Story Card: "But Cats Can't Eat This Much Sugar!"

Level: 0

Tags: 'Animal Characteristics', 'sugar daddy', 'cat', 'cats', 'romance', 'mafia'

Description: A modern world where some animals had evolved and became humans. Snow, a snow leopard demihuman wasted out of the orphanage, was offered a chance to become someone's pet! Aleister, a powerful mafia boss with a reputation for ruthlessness, is the last person Snow expected to take him in. But despite his intimidating exterior, Aleister seems to have a (very) soft spot solely for his new snow kitty.

The rhythmic clickety-clack of the train's wheels along the rails provided a steady beat, creating a rumbling sound that resonated through the car Furan Shi was in.

Other than the sounds, it was dark all around with only the two small slits of a glass window to indicate the time based on the amount of light filtering through. These vertical, thin windows fixed on each side of the car also occasionally allowed Furan to see he wasn't alone in there as the light weakly shone over and over onto the other figures.

There were twelve more demihumans in the car, including Snow, but other than him who was already eighteen years old, the rest were fifteen or younger.

The snow leopard was right beside him in the dark, purring to soothe his own nerves.

Only this time, Furan Shi didn't show any signs of weakness, anything that could make Snow reach out to him and coddle him.

It was a three-hour trip, and Jinx was a very thin bunnyboy. He had to scoot closer to the dirty rags at the side so he wouldn't be too cold. Snow was a very lucky guy to be a snow leopard in this temperature.

He could still hear the stifled cries and the clattering teeth of the poor baby demihumans, and maybe Jinx was one of them. Furan Shi couldn't tell as he felt numb from how cold he was.

「 "Was it really this cold when I joined?" 」

Raum gave no response. The system agent wasn't sure, either. Raum appeared midair only to Furan Shi, invisible to the other characters. "Real question is how did you manage to numb your whole body when the skill specifically states you can only numb one at a time?"

"Heh," Furan Shi was almost smug at the idea. "But didn't you say you only translated my skill into a more comprehensible one? Rules can be bent if it's referencing something so abstract, no?"

He even pointed to his temple, gesturing to his brilliance. The car's frame creaked as the train ran along the curve of the tracks, however, prompting Furan Shi to cup his lop bunny ears.

"Good point," said Raum, shaking its head slowly in its defeat.

The train went on for a long while of silence. As Jinx was only quiet, Snow was also quiet, not knowing whether to comfort the black rabbit or just keep to himself. Personally, he was mature enough to see what's really happening inside their orphanage. Jinx had been mistreated, mostly neglected if not blamed for almost everything that's happening around him.

And the caretakers blaming him caused the bunnyboy to grow more rebellious, starting a cycle of hate and misunderstandings. Jinx never defended himself thanks to his ego, and now he's here in the train, about to be sold off to someplace else.

「 "Raum, tell me more about the brothel I'll be sold to." 」

Thin, holographic windows popped up before him, whose brightness didn't really illuminate the dark car.

「 Brothels are illegal in this country, with most of them forcibly shut down three years ago, year 2027, when the law was first implemented. However, Juicy Bunny continues to thrive under the guise of a club for the rich. Its location at the far side of the country, by the sea, makes it a good hotspot for big shots to 'eat bunnies' to their heart's content. This year, they're celebrating their ten-year anniversary. 」

「 "So.." 」Furan Shi asked through their mind link without taking his eyes off the holographic screen, 「 "... the customers there are rich..?" 」

"Of course," Raum explained. "Their clients are very important people that only got in through invitations from the people already in it.

However, host shouldn't feel too relaxed. These people aren't who you think they are."

"Yeah, yeah. Saint on the outside, rotten pigs on the inside. Eh, but what's the worse they could do to cute wittle bunnies, right?"

"Force them to lick those richlings' piss."

Furan Shi almost choked on his own saliva. "W-wha- whe..-"

Snow, from the side, was immediately alerted by the noise he made. He scooted closer and rubbed the bunnyboy's back with equal firmness and gentleness to soothe his supposed coughing fit.

