
R-18 ahead. It's just car sex ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

Raum didn't know whether to laugh or to cry. On one side, its got the world consciousness pestering him with rotten shit it'd never ever send down to its host. On another, its got said host that's consciously making rotten shit on every turn.

Furan Shi had failed to entice his pet snake when Camilius suddenly excused himself to the bathroom. What else would he do there but to relieve himself of the heavy load that was supposed to be unloaded into his master? Thus, he couldn't unlock the skill [The Monster].

His mood was at an all time low that he felt he was about to cry at any moment. Ah, why can't he have the good things in life? Maybe he'd just been at a high tide for too long that he deserved this crash.

Being a petty, sulky little thing now that he didn't get what he want, he slunk over to where Snow was frequenting to nowadays.


Snow leopards can't technically roar, so Snow shouted at the top of his lungs as he punched a training dummy. The training dummy gave in with the force, but ultimately bounced back and hit Snow smack in the face, making him stumble backwards. It's made of hay, but it still hurt a bit more than expected. Snow looked over to Aleister at the side with a pouty face.

Aleister cooed. "I told you, this isn't for cuties like you."

Who knew his considerate comment only fueled the fire in the snow leopard's eyes? With another yell, Snow began punching the training dummy without any more restraint. The dummy had no time to bounce back with how fast Snow's fists were, until eventually, it was uprooted and blasted away!

"What am I looking at?" Jinx quietly asked as he shuffled to Aleister's side, watching as Snow huffed out a quick breath. Aleister watched on with a proud look upon his already dashing face.

"As you can see, my snow kitty powers up whenever he thinks he's being belittled." Furan Shi was asking Raum but, oh well.

Ugh, the nickname. How basic. What, if Snow is "snow kitty", then he's "blackie bun" or something? Furan Shi internally rolled his eyes at the man.

Raum rolled it back to him. "Blackie bun is a cute nickname for a bunny rabbit, you know."

「 "I wasn't even talking to Aleister." 」

"But host: clearly you need to master speaking through our mind link."

Snow yelled again in the background as he targeted another training dummy. This time, instead of punching, he propelled himself high in the air, his tail swirling. One leg stretched out and struck down as his body fell, cutting down one arm of the training dummy.


Snow then stopped, fixed his stance, and stared the beaten dummy down, fists clenching at his sides. Those fists unclenched as he regulated his breathing once more, before turning back to Aleister with his charming smile.

「 "It seems Snow is also using his cutesy acting skills a lot these days." 」

Snow ran up to Aleister, and from this distance could Furan Shi hear the snow leopard was purring loudly.

"Oh, my darling cutie pie.." Aleister cooed as he hugged the sweaty boy. Gross. Snow was weakly protesting against the hug, but in Aleister's arms, he found himself succumbing slowly.

But the shitshow wasn't over yet. As Snow tilted his face up, his master gently cupped his cheek and leaned down to kiss him softly on the lips.

Furan Shi was baffled by the sudden development. 「 "S-since when was Snow and Aleister-?" 」

"There was no hot confession scene anymore thanks to Snow asserting himself more," Raum replied in a beat. "With Snow testing Aleister's bottomless limit, they are now engaged in a romantic relationship. Ah, but it's not that intimate yet.

Perhaps the best description for it would be… one sly cat pretending to be dumb and cutesy and the other readily falling for it. Thanks to host, Snow has developed a sugar baby persona on top of his crippling inferiority complex."

No way.

"Yes way. Look at them."

「 "A-and when did it happen..?" 」

"Last night when you were sulking about not getting your v-card spent."

「 "Wh.. what did they do..?" 」

"Eh, just kissed under the blanket. You know who kissed who first."

Furan Shi didn't know how to react to this hot gossip. It's all too sudden. Why wasn't he even aware of the plot's progress anymore? There's no way Snow is suddenly having the fantasy to top his master!

「 "W- why am I even unaware of the story progress???" 」

Raum clicked its beak in amusement. "You were just occupied. Didn't I tell you already that the simple act of Jinx being inserted into the villa compound changed the story?"

Furan Shi quietly snuck away, leaving the two canoodling with each other. "No, that doesn't make any sense."

Outside of the training ground, he continued to mull over the fact that he missed a huge chunk of the story. He missed one of the most essential key points..!

"Host, it's not that important to Jinx anyways. Plus, it would be called voyeurism if you were really there to witness it."

