"Stupid! Stupid! Fuckity fuck fuck fuck you to the bone marrow and back!!"

Furan Shi was punching his pillow again. Raum watched on like a proud father.

The system thought Jinx was going OOC when he cried in front of Daddy Uno, but now that he's punching the pillow, he's all clear.

「 "How old was Daddy Uno again?" 」

「 "The grizz and the panda were both in their mid thirties. The polar bear was two years younger." 」

「 "Euhg.." 」 Furan Shi visibly winced at the mention of their ages. 「 "They're too old, then. Ughhh…" 」

They're not that old. But with Furan Shi's character, Jinx, only fifteen years old in the Common calendar, they are too old for him.

But then again, this is a world chock full of loopholes. Jinx was technically a young bunny adult, but even then there's morals to consider. For example his mental age as a seventeen-year-old transmigrator.. Ah, too hard.

Let's just put everything in the hands of fate.

Furan Shi got tired of punching the pillow, so he got up and decided to go to his favorite place as of late, hopping in every three steps he took. He eventually reached a certain door on the opposite wing.

"Good timing, bunny." It was Daddy Uno who greeted first when he opened the door. Furan Shi almost stumbled backwards as he was just about to knock.

"Daddy..!" he cheered. Daddy Uno was almost delighted to hear that. He also let the dumb bunny hug him.

After a while of soaking up the bear's warmth, Jinx tilted his head up and flashed his cute, sparkly doe-like eyes, like he wasn't punching his pillow earlier and cursing this very man he's hugging. "What is it about, daddy~?"


Daddy Uno cleared his throat — he almost got fooled by that adorableness. "We're going somewhere today," he answered as he patted the bunnyboy's head. "And if you'd like that place, you can work there."

Furan Shi froze in the man's arms. Ah, the Juicy Bunny.

He's so not excited to go there.

The establishment was thirty minutes away from the resthouse, on a cliffside, with a good view of the sea and just overall a great place to hang out in. Well, for rich bitches 'n bastards. On the outside, it was the shape of half a yacht, seemingly suspended over the cliff.

An innocent clubhouse for VIPs that even some known politicians visit it, yes, but only these people knew of the deep basement built into the cliff, away from everyone's view. It was, as you may have guessed it, renovated to contain the illegal selling of bunny rabbit demihumans for a good time.

There are two reasons why they were never caught yet despite them operating for almost a decade already. One, it's handled by the mafia that's backing the local government of the province.

Two, the bunnies never complained.

Biologically speaking, smaller critters who'd evolved through time to be more intelligent still lack some.. well, intelligence as the other family groups, particularly compared to those classified as predators. So, even as bunny rabbits have become more demihuman, they still are driven most of the time by their instincts.

Cower in front of predators. Seek attention from those who can give it. Eat when hungry, drink when thirsty, sleep when sleepy… and have sex when in heat.

They were also the reason why contraceptives and other birth control products were cheap, but that's a story for another time.

For now, it could be said that Juicy Bunny continues to thrive majorly because the bunnies, or the products, themselves willingly — technically — signed up for it, to be fucked and hsed by these rich customers.

They wanted to be there. Free food and money on top of sex, that's a bunny for ya.

And then we have Jinx. There are actually some bunnies that are smarter than their peers, ones that break the mold to get their proper education and compete with the bigger demihumans economically.

Jinx, amplified by the transmigrator residing in his body, Furan Shi, truly broke the mold.

When they arrived in the yacht-like structure, Daddy Uno held the bunnyboy's hand, primarily to make sure Jinx won't be running away at first sight of what's to come and meet him. It was also to create the illusion that Jinx was safe.

When they descended with the elevator, and then stepped out into the underground hall, he felt the bunnyboy clutching his hand back.

"Are you liking the view so far, bunny?"

Daddy Uno led the way, dragging along a seemingly petrified Jinx. It was only the top floor where the underground lobby is. The bear man was handed a Ursari mask, a black bear with a red nose that only covers the top half of the wearer's face. Jinc was also made to wear his own mask that represented the Ursari group.

They went down in another elevator, and when it opened, Jinc unconsciously held Daddy Uno's hand tighter. Oh, he may be getting excited.