Furan Shi figured out two possible character developments for his character, Jinx. In his first try, he made Jinx a cutesy little bunny that can fight with a python, but remained quiet most of the time. But that was what caused Snow to bring him to the Selvans/Fontaines in the first place. So he went for the second route, one that's in the original story before he'd tampered with it.

He swatted the catboy's hand off him with an elbow. "I'm fine..!" he growled in an attempt to sound scary. He could only apologize to the snow leopard in his heart.

Snow, however, only saw it as the bunnyboy playing brave to protect his cute little ego. He played along and chuckled quietly, before moving away to calm someone else there.

The train exited the long underground tunnel and made it to the seaside railroad, the light finally illuminating the inside of their car. It was still a little dim from the small size of the windows, but it was enough for him to see the eleven other snotty children stuck with him in there, huddled on their own.

The hamster in his beast form, the five dogs, the fox, the pig, the runt horse, and the two cats. They were only here either because there were too many children of their species in the orphanage, or with the case of the fox and Jinx, they're too unruly to manage.

「 "W-would I be swallowing someone else's piss..?" 」


Furan Shi suddenly had doubts about his plan to head to the brothel.

He willed himself to think about his plan. Actually, it wasn't a plan. He was only baiting himself that his data collection would be wider when he's outside of the perimeter of the main characters' story frame. Maybe outside of the villa compound, he'd be able to experience the world better.

Well, system-wise or something. Jinx would still suffer story-wise.

Soon, the train stopped at its second to last destination. Furan Shi didn't need to stare out of the opening car doors to see Camilius there interacting with the orphanage staff. He'd hand two briefcases, Snow would be ushered out, car door closes, and then the train would proceed to the final destination where they'd be transferred to the third vehicle of their transport: a green van.

They're products, Furan Shi carved into his mind. And he's headed to a club for rich people. Even though his life would be hell, he couldn't help but think about the possibility of still getting taken away by one of the rich people there. Maybe he'd be someone's favorite and he'd be reserved to that one person alone. And then…

He quickly snuffed those thoughts out. He'd wanted to be a sleeping princess, but after experiencing two months of not doing anything in that damned villa compound, Furan Shi thought he had this change of heart.

He's going to be a powerful princess instead. A temptress; a femme fatale, but like, femboy-wise.


The hotspot for perverted richlings, as they may know Juicy Bunny as, with their motto, "The burrow of your inner beast."

Furan Shi can do one better: "Hop into the rabbit hole" or something. Anyways.

It was an establishment founded in 2020, the prime year for the declining rate of bunny rabbit birth and a somewhat fluctuating mortality rate of the same species at the same time. It didn't even have a name, as it was an innocent, unseeming club by the bay in the countryside for the Ursari Brotherhood, the most notorious mafia group at the time led by the Morano Bear Clan. The founders, who were three brothers — not biologically; one's a polar bear, another a panda, and the eldest a brown bear — somehow decided to rebrand one day after joining what's now known as the "four powerhouses of the state."

They started selling small rabbit demihumans along with their liquor, and they expanded to catering to the three other powerhouses and a few associates. Needless to say, Aleister Selvan's joined groups was one of them, although the human never really allowed his family to go there. Understandable, but he had to send at least five every month, including himself, so his alliance with the other powerhouses could remain intact. Other than that, he made an internal agreement not to go there as much as possible.


This shouldn't be diverting back to the main characters, but here we are. Let's ignore that part about Aleister's group. Ah, the power of the protagonist halo even the author couldn't help but get affected by.

The green van dropped Jinx, and then he was picked up by another van, dropped, picked up, yada yada, which took perhaps four hours because of the paperworks, until he was ultimately sent to a hidden rest house thirty minutes away from the establishment for a health check up.

Everyone around him made it seem like Jinx was really getting adopted into a large family with weird practices and secrecy.

The people there weren't immune to his debuff, however, that their first impression of the black bunny rabbit could be summarized into one sentence: "uh oh, I hope we won't get jinxed by this young brat."

Jinx wasn't even acting like a basic brat yet. But eh, 「 Debuff [Superstitions] in effect 」, amirite?

They've handled rabbits with black fur, but they come mixed with other colors. Black wasn't even a major part of those bunny rabbits. At most, one bunny rabbit had a black heart-shaped spot under her navel, and that's the most black color they'd seen in a rabbit.