The path outside, riddled with flat, uneven cobblestones, seated between trimmed grass lawns. It was a minute walk until he was stopped by a fork in the road.

He took the left path where the hedge maze was, as it also led to the main house.

Furan Shi glared at the bird flying by his side. "I didn't mean that..! I missed the part where Snow was actually falling for his mafia boss master and vice versa..! Awughhh…"

"Ah, then host is worrying over nothing."

He paused on his tracks at his system agent's words, right beside what seemed to be the outer wall of the hedge maze.

"What do you mean "nothing"?"

"You heard me," Raum paused its wings so now it's just weirdly floating in the air. "Snow doesn't love the master."


Raum began its usual nagging, circling above his head. "It would do you good if you just let the other party explain and not overthink.

As you may know, Snow is planning to be a bulked up snow leopard like his ancestors. So before he loses his.. ugh.. t-twink.. body completely, he's sucking up to Aleister to earn his good graces."

"Oh.." Furan Shi slowly drawled that  single syllable out, and with it a slower nod. "Basically… Aleister was being baited..?"

"It's more like 'Aleister was letting himself get baited by his cute snow leopard who thinks he can really build his body when his genetic makeup would only most likely allow him cutely toned muscles.'"

Raum glared at the sky like someone's actually there to receive it. There was none, but the world trembled briefly during that moment.

The situation wasn't that bad, Furan Shi was just being dramatic. Still, it leaves a bitter taste in his mouth.

The bunnyboy slumped his shoulders and marched forward with lesser enthusiasm than the already measly pre-established bit he got this morning, past the twin kidnappers hiding within the hacked up hedge wall. They were ready to drug him again, but seeing his drooping figure made them hesitate.

Before anything though, Jinx turned to them. "Just… bring me to Anton, you guys."

So he was "forced" to inhale that strange, sweet substance that made him sleep once more.

And once again, after hours, he woke up to Anton pushing more for him to do in his office, which were just a bunch of things even toddlers can do, like geometry and spatial reasoning. However, even as his dizziness had passed, today he couldn't answer properly. Anton excused him with another pocket money, saying he should be buying stuff to lift his mood up.

Camilius didn't find him, that big ahh cunt, and maybe he wasn't even trying, so Furan Shi took it upon himself to walk around within the main house.

He only found his pet python in the dirty kitchen, snacking on something whilst his huge figure was crouched in an awkward position behind the kitchen island. Camilius felt something was off, and he found it when he slowly turned to the side with his cheeks still bloated, his mouth crammed full of roasted frog legs.

"Hh.." he said, some legs falling out of the measly confines of his mouth he can't even close properly anymore. He meant to say hi, but you do know what it was already.

The weirdness of his uncharacteristic posture and deed was so great that Furan Shi momentarily questioned if he should be finding him here at all. "Camilius..?" he hesitated.

Camilius slowly spat out the excess frog legs onto his open palms. That is, everything in his mouth. Otherwise, he feared he wouldn't be able to speak properly. "Yes, bunny master..?"

But the sour, almost bored look on his face made his pet python clear away the saliva-marinated frog legs to a bowl and stand up. Camilius held his hands — nevermind them being wet — and squeezed.

Eugh. Disgusting.

Furan Shi said nothing.

"You alright, master..?"

Again, nothing. He merely gazed up at him without any hint of anything on his small face.


"I was kidnapped."

Camilius stilled.

"I woke up in front of Anton again. Did you know that? I guess not."

Furan Shi was satisfied of his delivery, so, yanking his hands back, he turned on his heel, his lop ears serving as the "hair" that was tousled along, and strutted out.

「 Using skill [Look at Me! lvl1] 」

Thusly, Camilius never took his eyes off the bunnyboy. All he felt at that moment was guilt for avoiding the bunnyboy all morning and for hiding here to eat his frog legs, and then frustration aimed towards himself for not "rescuing" his master from Anton.

It was Jinx's turn to ignore him.

The bunnyboy sat near Anton at lunch, and then at dinner, and after eating he was already gone like the wind. He had visited Snow and even trained with him, but when he was sent to Anton to treat the new bruises he got from there, Camilius was a second too late to catch him.

That night, Furan Shi was pacing back and forth in his shared bedroom. Snow was, as usual, in his master's room doing who-knows-what. His worries, guised as sulking from his pet's lack of attention to him, were surfacing now that he's all alone.

He did not miss the soft scent of this room, as it only reminded him that he's essentially all alone now with his thoughts, without an ounce of the happy hormones he'd all but spent for weeks until today.

