Chapter 17: The Blur of the Tavern.

CHAPTER 17: The Blur of the Tavern

_Can I really do this?..._ She began to waver, her thoughts fragmenting, yet when she recalled the image of that kind hearted and humorous smile of his, She felt her ideals returning.

Crystal wiped her tears away, a new resolve hardening in her chest. “I’ll find a way,” she said firmly. “I’ll get into that academy, and I’ll find a way to save him.”

The Captain gave her a final, approving nod. “Good. You’ve made the right choice. But don't forget to be careful my dear."

" Those snot nosed brats are a cruel you better not lose yourself in this. I'm sure you're friend wouldn't want you to crumble mid way, You need to remain strong throughout!.”

" I'll try and see if I can get a few friends to at least get you into the Academy's entrance exam, Just know that to actually get in, You'll need to rely on yourself, After your admitted as an examinee, The rest is up to you, So I suggest you head back now and begin brushing up on your magic... "

" Thank you for this great opportunity Sir, I promise I won't let you down... " Crystal stood up from her seat and bowed at the captain, her heart pounding with a mix of fear and determination.

_Hahaha I hope you don't_ The captain chuckled inwardly when he recalled the benefits he would get for recommending such a rare talent to that snoopy academy. Although he was really trying to help her, it didn't mean that he wouldn't try to snag himself some sweet benefits if possible.

Just thinking about the nice reward he'd get made him feel even more satisfied with himself.

Crystal on the other hand was completely oblivious to the captains thoughts, but even if she knew, it wouldn't change anything since without his help there was simply no way in hell she'd be able to get strong enough to 'free' gift from his 'imprisonment'.

As she left the tent, she whispered to herself on her way out. “ I’ll find you, Gift. I promise I’ll save you.” She stared at the clear blue sky with a new goal in mind.


1 week Later....

In a distant part of Faeryn, Within a town known as Riverbend, There was a bustling tavern filled with several figures who were busy enjoying themselves with merriment as they drank and chatted with each other.

Men and women frequented the bar with some of them in pieces of armour, robes and even chainmail. Those in non conventional outfits where known as adventures, A group of individuals who took it upon themselves to clear tasks set by the masses in return for a suitable fee of course.

While the several people within the bar were busy drinking to their satisfaction, A few individuals in matching attire were busy bustling tables with a tray of drinks and refreshments, moving from table to table. One of the figures in particular was a tad too busy, unlike the others, he was moving far more quickly and attending to several tables in a short period of time.

" Hey where's my serving of roasted salamander!" A grumpy me adventurer in a bronze suit of armour called out to the bar.

" Here it is Sir." A calm voice suddenly emerged beside his ears causing him to flinch in fright.

"....‽" When the adventurer stared at his table, his eyes widened in disbelief because right before his eyes was the dish he was asking for. His head quickly began looking left and right, that was when he saw a quick moving figure, vanishing from table to table.

" What about my mug of ale!" A short man with a large beard was just about to slam his fist on the table when a mug appeared in his hand.


" Here you go Sir " The same voice sounded in the dwarfs ear causing him to flinch as well.

" Hey I want my- " A lady in tight fitting robes was just about to speak when a plate filled with a hot serving emerged on her table the next second.

" Hey Gift, Slow it down will ya, Your scaring my customers ya crazy brat " A deep voice was suddenly heard from the bar. Behind the counter was a Brawny middle aged man with an irritated look in his eyes.

" Sorry Boss^^, just trying to help " The three customers stared in disbelief and bewilderment when they saw the figure of a tall and lean figure wrapped completely in white bandages, leaving only his eyes exposed as he stood Infront of the tempting ladies table with a tray held by his side while he scratched his head in embarrassment, an apologetic smile on his face.

Gift turned toward the mature lady in tight fitting robes, whose order he had just completed. “I'm sorry if I startled you in any way miss.” he said with a polite bow, offering a warm smile and although the lady couldn't see his lips, his golden eyes made her feel a sense of warmth for some reason.

The woman’s brow arched slightly in confusion, not knowing what to say since she was simply caught off guard by his sudden appearance.

Gift, oblivious to her flustered reaction, simply gave a quick nod as if he took her silence as a form of acknowledgement and turned away, busying himself with clearing the nearby tables.

‘Fortunately I didn't go too far....’ he thought, his focus shifting inward as his movements slowed to a more human pace, devoid of his usual nanotech-boosted speed. He knew better than to draw unwanted attention to himself… after that earlier blunder, anyway.

‘I really should’ve been more careful,’ he berated himself, recalling how he’d zipped around the tavern in a blur earlier. ‘I’m supposed to be lying low, not acting like a circus performer.’ he smiled wryly.

[I don't think there's much need to worry Sir.]

[In this strange world, I don't think your little speed boost is hardly noteworthy. At most,

they’ll think you’re just some unlucky adventurer doing odd jobs for a coin.]