Jinx, in short, was an ambiguous product to them. Whether he'd be a menace or a charm, only his training could determine. So while it's still early, they'd do their best to train this rabbit to be pliant.

He was assigned a room in the luxurious rest house that almost made him feel like he was truly in a loving family. There was another bunny rabbit demihuman there, just in the other room, who was introduced to him as his elder brother. His name was something Furan Shi had already forgotten as soon as he entered his bedroom, but at least he could remember that he was seventeen years old.

He plopped down onto his bed. Everything was already arranged in his "bedroom", from the cringe wolf boy group posters hung around there to the socks in his closet. The connected bathroom even had the basic necessities a bunny rabbit could possibly ask for.

Under the bed was a chest, and when Furan Shi pulled it out and opened it, it was filled with toys. Toys any teenagers shouldn't really know, ideally. Furan Shi deflated after seeing no twin dildos there.

He wasn't a fan of cuffs or anything that restricts his control, really, but as someone who had lived in this world once, he could only admit that he had willingly signed up for this. He partially regretted letting go of the golden spoon that was offered to him, the very golden spoon he'd rejected out of boredom. Maybe he'd been impatient or somewhat impulsive with that decision, but he's already here.

He'd just make sure he would never ever lick anyone's piss. Ugh.

He took a quick bath to rid himself of the nasty smell of dirty rags that got stuck to him. After that, he casually tossed his dirty clothes to the trash bin at the side and came out wrapped in a fluffy towel.

Someone's waiting for him, apparently, and the man was seated on the bed.

He stilled by the doorway to the bathroom, hand frozen at the knob.

It's a bunny's flight or fight response, except his was freeze. Jinx may be an unmanageable kid, but he knew not to mess with intimidating people.

「 Horny daddy who knows how to keep it in his pants, fortunately. A grizzly bear demihuman, maybe 6' flat, maybe an inch taller, who knows when his leather shoes have heels. Works out」

The man also had dark skin, but it was two or three tones lighter than Jinx's. Furan Shi couldn't really estimate the approximate shade. He had a dirty brown hair that was ruffled and then combed to the side in a way that suggests he didn't really care about appearances, and with that almost only his left bear ear could be seen, protruding to the side from the spot far high above his temples. But his eyes were what made Jinx freeze up. It seemed as though he had a pair of soulless black eyes staring deeply into Jinx's, that Furan Shi's soul itself trembled.

"S-sorry, who are you..?" Rather than asking Raum, Furan Shi had figured its best to ask the man himself to fill in the thick silence in the air.

His question hung in that same silence for a while before rhe man suddenly chuckled, standing up to cross the room with only a few steps thanks to his long legs.

Furan Shi could at least tell the man was well-chiseled beneath that three-piece suit by how the fabric poorly stretched intermittently, but it only reminded himself of his nakedness covered by a measly towel, some droplets of water trailing down the exposed parts of his body.

The man shamelessly followed those droplets as he languidly swiped his tongue avross his bottom lip. "You're too thin." He concluded, though, before clapping his hands in the air twice.

On cue, two fox maids rushed in and started sweeping with their hands whatever appliances they could use to take care of Jinx. His towel was pulled off before he could stop them, but they were swift enough that the bunnyboy forgot his embarrassment. They were acting swiftly to the man's satisfaction.

Jinx was wiped dry, hair blow dried, dressed in a long-sleeved shirt and a fucking skirt, and then the maids exited without a word. 5/5 for the seven-minute service, even though he was put in a skirt. Furan Shi at least knew how to blame the boss they answer to, not the staff. Most of the time they're innocent and only follow orders from a higher up.

And that higher up is this man with the dirty brown hair.

"You can call me Daddy—" the fuck? "—Uno," the man inteoduced himself with a matchinf wink. "Oe just daddy if you want."

He sighed in defeat after seeing the bunnyboy cringed. It was subtle, but he can read people with relative ease. And in this case, Daddy Uno surmised he'd best be strict to this bunnyboy if he wanted to train him to perfection like the rest of the bunny rabbits in the club.