Camilius wasn't visiting him for some reason. Perhaps he thought he was doing the right thing by giving Jinx some space for the night? And perhaps he was moping, too, his big figure folded within their shared nest in his room. But this image was not in Furan's mind at the moment.

"Raum, I can't help but feel like something's wrong," he confessed to the small crow that was on the bed, looking fixedly at him with the same old dumb-looking eyes. His feet stopped their back and forth marching to finally face his system agent.

"Whatever the reason, you can tell me," it responded in kind. "After all, I'm your system. Your specialized system, hehe."

It's been on his mind for some days now, but the longer Furan Shi stayed here, the more odd it felt. It wasn't uncomfortable. It's just there, and right now, in his low tide, he can feel it more clearly. "Are you sure you're translating accurately?"

Raum promptly raised its beak in its own protest after its work was suddenly questioned by its host. "My translations are impeccable, mind you. I am not the valedictorian of my batch for nothing..!"

Uh huh. Furan Shi slowly nodded along. It seems he'd ruffled the wrong feathers. But the strange tingling he felt at the back of his brain never stopped.

"Do I really not have a mission in this.. this not-so-slice-of-life story?"

"Correct." It was Raum's turn to nod. "Collect data by experiencing this world yada yada we already went through this three times in the past chapters."



"Wha- i-it doesn't matter, okay?" Out of frustration Furan Shi ruffled his hair roughly, but with his ears in the way he had to do it somewhat carefully. It's a bit ironic if you think about it.

Furan Shi continued, "just… tell me if it's me being OOC."

Both of them sighed at the same time as they deflated.

"Host, just tell me what's wrong and we'll get through it together, alright?"

Its host nodded dryly.

The room was quiet once more, and not even crickets outside would hum them their nightly buzzes. Furan Shi dragged his lazy legs across the carpet, him ending right in front of the mirror.

「 Cute rabbit demihuman— 」

"Raum..!" His sudden exclamation alerted the idle system into anticipatory action, flying off the bed to near him within a span of a second. Or maybe it teleported. Didn't matter either way.

"What is it..?"

Furan Shi already had his eyes off the mirror and was doing his best to avoid doing otherwise altogether. "I can… use my appraising skill on myself..?"

"I don't see why not." Raum tilted its head. "Jinx is technically a character."

With his answer, Furan Shi breathed slowly. And then he carefully panned his vision back to the mirror.

The cute visage of the bunnyboy came into view. Soft peaks of his tousled hair, his skin a dark, rich brown and his cinnamon eyes discerning as much as they seemed to shine. Fluffy lop ears cascaded down his small-framed shoulders, mimicking the soft falls of his uniform, a loose, black turtleneck robe cinched at the waist by a tight-fitting corset.

「 Cute rabbit demihuman, Jinx. Raised at the same orphanage as Snow. An inconsistent character. 」

Oh. Well, that's it, then?

"Inconsistent character?" he wondered aloud, mostly to himself.

"Host can't just pick a route to settle on," Raum cleared up for him. "The world is also confused if you want to target Camilius or not."

"Romantically? Or with blood involved?"

"Irrelevant. Focus, host."

Furan Shi didn't even know how to focus, or where to. "I think.. I'm still thrown off by how aimless this story is, even with the slice of life tag removed."

Ah. It seemed he found his answer saying that out loud. But now what? Furan Shi slowly sighed again before plopping down onto the bed, the mattress sinking slightly with his weight. Raum naturally drew closer to him by hopping across the empty bedside.

"Ah, so you've figured it out," the crow basically confirmed, bobbing its small head up and down in satisfaction. "But now what?"

"I don't know." Furan Shi shrugged. "Die?"

"Eh, sensible."

Raum disappeared into thin air, and at the same time there were knocks on his door. It was Camilius, coming in when Jinx gave him the permission to. Jinx's voice was weak, barely audible, and the door closed only muffled it further, but because it was too quiet around, his pet python fortunately heard the gist of it.

Camilius awkwardly slipped in, his head low. Oh, his tail, too.

"Master.." he murmured as he stood there by the doorway so ungracefully, as though he'd shed all meaning of being a Fontaine right out the door before coming in.

Furan Shi subconsciously raised a brow. "What are you doing here?"

Camilius, even without his master saying it, slowly walked across the room to get to Jinx. The latter didn't stop him.

