got a strong spirit. That’ll help you more than you know, But remember, this is just the beginning. The road ahead will be hard, and dangerous, witch wood isn't just some backyard mage school, it's one of the best in the kingdom, moreover, most of its students are noble born, It's pretty rare to find a commoner in their ranks so you should understand what I'm trying to say....”

_Nobles?..._ Crystal felt her heart skip a beat at the mention of that world, as the young daughter of the village head, unlike most of the villagers, she was far more knowledgeable about the outside world and the kingdom of Faeryn, When she heard that she would soon be in the mid

st of the true rulling powers of the kingdom she felt as if a huge pressure was begining to press against her.