Chapter 22: Unseen Variable.

Chapter 22: Unseen Variable.

Then there was the 4th core aspect , which was it's Limits on Replication.

The first aspect of this core aspect was Threshold Control, which allowed them to avoid draining too much from the host and killing them, the nano bots would need a mechanism to limit their replication to a certain threshold, such as 10% of blood resources. He achieved this by programming the nano bots to stop replicating once they’ve reached a certain concentration within the bloodstream, after which they would remain dormant or collecting data for Gift.

The fifth core aspect was Communication and Control.

With this aspect in place, Gift could maintain a remote network link to these nano bots, allowing him to monitor their replication and activate or deactivate them as needed.

They would be capable of communicating wirelessly with his own system through secure, encrypted signals, providing him and Pixel with feedback on their replication status and current influence over the host.

And finally , The last and the most incredible core aspect which was their Exponential Growth Potential.

Since the nano bots were capable of self-replication, this process could become exponential. The more nano bots there are in the bloodstream, the faster replication could theoretically occur, until they reach a predetermined cap. However, if unchecked, this exponential growth could lead to blood toxicity or collapse of the host’s systems, something Gift would need to manage carefully to avoid losing his targets prematurely.

In this way, Gift’s nano bots could subtly infiltrate and multiply within a host’s bloodstream, allowing him to use their abilities for surveillance, control, or even gradual enhancement of his own power, without the host realizing what was happening, at least until it's too late.



While Gift and Sera were comfortably rested in bed, trouble was busy brewing on the horizon.

The moon hung low over the town as a gruff-looking man in a rugged, dark cloak stood in the open street, his black and white hair catching the faint light. His imposing figure seemed to cast a shadow over the sidewalk, making people who passed by instinctively give him a wide berth. Not that he cared about these wussies, they weren’t his problem anyways.

Next to him stood a slim, hungry-looking man with jittery movements, his hands wringing nervously as if he were moments away from bolting.

“You’re sure about this information?.” the gruff man asked, his voice a low growl that seemed to rumble from deep within his chest. His eyes, half-hidden under his cloak’s hood, were fixed on the inn at the end of the street, the one run by Jasmine's family.

The slim man nodded enthusiastically, his head bobbing like a bird pecking at seeds. “Absolutely, sir!, The suspicious guy you’re looking for, he’s definitely holed up in that inn. Seen him myself and there's even been a few rumours about him, some even call him a ghost actually." The man blurted out, from the looks of it, Gifts antic's at the bar had finally caught up with him.

" He's real mysterious-like I'll say, Always wrapped up in bandages. It's creepy, y'know?.”

The gruff man raised a brow. "Bandages, huh?."

_Could he perhaps be hiding a few injuries he got in that skirmish in that village I passed through earlier?._ The bounty hunter came to this conclusion when he recalled his time in crystals village, it was actually there that he had come from while trying to claim Gifts bounty before arriving here.

" Sounds like a bad mummy joke if you ask me." He voice said grimly.

"Yeah, a real crypt keeper," the slim man replied with a snicker, before quickly adding, “I mean, not that I know anything about mummies, just, uh, bandaged people.”

_The shit is this idiot even saying._ The bounty hunter shot the wretched man a disdainful gaze

The gruff man stared at the wretched man for a moment, before letting out a sigh that spoke of deep, profound disappointment. “Right then....Here.” He tossed a silver coin to the slim man, who caught it mid-air with the reflexes of someone who hadn’t eaten in days.

“And let me remind you...., If you tell anyone else about this, I don't need to remind you about what'll happen right?." The bounty hunters eyes glowered over the man, sending shivers down his spine.

" Now Beat it.” He added.

The slim man didn’t need to be told twice. With a nod that could’ve been mistaken for a bow, he turned on his heel and bolted down the alley like a startled rat.

The gruff man stood there a moment longer, watching the slim figure disappear into the night. "At least he runs faster than his mouth," he muttered to himself.

Once the slim man was gone, he reached into his cloak and pulled out a wanted poster. The edges were crinkled, and the image drawn on it was a bit grainy, but the face was unmistakable.

It was Gifts, Well to be specific, The image was how he looked back in Crystal’s village. His face was etched with the same furious face during the battle, though the cloak and bandages added a more mysterious air than the poster had originally captured.

The gruff man couldn’t help but snicker. “A second-tier threat, eh?, And a possible third-tier?, For this?.” He shook his head, amused, The bounty hunters eyes flicked down to the bottom of the poster, where the reward had been updated to a hefty ten gold coins.

it would appear that after his little fiasco back in crystals village, The kingdom had decided to give him a proper bounty for his capture.

"Well, well," he said, rubbing his chin. "That’s a nice bonus. A thousand silver coins for one guy. Not bad for a night’s work."

He folded the poster and tucked it away, already thinking about the reward. In this world, the currency was simple, one hundred bronze coins equaled one silver, and one hundred silver coins equaled one gold.

A thousand silver for capturing Gift?, That was a small fortune, considering that a normal

commoners monthly wage was about 1,500 coppers, which was equal to 15 silver coins.