"If I did anything wrong, then I'm s-sorry."

For an unpredictable man like him, Furan Shi was already surprised he could be a pet to some weak species, let alone apologize to one. But his sincere apology this time was on another level. Of course, he wouldn't waste Camilius' courage. He's not that bad of a person, is he?

So, as he quietly chuckled, he took some steps to help Camilius close the distance between them. And when they met, Jinx pulled him down to his level by the collar of his shirt and glared. "You're late."

Camilius could feel a shudder running down his spine, all the way to the tip of his long tail as he listened to Jinx's gentle, yet measured, voice.

"S-sorry.." he found himself apologizing again, although he didn't know why he was even guilty in the first place.

"Hey," Jinx spoke once again, only this time after pulling Camilius closer. "You're going to school tomorrow, right?"

The python grew confused at the sudden question, deeming it irrelevant to the drama between them.


"Good. Bring me tomorrow. I want to see you study."

Camilius was planning to bring him to school already, even before Jinx had requested — or demanded — it. So he didn't need to think twice and nodded readily.


「 [Mother's Eye] development progress: 83.02% 」

 Raum could feel the world trembling now even if his computations were, in his words, "immaculate and accurate as fuck."

Both Aleister and Snow didn't know Jinx was going out of the villa compound. That morning, with his wound healed enough to go to school, he left with a bloated backpack. His books were in his locker, and his notebooks were thin and stacked in a binder book. Needless to say, Jinx had a lot of space in the bag to stretch his small bunny body.

What he hadn't accounted for was that whenever demihumans shift from human to beast and vice versa, clothes weren't included. As soon as their car was far enough — the last tower of the villa compound disappeared by the viridescent horizon — Camilius opened his bag that was on his lap, and out popped a glaring rabbit.

It seems glaring was bunny Jinx's default expression in his small beast form, although he wasn't truly angry. He hopped out of the bag and morphed back to his demihuman state.

「 "Raum, you said I can only go out of this world if I die, right?" 」

「 "Yes, host. May I ask why?" 」

Furan Shi responded no more.

On the other hand, Camilius was doing his best to appear nonchalant about a cute bunnyboy sitting naked on his lap, straddling his thighs. They were at the backseat, and even though their driver was ever loyal to the Fontaines, it still felt a bit embarrassing to be in this position.

"Master, wha—"

His words were seized shut with a finger pressed against his lips. "Hush, pet." Jinx commanded, almost a whisper into what little space the backseat provided between the two of them.

The car sped on along the empty asphalt road, the fields on both sides stretching on as far as the eye can see. There were only three characters in the middle of this nowhere road: Camilius, Jinx, and their driver at the front.

Ah, and Raum, too, as an auxiliary character. Maybe.

"What are you doing, host?" Raum cautiously asked, but not with a hint of it wanting to stop him. "Your trauma could interfere with your current plan."

Doesn't matter. Furan Shi let himself morph back to his full demihuman form, not accounting for the fact that he'd be naked when he did so on his pet's lap. Or maybe he knew.

「 "You said I can only restart if I die, right?" 」

Raum was hesitant, but was compelled to answer in the end. "Why are you making me repeat what I just said? Basically, yes. I need to remove aliens first, which is you in this case, before I can restart the story."

Camilius, in the background, was freaking out himself. It was his first time seeing a naked bunny demihuman up close. The people of this world have no problem getting naked in front of other people, but to Camilius, it was still…

Gods, Jinx is too small there on his lap. His tail could probably circle around his waist twice. Or thrice, but that would be just him squeezing the bunnyboy.

Maybe that's what he wanted. To squeeze him.

「 "I'm just going to get that one skill. I have a plan, don't worry." 」

Furan Shi, pretending he couldn't notice the way Camilius was eyeing him, languidly stretched an arm to the side, hand seeking to grab his prepared clothes huddled there. His pet didn't even hide how he drank it all in: his lazy movements; his smooth, thin arm, tracing up to his slender fingers; his exposed neck as he turned his head to the side…

Camilius was both afraid and somewhat curious of how fast he could devour this little rabbit. Fortunately for him, his mother's words rung in his head. This is a small, defenseless creature. Unless Jinx would willingly offer himself, Camilius wouldn't pounce.

Like a good pet, he remained still, a mere furniture Jinx was sitting on until he finished with the slow dressing up. Which was a measly oversized sweater and nothing else.

Yes, the oversized sweater thing was necessary. It made him look smaller than he already was.

