Chapter 18: From Genius to Learner.

Chapter 18: From Genius to learner

_Well I can't deny the unlucky part I guess_ Gift thought dryly. he couldn’t deny the logic. In this world, which was filled with magic, a bit of enhanced agility wasn’t the strangest thing one might see. Still, he’d have to be more cautious, There was no need to tempt fate.

Moreover, as the evening wore on, and the last of the tavern’s patrons finally staggered out, Sera disguised as a human thanks to a neat illusion spell that concealed her lamia traits, let out a relieved sigh. Her shoulders relaxed, the tension easing as she watched the door swing shut behind the final customer.

As for why she didn't use this ability while escaping from the soldiers of Faeryn before meeting Gift, it was because she couldn't keep it up for long and needed to recharge her magical power ever so often throughout the day whenever she used it because it was really taxing to maintain, but thanks to Gift who covered for her while she recharged her magic power, She was able to keep up this illusion till now thanks to him.

“Another day down,” she murmured, glancing over at Gift, who was almost done wiping the tables with a content expression. “ Thank God you didn’t get us into too much trouble this time.”

“Hey, give me some credit,” Gift protested lightly. “I’m still learning aren't I?."

" It's been close to a week since we came here, and yet your still using learning as an excuse." Sera snickered, a look of amusement on her face.

Gift couldn't help but feel slightly embarrassed from her teasing, his boyish face turning a light shade of pink." Hey that's not fair, at least I didn’t even break anything today, that should count as learning shouldn't it?.”

Sera raised an eyebrow. “Yet you still managed to scare the customers again, almost got the boss angry and almost ran into a few people...”


Before Gift could respond, a deep voice boomed across the now-empty tavern. “Alright, you two!, enough chit chat, Over here!.” The brawny tavern owner, who's name was actually Fredrick, waved them over, his muscular frame nearly dwarfing the bar he stood behind. Despite his intimidating appearance, Fredrick’s tone was more gruff than harsh, his broad face creased with the stern no-nonsense expression of a man who’d seen too many long nights.

“As per the deal here’s your daily pay.” He slid five small copper coins toward Sera, who accepted them with a polite nod. “You did good today dear, kept the drinks flowing and no complaints from the customers, I'm impressed.” He paused, then added with a hint of a smile, “You’re fitting in nicely I'd say.”

Sera’s lips twitched in what might have been an attempt at a smile, though it quickly vanished as her gaze shifted to Gift. Fredrick turned towards the newcomer as well, his brow furrowing slightly. “And you…”

‘Here it comes.’Gift quickly braced himself as if already expecting this.

Fredrick picked up a single copper coin, flipping it idly between his fingers. “You still don’t know what you’re doing, do you boy?.”

“Uh…” Gift rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. “Well, I—”

“ Don't you dare act like I didn't see you zooming around like you had a spell gone haywire again” Fredrick interrupted, his tone bordering on exasperation. “What’s the deal?, this is the 5th time this week you almost gave my customers a heart attack!."

" I'm sorry boss, I really didn't mean to—"

" Shut it, that's what you keep saying every single time and yet you also keep failing every single time!, What gives, you trying to chase me out of business or Are you an adventurer or something?”

“Uh, yes?.” Gift offered hesitantly, a weak smile on his face. He didn’t have any other excuse prepared, and ‘adventurer’ seemed as good an explanation as any.

“Tsk, Figured as much.” Fredrick shook his head. “No self-respecting farmhand or townsman moves like that unless he’s been training. Here's a word of advice for ya, Leave the darn magic to the mages ok and don’t you go breaking anything in my tavern again, alright?”

" Yes Sir!." Gift gave an amiable salute that no doubt looked childish, even Fredrick thought that this clumsy brat was making fun of his words for some reason, yet before he could speak.

Gift suddenly perked up slightly. “So… does that mean I’m not fired?." He asked with shimmering eyes filled with expectations.

Fredrick couldn't help but sigh, his expression softening just a touch when he saw Gifts signature golden puppy dog eyes. “No, I ain't firing ya. Well not yet anyways. But you’ve got to tone it down on the spells got it?. We’re not running a magic circus here.”

Gift beamed. “You got it boss, I’ll be sure to keep the flashy moves to a minimum.”

“Hmph!, See that you do,” Fredrick scoffed, sliding Gift’s coins across the counter, only unlike Sera's, his was only 3 copper coins. “You might be new here, but that doesn’t mean you get special treatment, The better your work gets the more ya earn alright?.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Gift replied cheerfully not minding the lesser pay, While pocketing the coins with a satisfied grin. He glanced at Sera smugly as if trying to say.' See, told you I wasn't too clumsy today!' but she only rolled her eyes at him as if too tired to argue with the childish guy she's been traveling with.

“I guess your improving...” she murmured in annoyance under her breath.

‘Yeah, me neither,’ Gift thought, but wisely kept that to himself, not willing to irritate the cold blooded beauty any more.

Fredrick eyed them both for a moment longer, then let out a low grunt. “Right, off with you then. I’ll see you tomorrow, bright and early. And no stunts, got it?.”

“Understood Cap'in!.” Gift saluted playfully, earning another sigh from Fredrick as the man turned away.