The bunnies in here were, so to say, half-intoxicated. In the air wafted a strong sweet pheromone scent that served as their aphrodisiac.

That floor was a big hall with chaise lounges at the sides, and then a big cage-like ring in the center where they host shows. A luxurious gold chandelier was suspended high above it.

Everyone else there but the bunnies were wearing masks that represent their own gang. Most were Ursari, and then Tigris, some Corvus, but the last group was missing in action. Despite it, the debauchery around him was enough for Jinx to blanch.

Initially, Daddy Uno was starting to be thrilled at the thought of Jinx getting heavily influenced by the pheromones. Maybe soon, Jinx would be eager to join in on the action and finally sign a contract to willingly work here.

But as he looked back, his face fell. "What's wrong with you now?" he asked, a little urged as he nudged the bunny by the shoulder with a hand. "Do you not like what you're seeing?"

Jinc was unresponsive at first, eyes firmly glued to the scene before him. Bunnies bent over everywhere. On a table, the chaise lounge, some even riding people, getting whipped, cuffed..

He yanked his hand back from the shocked bear and started to run when he successfully did so. Daddy Uno didn't even need to follow him, however.

Jinx slammed against someone— "ahh..!" and almost fell. He was luckily held by his wrist by the man he had bumped against, so his body was just slightly dipped down.

He slowly lifted his face up. In front of him was a man wearing the missing Serpenti mask, although Furan Shi knew the man was no serpent.

"M-master Aleister..?" he'd uttered in his surprise. The man responded with a raised brow and a slight chuckle.

"You know me?" said the flattered man. "Although, it would be wise not to disclose such information out loud, yes?"

The bunnyboy could only muster a slow nod. Aleister corrected the bunny's position upright before walking past him to greet the grizzly bear behind.

But in Furan Shi's mind, he was mildly panicking.

「 "Host, I told you it's alright to say his name by mistake." 」

「 "Not OOC? Erm.. I mean.. what if Aleister thought it was weird and then he'd trace something that could ruin the story?" 」

Raum decided not to entertain him anymore.

「 "Raum? Ughh one star! One star!!" 」

Jinx finally spun around to find Aleister's back to him as he was already deep in a conversation with Daddy Uno. The bear noticed him and beckoned him to come closer.

"Right," he started, slinging an arm around the bunnyboy's shoulder as soon as Jinx fell in beside him. "This is the new bunny I'm training."

He let his hand wander down the bunny's arm, down to slide around his waist. "He's still a little thin, but he's smarter than most rabbits out there."

He didn't know the extent of the bunny's intellect, though. Anyways, his hand slid lower to slide under the bunny's skirt and knead his butt. Jinx quietly whimpered.

"He's very pliant, though. He'd learn in no time. Ah, and maybe he'd be the bestseller out there as a black rabbit. That's why I'm promoting him to you now."

Aleister was listening and nodding along, playing a visible smirk across his beautiful face as he eyed the bunny down.

「 "Is this really Aleister??? He can smirk???" 」

「 "Obviously, host, he's just pretending to be a badass." 」


"So, what can you do, bunny?"

Aleister kicked his feet up onto the low coffee table before him as he leaned back into the couch of the VIP area. Being one of the most trusted allies, he was given a night with this bunny by one of the Moreno brothers.

In other words, he'd be the first to sample this bunny rabbit if it's any good in bed at all.

But there was a slight problem.

After Jinx had sat down on his lap, they both didn't know what to do next. Raum won't instruct Furan Shi to keep it all PG. Eh, it was a futile attempt when the boat it was trying to save was already riddled with holes since the very beginning when it set sail.

Jinx, on his part of trying to salvage the situation, leaned in carefully. No, he wasn't planning on taking his big brother Snow's man away.

"I can do math..?" he suggested in a small whisper against Aleister's ear. The latter gasped, not in arousal.

He grabbed the bunnyboy by the shoulders and pushed him at an arm's distance, showing the other his stupid grin. "No way! Statistics?"

"Ehrm.." Furan Shi awkwardly trailed off. Aleister's face fell as well.