The little shit, guessing the python's thoughts by scoping them out from his expression alone, didn't budge, even as he pulled the oversized sweater down on his body.

Furan Shi then reached behind him to gently pull the bag off Camilius' lap, gasping softly when he felt his bare skin seated then against the latter's trousers. He smirked.

To Camilius, even as a demihuman that has trouble with thermoregulation, he could feel the growing heat in the air in the backseat. The driver remained oblivious, or just nonchalant about the two even as he could see them clearly in the rearview mirror. He kept on driving.

No way the bunnyboy would offer himself, but boy was Camilius wrong. Furan Shi softly laid his hands on his shoulders and schooled an irresistible pout on his small face.

「 Using skill [Pouting lvl6] 」

「 Using skill [Blushing lvl 4] 」

He felt his face growing hotter, as if he's having a slight fever. Level 4 was still too intense for this newbie host, but for the sake of accomplishing a larger schema, he greatly endured. Ah, but the heat made his eye watery, which in turn added to the enticing look he's trying to achieve.

「 Using skill [Look at Me! lvl1] 」

He had guessed he didn't need this skill. There's no way Camilius would take his eyes off from something like this.

「 Skill leveled up! [Look at Me! lvl1] leveled up to [Look at Me! lvl2]! 」

See? It was the right call.

"Master," Camilius had never gotten used to calling the smaller boy that title, but at that moment the slight quiver in his voice was caused by something else.

He also didn't know where to place his hands. Jinx, sensing the other's hesitance, guided Camilius' hands to his waist, and as the oversized sweater was scrunched, the curves of his waist became more visible.

Camilius imagined what a healthier Jinx could look like. Eh, but Jinx was cute either way.

"Hey," Jinx called out to him quietly, his coy tone doing irreparable things inside the python's already befuddled brain.

Jinx leaned in closer, smiling, as their noses almost touched. "Want to eat a rabbit?"

This would be Jinx's last time in this broken story anyway before Raum would restart it, so Furan Shi didn't bother with being a little more forward and open to Camilius.

Camilius tilted his head in confusion. "You.. know how to eat a rabbit?"

"Duh..?" Furan Shi chuckled and leaned closer, past the other's face and right to the shell of his ear. "So, are you interested?"

His quiet words easily wormed into Camilius' head, like parasites seeking to suck all the nutrients out of an apple.

But even so, he found himself nodding along.

Furan Shi finally got his permission, although with a bit of persuasion from his side. He reached down to unzip Camilius' trousers, and with a little more "accidental" nudging from the knuckles of his bent fingers, the half-resting cock twitched, showing signs of life.

"How are you too easily aroused—"

"What are you doing—"

They spoke at the same time, one shocked out of his skin and the other half amused. They both stilled, as if they were waiting for the other, anticipating a move to continue or to object.

Furan Shi, feeling no resistance from the other even after Camilius' question, carefully proceeded to take care of the rising hemipenes, one hand circling around each shaft. His breathing slowed down, concentrated and measured, and then he began moving his hands down…

He didn't stop with giving the other a free hands-on service. To activate the skill [The Monster], Furan Shi endured a painful poking and probing inside him, the car shaking as though sharing Camilius' wild vigor.

He was stretched, first by his own fingers coated in baby oil. His self-prodding served as an invitation to Camilius. He could only gasp and tighten up when he felt another finger wiggling in, and it wasn't his.

It wasn't pleasant at first, especially with how little the amount of lube the python had applied even after Jinx had instructed to add more. It took a long while of poking around before the bunnyboy froze up and squealed.

Camilius perked in alert, however, the bunnyboy's pheromones gradually permeated through the air, betraying the pleasure the bunnyboy was keeping hidden. Jinx's face felt warm, their breaths a little jagged inbetween their bodies.

The python's finger then curled, making the bunnyboy gasp out and almost close his legs if not for Camilius using his free hand to keep one of his thighs from following the other. Furan Shi wouldn't be able to fully close it anyways as he was straddling the python's thighs. At most, he could close around Camilius' hips.

But oh did that feel both humiliating and arousing to be forced open.

His eyes welled with tears of bliss, of pleasure threatening to burn him alive from the inside out. Camilius couldn't take it anymore seeing the bunnyboy's muddled state. He roughly yanked his finger out, leaving Jinx's own to scissor inside. He needed to be thoroughly stretched, but Camilius had already lost his cool.

