Chapter 19: Consoling the Icy Empress.

Chapter 19: Consoling the icy empress.

As they stepped outside into the cool night air, Sera shot Gift a sidelong glance. “You really need to be more careful. If you keep showing off like that, someone’s going to notice eventually you know.”

Gift already expected her to say this yet he couldn't really refute her words instead he scratched his head sheepishly. “I’m trying, okay?, It’s not my fault the regular pace is so slow. I get bored.” He pouted.

Sera's eyes twitched when she saw his cute expression. “You’re supposed to be blending in,” she reminded him pointedly. “Not standing out.”

He shrugged. “But I’m not standing out that much, right?.”

Sera’s eyes narrowed. “If by ‘not much,’ you mean you’ve already caught the attention of half the tavern’s female clientele, then sure.”

Gift blinked, clearly confused. “Wait… what?.”

Sera crossed her arms, looking unamused. “Tsk, of course you didn’t notice....., That lady practically melted the moment you smiled at her.”

_Ok I'm confused, What does she mean?.._

[Well Sir, if I had to guess, I'd say she's experiencing some effects of Othello syndrome]

_Wait you mean jealousy?_ Gifts lips twitched ever so slightly, he felt a bit speechless because he found it strange to believe that Sera of all people would suddenly start getting jealous all of a sudden because he was talking with a few customers?.

If only he knew that as a Lamia, Sera's specie's were known to be far more emotionally attached than most creatures.

[Correct Sir.] Pixel replied matter of fact.

_You don't say_ Gift didn't know whether to be glad or feel wry at the moment since he didn't think she would start getting this attached to him without them spending that much time together.


“What?, No way.” Gift tried faking a frown, looking at Sera with a face of genuine perplexity as if hiding his thoughts from her. “I was just being polite.” he said with a look of surprise.

“And that’s the problem.” Sera sighed. “You’re too… I don’t know, nice.” She felt like biting her lower lip in resignation.

“I’m supposed to be rude?” Gift asked, incredulous.

“No, just… not so… you,” Sera muttered, struggling to articulate her thoughts.

_Hahaha why do I feel like it feels so good to watch her react this way_ Gift felt a tinge of amusement seeing her cute yet frustrated expression as if she wanted to explain something but couldn't put her hand on it.

[Perhaps your also getting attached as well Sir.]

_is that so?_ Gift replied amusingly as if not against the idea.

“Ugh, forget it. Just try not to make too many friends, alright?” Sera suddenly grumbled as if she really wanted to hit him right now but could only hold it in.

Gift chuckled softly. “Okay, okay. I’ll work on my anti-social skills.”

Sera snorted. “I’m serious.”

“Yeah, I know.” He gave her a sidelong look, a soft smile tugging at his lips. “I promise I'll keep Sera's words in mind next time I'm dealing with others, thanks for always looking out for me Sera.”

“Someone has to,” she muttered, glancing away as her cheeks turned a light shade of red from his genuine words and the sight of his mesmerizing golden sun like eyes. “You’re hopeless otherwise.” she pouted unknowingly.

But despite her grumbling, there was a faint warmth in her voice that made Gift’s smile widen. ‘ Sigh..., I wonder what she'd think if she knew there was another reason I brought us here..., You think she'd get mad?."

[In my opinion Sir I don't think it matters either way since she won't be able to stop you even if she knew]

_Ever the cold one aren't you Pixel_ Gift chuckled inwardly.

[I'm just stating the obvious Sir]

_Hahaha I guess your right, reality can be a bit harsh sometimes...What really matters is how you choose to deal with it...._ Gift thought when the image of his dearest mother emerged in his mind.

_Besides I'm not the one to blame here, since I'm being pitted against those unscientific abilities....._ Gift suddenly recalled the magical attacks he was swarmed with back in crystals village, especially the fire attributed ones, without his barrier he wasn't even sure if his nanotech enhanced body would've been able to handle that onslaught.

_After that troublesome encounter, it stands to reason that I did something to upgrade my arsenal, no?_ he chuckled to himself, unbeknownst to Sera a helpless smile suddenly emerged on his lips before vanishing as quickly as it appeared.

Just from that alone one could tell that Gift wasn't your average naive young adult, in his eyes the world wasn't black and white but instead grey to no end, as for whether this made him a villain or not, in his eyes he was just like every other normal human being trying to survive in this tiresome trial called life.

As they made their way down the quiet street, the two of them fell into a comfortable silence, the tension of the day fading into the background. For now, at least, they were safe.

As for what tomorrow would hold though.....well, tomorrow was another story.


Gift and Sera continued to stroll down the warmly lit streets, the soft glow of lanterns casting their long shadows over the cobblestone road.

_I never knew the night was this peaceful_ Gift thought to himself, a gentle breeze carrying the distant sound of tavern chatter and the occasional clinking of mugs into his ears.

[Perhaps it's because of the change of scenery Sir?] Pixel suggested.

_Perhaps..._ Gift thought while he glanced sideways at Sera, who seemed unusually quiet tonight. She kept her arms folded while they walked side by side, her expression unreadable.

‘I wonder if she’s still upset about earlier,’ he thought, recalling how annoyed she was acting prior. He had to admit, it was strange seeing her so bothered by something so trivial. Sera, after all, wasn’t the type to show such emotions, not to mention that most at times she didn't even show much emotions at all.