That's another problem. They don't have anything in common when they're both bad at taking the lead in conversations.

「 "Raum, a little help here?" 」

「 "You have a very high potential. You can do it! Or not. You can just browse the system store. Here." 」

A window popped up before him. Aleister didn't seem to be able to see it.

Welcome, new host!

"Master…" Furan Shi started again, hoping to stall time so Aleister wouldn't suspect anything weird. But they were both occupied by their own thoughts to notice anything weird about each other.

"Mm… yeah?"

Current C points: 16, 100

"Maybe I can…"

Loading products… please standby…



Daddy Uno was entertaining other guests in the other room, but from time to time his thoughts naturally flitted back to the bunnyboy with the Serpenti matriarch. It's even weird to call a man a matriarch.

Aleister Selvan was a fairly new face in their circle, taking the mantle somehow from the great mobster Alodia herself. She was the perfect Serpenti, ruthless and selfish to protect what's hers. As for Aleister, Daddy Uno couldn't get so careless with him for now.

He's only human, but the fact that he can still take over leadership like that was a great feat that made him a mysterious character.

For instance, all the hidden cameras installed in the other room somehow lost connection as soon as the two had entered, broadcasting only static whichever camera he flipped to. But suddenly entering the room to stop Aleister and Jinx from doing things there could compromise their alliance, so for now all he could do was wait for them to finish.

And maybe also hope for Jinx to still come out in one piece because he was still untrained. He was only sent in there as a gift for the new Serpenti boss to defile. Maybe he likes virgins. Maybe not.

However, the surprise in his face was palpable after seeing Aleister and Jinx already coming out. It didn't take them more than an hour? Huh??

Jinx hopped over to his master and hid behind him. Aleister was following, but stopped when he saw how Jinx was hiding behind the bear man with his ears down. Stupid idiot forgot Jinx has naturally lopped ears.

"I want him," Aleister offered, pointing right at the bunny. No, it sounded more like a demand with his smooth, deep voice. "I'll pay triple of what you bought him with."

Daddy Uno, as a quick, thoughtless response, slung an arm around the bunnyboy's shoulders. "I'll think about your offer, Serpenti. But I suppose you found him enjoyable? Plump enough to feed you?"

Aleister chuckled and waved his hands. "Haven't defiled him yet." Not that he was planning to in the first place. "That's why I want to buy him. I'd rather enjoy a new product in the comforts of my home. After all, I do need a bed warmer."

「 "Seriously, where did Aleister pick up these slang terms?!?" 」

「 "He's socially awkward in the wrong settings lol and he also is good at acting in the wrong settings" 」

Somehow, Daddy Uno felt unsatisfied the more their conversation unfolded. So much so that he'd subconsciously pulled the bunny to his side.

"I will consider it, Serpenti. I will. Excuse us."

Daddy Uno bowed his head and promptly left, dragging along a stupefied rabbit demihuman. When Jinx momentarily looked over his shoulder, he swore he could've seen Aleister with this triumphant grin before he was yanked to walk faster.

They speed-walked past the room where he was supposedly tasted by Aleister, and then past some more open rooms filled with pheromones and moans. They reached the elevator and descended again to where the private rooms were.

The doors opened, revealing a long hallway with doors lining each side. Daddy Uno led him to the last door on the right.

That room had a big heart-shaped bed in the middle, a glass wall at the side where the small bathroom is, cabinets and closets on the other side. The wall at the back of the bed was made of fortified glass, which allowed them to see that the room was at the deeper part of the cliff. The view outside was what's beneath the water surface, with small fishes swimming around.

But that's not what Jinx was dragged there for. He was seated on a cushioned chair there at the corner where the round tea table was, Daddy Uno taking his own seat.

"What did you and that man do in there?"

Furan Shi subconsciously lowered his head when he saw that intense gaze that could very well burn him alive. Daddy Uno, unsatisfied with his attitude, pushed his head back up by pushing a finger under his chin. What greeted him was Jinx's soft doe-like eyes, innocently looking back at him that he couldn't help but coo.

"I gave Master Aleister a great time..~!" he lied through his cheerful smile. "I made sure I ate his carrot—" lies— "and drank all his seeds~!" More lies.