He hastily picked up the small bottle of baby oil from the side and poured a good amount on his left penis, his other already-coated hand beginning to stroke it as it was slowly doused in oil.

The scent of the mildly fresh and sweet aroma of the oil mixed in with Jinx's own pheromones, forcing Camilius to throw the small bottle to the seat elsewhere — he didn't care where it landed, nor if he had even closed it properly.

With an arm, he hugged the small bunnyboy around his waist and dipped in, his nose diving right to the crook of Jinx's neck. His scent was strong there, but it was the strongest near the nape that he was tempted to just take a bite.

He realized he wanted to eat this bunny. He let his sharp teeth sink in.

Jinx choked out a whine, a small cry ambiguous to the python's ear. He took it as his cue to dig in.

The car sped on along the seemingly deserted highway in the middle of a green nowhere. From time to time it shook, bounced on invisible bumps on the road, as if it had a life of its own. The windows were coated a brownish black, and either way there was no one to witness a white python and a black rabbit mate inside.

Camilius' grunts and Jinx's cries were muffled within the confines of the moving vehicle. There was the driver, sure, but at the moment there were only two of them there.

Furan Shi was diligently bouncing like the rabbit he is, every bounce producing a nice, satisfying squelch that made him thirst for more. Inside him, deeply.

They were one.

The tension was high and the two of them continued to move together as they slowly climbed towards the throes of their ecstasy.

Until unexpectedly, the python grabbed the bunny's waist and began pistoning harder upwards, slamming home and grinding before pulling back and doing it again. His insides were warm, moist and almost burning hot, tight enough for the python to slide in deeper and fit like a glove.

The car made a small, happy bounce along the wide road.

Furan Shi, lost in the moment, leaned in for a kiss. One sloppy, yet greedy kiss he could barely do to quench the growing thirst in his throat. His body didn't know whether to spill the tears restrained in his eyes or gasp out as he began to spasm, so it did both with every thrust.

It was as if the cock pulsing and grinding within was mechanically pushing the air out of his lungs. He couldn't even bounce properly anymore, so Camilius kindly laid him down on the backseat, his legs raised onto each of the python's shoulders.

In his stupor, he reached out for Camilius' other penis and wrapped his fingers around it. Camilius groaned as he felt those slender fingers seemingly electrocuting his system of pleasure. His hand was sloppily rubbing it, but it was enough to make the other curse out and increase the intensity of his thrusts, if that was even physically possible.

Jinx's pretty eyes rolled back and his spine arched, blossoming chrysanthemum tightening around the hard, throbbing rod that kept plunging inside it in an untimely climax.

It took a few more pumping before Camilius followed, his cock pulsating as it started shooting up and filling the small bunnyboy in his deepest crevices with snake semen. He rode out his orgasm for a while before eventually pulling out, grunting out a sharp breath as he then slumped back against the locked car door.

「 Condition [Bye-bye V-card~] is met 」

「 Host can now use mania skill [The Monster lvl2] 」

They each took their time catching their breaths. The car, now messy at the back with their fluids and the smell of sex, still continued on. Props to the driver for going through that with a straight face.

Anyways, aside from activating his mania skill, the world also sent him rewards somehow, in the form of C points.

A lot of C points.

Still, that wasn't the reason why Furan Shi had pounced on his snake pet.

「 The Monster (lvl 2) - temporarily allows the host to detach nociceptors in their body. Numbing also renders specified body parts useless in the duration. Activates during times the host chooses to hold his breath. Can only be unlocked in a story after the condition [Bye-bye V-card~] is met. 」

When Furan Shi came to, sitting up with a sore lower half, Camilius already had his trousers zipped up. He had a strange look in his eyes, something Furan Shi casually ignored as he instead focused on his own mission. His real mission he gave to himself.

This is a mafia story, but so far he wasn't seeing some action due to his character's new role in it. Or, perhaps Furan Shi was just being impatient that he'd done this…

With a groan, he willed himself to crawl to the other car door that's behind him. The driver decided to give a fuck now after seeing Jinx unlock the car door and open it.

"Master Jinx, please close the door," he said with a little worry and alarm.


The car was driving along a cliff. It would only be death that awaits anyone who'd dumbly fall down, but if that someone could survive the jagged rocks below, then they'd surely die when their broken body would limply slide down to the deep waters.

Furan Shi looked over his shoulder, and seeing Camilius merely gazing back at him, he gave a two-finger salute and jumped off while holding his breath.