Furan Shi might've gotten used to Aleister, so he flinched when his thin wrist was suddenly grabbed by the man, and he was yanked down with him on the bed. He ended up sitting on the man's lap, with the man glaring down at him.

"Say it," Daddy(ugh) Uno muttered, almost through gritted teeth as he grabbed the bunnyboy's jaws. "Who's your daddy?"

Surely, this was a level 0 world. That wasn't to say the man's grip didn't hurt.

Instead of cringing, Jinx winced from the pain, that he was forced to say, "y-you are my daddy.."


"Daddy Uno.."



Tears brimmed in the poor bunnyboy's eyes from the pain. Daddy Uno felt satisfied. He pulled Jinx in and crashed his lips against the other. Furan Shi had no choice but to take on the passive role.

「 "Corn snake is far better than this brute." 」 Raum commented from somewhere. Obviously it didn't help much, but at least Furan Shi had someone to share his trepidation and disgust with.

「 "Yeah," 」 Furan Shi easily agreed in his mind.. 「 "And lemme guess: the two other daddies are named Dos and Tres?" 」

「 "Unironically, yes." 」

Furan Shi was left to deal with the man kissing him after Raum didn't continue the conversation any further. Daddy Uno pushed his tongue in, almost making the bunnyboy retch if he just wasn't a good kisser. Eh, he didn't know how that logic would work.

He parted his lips so the tongue could prod in and claim everything it can touch. The skin of his teeth, his tongue, his fluids. His mouth. The man's hand snaked around his waist, reaching his short bushy tail behind and squeezing it, the other crawling under his skirt and inbetween his thighs to claim one of those. Bunny demihumans, no matter how healthy, have relatively plump thighs and hips as their rabbit predecessors.

Furan Shi took it as a sign to push himself away from the man, but Daddy Uno's arm around his waist coiled more to trap him in place.

"I see you still need to be trained," the man muttered as he glared down at him with annoyance, but also a hint of thrill behind that finally gave his eyes a soul. A sadistic soul, that is.

「 New! Mission: Earn the Moreno brothers' trust. Progress: 0/3 」

「 "What's the reward?" 」

「 Reward: 3k C points, 1k each brother. 」

Ew. Jinx was not about to start a harem here.

「 Ding! Mission: Kiss back ahaha you don't need to start a harem fufu.. just let them eat your tofu and this sister may double the rewards ;) 」

Right. The world can talk to him through missions. Back to Daddy Uno.

He grunted when he felt the bunnyboy suddenly sucking his tongue as he kissed back. Jinx's arms wrapped around his neck, fuelling the fire of lust that had already started in the man's guts.

Their heads moved as they kissed each other, tongues and teeth clashing, until Jinx had to pull back to catch his breath. Daddy Uno fortunately allowed him, chuckling with his dark voice huskied from almost losing his composure.

"Breathe through your nose, dummy."

Jinx lowered his head, face heating up in his anger. The bear man took it as him being coy. "Y-yes.."

"Yes what?"

"Yes, daddy.."

Daddy Uno kissed his forehead. "Good boy." Jinx was lifted off his lap and sat down onto the bed. He stood up and left the bunnyboy's room with the words, "come down for dinner at six sharp. We'll be waiting for you."

The way he closed his door was gentle, with it only producing a soft click as it settled in place, as though he wasn't rough with the bunnyboy just now. To his standards, that was still him going easy on anyone. He didn't know why he was even going easy in the first place.

"He's too thin," he said, internalizing this alibi as he walked away.

The oblivious bunnyboy remained in his room, punching his pillow. He got a sense of deja vu, but shrugged it off and continued to punch the poor pillow hard and fast, faster than a kangaroo could.

"Fuck.. fuck you and your.. your shitty tongue..!" he yelled just under his breath in case there was a guard assigned out the door who would tell on him.

"Fuck you and your stupid brothers! Fuckity… fuck your fucking face!"

He ran out of breath, eventually. He slumped limply onto the violated pillow, like a little ragdoll.

Raum didn't know whether to tell the host about the surveillance camera hidden somewhere in the room, recording live. But Furan Shi was so far immersed in his character and the story, so it didn't bother.