Daddy Uno should be satisfied, but somehow stiffened instead at the revelation. Aleister did touch the bunny rabbit. "What else?'

"He… he took off his mask and we kissed.. hehe..~"

Furan Shi needs to stop lying. It's having the opposite effects on the grizzly bear. The latter was already gritting his teeth to control himself. "Nothing more? He hasn't really touched you yet?"

And just then, the door bursted open. The two in the room whipped their heads to watch Daddy Uno's men take in a man with a burlap sack on his head. A very tall, slender man with a silky white skin and a thick, long tail that hugged around his waist to minimize his space intake. He wasn't struggling.

Daddy Uno raised a brow. "Report."

One of the men left the tied up man to his colleague to take a step forward and salute. "This young man had been spotted lurking around the establishment, but when demanded, he failed to show a card or an invitation that shall serve as proof that he knew this place."

"I told you I already know this place..!" A familiar voice..! "I just need to find my bunny amd I'm off your hair..!"

"Remove the sack." Daddy Uno clicked his tongue. The nearest subordinate roughly pulled the rag away, revealing to Furan Shi a very familiar face. The very familiar young man who he'd stayed with for some months before he restarted the story.

Their gazes clashed, one unsure and the other determined, until the bear man slid inbetween them, right in front of his product to block him from the serpentine man's view. Daddy Uno had stood up at some point.

He closed in on the serpent man with a mix of frustration and disbelief playing in his own eyes. A smirk formed on his face, but failed to show mirth behind it. Not that he wanted to seem pleased in the first place. "My, aren't you Aleister's nephew?"

"That's not my uncle," Camilius almost spat. He poked his head out to the side to still see the bunnyboy behind the man. "Jinx, let's go home..!"


Everyone was rendered speechless, Furan Shi even more so.

「 "Raum… he knew me..?" 」

But there was no system agent to respond to his question. Daddy Uno was getting more frustrated the more he socialized today, it seems. Maybe the luck about black rabbits was real. Jinx brought him bad luck today in the form of small nuisances that kept him from doing his job. Daddy Tres should be dealing with little troublemakers like this one.

But then again, it's Aleister's relative. That polar bear was undiscriminating and would gut anyone that's a threat to their businesses.

So, Daddy Uno took it upon himself to deal with this kid. He stepped forward so he would be the only one in the young Serpenti's view.

"State your purpose, kid." He ordered, almost with a mocking tone if not annoyed. He folded his arms against his chest as he awaited the python's answer.

「 "Raum, I restarted the story, didn't I? How could this punk know me???" 」

Camilius, being such a straightforward man with his feelings, unabashedly pointed right towards Jinx by stepping to the side and jabbing a pointer finger to his direction. "I want him."

Ah, like uncle, like nephew. Was he sure when he'd said Aleister wasn't his uncle?

Anyways. Daddy Uno growled under his breath as he massaged his temple. "Enough."

His men suddenly pushed Camilius down to a kneeling position. Camilius could only grit his teeth as he felt those strong hands pushing him down by the shoulders and the back of his head. Daddy Uno prowled closer, showing how much of a predator he was with how quiet and calculated his footsteps were. Nodding to a subordinate, he suavely raised a boot and used the tip to gently push under Camilius' chin and lift his face up.

"Now..." he started once Camilius' eyes were trained on him. He also set his foot down and began to pace slowly in the room, hands at the back like a proper villain would. "Usually, I should be killing you as an intruder to this place. But doing so may sever the alliance between Ursari and Serpenti."

He then smirked, turning his head to Jinx. "What do you think? Should we kill him off?"

"No..!" Was Jinx's immediate answer that surprised himself. His eyes, wide with fear and his hands trembling at the thought, he scooted closer to Daddy Uno and clung to his arm.

"Mister Aleister won't be happy…" He pouted. "Plus, you can.. y-you can use him as a bargaining chip or something..!"

It was Camilius' eyes' turn to widen.

Daddy Uno liked the idea. He gave Jinx a soothing head pat as a reward. "You're… actually smarter than any rabbits I've ever met." And to his men, he ordered: "Tie him up and bring him with us. We're going home."