Chapter 21: A New Design.

Chapter 21: A New Design.

2 hours later.......

Gift’s eyes suddenly opened up ever so slightly, catching the sight of the dim light from the moon barely filtering through the window of the inn room.

_Gosh it was boring waiting so long, Thank God I didn't fall asleep at some point._ He thought to himself. From the looks of it, he's earlier sleeping posture was simply a ruse, instead, he was waiting for someone else to fall asleep first so he could begin with his plans for the night.

He glanced across the small room, where Sera lay on her bed, her back to him. Judging by her posture, it seemed she hadn’t moved in a while, which meant that she might just be sound asleep as he had predicted.

_Pixel, is she asleep?_ Gift asked to make sure, he really didn't want her waking up now or during what he was planning on doing, like he said prior, he absolutely didn't want her to get involved.

[Affirmative Sir, Her heart rate and breathing signatures suggest that she's fast asleep Sir.] Pixel’s calm voice echoed in his mind.

_Good..., Now I can proceed without any interruptions._Gift let out a quiet sigh of relief. Now that Sera was asleep, he could get to work.

As he hinted before, This town wasn’t just a stop on their way to Wester’s Mage Academy, it was actually part of his bigger plan or to be exact, his little plan he came up with to increase his strength.

His past encounter where by he was overwhelmed by the swarm of Faeryn soldiers was still fresh on his mind. Gift knew that he needed to grow stronger, or at least make an attempt to better understand his capabilities in this new world by testing the limits of what he could do, and this town just happened to provide the perfect opportunity for that.

Though he had already tried it out on some beasts on their way here, he really wanted to see if the results would be any different with far more intelligent beings.

Slowly, Gift sat up in bed, glancing at Sera once more. He knew she wouldn’t approve of what he was about to do. Moreover, He already had an inkling of how she'd react, since she was always suspicious of his experiments on their way here.

Especially anything involving his nano bots. He wasn’t about to drag her into something she’d never understand, so he just opted to leave her in the dark....well for now anyways.

As for what it was he was doing, After countless trial's and error from both him and Pixel, he was able to develop a way to allow his nano bots to continuously self replicate within any person's or creatures bloodstream.

To better understand it, Pixel broke down the stages of the nano bots development within the bloodstream.

After his short research, which seemed horrifying since he only had a short few days to come up with this. Even with pixel who was comparable or even more formidable than an advanced super computer pitching in, it was still a magnificent discovery nonetheless.

Now Gift’s nano bots could self-replicate within a victim's bloodstream through a process akin to biological replication mechanisms.


One of the 6 core aspects he kept in mind when designing them was their Energy Source and Material Harvesting.

Using an Energy Absorption tactic, The nano bots who would no doubt need a consistent energy source to replicate In the bloodstream, were programmed to harvest energy from glucose or other biochemical reactions, much like human cells derive energy through metabolism.

His new Parasitic type of Nano bots were created with the ability to tap into these chemical processes by breaking down molecules such as sugars or lipids for fuel.

As for the Material Harvesting aspect, it was added for replication, he knew that the nano bots would require raw materials. Which was why the bloodstream served as a good provider of an abundance of necessary elements such as iron, carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and other trace elements from blood cells, plasma, and proteins. The nano bots could disassemble these molecules at the atomic level, extracting the necessary components to build more units.

The second core aspect he thought of was the Replication Process, which first needed to go through the molecular construction part of the replication process, where the nano bots, which contained tiny assemblers, which were miniature machines capable of organizing atoms and molecules into specific structures.

Using the harvested materials, these assemblers could piece by piece, construct copies of the nano bots in a similar manner to biological replication, but on a mechanical level. Each nano bot would include instructions in the form of an inbuilt nano computer personally designed by Pixel, which governs the process and ensures that the replication happens according to her precise specifications, with no chance of error.

Then there was the Self-Replication Efficiency aspect, it's main objective was to avoid overwhelming the host body and triggering an immune response too soon, the nano bots would replicate slowly and efficiently, limiting their resource consumption to avoid detection.

This could involve a process where they remain dormant for periods and only activate under certain physiological conditions, such as elevated heart rate (indicating strong emotions) or adrenaline spikes.

The third core aspect of the parasitic type nano bots was Manipulation of their Host's Physiology.

And an aspect of this core aspect was Emotional Influence, where strong emotions like stress, excitement, or fear would lead to increased heart rate and faster blood flow, this could accelerate the replication process.

The nano bots had sensors that detected these emotional states, allowing them to speed up their replication during times of heightened activity.

The 2nd aspect of the 3rd core aspect was Bloodstream Integration, This allowed the nanobots to integrate into the victim’s bloodstream and remain undetected for as long as possible.

By mimicking or cloaking themselves as red or white blood cells, they could avoid detection by the immune system. Additionally, they could interfere with the body’s immune res

ponses to ensure that white blood cells or other defense mechanisms don't attack them.