The fatigue from travelling all morning that was followed by the fresh bath, on top of his punching just now, lulled him to sleep. His body was too tired that he eventually gave up, consequences be damned.

It was a dreamless sleep, but just ebough for his muscles to rest. A moment of relaxation, turned into a minute, then an hour, until Raum showed up in his dream as a fuzzy corvid, glitching at some parts.

It was saying something. In his dream, he furrowed his brows in confusion and squinted his eyes as if that could help him hear better.

The crow slowly became clearer, and finally he heard it. "Wake up..!"

He snapped his eyes open. Someone was holding him by the shoulders and shaking him for some time now, only stopping when the person noticed he was finally roused from that deep sleep.

"Jinx..!" the person cried. "You're late to dinner! Come on..!"

It was another bunnyboy, with curly caramel hair and mesmerizing green eyes as clear as polished emeralds. Oh, it's his "elder brother". He didn't have time to remember the other bunnyboy's name as he was dragged out of bed as soon as he's awake, like the other was scared of something.

He almost couldn't keep up. With his free hand and the cuff of his sleeve, he groomed his face to make himself look decent, rubbing the sleep away as they took two steps at a time down the stairs.

When they reached the dining area, there was the three brothers seated around the big round table.

「 Left: Daddy Uno. Middle: A male panda bear demihuman. Shortest of the bunch, but still far taller than the average demihuman. Right: A male polar bear demihuman. The most aggressive of the three despite being the most quiet. Also the tallest of the three. Stay vigilant. 」

"Thank you, Chai." Ah, it's not Caramel :(

The bunnyboy named Chai walked hurriedly towards an empty seat with the already filled plate in front of it. Only one seat remained empty, perhaps for Jinx, but Daddy Uno's command made his back rigid.

"You can eat on the floor now."


Jinx gawked ahead, like Daddy Uno grew a mushroom on his head. "Disobeying me, bunny?"

Furan Shi felt the same pressure he'd felt from earlier, when those soulless eyes were intently trained on him. He felt the shivers crawling under his skin that he was forced to whine out. "Sorry… daddy.."

He walked to Daddy Uno's side and knelt on the floor with his bun sitting on his folded legs. He received a nice heat pat. "Good boy." He made sure to look as pleasingly adorable as possible for the big man, batting his wet lashes and blushing as he averted his gaze.

「 Using skill [Blushing lvl4] 」

「 Using skill [Teary Eyes lvl2] 」

「 [Using skill [Look at Me! lvl 2] 」

But really, Furan Shi, the princess wannabe, is getting emotional over being ordered to eating on the floor. Once there, Daddy Uno placed down a bowl of stir-fried vegetables, which aroma immediately changed the bunnyboy's feelings.

He slowly bent down and began to eat like an animal. At first, he'd thought of morphing to his full beast form, but then again, Daddy Uno wasn't giving him any order to go for it.

A tear fell off his eye and landed into the bowl. He froze. Daddy Uno froze. Quietly, he lifted his chin and held the bear man's gaze with his melancholic, pitiful one that can hopefully move even the coldest man alive.

Daddy Uno eventually had to give in, but he patted his lap when the bunnyboy stood up. "You can eat here." He cracked a small grin, which Furan Shi cursed in his head.

Stupid. Stupid. Fuckity fuck fuck fuck you to the bone marrow and back!!

He hesitantly sat himself on the man's lap. He could feel the pervert's warm breaths on the nape of his neck, and felt even more trapped when Daddy Uno's arms were on each of his sides, hands on the table as he resumed eating.

From time to time, Jinx was spoon-fed with a new bowl of stir-fried vegetables. It was a weird experience, and throughout dinner he felt the gazes of the other brothers around the table were on him. Again, he almost retched.

If this is his new life from now on, he'd have to adjust. He has to gain the trust of these bears so he could be permitted to go outside more. He didn't expect the brothel to be a high profiled one, something he couldn't exactly escape from to experience as much as the world around the story frame as possible.

Maybe he shouldn't have restarted the story.

He couldn't dive too deep into his thoughts as Daddy Uno was getting aggressive with his spoon-feeding when he couldn't open his mouth properly.